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Jex (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

Page 102

by Starr, Maia

  "I see it. There is a lighthouse on the other side. That is where we always spoke of that we would run away to if we ever had to run. We promised to always meet each other there but to never tell anyone. We have only seen it in pictures and have never actually been," I said to him.

  "That would be why it was not in your file nor in hers," he said.

  "Exactly. But she knows to go there, and so do I. I only hope that she listened when I told her too. There is nothing left of her building in capital city. If she stayed, then she did not survive. In fact, I'm not sure that anyone in the city did,” I said.

  "I'm going to land on that patch of grass over there. Then we will have to hide the ship. I would want to sink it into the lake, but we might need it. So, hiding it is a better choice," he said.

  "That is a good point. We might need it."

  We searched the island by flashlight, and finally, I came upon a familiar sight. It was a mailbox with the initials A.R. on it. I ran up to the door and knocked.

  "Who's there? "My sister's voice said through the door, and I nearly broke down and cried in a pile on the porch.

  "Adelaine it's me! It is Lily!"

  "Lily! "She shouted as she fumbled to get the door open. Then she flew into my arms, and we cried together.

  "I thought I would never see you again," she said.

  "I thought I never would either. I am so glad that you are alive. I am so glad that you are OK."

  "How did you find me?" she asked.

  "I thought you might come here since we talked about it so much when we were little, and we would look at the photos in the book of this place. We always talked about coming here one day. "

  "I am so glad you remembered. I am so scared. I don't know what's going on out there. Lily, it is like the end of the world."

  "Yes, I know it is worse than you can imagine. The capital city is gone," I said to her.

  "What?! "She said with tears in her eyes.

  "Yes, there is a lot to talk about. But don't be scared. We are here now, and we are going to look after you, "I sent to her.

  "We?" she asked. I turned behind me to Zian. She gasped.

  "But Lily, he is one of them," she said with wide eyes.

  "I know. But he is different. He helped me escape. He flew me here in his ship. He can be trusted," I said to her.

  "If you say so, sister. I am just glad that you are here. Come, come inside before someone sees you," she said to both of us. We entered the small house and locked the doors behind us. We didn't know what to expect, and we were not prepared. But one thing was certain, I now had everyone that I loved in my life, my sister and Zian.

  The battle that day was unlike anything I had ever seen. We lost almost every major city and millions of human and Corillion lives. It was a battle that wiped out resources for both humans and the Corillion. It left both sides crippled. It was a dumb battle in the end. It seemed like neither side won. There was no clear victor as each had fought equally and had defeated each other. It was almost like a tie. That did not do anyone any good. At least with a clear winner, there would be someone in charge. But instead, there was just complete chaos because no one had won. Now everything was in complete ruins, and we had to start from the ground up again. It was time to rebuild, and Zian and I had to keep our promise to be the ones to do it. We had survived for this.

  "Do you want me to take him inside?” Adelaine asked me, as she held her hand out to my son, Earthane Crace.

  "Yes please, this is going to take a while. Go with your aunt,” I said to him as I gave him a kiss. Earthane was born nine months after the battle, and he brought us great joy. It was terrifying to be pregnant in a postwar world, but our hybrid son was the future of the planet, and we were going to do whatever we could to make sure that it would be a good place for him.

  “How far along are you on that project?” Zian asked, as I looked over the blueprints of a new registration system. It was the same bridal registration system that I had negotiated with him.

  “I think I am half way there. Of course, once it is actually put into action I will know more about what needs to be done. Right now it is just a framework, but I think it will be a good one.”

  “I know that it will be, because you are the one creating it,” he said.

  We were sitting on the porch of the small house that we all shared: my son; my sister; and my husband, Zian Crace. We were still on the island in the middle of Lake Michigan, one of the few areas spared by the battle, mostly because the Corillion did not know that it existed. We were fortunate to have local food sources consisting of fruit trees and fish. But the rest of planet, and especially the cities, were not so lucky. Most had relocated from the city and began the simple life of farming.

  "Have I apologized today?” Zian said to me.

  "Yes, a hundred times already. I have told you over and over again that you do not need to do this,” I sent to him.

  "But I do. It is all my fault. All of this. I am the one that set the plan in motion. I am the only one to blame for all of this,” he said to me. He had been taking the blame, and taking it hard ever since the battle.

  "I will tell you what I have told you before. I am glad that it was you. A war like the one we had with the Corillion was going to lead to that massive battle one day. It was going to be someone else if it wasn't you. But I'm glad it was you because you changed, you've allowed yourself to change. If it had been anyone else, it would have been much worse. We would've never had the data on the formula to the solution that contaminated the water, and so we wouldn't have been able to come up with a cure to the water contamination. You are the one that gave that to me. No other Corillion would have done so. It was you for a reason. Even though it is a heavy burden to carry now, you were chosen."

  "You truly believe that?” he asked me.

  "With all my heart, because I could not love you if it weren't true,” I said to him. And it was true. Ever since that day we had never separated. He was right all along. We would need each other after all that we had been through. Now, the Earth needed the both of us. We were rebuilding, and we were rebuilding in a world where the Corillion and the humans had to coexist on one planet.

  "There is no other Corillion that I would want by my side other than you. You have given me our son and saved me. You have saved me more than once. If you had not abducted me when you did, I would have died days later in the capital city at the embassy, since it was the first building to be bombed. That's where I would've been. I wouldn't be alive except for you. I wouldn't be here to help rebuild and to create the system that we need to be able to coexist. My sister wouldn't be alive if you did not have the heart to allow me to call her that day to tell her to get out of the city. You did that for me, and you did not have to.”

  "You always see the better side of things,” he said to me.

  "And you always see the darker side of things."

  "I guess that is why we are good together. We balance each other out,” Zian said as he pulled me onto his lap. I gave him a kiss.

  "Well, that and many other reasons,” I said with a smile.

  "That is very true,” he said as he kissed me again. I was in love with him. I loved him more than I could ever imagine and it blew my mind that the ruler of the alien race that I had hated had become everything in my life. It was now centered around him and my son. I never ever thought I would be a Corillion wife, but it had to happen. Our union created a jumping off point for Earth and the Corillions to begin peace talks. It was a very important union, and I was glad that so much good could come out of our love and marriage.

  Over the past year, we had come up with many new plans, new plans that allowed both of our peoples to flourish. Only we would have been able to produce the results we had, because of who we were and our experience from both sides, Earth and the Corillion. It had taken us to create a new system, and it took all of our energy. But it was worth it; it was worth all our work so that our son could grow up in a place where he was acc
epted. Through our marriage came peace. Through our minds came a new system. And through our hearts came a new love. We were happy, even though we were living in a dystopian version of the Earth that I used to know. I was happy to have Zian at my side with my family. It was a new beginning. It was a new everything.

  The End

  About The Author

  Thank You for reading! I truly hope you enjoyed my book. I am a passionate writer that is OBESSED with Sci Fi Alien Romance. I have been writing since I was a little kid and never looked back! I look forward to interacting with all of you and bringing you new hot and steamy Sci Fi Alien Romance books.


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  Maia Starr


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