Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)

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Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1) Page 23

by Pixie Moon

  Fuck. I sink down into the mattress and focus on enjoying my punishment as much as I can. I know I won’t be getting another orgasm today but at least I can relish the glide of his thick pulsing shaft tunneling through my slick core.

  The feel of his sweet invasion proves that life is still good.



  ~ Zar ~


  Singing metal fills the air.

  Bending to the side, I avoid a hit from Ryk’s zyfing energized axe. If I can get him to drop his two weapons, the powerful energy from Ryk’s body will stop charging them up.

  Picking up my pace, I throw my metal stars hard and quick. The special metal comes back in a blur and then I throw it again.

  “Zyf!” Ryk yells as he defends himself with is his axe and sword. Watching Ryk duel-wield is quite the sight. My warrior buddy is impressive.

  “Say goodbye to those curls around your ears, Ryk WavTe,” I taunt as I throw two stars from one hand and one from the other.

  WavTe snarls and barely moves his axe fast enough to save his curls. I catch two of my returning stars and watch as the third star bounces off Ryk’s sword and shoots toward Von. My brother just dodged Tairin GyRol’s sharp blade so he wasn’t quite fast enough to avoid my star.

  Blood trickles down Von’s cheek as he blocks the brunt of the star with his sword. The star pings off the metal and heads to GyRol. The warrior’s uncanny timing has him bending to the side and raising his sword in time to block the star from nicking him.

  I raise my hand and easily catch my star. Von can do the same thing with his throwing knives. From Von’s arched brow, I know he’s not going to retaliate by sending a blast of knives my way.

  “That’s it. Tonight I’m going to sneak into your place and dull the prel out of all of your precious stars, Zar,” Von threatens in an almost convincing tone.

  Tairin clicks his tongue and shakes his head at Von. “I’d advise waiting a few days.”

  “Yeah, he’ll be waiting for you now,” WavTe agrees with a smirk.

  My wrist-com sounds an alert causing me and the others to go into warrior mode. Ryk’s com sounds off as well. I snort when I see it’s just a clocpinian problem. They are all bark and no bite.

  “One of us would probably be enough for this job,” WavTe says as we head toward our black mission vehicle. The thing looks menacing enough to sometimes stop crime on sight alone. The machine is loaded with weapons on the inside as well as the outside.

  “Yeah, I’m surprised the club owner didn’t just solve the problem himself. The clocpinians are not a real threat. Din Ziv knows that,” I reply. A touch of worry snakes up my spine as I wonder what’s going on.

  I think of Hallie and I’m glad she’s safely at home. Even though she can now come and go as she pleases, I know she won’t leave me. With each day that passes we grow closer. I’m surprised that the draw I feel toward her hasn’t diminished in the least.

  As we drive to the club deep in the jungle, I push my unnatural feelings for my seema aside and look for danger.

  When we enter the clearing where Club Dance is, I notice a crowd outside but don’t see Din Ziv, the owner. We park and start pushing through the crowd to get to the doors. Several of the people are demanding we let them kill the four clocpinians.

  “Move aside,” I order in a stern tone to get them jumping out of the way. Once we reach the doors, I turn to the demanding crowd. “I want everyone here to calm down. We will take care of the matter. The sooner you let us do that, the sooner you get to go back in and have a good time.”

  Ryk and I ignore a few angry taunts aimed our way and enter the building. I scan the interior. Since there are a lot less people in here, it’s obvious that Ziv has moved most of the crowd outside. From their demands, we know why. It’s strange that Din Ziv had to do this for clocpinians.

  Shortly after Ryk and I enter the establishment, Ziv rushes over. “Oh, thank the moons. I need you to take these four foul mouthed, zyfing idiots out of here.”

  I look at the four clocpinians that are surrounded by Din Ziv’s men and then glance around before my gaze settles back onto the bar owner. “Why didn’t you take them outside and let the crowd stay in here?”

  Ziv shakes his head and snorts. “These criminals made everyone in here so mad that I feared for their lives.” He snorts again. “Not that I care about their welfare. Not after seeing them in action for the last few hours. The whole lot of them is trash.”

  All four of the clocpinians are staring daggers through Din Ziv. The orange lashes around their black eyes makes me think of flaming daggers. Two are trying to yell through their gags.

  Ryk inhales and then strokes his fingers over the handle of his sword. “It’s obvious, that these men have been stirring up the people. I can easily smell the stink of fear, anger, and hate. Why don’t we take them outside so the people can come back in and enjoy the rest of their night?” At Din Ziv’s doubtful look, Ryk nods toward the back entrance.

  Ziv relaxes and agrees. “That sounds good. With you two here nobody should try to kill them and maybe my customers will start having fun again.”

  The stench of lust, anger, and hate gets stronger and stronger the closer we get to the four clocpinians. “Get up. We are going outside and you will all act right—probably for the first time tonight.” I can’t get over the odor coming from the four men. These beings usually just run their mouths but don’t do any real damage.

  The biggest of the four males hisses and then tries to ram his head into Ryk. I touch my sword and prepare to do battle if any of the others try anything. They don’t. Not after they see Ryk slam his big fist into the aggressive male’s head, that is. The guy stumbles back and scowls at Ryk.

  “I won’t hesitate to kill you if needed.” Ryk shoves the male toward the exit. “Move out,” he orders.

  We herd them out with the help of Ziv and two of his men. As we are leaving I hear some of Ziv’s employees letting the crowd back in. Once the door is shut behind us I line the men up against the side of the glass building in a section where the crowd won’t be able to see them.

  When one of the men kicks the special glass with his big bare foot, I exhale to calm myself. The zyfing fool can’t break the durable wall—no matter how big clocpinian feet are. What worries me, is that he even tried.

  I turn to Ziv and ask, “What happened?” It’s just barely getting dark. The blue-ringed moon is a small dot on the horizon.

  Din Ziv points his finger at each of the men. “Glip, Stil, Mocso, and Rep came in hours ago and started stirring prel up. At first they were just a little obnoxious but as time went on they became bold and eventually mean. I don’t have mean people in my establishment. Glip and Rep tried to rape one of the males in the bathroom and then came out when that didn’t work and tried to rape one of my female dancers.”

  I stare at the four men and sniff the evening air. They aren’t giving off any scent of guilt or shame at all. That’s strange enough to have a thread of apprehension weaving its way up my spine. Something’s not right with these men.

  Ziv inhales deeply. “Their scent gives them away. Zyfing animals.”

  Ryk stokes his blade as he asks, “What else happened?”

  The club owner eyes the four men and then looks back at me and Ryk. “When my regulars and security team found out what was happening, they tried to bounce them out of here but the prelling fools refused to go. Said they had rights.”

  Ziv snorts in disgust. “They started a fight and continued to be so mouthy that several of my regulars drew their swords. A big zyfing fight broke out and several mewmosians were hurt. These pieces of clocpinian trash have done enough damage that they can easily be sent back to their own planet without their officials claiming we wronged them.” Ziv spit on the ground near Glip’s big bare feet. The clocpinian snarled. “Worthless, that’s what they all are. Their families should be ashamed of them.”

  “I believe you, Din Ziv but we have
to hear their side of the story.” I turn to all four of the seething males. “Take your gags out.” When Stil glances at the owner’s security team, I add, “They aren’t going to cut your hands off for removing them.” To keep Ziv’s threat alive and well, I add, “Not while we are here anyway.” When the men start removing their gags, I know for sure that is the threat Ziv is still using on his unruly customers. That threat works every time.

  A fresh wave of hate comes from the slender yet strong men. Once again, I wonder what is happening. Are these men on something? A glance at Ryk tells me he’s wondering the same thing.

  All four of the males start yelling at the same time. Their slightly slurred tone lets me know they are definitely drunk or on some type of drug.

  I hold out my hand to stop them. It takes a moment but they finally stop talking. “What is wrong with all of you? Clocpinians don’t get messed up in public and they don’t try to rape people or start fights.”

  Mocso smirks. “You don’t know much about clocpinians, do you?”

  Ryk snarls. “We know enough to know that this is not normal behavior. We also know that the only way you four are getting out of here alive is if we help you.” At Mocso’s doubtful look, Ryk says, “The regulars at this club already wanted to kill you and leave your rotting bodies out in the jungle for the animals to feast on.” A pause has all four males staring at Ryk in surprise. “Why do you think the crowd was ushered outside instead of you?”

  I look at the jungle and then back at the males that are just now understanding how close they’d come to dying. The air around them only changes to fear and understanding for a few moments before their anger comes back. Strange.

  Glip glares at Din Ziv. “This is your fault for not having a more accommodating staff.” The male gestures toward the club behind him. “This place is supposed to be fun.”

  After such a short time of being outside, the males are already starting to sound less messed up which means they must not have been as drunk as I’d thought.

  Ziv’s face flushes with anger. “This club is fun…unless your idea of a good time is raping and fighting. You are all a disgrace to your people.”

  Angry fire lights Glip’s black eyes. The male’s thick short orange eyelashes make the fire look more menacing. In a quick move, Glip pulls a gun from his vest and shoots at Din Ziv.

  The club owner dodges but from the grunt he releases, I guess he’s been at least grazed. Glip snarls and takes aim again. I leap forward, push his arm up, and slide my hand up to his so I can retrieve his weapon. As I grab the startled male’s gun, I step behind Glip and get him in a headlock.

  While I’m chocking Glip, Ryk struggles with Stil and Mocso. Ziv’s men are checking on him. This is prelling messed up. These are clocpinians!

  The sound of steel singing as it leaves its sheath has me zeroing in on Rep. Time slows as I watch the male pull his sword and raise his arms in a deadly threat. I drop Glip and barley notice the thud of his body hitting the hard ground.

  Lethally, I pull my weapons. All of my combat training leaps forward. My muscles automatically move.

  I block Rep’s deadly blow with my sword and reflexively stab Rep through the chest with the long blade of my knife. Air whooshes from my enemies lungs and a shocked look enters his black eyes.

  As I pull my knife from the clocpinian’s chest his orange blood pours from his chest wound. The insane fire that had fueled his dark eyes goes out as death takes Rep into its cold arms.

  For a moment silence rules.

  Then an explosion of curses and threats taint the air.

  Ryk has Stil and Mocso cuffed. I quickly cuff Glip before he wakes. Ryk shoves the other two males to the ground and orders, “Don’t move or you’ll end up dead like your friend.” Ryk looks at me, the gleam of battle still in his eyes. “I’m going to get our vehicle so we can take them in before this evening gets worse.”

  As Din Ryk leaves Glip comes to. I stand over the males with my weapons drawn. Glip shakes his head and then frowns and looks around. His black eyes widen when he spots all the blood pooling around his dead friend.

  “That one did it, Glip. He killed Rep. We can’t let him get away with it,” Mocso yells as hatred fills his pitch black eyes.

  My wrist-com sounds off. “TocGar,” I answer and then wait to see what Commander Graltin LocMir is going to say.

  “I’ve heard what’s going on. Try to bring the rest of them in unharmed, TocGar.” The Commander’s tone is gruff as usual.

  “Yes, Commander.” As the com-link ends, Ryk pulls up with the vehicle. Din Ziv’s men help us get the four clocpinians into the vehicle. I let their threats roll off me. I’ve heard them all before and in my line of work, I’ll hear them many more times before I die. It’s part of the job.

  Ziv clutches his injured shoulder. “Thanks for coming out and taking care of this matter. My men and I will gladly answer any questions your commander may have.”

  “Thanks, Din Ziv. Some of our team will be out shortly to ask a few questions of you and your men. They’ll also need to question anyone else that was attacked physically or verbally by the clocpinians. Can your men round up the people that were the most affected by the four males?” I ask.

  “Yes, of course. We’ll get right on it.” Din Ziv turns and starts giving orders to his men as they head back inside the club.

  What a zyfing mess.

  Anytime a person dies a crew has to come out and investigate. Tonight they’d be spending a lot of time here. These idiots had hurt and pissed off a lot of people. Now one is dead and threats are flying.

  What should have been an easy mission had turned bad quickly. Since they are not from Zaphin we’ll have to take them to our detainment center at the spaceport. With any luck the clocpinians will be homebound in a matter of hours.

  At the port, we guide the live ones in while a couple of our men retrieve the body from the vehicle to place in cold storage. Once the men are locked up, Ryk and I are met by Commander LocMir. A dead body always equals a harsh debriefing.

  Hours later, Ryk and I leave the spaceport.

  “That was a disaster,” Ryk says as he rubs his hand over his face and then squeezes the back of his neck. “As undisciplined as Glip and Rep were, I’d never have guessed they were commanders’ sons.”

  I snort in response. “We are talking about clocpinians. They aren’t usually as aggressive as these four were. I guess their fathers didn’t think discipline would be necessary. I’m just glad they’ll be off our planet soon.” Exhaustion settles over me as we head to the mission vehicle.

  All I can think about is getting in my own vehicle and heading home to Hallie Mead—my perfect little seema. She makes going home feel right on a level I’ve never experienced before. Tonight I need that sense of rightness more than ever.



  ~ Hallie ~


  The growling of my stomach has me heading to the fridge. I pull out a piclot muffin and start nibbling on it as I think about what I’d like to eat for supper. It’s a shame Zar doesn’t eat but once a day. It would be nice to wait on him so we could eat together.

  Things could be worse. What if he didn’t eat at all? Some beings live on liquids alone, my logical side points out. She’s right. At least he comes home every day and eats midday meal with me.

  I take another bite of my muffin and relish the rich flavor that tantalizes my taste buds. Things could be a lot worse. Here on Zaphin the food is more flavorful than on Earth

  The word flavorful makes me think of Din Zar’s creamy release. Now that’s something to be extremely thankful for. A familiar ache starts between my legs. The sight of him continues to make my stomach flutter and my heart race.


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