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Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2

Page 24

by Dakota Lake

  “No. Why would I be mad with you? I'm surprised it took you this long. How did you figure it out, the elevator?”

  I thought of Alex but I wasn't going to bring his name into this.

  “I finally realised looking up from the gardens that there was no forth level.”

  Kenzie nodded. “I was waiting for you to get it.”

  “I don't know what I was expecting to find when I took the elevator, I definitely wasn't prepared for this. Is it true I've been living down there?” I looked down at the muddy floor and back at Kenzie. “Have I been living in Hell?”

  Kenzie quickly shushed me and took my arm walking me back the way I had just come. “No stop,” I said digging my heels in. “You still haven't answered me.”

  “No. Yes. Sort of.” he said thinking about his answer.

  “What? That makes no sense. It's an easy question Kenzie. Yes or No?”

  “The part where you have been living is just general underground. We call it Under, there's not really any other name for it. It's huge like a whole underground world.”

  “Okay so is there a Hell?”

  “Yes it's lower,”

  “Lower than Under, how far down does it go?”

  “It's hard to explain to someone who's never seen it. There's layers. Under, then Hell is under Under if you get what I'm trying to say?”

  “Not really but I'll take your word for it. What's with the weird time zone? I left the manor in the afternoon then I ended up here in the middle of the night.”

  “Twelve hours difference it doesn't matter which way you look at it. There's no time line in Under.” “Under. Underground,” I said still figuring it out. “Is that why I've never seen the stars or moon down there. And the sun never comes out from behind the clouds.”

  “Cause they don't exist down there it's all an image, like a decoration but it's not the real thing. Don't ask me for specifics, I didn't create it. Where did you find these clothes?” he asked changing the direction of the conversation as he playfully tugged on the zip of my hoodie. “In the sewing room. Are they mine?”

  “Well they fit don't they.” he said looking around. “Ruby I need to take you back.” “No not yet. If no one knows I'm missing we're okay for a little longer.”

  “But if Cam comes looking for you....”

  “Um you just told me he didn't turn up for dinner so he's out. So stop panicking. I'm the one that should be panicking not you. Jeez! You're sweating everywhere.”

  “I'm currently imagining all the things Cam is going to do to me if he finds out about this. I need...,” he said digging in his pocket flustered. “Smoke.” he said fumbling with his lighter. We sat down on a picnic bench outside one of the trailers, it didn't look as though anyone was home.

  “So these are my clothes?” I asked hoping he would give me a proper answer.

  “Yes. I remember you wearing them when Cam bought you down that night.” his eyes flickered up to mine.

  “It's okay I already know about Cam kidnapping me, it's no secret.”

  “Did you get your memory back?”

  “No. I didn't. But I also know there was no accident, I didn't fall out of any tree. He did something to me when he bought me down he wasn't supposed to.”

  “No. He wasn't. He faded with you. He should have known better.”

  “Fading is for demons and souls.” I said quietly remembering the conversation I'd heard between Senka and Cam.

  “Seriously who have you been talking to? If you didn't get your memory back then who told you? Did Senka tell you all that?”

  “No so don't even go there. He doesn't know I know anything.”

  “Then who does? You've obviously been talking to someone.”

  I remained tight lipped and watched as Merlin pecked at the floor.

  “Wait does this have something to do with those dreams you've been having?”

  I looked up at him. “Yes.”

  “Who?” Kenzie asked watching me carefully.

  I closed my eyes and took a few moments considering whether to tell Kenzie or not. I wanted to. “Ruby who? You can trust me.”

  “Can I? You've told me before you wouldn't risk getting into trouble. If I tell you, you'll tell Cam.” “Maybe before yes. But I've been thinking a lot about all this and you're the only thing worth getting into trouble for. Ruby I know we haven't known each other that long but you're my only real friend in Under. I don't get along with anyone else the way I get along with you. I want you to be able to tell me anything you want, I hated lying to you.”

  “Did you know me before I came to Under?”

  “No. I mean I met you once when you were little. But I never saw you again until that night Cam bought you back to the manor. So does this person from your dreams have a name?” “Jessie.”

  “Jessie, wait I've heard that name before....where have I....shit me! Is that who you've been dream linking with?”

  “Yes. Do you know him?”

  “The night Cam bought you down to Under he sent me back out to collect someone.” “Jessie. Cam sent you to collect Jessie?”

  “He said to make it look as though he was dead so no one would come looking for him. I found him skulking around in this warehouse so I started a fire, knocked him out and manually carried him back to Under.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “I don't know Alex took over. I don't know what he did with him.”

  “Alex are you kidding? This just gets even more complicated. So you really don't know where Jessie is now?”

  “No. How do you know this Jessie guy?” he asked.

  “It's complicated.” I replied. Complicated was putting it mildly.

  “No shit.” he said grinning.

  “Why would Cam have you collect him? What does he want him for?”

  “I have no idea but I'm guessing it's part of Cam's plan.”

  “Do you think Emmett knows about it?”

  “Definitely. There's not much those two don't talk about.”

  “So you're a death tracker?”

  “Yes.” he said taking a drag on his cigarette.

  “And the others, Cam, Shasta, Roman, Tallen and Ryu, they're all death trackers?” “Yes. But there's more of us it isn't just us six.”

  “Why do you have black eyes? Do all death trackers have black eyes?”

  “I have black eyes because I'm part demon, I belong to the underworld so to speak.” I looked at Kenzie, he didn't look very demon-ish to me.

  “Where are your horns?”

  “What?” he laughed.

  “No tail or scales?” I continued.

  “No can you imagine what a nightmare it would be trying to hide a tail down your pants.” I couldn't help but giggle at his comment. “It's in my blood. Not all demons can fade, it sometimes skips a generation and misses but with me and Shasta it didn't. And the best job for a demon that can fade is being a soul collector. It sort of goes with the territory. I can't imagine doing anything else.”

  “So you collect dead souls?”

  “Yes but only the bad ones.”


  “Yes people that deserve to go to Hell. When a human dies there's two options, if they've been good they get collected and taken by the other collectors,”

  “Where do they take them?”

  “I don't know, that's not my department. But if someone has been bad and we're talking super bad not like stole a few cars bad or didn't pay your taxes, I mean the really bad ones. Murderers, sickos....”

  “I get it, you don't need to list them.”

  “Well that's were I come along. When someone dies their soul wonders until they are found. They usually don't know what they're doing or where they're going and sometimes they wander pretty far. That's what the birds are for they track the souls. Each tracker has their own bird. You become linked to your own bird, it's a demon thing. Humans can't see the birds only us and anything that isn't human. When the bird calls me I know just where to find him. He'
ll live as long as I do. They're also good at finding things their master wants or needs. Like today he knew I was looking for you.”

  “So when you find a soul what happens?”

  “I fade, it's a demons way of travelling. I fade and take the soul with me to its final destination.” “Hell.”

  “Yep. I really didn't picture having this conversation with you in the middle of a trailer park.” he said watching a woman pushing a pram full of groceries up one of the drives across from us. “I didn't picture us having this conversation full stop.” I replied.

  “So did this Jessie tell you what you are?” he asked.

  “Nephilim and Senka's a fallen angel.”

  “Wow! The cat's really out of the bag. So why are you even here?” he asked flicking his cigarette over my head.


  “I mean what are you doing in a trailer park?”

  I reached into my jeans pocket. “This.” I said holding the crumpled piece of paper out for him. “104 Green Oak Park.” He took it and read it out loud looking around at the trailer numbers near us. “What is this?” he asked.

  “I dunno. I was hoping you'd know who lived there. I found it in my pocket.” I said emphasising the 'my'. “So you don't know?” I asked a little disappointed.

  “No. I have no idea. But we need to get back.”

  “Look if you come with me to this address, afterwards I promise I will go straight back with you.” “Let's make it quick then.” he said standing up.

  We ducked down across from number 104 hiding behind someone's car. 104 was a dirty white colour that was in bad need of a touch up. The trailer next to it was pastel pink and looked like they were preparing to enter it into a flower show it was so over the top.

  “Do we just go over and knock?” I asked Kenzie. He shrugged and made a face. “I don't even know who lives there.” I said looking at the red VW Beetle that was parked up next to 104.

  “Do you want me to knock and you stay here?” he asked.

  “Maybe, I'm thinking.”

  “Who are you expecting to open the door?”

  “I don't know. All I know is I had this address in my pocket the night Cam took me. It must mean something.”

  “Right I'm going over there.” he said standing up just as the door opened.

  “No wait,” I said grabbing the back of his hoodie. He crouched back down next to me. “Who's that?” he looked sideways at me. “Do you recognise her?”

  A girl wearing black leggings and a long grey cardigan wrapped around herself with pink boots came down the porch steps. Her loosely curled blonde hair fell over her face and she quickly swept it back. She walked around the car to the side door and pulled out a large bag and carried it round the back of the trailer out of sight.

  “Actually I do recognise her. I think her name's Carly.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Carly - 12 hours earlier

  The cheap tasteless microwave meal spun around inside the microwave. Round and round... Carly stood motionless watching it. The timer went off but she remained still.

  Micah walked out the bathroom flipping the collar of his jacket up round his neck. He picked up a set of keys off the counter. He briefly looked in her direction before moving to the door. Carly blinked herself out of her daze of random thoughts and turned around to look at him. He sat on the couch pulling his boots on.

  “Are you going out?” she asked.

  “What does it look like?” he replied.

  “Where are you going?”


  “But you were there last night. All night.”

  He stood up and ran his hand down his face and along his jaw that was unshaven and rough. “And don't tell me we need the money, cause that's crap. Even I'm pulling a wage in from the coffee shop.”

  Micah didn't reply and reached for the door. Carly dashed in front of him and blocked his way. She leaned back against the door and looked up at him. She reached for his face but he turned away from her touch.

  “You have to stop this, it's not going to bring either one of them back. Jessie's dead and Ruby's missing. Probably dead as well,”

  “What's your point Carly?” he said talking over her.

  “You can't keep doing this ignoring me shutting me out, it won't help. They're not coming back. I'm here and I want to help you. You have to stop blaming yourself.”

  “Carly.....” Micah moaned.

  “Staying in Heaven's Point isn't helping. Have you thought about what we talked about? I really think it would be best if we left, went somewhere else. A fresh start.”

  “I'm not leaving. And no one said you had to stay. So why don't you go back home to your life, back to your spoilt little rich kid lifestyle. Cause you don't belong here. All you do is drive me crazy and moan about the weather. If you hate it so much go back to sunny California then we can both get on with our lives and I can spend the next one hundred years or however many years I want staying here in peace without your constant whinging.”

  “You will never find her she's not here and he's not coming back. I know you miss him, don't you think I don't feel the same. I lost my best friend as well. You can't stay here forever, you'll drive yourself mad.”

  “I can stay here as long as I want, unlike you I have forever.” he shouted at her.

  Then he lowered his voice. He didn't want the neighbours knocking on the door again like last time. “You probably have another seventy years tops, so go home marry some pretty rich boy, pop a few kids out and forget about this place and forget about me. Now move.”

  Carly held his gaze, her eyes glistened as tears formed in the corners.

  “You don't mean that. If I go you'll be left with no one.”

  “Sweety, don't take this the wrong way but you are replaceable.” he said grabbing the handle and pulling the door.

  Carly moved aside but Micah still bumped her with the door as he left. He slammed it shut and a few seconds later the sound of his truck roared to life outside and sped off.

  She walked into the bedroom. Micah's and her own clothes were strewn all over the place, she hadn't bothered to sort the washing out and now the clothes were piling up and finding anything clean was proving hard. She opened the closet pulling one of Micah's sweatshirts out. Some of Jessie's clothes still hung on the rail, like a constant reminder of him. The rest of his stuff Micah had boxed and taken back to the cabin.

  Carly pushed the clothes across the bed as she laid down and pulled the blanket over herself, she curled up and tears rolled down her cheek onto the pillow. The microwave meal sat in the microwave going cold.

  A quiet tapping on the door stirred Carly awake. Her eyes felt heavy and tired from crying and from the lack of sleep the past few nights. The tapping continued as she walked to the door. “It's freezing out here, what took you so long?” Aimee said pushing her way inside. “Sorry I was half asleep.” Carly replied shutting the door.

  She tucked her blonde hair behind her ears, the shine her hair once had was long gone and her curls seemed to have less bounce just recently.

  “Have you been crying again?” Aimee asked concerned.

  “It's nothing.”

  “It doesn't look like nothing your face is all patchy. What's he said to you this time?” she asked pulling Carly into a hug.

  Carly sat at the small dining table leaning against the wall peeking out through the blind. Aimee set a hot mug of coffee down on the table in front of her.

  “Thanks.” Carly said placing her hands on the mug to warm herself.

  “This trailer is freezing, I don't get why you both don't go back to the cabin or over to that posh condo Micah rents.” Aimee said sitting down on the other side of the table.

  “I don't know. I think he wants to pretend Jessie's still here, this was the last place Jessie stayed before...well you know. I think he feels connected to him still, there's even still some of Jessie's clothes in the closet. Micah isn't coping well he can't seem to let go. Which is
understandable they'd been down here together for hundreds of years together.”

  “Still he shouldn't have said those things to you.”

  “He didn't mean it. He'll be back in the morning like usual, crying in my lap telling me how sorry he is. It seems to be a recurring pattern the past few months. He still blames himself for bringing Seth home the first time he met him and it's so obvious, he hasn't even been subtle about it. He thinks if he'd never met Seth then Ruby would have never come to Heaven's Point and Jessie wouldn't have got caught up in it all.”

  “I take it Seth and Micah are still not talking?”

  “No. I've tried ringing Seth to see how he is but it goes straight to voicemail.”

  “Is he still living on a boat in Copeland?” Aimee asked.

  “As far as I know yes, unless he decided to sail off without telling us. Last time I checked in on him he was still working down there on the fishing boats. I can't imagine how lonely he is down there.” “Doesn't he have a dog?”

  “Gunner isn't exactly a conversationalist.”

  “I have to travel to Copeland next week. How about next time I'm over there I'll drop by to see how he's getting on. Which boat is it?”

  “Small white one with blue stripes, I think it's called 'Reel Deal' or something like that I can't remember I haven't been over there for a while.”

  “Well if it's there I'll find it.”

  “How's your friend?” Carly asked before sipping her coffee.

  “Caitlin, she's okay. Young, carefree and enjoying college. No scratch that, she's the opposite of care free. But no she's good, she's moved on. Which is easy I guess if you have no clue about fallen angels and the fact Heaven's Point is crawling with them. Sometimes I think it would be easier if I didn't know, if I'd carried on regardless.”

  “Well you would have if you'd stayed away from Beck and left him alone. Poor guy I think it was easier for him to say yes to going on a date with you then it was to get rid of you.” “What, he's hot I wasn't going to let him pass me by. He put on a good show and tried his best to pretend he wasn't interested but it didn't last long.” Aimee smiled getting up to open a top cupboard. “Biscuits?” she asked.


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