by Nils Horn
Ulla: I would teach the teachers to teach their students love and helpfulness.
Nils: What would you do more?
Ulla: I would provide for an equitable distribution of all goods.
Nils: My first request would be that no man may starve in the world. The way is certainly long and difficult. The opposing forces are strong. But the power is with the good on the long term. There will be a golden age on earth. We will prevail.
Ulla: I'll join you.
Nils: Worldwide spread selfishness more and more. The cause is the capitalist globalization. The capitalist television already reaches down to the last village in Africa. The people there have nothing to eat, but they have a TV in every village. They will all be injected with consumerism and selfishness.
Ulla: Those who recognized the problems of the world, become more and more. We must unite.
Nils: Yes. The global justice movement is getting stronger. Against the power of the capitalist television, we can act on the internet.
Ulla: How can we help ensure that there is a world of love and peace?
Nils: Each person should use his personal resources. Many small water droplets will sometime become a mighty river. This sometimes happens very suddenly and unpredictably for the mighty in the world. And that's good.
Ulla: Start small!
Nils: The little ones start small and the big ones make big things. All work together.
Ulla: Right!
Nils: Mother Teresa said: "I can do what you cannot do, and what I cannot do you can do."
Ulla: That it is! Everyone has some skills to serve the divine and all beings.
Nils: The wonderful thing is that God has given each person a possibility to do good.
Ulla: Exactly!
Nils: And if nothing goes, you can still send every day to all beings on earth light. And through this little exercise you can already get to enlightenment and to a life in God.
Ulla: Well, actually everyone can help!
Nils: That´s it. Anyone can send at least light to all beings and pray for his fellow man.
Ulla: What has to be observed by building a happy world?
Nils: At the moment the world is organized according to the principle of egoism. This principle must be replaced by love. We must see ourselves as a global family, where all work primarily for the general welfare. We should learn to work together, not against each other .
Ulla: Yes, that's right.
Nils: To create a happy human community people should provide the inner happiness in the center of their lifes.
Ulla: Yes. If people are happy in themselves, they can also build happy relationships. Many happy relationships then create a happy world.
Angel of Self-Discipline
The Archangel Michael defeated the devil (his ego) and brought the world into the light.
15. The angel of self-discipline. With self-discipline you will be victorious. What are your goals? What is your way to success? What sacrifice (commitment, effort) you have to provide, so you're successfully on your way? "My goals are ... My way of victory is ..." Take Small Steps. Forward. Success.
Coming close to God
Mion ( I never really felt close to God. Perhaps this is yet to come.
Nils: You have only to find the way by which you can be close to God. There are many spiritual techniques. Find out what works for you. If you really want, you can find your way to God. I get into the light by thinking and visualizing: "I send light to .... (name). May all people be happy. May the world be happy."
A good way to feel God's presence is to meet holy (enlightened) people. I went to Brother Roger of Taize, as he visited Germany. It was a great event in the exhibition halls. I sat in the back of the large hall. Brother Roger was sitting up front and surrounded by his monks. And suddenly the Holy Spirit came down from heaven and filled me. I gave the light to all people in the hall so that they could partake of the joy of God. I do not know if anyone has felt this. Anyway, I think that Brother Roger has enabled me to experience God. Maybe you should even go to Taize. Everyone can be there for a few weeks and enjoy the sacred atmosphere. Perhaps you experience God there. Or with other saint. There are so many holy people in the world. I got many times enlightenment energy in their presence.
---> Videos: Pope Highlights Work of Brother Roger (1 min.), The Taizé Community (2 min.)
Angel of Self-Realization
Be yourself. Live yourself. Realise yourself. Angel of Self-Realization.
16. Self-realization. Feel at every moment what you want, what you need and what you just are happy to do. Live from the pleasure principle. Listen to your spontaneous needs (without harming yourself or others). Awaken your vitality by just being yourself. Success.
The Five Duties
Inner joy appears in a person when the tensions in body and soul have been dissolved. Buddha developed a very simple yet genius practice. This consisted of “sitting, going, and thought practice.” When one varies one’s activities between sitting and being on the go, the inner conflict and tension can be done away with. When a person only sits, the spirit becomes dull and listless. Routine movement makes the spirit clear and keeps the body healthy and gives the person inner energy. If you only go, the mind is restless. Inner happiness comes from inner peace. If the body is kept very quiet, well you can get into deeper dimensions of meditation. In addition to periods of sitting and relaxing in combination with movement, working with the thoughts is important in getting rid of inner conflict. A spiritual person should develop his or her thoughts with love, wisdom, and self-discipline. He or she should learn to bring the thoughts into stillness. Then inner happiness appears. We live in God, in the light, in enlightenment.
Nils has developed this basic model of stress resolution in the way of the five activities. The five activities according to Nils are: lying down or sitting (meditating, relaxing), reading, movement (such as exercise and yoga), doing good for others (work) and to enjoy life. These five duties should be practiced in varying amounts, in the right balance, and are an effective way to get rid of inner conflict.
The fifth duty consists of enjoying life. We should bring joy into our lives, open our hearts, and bring light in. Everyone is predisposed towards something. You can listen to beautiful music, eat something delicious, read a good book, watch a movie, find time for your favorite creative hobbies, and so forth. It is important though, to pay attention to the amount with which we busy ourselves with enjoyment. Too much of a good thing is not a good thing, too little makes life dull. What do you need today? Give it to you!
Cherub. The power of a bull and the wisdom of a human.
17. The angel (cherub) with the characteristics power and wisdom. Make a clear plan for the day. Do spiritual exercises and take breaks often. Practice the correct exercise in the right moment. Be effective. Release your inner tensions and awake your inner happiness. Find your way into the light. The power ist with you. Success.
The Spiritual Daily Schedule
For Nils, the spiritual daily schedule is a central technique on the path to light. This is based on letting go of tension in the body and soul. When we live and practice spiritual exercises for the body and mind everyday, then we will reach enlightenment. The number of hours required on a daily basis to attain a life in the light (in happiness) varies from person to person, and their situation and abilities.
Nils meditates for six hours and goes for an hour walk twice a day. He practices Yoga for an hour and reads a spiritual book for one hour. He also works towards the happiness of others three to four hours per day. He exercises constantly. He divides these spiritual exercises in a way that enables him to constantly undergo the inner purification process.
A spiritual person know when he needs which technique. When the body is dull and lacking energy, he goes for a walk. When he or she feels restless, he or she practices Yoga or meditates. When the spirit seems to rebel against the spiritual way, a book on spiritual
topics helps to bring back the conviction towards enlightenment. He senses the inner conflict and uses the proper techniques to dissolve the tension. That is usually what the body and soul wants the least at that moment. Wherever the neurotic tendency to feel repelled towards something is usually the way to the light. On the other hand, we need to sometimes give the body and soul what they would like, otherwise tension is built. The way to happiness requires a lot of wisdom and inner sensitivity. ( I want to be myself and learn to sit in the sun in a lawn chair, because Jesus has done everything for us.
Nils: Jesus has done everything in which he has shown us the way. But we must go the way by ourselves. We can find the way only, if we interpret the Bible with inner wisdom and intuition. The path into the light (holiness, Paradise) consists of three main points. 1 The way of rest (lying relaxed in a lounge chair, living in the silence) 2 The way of practice (prayer, meditation) 3 The way of universal love (do good, take ones fellow man more important than oneself). All three points are important. Thus succeeds our spiritual path. They must all be practiced at the right moment, in the right time, in the right way and personally in the right proportions.
Seraph with an eagle, a taurus and a lion.
18. Difficult situations come and go. Accept reality and go with the flow . Dance with the chaos. The Seraph (Paradise Angel). He has the four qualities of wisdom (eagle), serenity (taurus, ego sacrifice), strength (lion) and love (angel). He uses the right quality at the right time and so remains in the light. Success.
Find your purpose of life
Look, think on, and go into the silence. I speak of the silence, deep within you, where you will find the I AM, and this is responsible for your meaning of life. If you have lost the connection to the inner stillness, you lose your sense of life and chase after meaningless things just to fill this gap.
The sense of life is to live a good life. It is even better to be happy than to be unhappy. Find your personal path. Look closely at your skills, your life situation and the world around you. Then you know what you have to do. There is a way for everyone to be happy and to live permanently in the embracing love.
Attempt to draw your eyes on the positive. Get a diary of happiness. Every day write down three things that you've got (even little things!) - after 2 to 4 weeks you can see that every day was nice too. Meanwhile, I think every night before bed about what made me happy that day.
Live after a good plan. The time of life is limited. Use it optimally. Define your goals. Find a way on which you can achieve it. What are your goals? What is your way of victory? What is your way of a fulfilled life? Life should also make some fun. Put as many elements of joy in your life that you can go your way positive. Take something that you are enthusiastic about you. "My way of joy is today ..." Live so that you are satisfied at the end with you and your life. Live in the great satisfaction. Satisfaction is a precursor of the Enlightenment. Find every day your way of satisfaction. "My way of satisfaction is ..."
The Devil
God and the Devil.
19. On Earth, there are good and evil. Be aware of your negative qualities. Then you can control and overcome them. What negative qualities do you have? Anger, sadness, anxiety, addiction, desire or pride? If you overcome your negative qualities with the right spiritual method (mental work, meditation), you can come into the light. If you're in the light, you have a unity consciousness. The duality (good and bad) is repealed. Everything is correct as is. You are in peace, in happiness and in God. In a way, you did overcome the dualistic world of angels and devils. If you want to act in the material world, you have to go back into the duality. A wise life on earth means to use the duality in order to grow further and further into the light. If you live in the light, you can descend into duality in order to help your fellow beings. What is your negative thought? What is your positive thought? How can you come into the light today (in a life in God)? Success.
Good and evil
We are beings of the light. We are children of the light. The cosmos is our great mother and our great father. We play games of happiness in God and thus grows the eternal happiness of all beings. The problem with most of our fellow creatures is that they can not distinguish between good and bad games. Bad games often make happy the short term and unhappy the long term. Bad games are all games who focus of worldly desires.
If we anchor ourselves in external things, we always long for more. We become tensed inside, our inner happiness decreases and it takes everyone down. We are allowed to live the external things. We can have relationships. We can play relationship games. We are permitted to make us the outside world beautiful. But we must bring the spirituality at the center of our lives. We need to play our life games out of the focus of spirituality. We have to play on the basis of wisdom, love and peace. Only those games benefits us.
This is difficult to understand. There are many little devils in the world playing negative games. Little devils are always poor devils. They lack wisdom and they end up harming themselves primarily. We need many angels in the world who can teach the little devils to play in the right way. If the angels are centered in wisdom, in their spiritual practices and in all-embracing love, then they win and that will be good games for everyone.
If we look closely at the Bible, we see that the Devil is not mentioned often. Moses reported of a snake who lived in paradise and wound itself around a tree. The snake is a symbol for the kundalini energy in yoga. This snake winds itself around the tree of enlightenment, the middle energy canal. The snake embodies the wisdom of activating the internal energy of happiness.
The Bible refers to a devil who came to Jesus as he sat for forty days in the desert and meditated. Shortly before Jesus came to enlightenment, the devil appeared to him. The devil wanted to stop him from destroying his ego and from attaining the point where he could live in the light. Before the tensions within a person dissolve, they strengthen for a time. A strong feeling of aversion to a spiritual life appears and the worldly pleasures appear for a time to be more important than God. They appear as a large source of confusion and temptation.
With a little imagination, the devil can be imagined. One can see the ego as a sort of inner devil who stops one in the path towards enlightenment. However, this devil is not a being, but a part of the individual’s own self. He is a visualized ego conflict. In the Bible it is described with an image, a presence, but this is not to be taken literally.
In Buddhism, the devil is called Mara. Before he achieved enlightenment, Mara came to Buddha. Buddha reached his hand towards the earth, activated his root chakra, and rid himself of this ego conflict. Mara and his entire army of temptation disappeared. After Buddha triumphed, the light of enlightenment flowed within. With Jesus, it meant that the angels came and served him, after he managed to overwhelm his ego and came to enlightenment.
There is no devil in reality. In its basic substance the universe is made of light. Everything is God. Everything is clean. One can only live things in the cosmos wrong. You can put your ego at the center of your life. The right path can be found with the principles of truth and love. With these two properties we can defeat the devil. Who's going through his full life consistently with wisdom and love, one day comes into the light (in a life of God, into the paradise).
Angel of Healing
20. You have worked enough. Recover now. Give yourself a break. Let yourself rest and relax. The angel of healing. Heal yourself from the stress of life. Practice the five principles of health. Joy of life comes from inner peace, from the release of tension in the body (bodywork) and spirit (mental work). At a certain point the spirit changes into happiness. Success.
Healing through the path of enlightenment
After five years of continuous stress associated with a difficult relationship I got 30 years ago a burnout. I wanted to heal me. I tried everything that the current medicine has to offer. But nothing helped. My theory is that the strong stress had ca
used many internal tensions. Healing would occur if these tensions are disassembled.
I tried to get rid of the tensions through systematic spiritual exercises. Some times I broke through to enlightenment. Then the burnout was gone and I was cured for a short time. Unfortunately, new tensions emerged. Then the enlightenment disappeared. But I can say that enlightenment is ultimately a way of healing. Therefore there is hope for you.
The main path of healing is, in my experience, to live in enough rest, make sufficiently spiritual exercises and to do good deeds (living in love to all). In addition you have to practise the five principles of health (healthy diet, avoid harmful substances such as smoking and alcohol, regular exercise, positive thinking, and enough sleep).
Basically you should spend no more energy in your life in outward things, as you have. If you live quietly enough, the life energy turns inward and heals a person. For me a variety of diseases disappeared over the years as a hermit. Thus it is described in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the holy book of Yoga. And here it seems to me to be your first problem. You have organized your life now so that you will grow in sickness and unhappiness. You are surrounded by things that rob you your energy.
This system must be changed. How, you may try out creatively for yourself. You should bring as much rest in your life that you are even get a little boring. It is precisely at this point, that your vital energy begins to turn inward and heals you. This is the great secret of rapid spiritual growth and inner healing.
Specifically, I recommend to you, because you have a job and a family, three hours each day of spiritual exercises. Feel what is right for you and what brings you to healing. Helpful are walking (running), yoga, to read in a spiritual book and to meditate.
Meditation is basically quite simple. Watch a video with spiritual exercises on the Internet, do the exercises, thus solve your energy blockages and activate your healing energy. Then sit relaxed or lie down and hear beautiful meditation music (for example, New Age music from the Internet). You lie or sit until you are completely relaxed and became positive inside. The combination of a short activation of the kundalini energy (healing energy) through yoga exercises (breathing, mantras, visualizations), followed by a long resting phase quickly take you into a good energy. You do that every day and get so over the years more and more healthy and happy.