These Truths
Page 118
expansionism of, 168
farming promoted over manufacturing by, 168–70, 171–72
on Haitian revolution, 143, 144
Hemings children of, 173–76, 178, 186
inaugural address of, 165
inauguration of, 164–65
Kentucky and Virginia Resolves written by, 217
language of liberty used by, 235
Louisiana Territory purchased by, 170–71
on majority rule, 418–20
majority rule advocated by, 155
population theory of, 343
on progress, 192, 216
racial formula of, 175
religious freedom and, 161
slaves owned by, 104, 161, 186
tariffs and, 140
Turner influenced by, 354
on worship of Founders, 201
Jemmy (slave), 58, 63
Jenner, William, 552
Jersey, Battle of (1781), 72
Jesus Christ, 568
Jews, 12, 383, 399, 409, 410, 529
in American colonies, 50, 51
anti-Semitism vs., 448
Lindberg’s criticism of, 482
in Nazi Germany, 435, 466
Jim Crow, 330, 370, 499, 501
Douglass on, 353, 355–56, 358
and European immigrants, 410
and Plessy v. Ferguson, 359, 360
Progressives’ lack of discussion of, 364, 371–72, 386–87
and war in Philippines, 369
Wells’s resistance to, 356
in World War I, 496
Jim Crow laws, 531, 542, 575–88
Jobs, Steve, 695
Jobson, Richard, 46
John, king of England, 40–41
John Birch Society, 614
Johns Hopkins University, 348
Johnson, Andrew:
Douglass’s visit to, 320
impeachment of, 324
Radical Republicans vs., 320, 323
South protected by, 318
Stanton vs., 323–24
Johnson, James Weldon, 389
Johnson, Lady Bird, 660
Johnson, Lyndon B., 546, 552–53, 567–68, 586, 618
and civil rights movement, 611, 612–13, 614, 622
and criminal justice policy, 622–23
death of, 643
Great Society, 611, 619, 623
and immigration, 674
liberalism of, 444, 611
New Deal projects of, 442, 443
political power of, 617–18
and poverty, 611, 611, 618–19, 622–23, 657
and presidential election (1960), 597, 599
and presidential election (1964), 615–17
and presidential election (1968), 629–30
and race riots, 627–28
recording system, 640
and Vietnam War, 619, 629–30, 632
Johnson, Reverdy, 322
Johnson, Samuel, 92
Johnston, Eric, 501–2
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 538
Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 321, 338–39
Joint United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, 251
Jones, Alex, 702–3, 723–25, 729, 762–63
Jones, Mary, 301–2
Jones, Paula, 709–10
journalism, Taylorism in, 412–13
Journalist, 349
journalistic exposé, 363–64
Journal of the American Medical Association, 379, 438
Judge, Ona, 147
judicial recall, 378
judicial review, 239, 358–59
and conservatism, 677
and Reagan administration, 684–90
separation of powers and, 165–66
Judiciary Act (1789), 134, 166
Judiciary Act (1801), 167
Judiciary Committee, 388
July Fourth celebrations, 153
of 1826, 185–86
Jungle, The (Sinclair), 450
Justice Department, U.S., 376, 395, 552, 576–77, 578, 581, 745
Kansas, 331, 331
creation of, 262
farm cooperatives in, 336
violence in, 266–67
women’s voting rights in, 386
Kansas City, Mo., 333
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 262–64, 265, 267, 276
Karski, Jan, 512
Kefauver, Estes, 570–71
Kelley, Florence, 377, 380, 381, 382
Kemp, Jack, 670
Kennan, George F., 535, 539, 557
Kennedy, Edward, 638, 688
Kennedy, John F., 535, 537, 552, 568
assassination of, 610, 613, 672
and civil rights movement, 600–601, 608–9
and Cold War, 602
and Commission on National Goals, 597
and conservatism, 614, 615
and Cuban Missile Crisis, 604
inauguration of, 601–2
and presidential election (1960), 597, 600–601, 601
recording system, 640
and Vietnam War, 602–4
War on Poverty, 611–12
and women’s rights, 647
Kennedy, Patrick, 209
Kennedy, Robert F., 568
assassination of, 631, 672
and civil rights movement, 600, 605, 625, 630–31
and presidential election (1968), 629, 631
and Vietnam War, 602, 619
Kent, James, 183
Kentucky, 579
gun laws in, 445
secret ballots in, 344
Kentucky Resolves, 217
Kerner Commission, 627–28, 633
Kerry, John, 694
Kesey, Ken, 694, 695
Keynes, John Maynard, 400, 435, 466
see also Keynesian economics Keynesian economics, 592, 619, 657, 670
Keyworth, George, 732
Khaldun, Ibn, xvi
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 680
Khrushchev, Nikita, 604
Nixon meeting (1959), 589–91, 589
Kiernan, W. C., 476
Kilgore, Harley M., 526
King, Billie Jean, 660
King, Boston, 105, 107
King, Coretta Scott, 661
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 441, 583–84, 750
arrest of (1960), 600–601
assassination of, 610, 630, 631, 672
and Civil Rights Act, 613
FBI surveillance, 626
“Letter from Birmingham Jail,” 607–8
March on Washington, 609–10
and Nation of Islam, 606, 607
and peace movement, 629
and presidential election (1964), 615
and Selma march, 621–22, 625
and SNCC, 597
and Watts riots, 623
King, Rufus, 125
King George’s War (1744–48), 66
King Philip’s War (1675), 55–56
King William’s War (1689–97), 66
Kirk, Russell, 555, 556, 682
Kissinger, Henry, 640, 642
Kitchen Debate (1959), 589–91, 589
“Kitchen Kabinets,” 557
Klan Act, 327
Knights of Labor, 336, 340
knowledge workers, 693–94
Know-Nothing Party, 263
Knox, Henry, 134
Knoxville Chancellor, 349
Koreans, 399
Korean War, 560, 565, 747
Korematsu, Fred Toyosaburo, 496
Korematsu v. United States, 496
Koresh, David, 702
Krauthammer, Charles, 722
Krimmel, John Lewis, 153
Kristallnacht, 471
Kristol, Bill, 698–99, 707
Kristol, Irving, 691, 734
KTSA, 442
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 318–19, 319, 323, 324, 327, 330, 410, 440, 579, 605, 608, 701, 770
Kurds, 399
Kursk, Battle of, 502
Kuwait, 739
angtung Province, China, 324
Kyoto Protocol, 743
Labash, Matt, 743
labor force, 529
labor laws, 380–82
labor unions, 537, 541, 556
and Clinton administration, 699
and Democratic Party, 693, 696
and immigration, 675
Ladies’ Department, 190
Lafayette, Marquis de, 103, 105, 128
La Follette, Robert, 386, 447
La Follette, Robert, Jr., 549
La Follette Committee, 447
laissez-faire, 378, 427, 446
La Malinche, 23
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, 686
Landon, Alf M., 447
land tax, 301
Lane, Isaac, 297
Lane, Ralph, 29
Lane, T. J., 763
Lange, Dorothea, 425, 441, 494–95, 495
Lansing, Robert, 395
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 3, 4, 5, 13, 23–25, 28, 47, 337
Laski, Harold, 426
Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper), 212
Latin America, 456
Law Enforcement Assistance Act (1965), 622–23
Lawrence v. Texas, 768
Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich, 434–35
Lay, Benjamin, 73, 92
background of, 72–73
as bookseller, 73
slavery denounced by, 73–74, 75–76
on women’s equality, 86–87
League of Gileadites, 279
League of Nations, 397, 400, 427, 435, 474, 515
League of Women Voters, 431, 571, 705, 706
Lease, Charles, 334–35
Lease, Evelyn Louise, 346
Lease, Mary E., 330–32, 334–35, 336, 339, 340, 341, 342, 388
Bryan mistrusted by, 346
Bryan supported by, 352
in campaign for George, 350
Democratic Party hated by, 331, 346
McKinley criticized by, 352–53
monopolism opposed by, 343
People’s Party formed by, 343
socialist views of, 347
Union Labor Party joined by, 342
Lederer, William, 598, 603
Lee, Ivy, 412
Lee, Richard Henry, 98
Lee, Robert E.:
Gettysburg defeat of, 294–95
Harpers Ferry retaken by, 283
surrender of, 305
Legal Defense Fund, 577, 579
legal precedents, 479
Leibovich, Mark, 708, 749, 759
Lemus, Rienzi B., 369
Lend-Lease Act, 480, 481
L’Enfant, Pierre Charles, 132
“Letter from Birmingham Jail” (King), 607–8
Letters concerning Toleration (Locke), 52
Levellers, 49, 50
Leviathan, The (Hobbes), 37, 61, 106
Lewandowski, Corey, 774
Lewinsky, Monica, 709, 710, 712, 714
Lewis, Anthony, 712–13
Lewis, John, 605–6, 609, 628, 726
Lewis, William, 490–91
Lexington and Concord, Battles of, 92
Leyte, 493
liberal arts, 275
liberal feminism, 652, 659
and abortion, 662
and gay rights, 661, 662
National Women’s Conference (1977), 659–62
liberalism, 427, 429, 554–55, 561, 565, 568–69, 580, 584
and Clinton ethics investigations, 712
and judiciary, 677, 685–86
Nazism vs., 434
in New Deal, 444
and New Democrats, 696
1960s decline of, 591, 592, 594, 610, 619–20
and 1970s economic malaise, 657
and originalism, 678–79
and presidential election (1968), 631
and race riots, 623, 625
and tax policy, 669
and technology, 694
and Vietnam War, 610
and War on Poverty, 619
after World War II, 504–5, 507–8
see also political polarization
liberal world order, xviii
Liberator, 189–90, 200, 206, 247, 269
Liberia, 179
idea of, slavery and, 10, 64, 86, 88, 92, 96, 105–6
language of, 235
Liberty and Victory Bonds, 397
Library Company of Philadelphia, 66, 90
Liberty Party, 228, 238, 259
Libya, 765
Liddy, G. Gordon, 641, 644
Lie Factory, 448, 450–51, 456
Life, 481, 587
Lifeboat (film), 502
Life of Abraham Lincoln (Howells), 287–88
Life of Andrew Jackson (Eaton), 182
lightbulb, 424
Light’s Golden Jubilee, 424
Like Factor, 705
Limbaugh, Rush, 704, 742, 743, 762
Lincoln, Abraham, xix, 151, 311
assassination and funeral of, 305–7, 306
Cooper Union speech of, 285
Douglas’s debates with, 275, 276–79, 286
Douglass studied by, 264–65
Dred Scott decision denounced by, 270
in election of 1858, 265, 275, 276–79
in election of 1860, 285, 286, 287–88
in election of 1864, 303–4
Emancipation Proclamation supported by, 297–300, 303, 329
Gettysburg Address of, 295–96, 307
inaugurations of, 290, 304–5
Internal Revenue Bureau created by, 302
John Quincy Adams’s funeral organized by, 251
on labor, 255
Longfellow praised by, 260
Mexican War opposed by, 243, 263
photographs of, 273
slavery criticized by, 255, 263–66
Tarbell’s biography of, 371
Thirteenth Amendment pushed by, 304
vindictive peace disdained by, 317–18
war powers claimed by, 487
Lindbergh, Charles, 477, 479, 481, 482
Lippmann, Walter, 361–63, 371, 427, 457, 562, 682
Bernays influenced by, 414
Hoover praised by, 405
on majority rule, 309, 362–63, 364, 418–20, 423
on need for dictatorial powers, 434
peace proposal drawn up by, 396–97, 398, 400
on tariffs, 407
Lipset, Seymour Martin, 591
literacy, 210–11
Literary Digest, 453, 454, 458
Lithuania, 426
Little, Earl, 440
Little Rock Central High School desegregation (1957), 584–87, 585
Liverpool, U.K., 202
living standards, 527–28
Livingston, Robert R., 98
Lochner v. New York, 378, 380
Locke, Alain, 411
Locke, John, 1, 30–31, 34, 95
as Carolina colony secretary, 52
egalitarianism of, 53, 54
on human (natural) rights, 53–55
political philosophy of, 52–53
on slavery, 54–55
Lockheed Corp., 538
Lockwood, Belva, 340
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 401
Lomax, Louis, 606
London, German bombing of, 479, 512
Long, Huey, 461–62
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 259–60, 261, 267, 270, 271, 480
on Brown’s death, 284–85
on dissolution of Union, 290
on Lincoln’s election, 288
Los Alamos National Laboratory, 524–25
Los Angeles, Calif., 371, 568, 573
Los Angeles Times, 450
Louisiana, 281, 531
black governor of, 323
black voter registration in, 344
Indians in, 213
movement to, 221
secession of, 289
slaves sold to, 202
as slave state, 176
r /> Louisiana Purchase, 251
Louisiana Territory, 69, 80, 170, 173
Jefferson’s purchase of, 170–71
see also New France
Louisville Courier-Journal, 541
Louis XVI, king of France, beheading of, 142
Louverture, Toussaint, 143, 170
Lovejoy, Elijah, 221
Lovelace, Ada, 194
Love’s Pilgrimage (Sinclair), 450
Loving v. Virginia, 751
Lowell, Francis Cabot, 194, 195
Lowell, Mass., 194–95, 194
Loyalists, 92, 94, 102, 103–4
in flight to Canada and Britain, 104, 107
loyalty tests, 545
Luce, Henry, 412, 413, 481, 540, 574
Luxembourg, 473
Lyles, CeeCee, 720–21
Lynch, Thomas, 115
lynching, 356, 368, 370, 396, 399
FDR’s failure on, 458
Twain’s denunciation of, 369
lynchings, 531
MacArthur, Douglas, 560
Macdonald, Dwight, 592, 594, 611–12
Machine Age, 444
machine guns, 445
MacKinnon, Catharine, 686
MacLeish, Archibald, 488–91, 504, 511, 512, 516
Madison, Ambrose, 94
Madison, Dolley, 233, 240
Madison, James, xii, xvii, 93, 116, 130, 156, 177, 363
Alien and Sedition Acts and, 158–59
antislavery petitions and, 135, 136–37
Bill of Rights authored by, 134, 137
on citizenship, 322
on citizenship requirements for Congress, 312
on colonization, 343
at constitutional convention, 109, 111, 118, 119–23, 125–26, 128, 149
on dangers of majority rule, 118–19, 123–24
on established religion, 200
on factions, 144
as Federalist Papers coauthor, 129
on importance of newspapers, 144–45
Kentucky and Virginia Resolves written by, 217
notes on constitutional convention kept by, 118, 240–41, 256–57
political history studied by, 117, 118
in proposal to count slaves as three-fifths of a person, 116
on religious freedom, 96
on religious liberty, 89–90
on republicanism, 144–45
slaves owned by, 105–6
Virginia Plan drafted by, 120
and War of 1812, 172
Madsen, Dennis, 750
Magby, Willis, 439–40
Magna Carta, 83–84, 95
Coke’s resurrection of, 40, 41, 43
and right to trial by jury, 41–42
Maine, 366
Maine, as free state, 179
majority rule, 155, 187
Madison on dangers of, 118–19, 123–24
Malcolm X, 440, 613, 621–22
assassination of, 622
background of, 606–7
and gun control debate, 673
Malthus, Thomas, 157, 168, 171, 343
Managerial Revolution, The (Burnham), 504
Manchuria, 427, 481–82
Mandeville, John, 13
Manhattan Project, 516, 523
manifest destiny, 10, 199
“Manifesto of Fascist Intellectuals,” 443