Angel Oracle

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Angel Oracle Page 4

by Nils Horn

  Angel of Forgiveness

  21. Today you are an angel of forgiveness. What positive thought helps you to achieve forgiveness? What is your sentence of forgiveness? "I forgive the cosmos (life, God), that my way is so hard. I forgive my friends AND my enemies (Children, partner, family members) that ..."


  Woman: What others have done to me, I will not forgive. It is enough that I forgive myself. This must suffice. Forgiveness is only something for Holy.

  Nils: It is not enough. You harden inside. You block your energy of happiness. You put this in all your future relationships. It is very important to obtain forgiveness. Even though it is sometimes very difficult. Forgiveness is something for Holy and Unholy, to become healthy inside. Jesus taught to love his enemies. The first step is to come to forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there will always be wars in the world. If you want peace, the world should learn to forgive.

  Woman: Forgiving a person means to refer him to a subordinate level. That makes me bigger than him. Therefore, I do not forgive.

  Nils: Who forgives, lets go of his ego. He rises with his fellows into the level of love, peace and light.

  Paradise Angel

  Paradies Angel with great power (cherub).

  22. Wisdom, selfdiscipline and love. Get inner happiness. Get into the light. Get into a life in God. Transform your world into a paradise. What is today your art of living? Go ahead with optimism. Success.


  Enlightenment is the central point to understand the philosophy of happiness. According to Swami Sivananda, there are three main paths to enlightenment, the path of peace (live in rest), the path of love (do good) and the path of practicing (yoga, meditation). The best way is to practice all three ways. Everyone should find the spiritual exercises that suit him well. In order to resolve our internal tensions and to awaken our inner happiness, we need exercises for the body (yoga, walking, meditation) and exercises for the mind (self-reflection, thoughts control, doing good) . Basically you get to the enlightenment (to a life in the light / in God) through the personally right combination from meditation and mental work.

  The basic principle of Epicurus was, "A philosopher lives like a God (Buddha, Enlightened, Holy) among the people." The most important enlightenment technique for Epicurus was next to a life in stillness the daily positive thinking. Epicurus called it "philosophize." A life will be happy when we constantly think positive and live with enough rest. A person should philosophize every day. He should think about the meaning of life, reflect on his positive goals and consistently go his path of truth and wisdom.

  The center of philosophy is the question of the meaning of life. Who goes through life without this issue, lives unconscious. Blessed is the one, who finds his purpose of life through his philosophical thinking. He can live wisely and strategically. He will receive a full life. Live happily. Live with the happiness research and the philosophy of happiness. The people are different and have different ways of inner happiness. For some people it is good to live as an extreme ascetic (Diogenes). For some people it is right to try the path of the outer pleasure enough, until they are ready for the path of inner happiness. For most people, a mean way with some outer joy is the best spiritual way.

  Think about life. What are your goals? What do you want to reach in your life? "My goals are ... " Think about inner and outer happiness. The happiness research found out, that happiness comes to 90% from inside and only to 10 % from outer things like a great partner, much money or a big career (Sonja Lyubomirsky). Think about enlightenment. Enlightenment is the biggest happiness. Find your personal way of spirituality. Center your life in Logic (in a higher reason like truth, love, inner happiness or enlightenment). What are the spiritual exercise you want to do daily? Make a good plan of your life. In yoga there are four phases of a full life, learning in the childhood, work as adult, relationship or family in the middle of the life and selfrealization in the old age.

  Holy Christians

  Bede Griffiths

  23. Who every day goes one step forward, some day he will reach his goal. What are your goals? What is your way? What is today your deed for the happiness of all beings? What can you do for the love and the peace between all religions? Move one hand and think, “I send light to (name), May all people be happy. May the world be happy.”

  Bede Griffiths

  David Steindl-Rast

  Bede Griffiths was born in 1906 in England and died in 1993 in India. He made lecture tours through the West and sparked waves of enthusiasm out there. He wrote many books. He was a great inspiration to many Christians today. At him they found the love and the authenticity that they had been looking for. His final words were: "I am so happy. I'm so full of love. This is my commandment, that ye love one another. In this is included the whole gospel."

  Bede Griffiths wanted the adaptation of Christianity to the present day. He taught that the disclosures of all religions complete one another. All the holy books of all religions together give the whole thing. A spiritual person can and should learn from the books of all religions.

  Bede Griffiths was, how many great saints, very uncomfortable for his church. He explained that the Catholic Church must change. She should find new ways to express the Christian message. She should make love, not the sin to the center of her faith.

  Bede Griffiths advocated the abolition of compulsory celibacy for priests, the priesthood of women and to establish inter-religious communities. His ashram in India was visited by people from all religions. He sent his Christian students to other spiritual traditions, so that everyone could find just the personal right way for him to enlightenment.

  Much like Bede Griffiths also represents David Steindl-Rast a pluralistic theology of religions. David Steindl-Rast grew up in Austria. He graduated from Vienna in art and got a degree in psychology, in addition, he studied anthropology. After receiving his doctorate in psychology in 1952 he emigrated to the United States. In 1953 he entered the Benedictine monastery of Mount Saviour in Elmira, NY. In 1965 he was one of the first monks after the Second Vatican Council, appointed by his abbot, to deal with the inter-religious dialogue between Christianity and Buddhism. He then practiced with several Japanese Zen masters. In the Internet Steindl-Rast founded the international network Grateful life. If he is not traveling on lecture tours, he lives as a hermit.

  ---> Videos: Bede Griffiths talks about the love of God (3 min.), Bede Griffiths talks about God (5 min.), Brother David Steindl-Rast, Search for Spirituality (1 min.), Thomas Keating, God in us (1 min.)


  The Christmas tree symbolizes the enlightenment.

  24. Santa Claus brings the gifts. Be Santa Claus. Today the way of happiness is not wanting to have but wanting to give. Give love, peace and happiness. Enjoy the good news, that God exists and that Jesus Christ was born and showed us how to live a fullfilled live. Be generous and don´t see the weaknesses of your family. Make your fellow man happy. Send all people light and think, “I send light to (name). May all people be happy. May the world be happy.”


  (A little Christmas story from Doro and Nils)

  A candle was burning on the Advent wreath. It was so quiet you could hear how the candles began to talk. The second candle said: "My name is PEACE. People don´t want me!" The third candle sighed: "My name is LOVE. The people only look at themselves and not to their fellow beings!" The fourth candle flickered: "My name is FAITH. But people want nothing to do with me."

  Then the first candle said, "My name is Truth. Do not fear. The people are always looking for me and if they found me, also the lights of love, peace and faith will burn again."

  A child came, took the light from the first candle and lit it at the other candles. Now all four lights were burning, because it was shortly before Christmas. And then on Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ was celebrated, who has shown mankind the way of love, peace, faith and truth.

--> Video Enya: We Wish You A Marry Christmas

  ---> Light A Candle.

  Birth of Jesus Christ

  The Birth of Jesus. The beginning.

  25. The Holy Family. Birth of Jesus Christ in the stable of Bethlehem. We have to live our family and the world centered in positive values (wisdom, love, peace). If we work together and form a good team, the whole family will be happy. What you can contribute to the happiness of your family and your friends? What starts today? Blessing. Success.

  The Sermon on the Mount

  Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

  Jesus meant „poor“ in terms of the inner self, and not the outer self. Outer poverty does not lead automatically to inner happines. Those who let go of outer attachments, can simply exist and find a way to inner contentment in God. Suffering in and of itself does not lead to happiness. However, those who can take suffering in their lives and raise themselves through spiritual exercises, can find solace in inner peace. Mourning can help to let go, but one should not allow the self to be overwhelmed by grief. Grief is not the center of life, rather inner peace.

  Those who can greet their fellow beings with non-violence and placidity, can live in a relaxed and peaceful way and relinquish into a cosmic consciousness. Those who are at peace with all things, are at peace with themselves.

  Justice means correctness in the Bible. To long for a correct life, means to long for a life in the light. Those who long for happiness and search for it in the right places will receive it one day, in the form of inner peace.

  Those full of empathy, will feel with the cosmos. Those who love their enemies will experience inner harmony. Those who experience the center of their existence as a love for all other beings will be rewarded by God with an all-encompassing love, peace, and inner happiness.

  To dissolve inner tension, exercises for the body are required (going, meditation) and exercises for the spirit (reading, thought exercises). Those who exercise spiritually every day will reach a lasting happiness one day. Then one day the meaning of God will be found.

  Those who let go of the ego, come into the light. Without a sacrifice, the breakthrough to enlightenment cannot be made. Those who live according to these teachings and therefore experience difficulty in their daily lives, provide the basis for such a spiritual sacrifice. To let go in a spiritual manner is an art. Those who do not go about this the right way create inner tension and conflict. We should not sacrifice too little or too much. Those who go about this the right way will be rid of their inner conflict.

  A peacemaker is a person who makes peace within the self and the world. Those who are enlightened can be called holy, a son or daughter of God. Those who live in peace radiate peace into the world.

  The central message of Jesus’ Mount Sermon is that a person cannot serve two lords. He cannot serve God (inner happiness) and money (the outer form of “happiness”). One has to decide for him or herself as to what form of happiness he or she will seek to attain. As a wise person, one must place the way of peace, serenity, love, and spiritual exercises as the central point of existence. In this way, he or she will one day find true happiness and live in the light.

  The Enlightened Master

  Jesus Christ

  26. A great treasure in life is to have an enlightened master. Who do you trust (Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mother Mary)? Whose spiritual teachings do you like? Anyone who goes her or his way every day with an enlightened master (prayer, meditation, reading), grows into the light. Get connected with a spiritual role model. Who is your spiritual role model? Think the mantra: "Om all enlightened masters. Please guide and help me on my way." Use the mantra with the name of your personal role model (Jesus, God). Feel yourself really connected with your role model. Visualize it in the heaven or in front of you. Then his spiritual energy flows into you and strengthen you on your way.

  Transcendent Masters (enlightened souls in a higher dimension)

  Christ means the anointed, the king, the transcendent master. According to Amritanandamayi (Amma) there are fully enlightened souls in the afterworld. They posses a cosmic consciousness which is at one with the cosmos (with he light) and through this they are also one with one another. One could view this as a mass of souls who see themselves as one (God), or a mass of souls who view one another as friends. We can therefore pray to God or to the enlightened souls in the afterlife. It is also possible that an enlightened master is simultaneously present on the earth in a body and as a soul in the afterlife. As a soul he or she can always see us and help us.

  According to Amma, a prayer is always heard and reacted to or upon by one of these higher beings. It doesn’t matter what name humans use in the process, whether it be Allah, God, Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, or Odin, it is all the same. The only point of importance is that the person praying would like help from a higher force in the cosmos.

  God is often described as a cloud in Christianity. This image goes well with the idea of the aforementioned great enlightened force of souls. We could consider these souls as an energy cloud of highly developed consciousness. They are capable of affecting every dimension of the cosmos with beams of light. This often transpires via symbols such as books, images, and statues which appear in certain locations. More spiritually developed humans are able to sense these beams of energy which emanate symbolically through the statues and images. People can focus and turn this energy into inner power, peace, or positive thoughts.

  Angel of Love

  Mother Mary as Queen of Heaven. She gives love to all her children.

  27. You are loved. God loves you. Jesus loves you. Love yourself too. Become an Angel of Love. What is your deed of love today? Send light to all people and come into the energy of love and light: "I send light to (name). May all people be happy. May the world be happy."

  What is a Christian? ( What makes you a Christian?

  Nils: There are many Christian groups. We should not fight each other. We should love us, respect us and work together. AChristian ist a person who recognizes Jesus as his spiritual role model, connects with him regularly and follow his commandments. This is especially the love to God and love for his neighbor (all people). You must not agree with every word of the Bible. Do you accept that you are a sinner and need forgiveness, to have fellowship with God.

  Nils: What is sin? Sin is to have an ego. The ego makes you to fall out of the Paradise, out of a life in God and out of the Enlightenment. Everyone who is unenlightened is a sinner. His task is to overcome his ego with his spiritual exercises and to get into a life in the light. Our sins are forgiven us in the moment when we seriously begin to go our spiritual way. Then the grace will unfold at its time.

  Chaya (Christian woman): What is the ego?

  Nils: The ego is a phase of human development. In a material world you need a strong ego to survive as an individual. For the whole of humanity, a strong ego of its individual members is dangerous. If the people look too much on their individual interest and pay too little attention to collective interests, the human race can destroy itself. At the moment, we watch the madness that in a globalized world, few people are immensely rich and about a billion people are starving. For me this is an exaggerated egoism of the rich. The rich should give to the poor so much money, that all people can live well. The rich will do that, only if they understand that inner happiness and love is the center of man. Inner happiness grows when you overcome the selfishness and live in the all-embracing love. The inner happiness is blocked by the tensions in the body and in the mind of a man. This tensions can be dissolved through physical and mental
exercises (yoga, walking, positive thinking, meditation). Tensions arise mainly from fears (rejection of suffering) and attachment to external pleasures. The ego is a result of internal tensions. The more a man purifies himself inwardly, the more his soul is healed, the smaller is the ego. When love and happiness in a man grow, the ego disappears on its own and the man gets into a cosmic consciousness (unity consciousness). Then one feels love to all beings and is in harmony with himself and the world.

  Nils : How do you connect with God?

  Ulla : I am always connected to God somehow. I just speak to God when ever I think to do so, or need to do so.

  Nils : How do you speak with God?

  Ulla : Mostly I just pray to him.

  Nils : How do you pray?

  Ulla : Actually I really just thank God and wish that everyone is well.

  Nils : How do you imagine God while praying?

  Ulla : I imagine God just as I have been allowed to see God, as a being of light from energy and love.

  Nils : What form does God have for you?

  Ulla : No distinct form, because God can change form as he wishes.


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