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Strength In Numbers 1: Double Jeopardy

Page 5

by Rachel Bo

  “Damn.” Sutter reached out and took Kendall’s hand in his. Kendall offered him a sad smile.

  “They took me to the emergency room—told the doctor I was climbing on the back of the couch and fell through the window. I don’t think he bought it, but it was a small community, where they feel that a man’s business is a man’s business and no one else’s.

  “I was lucky. It wasn’t that bad. I had a gash on my scalp that needed about five stitches and a few cuts on my arms, but nothing too serious. The next day, while my father was at work, my mom packed up my clothes and stuck me in the truck and drove me to her sister-in-law’s house. A few days later, I was on a plane to Connecticut to live with my mother’s parents.” Kendall stared into the dancing flames for a few moments. “I lived with them for five years. I never did understand why my mother stayed behind, but at least she tried to protect me.” She frowned slightly.

  “It took a while for me to feel comfortable with my grandparents, since I had never met them before. But eventually I became very close to my grandfather. He loved the land. He used to take me on these long nature walks. He knew the names of every tree, could identify every plant by the shape of its leaves. He would hunt out snakes, spiders, lizards—taught me not to be afraid of them.”

  Sutter’s palm was warm against hers, and Kendall rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb. “Then when I was eleven, we went on a nature hike one day, just like usual. We stopped under this huge white oak. We sat down and rested for a few minutes and then he turned to me and I thought he was going to say something, but he put his arm around me and kissed me on the lips, and stuck his tongue in my mouth.”

  Kendall felt them tense, and felt their outrage flowing through her. She was grateful. “I was shocked. I’d never French-kissed a boy before, but I knew what it was. I didn’t even pull away, I was so confused. I couldn’t believe he was doing that. Then he…” she faltered, and Josh whispered, “You don’t have to tell us.”

  Kendall nodded. “Yes, I do. I want you to know. He reached inside the waistband of my pants and—touched me, under my panties. I said ‘no’, and tried to pull his hand out, but he said he just wanted to show me how much he loved me. He said ‘I just want you to know that none of those boys you go to school with are ever going to love you the way I do.’ Then he tried to kiss me again.”

  “Damn it!” Sutter exclaimed. He was so angry his hand shook, but Kendall’s emotions through the bond were calm. Sad, but without anger. He couldn’t believe it.

  “I dealt with all this a long time ago, Sutter, but I wanted the two of you to understand why the decision to become involved in such a—unique—relationship was a hard one for me to make.”

  He nodded, and she continued.

  “I pushed him, hard, and then got up and ran. When I got to the house, I ran into my bedroom and locked the door and called my mom. The worst thing about the whole experience was—my mom knew he was like that. When I told her what he had done, she said ‘He promised me he wouldn’t touch you.’ I couldn’t believe it. She sent me to live with him, knowing he was like that. He had done it to her as a child. Maybe that explains why she put up with my dad.

  “Anyway, my grandfather came home and yelled at me through the door, pounding on it, telling me he was only showing me what love really meant. My mom stayed on the phone with me until my grandmother came home, then had me let her in and put her on the phone. The upshot was that I ended up moving to Texas to live with my half-brother. Basically, at that point I felt like everyone I had ever loved had betrayed me.”

  Josh brushed her cheek with his fingers. “My God,” he said, “I’m so sorry.”

  Kendall smiled up at him. “But you see, this is why you can never wish to go back and relive your life. If things hadn’t happened the way they did, I might never have ended up with my brother. And he was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  She reached up and cupped Josh’s hand with hers, caressing his palm with her cheek. “Brian was Mom’s son from a previous marriage. He was seventeen years older than me, never been married. He was an architect, Josh, like you. He didn’t have to take me in, but he did. He’s the one who taught me to make my own happiness. I could have wallowed in all the horrible things that had happened, but he wouldn’t let me. He kept saying we are all exactly what we want to be, so if I wanted to be happy, I had to make it happen.

  Kendall looked into Sutter’s warm brown eyes. “Brian stood behind me one hundred percent in everything I ever tried to do. He taught me to trust myself, no matter what.”

  “You speak as though he’s gone.”

  Kendall nodded. “Yes. He died in a plane crash a couple of years ago. And I have to admit after he was gone I started feeling a little defeated. Started thinking maybe I should just take the easy way out. Settle down with a guy I didn’t really have any strong feelings for so that I couldn’t be hurt. Build a quiet, calm life where I wouldn’t have to face any risks.” She smiled again, and the sense of happiness swirling through the bond settled comfortably in Josh and Sutter’s hearts. “My head—my head can’t make up its mind whether this is right or wrong. But my brother taught me to listen to my heart, and my heart says yes.” She squeezed Sutter’s hand tight. “So, here I am. And I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  Sutter and Josh swallowed past the lumps in their throats. Wordlessly, they lay to either side of her and wrapped her in a gentle embrace, unable to believe how amazingly lucky they were to have been drawn to such an incredible woman. As Sutter pulled a blanket from the couch and settled it over them, Kendall felt as though the three of them were the calm eye at the center of the hurricane that was life. Feeling totally secure for the first time since her brother had died, she allowed herself to drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Taking Charge

  Kendall awoke in the morning to find them propped up on their elbows, their dark brown and silvery-grey gazes watching her. Kendall smiled and stretched like a contented cat. “Good morning,” she murmured throatily.

  They both grinned. “Good morning,” they answered in unison. “Is everything okay?” Josh added.

  Apparently, they were worried about her reaction to this relationship in the bright light of day. She sat up, letting the blanket fall to her waist. She kissed each of them in turn. Deeply. Lingeringly. “Everything’s perfect.”

  Sutter yawned and stretched. “I don’t know about you guys, but I need a shower.”

  “We all do,” Kendall said.

  Josh and Sutter stood and held out their hands to help her up. “Your wish is our command,” Sutter quipped. Kendall laughed and went to grab her things, then let them lead her up the stairs, across the bedroom and into the bathroom. Sutter turned on the water and adjusted the temperature while Josh appropriated towels from the cupboard under the sink.

  The shower was utterly enjoyable. Kendall eschewed the washcloth and soaped each of their bodies with her hands, gliding over their hard abdomens, memorizing the swell of their biceps, their strong, muscular thighs; relishing the way the muscles in their stomachs tightened as she knelt in front of them and ran her fingers down their penises and up between the cheeks of their butts.

  Her lovers did the same for her. Sutter stood behind her and lifted her breasts, while Josh cleaned the curve where her breasts joined her abdomen with soft, sensuous strokes. Kendall found it unexpectedly erotic, and Josh grinned knowingly when her nipples hardened and protruded. Sutter knelt and soaped her belly, smiling up at her as he tickled her belly button. Then he lifted her belly as well, his soapy fingers stroking the sensitive skin just below her abdomen and above her bush. Kendall moaned softly as warmth suffused her groin.

  They showered until the water started running cold. Sutter and Josh fondling Kendall’s breasts, massaging her buttocks; Kendall tracing their cocks with the tips of her erect nipples, occasionally teasing them with a quick swipe of her tongue—tempting each other, but not acting on it.

  Kendall s
lipped out while Sutter and Josh were rinsing shampoo from their hair. She dried off quickly, then wrapped her hair in the towel and went into the bedroom. Her overnight bag was on the floor beside the bed. She rummaged inside and pulled out her shirt and shorts. She had chosen a loose-fitting, low-cut peasant blouse made of an almost sheer silky material and a pair of comfortable walking shorts with roomy legs. She pulled out her undergarments, then hesitated. Smiling to herself, she put them back in the bag. She pulled the blouse over her head and reached for the shorts.

  When Josh exited the bathroom, Kendall’s back was turned to him and she was reaching to zip up her shorts. Josh walked over. “Let me help,” he whispered in her ear. He walked around, facing her. Reaching down, he found the zipper. Her bush tickled the tips of his fingers and he held her gaze while he ran his hand down inside her pants, through the soft curls. He raised his eyebrows when he discovered she was not wearing any panties, sudden desire flashing in his eyes. His knuckles kneaded her tummy as he pulled the zipper up and fastened the snap. Slipping his hands under her shirt, he ran them up her back. He smiled and nodded when he discovered she was not wearing a bra, either. “Very nice. We’re going to like this,” he whispered hoarsely. He kissed her lips lightly, grasping her sides under the shirt, teasing her nipples delicately with the tips of his thumbs. Then he turned and went over to the dresser.

  Sutter came in and sat on the bed, drying his hair vigorously with a towel. Kendall stood awkwardly beside the bed, unsure whether she should wait for them or head downstairs. Josh finished dressing and sauntered over to the bed, whispered in Sutter’s ear, then winked at Kendall as he headed out the door.

  “Come here,” Sutter said. Kendall stepped closer to the bed. While they kissed, she felt his hand on the back of her thigh. It traveled upward, beneath the loose fabric, caressing her naked buttock. “Mmmm,” he murmured against her lips. He turned her head and whispered in her ear. “We’re going to drive you wild,” he promised. Kendall reached out to stroke his naked cock, but he grabbed her hand. Kendall frowned. “We’re going to stroke you,” he continued, caressing her hips under the fabric, “every chance we get.” He lifted her shirt and rasped the tip of his tongue across one swollen nipple. “Taste you.” His eyes were nearly black with desire as he let the shirt drop, hiding her once more. He continued, his voice thick. “Make you come, over and over.” Kendall felt herself trembling at the erotic promise. “Until you beg for it.”

  Kendall’s eyes glittered provocatively. “Promise?” she asked, her voice thick with desire.

  Sutter nodded. “All weekend long.”

  Kendall was breathing hard. Sutter’s gaze strayed to her shirt. Her dark areoles were tempting shadows beneath the thin fabric. He swallowed past the lump of desire forming in his throat. Kendall tugged on the bottom of her shirt, pulling the neckline down until her nipples were exposed. Groaning, Sutter leaned forward and captured one brown nub between his lips. Kendall stared into his eyes, frank lust evident in her gaze.

  Sutter’s cock throbbed painfully, and he almost dragged her onto the bed, but he wanted to wait. They had all day, and Josh needed to be there. He released her nipple and gave her a little slap on the rump. “Go on, now. I need to get dressed.”

  Kendall backed away, eyeing his erection possessively, licking her lips suggestively even as she restored her neckline to its proper place. Sutter groaned and threw the towel at her. “Go on!” Kendall laughed and turned away.

  Josh was standing at the stove, flipping bacon. Kendall had a strong urge to go over and caress his cock through the tight fabric of his jean shorts, but quelled it. After all, she should be getting to know them in other ways—and there wasn’t much opportunity for conversation when they were making love. Instead, she walked over to the refrigerator and peeked in. Grabbing a jug of orange juice, she turned and set it on the counter. “The glasses are over there,” Josh said, pointing with the spatula. Kendall took out three glasses, tossed in some ice and filled them; then carried them over to the table and sat, watching him cook.

  Sutter came up behind her and began massaging her shoulders. “Mmmm,” Kendall murmured, leaning into his touch. “You know,” he whispered in her ear, “You had a pretty good idea up there.” He bent over and grasped the hem of her shirt, tugging until the elastic neckline was under her breasts, once again revealing her full, ripe orbs. “That’s better,” he murmured. A thrill shot down Kendall’s spine as she waited for him to touch them, but he returned to rubbing her shoulders. She tilted her head back and found him watching her nipples as they danced, rising and falling with each delicious squeeze. She closed her eyes. A moment later, something warm and slightly rough was scratching across the taut peaks. Kendall opened her eyes to find Josh beside her, the tantalizing touch that of the ends of two crisp strips of bacon. She wriggled and arched her back, making her breasts stand out even more. Josh held one piece of bacon up to her mouth, and she took a bite while Josh licked bacon grease from her prominent bud. He continued licking and sucking her until she had eaten the entire slice. Then, he handed Sutter the other strip and Sutter, likewise, fed her, cleaning the other nipple while she ate.

  Kendall moaned and writhed in her chair. Sutter looked up at her. “What is it, baby?” Kendall stared at him in mute appeal. “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “I’m so horny,” she whispered.

  “Do you need to come?” She nodded. Sutter motioned Josh back to her side, and they each flicked their tongues across her hard, dark buds. Kendall moaned. Sutter moved his head, joining Josh on her right breast. Inadvertently, their tongues touched, and a quicksilver shiver of arousal raced down Sutter’s spine. Repressing it, he drew away and returned his attention to her left breast.

  Kendall clutched their shoulders. “Please,” she urged. “Suck me.” In silent agreement, they stuffed themselves with her malleable flesh, taking as much of each breast into their mouths as they could.

  Kendall gasped. Each of their large mouths seemed to envelop nearly half a breast, and Sutter was sucking hard, making her tingle with mingled pain and pleasure. Josh was doing something wonderful with the back of his tongue, pressing her nipple up against the roof of his mouth as he sucked, then releasing, then pressing, then releasing. Kendall groaned and reached inside her pants waist, intending to touch herself. “No.” Josh grabbed her arm and pulled out her hand. “Don’t worry, baby. You’ll come,” he promised. He pushed her right breast over toward her left. Sutter realized what he was doing and did the same. When her nipples were nearly touching, their tongues danced randomly over both. Experimentally, Sutter allowed his tongue to contact Josh’s briefly. Another electric current passed between them. Eyes wide, Josh met his gaze. In all the years they had been joined mentally, they had never touched each other in a sexual way; but somehow, it seemed right now that Kendall was there. Tentatively, he swiped Sutter’s tongue with his. Concentrating, Sutter delved into the bond and felt the same strong need in Josh that he had felt in himself at the first accidental contact. Suddenly, they were exploring each other’s mouths, shocked by the unexpected pleasure it brought.

  Kendall shivered as their enjoyment rippled through the mental interface. She opened her eyes. How erotic it was to watch her lovers kiss! Her pussy throbbed and she crossed her legs, bringing them together tightly, arching as her climax washed over her.

  Josh immersed himself in the flood of sensation roaring into him from Kendall. It was so good to be able to feel what she felt, to know what it was like for a woman—to feel what having her breasts sucked did for her. To ride her orgasm. To know that seeing him and Sutter touching one another turned her on. He savored the knowledge of just how wildly horny the two of them could make her.

  As Kendall relaxed and the orgasm faded, they withdrew. Josh returned to the stove and whipped up some scrambled eggs, while Sutter and Kendall sat at the table and sipped orange juice. Occasionally, Sutter would reach out and run his cool glass over the tip of one of Kendall’s nipples, and
she would shudder, meeting his eyes boldly. Josh brought the eggs over to the table and dished them out onto plates. Kendall sprinkled salt on her breakfast and set the salt shaker aside.

  “Ooops.” Josh bent over and closed his mouth on Kendall’s right breast, drawing the nipple slowly up and out as he sucked briefly, then released it. “You had some salt right—there,” he said, touching his fingertip to the apex of her bud, buzzing with renewed desire. Kendall took a shaky breath and made another attempt to eat.

  “Could you pass me the salt, Sutter?” Sutter picked up the salt shaker and passed it across the table to Josh, deliberately brushing across Kendall’s nipples with the backs of his knuckles as he did so. Kendall moaned and dropped her fork, burying her face in her hands. “I don’t think I can take this.”

  Sutter grinned mischievously. “Too hot for you? Here, maybe this will help.” He removed a piece of ice from his glass and began rubbing one edge over her tingling breast. Kendall moaned again and arched her back. Josh took her other nipple in his warm mouth. The contrast was intoxicating. Then they switched, Sutter’s mouth closing on her stiff cold bud, and it was all Kendall could do to keep from crying out. She grasped the nearest hand—Josh’s—and pushed it toward her crotch. He and Sutter both pulled away. “We’d better finish eating before everything gets cold,” they said.

  Kendall groaned. They were purposefully making her wait. While it was maddening, it was also very sexy. With each passing moment, the crotch of her shorts became more damp and her nipples were swollen to the point of aching. She cleaned her plate as quickly as she could and waited expectantly. Sutter looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes and a bland expression. “Why don’t you go wait in the living room while we clean up?”


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