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Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2

Page 33

by Dakota Lake

  “But I wanted to see him before you sent him back, just to make sure he was okay.” “Sorry, it's too late now. He's probably long gone. Apparently he was a little grouchy when Roman dropped him off. Now we have guests to greet and you have to smile and play nice.” “Not until I know he's okay.”

  “What is it with you and fallen? If I grew a pair of wings and cut them off would you fall for me as well?”

  “Cam,” I said louder than necessary.

  A few of the guests were looking our way having noticed our heated discussion.

  “Look I held up my end of the deal, now it's your turn.” he said in a hushed tone. I gritted my teeth and let Cam walk me back to the doors. I stood back and watched as unfamiliar faces walked through all admiring the ballroom in awe.

  Kenzie walked up behind me. “I'll go find Roman, see if Cam's telling the truth.” Cam must have over heard him as he shot Kenzie an icy look but his eyes quickly drifted to me and he held out his hand for me to join him at his side. I stepped closer and he linked his fingers with mine. His hand was a different temperature to mine, his skin felt cool and refreshing against my warm clammy hand, so it balanced it out.

  “Back soon. You won't even miss me.” Kenzie said swishing the ends of my hair along my back as he left. My hair was almost reaching the lower half of my back it had grown so long. I had left it loose tonight with a few thin plaits randomly placed. All the ladies had their hair done up and styled on top of their heads, some had left their hair simple but had added flowers as decorations. I reached up and touched my own hair feeling a little bland.

  Cam let go of my hand and walked over to the nearest flower arrangement, I watched as he picked out a gold lilly. Lilies weren't gold, not even in Under. I think they had been sprayed for the occasion.

  He retuned and I stood as still as statue as he moved my hair around fixing the lilly into my plait. “Are you sure you're not a mind reader as well?” I asked quietly, so that no one would hear me. I knew he would hear me, if he could hear my heartbeat which was inside my chest I'm sure he could hear me whispering.

  He grinned showing a set of perfectly white teeth. Even the way he grinned was too perfect. A piece of blonde hair fell over his eye and I had the sudden urge to reach up and push it back for him. My heartbeat had sped up and I realised he was staring at me with interest. I turned away but I could still feel his eyes boring into me. The guests all wore beautiful dresses and suits, some were more over the top than others. Cam shook hands and introduced me to everyone. The names went over the top of my head though. The majority of guests had older style names and the rest had names I didn't even know how to pronounce, they sounded so strange to me. Many were congratulating us on our engagement, I guess word travelled fast in Under.

  I stood on the same spot for nearly two hours. Kenzie had popped back not too long after he'd left and confirmed what Cam had said, but no one knew where Jessie was now. Cam was right he probably was long gone. It was my fault he'd been locked up in Hell in the first place, if Cam hadn't wanted me and took some other girl he would have never needed Jessie in the first place. Even though I was greeting guests and smiling at the right moments inside I was going over everything that had happened, everything had got so complicated. I silently wished my life could have been different. I wished I had been someone different.

  Everyone turned out to the party. Shasta wore a small cream dress with lace and floaty pieces of material, it was practically see through.

  All the guests filled the ballroom and an orchestra was set up on the stage playing. Amongst all the strangers faces there were some I recognised. Guys from the top level had shown up, most of them were dressed smart, not in old fashioned clothes but in smart suits and waistcoats. The only one that had gone over the top was Rex, now he did look like Willy Wonka in his purple outfit and top hat to match.

  My legs were on the brink of giving out under me. I really wanted to sit down or do something else. I was getting irritable and I think Cam could tell. I think if anyone else tried to kiss my cheek or kiss my hand I would shout obscenities at them.

  “You ready to eat?” Cam asked.

  “Yes. More than ready.”

  “I'm starving,” he said leading me across the dance floor.

  “Oh Ruby,”

  “Yes.” I replied.

  “Don't get all freaked out over the food. I made sure everything that is served to you is recognisable. You never told Shelley about any specific food so we went with what you like. So no surprises on your plate.”

  “Why would I get all freaked out over the food?”

  “Everyone has different tastes down here.” was all he said.

  He stopped at the doors and the music stopped playing. He invited everyone through to sit down and eat. Cam stayed at the side talking to guests as a flow of bodies moved passed me through the doors. Kenzie grabbed my arm and pulled me along with him. We walked down the steps and into a large tented area that seemed to go on forever. It looked like one of those white marquees they use for weddings except this was enormous and the inside was black. Fairy lights hung from the ceiling of the tent and the floor were I expected there to be grass was hard. Black and white square flooring had been laid. The tables were round and laid out with gold table cloths with black leather chairs. Black and cream flowers were arranged on every table. It had a Gothic appeal to it, but still looked spectacular. I wondered if Maite had been in charge of decorating the tent. Kenzie guided me around the tables until we reached a long oblong table.

  He pulled out a chair for me, on the table in front was a white card with my name on. Ruby Summers. I looked at the two cards on either side of me. Cameron Teller was written on the one on the right and to my left just the name Kenzie. Probably because there weren't any other Kenzie's here tonight. Kenzie sat down next to me and we watched as the ladies tried to squeeze into their seats with their puffy dresses.

  “So how many of these people are actually Cam's relatives?” I asked.

  “I'd say ninety percent of them.”

  “What? That's tons. Who are they all?”

  “Mostly his cousins and his cousins children and their children. You forget Cam is ancient. Can you imagine how wrinkly he is underneath when he peels away his outer shell.”

  I looked at him with wide eyes and he burst out laughing.

  “You should have seen your face.” he said smacking the table.

  “That wasn't funny, for a minute I actually believed you.” I said trying to bring my heart rate back down. The thought that I'd soon be marrying some demon monster underneath Cam's exterior nearly had me running out of the tent. But thankfully Kenzie was joking.

  “Cam is Cam, this is the way we are and it's the way we'll always stay, there's no hidden surprises.” I nodded relieved he was only joking and looked back at the tables filling up.

  “So these are mostly his disant blood relatives?”

  “Yes. Cam's father is the oldest out of four brothers. One never had children but the other two bred like rabbits. And this is what you get.” Kenzie said looking around.

  “And they all live in Under?” I asked curiously.


  “Most?” I asked.

  “You see the ones with the less extravagant dresses and the modern looking tuxes?” he asked. “Yes,” I had seen a few. The dresses looked simpler and more modern. “Those were shop bought?” I asked eyeing a girl close to us with a simple purple dress and a shawl draped over her shoulders. “Yep. Not all his family stayed in Under.”

  “Do they live in HP?”

  “No I don't think so. I don't really know where they come from, all I know is Emmett's putting a load of them up in his cottage. He hasn't stopped complaining since they arrived. He's used to having Rose Cottage all to himself.”

  “Where is he anyway? I haven't seen him.”

  “He's around, I think all the ladies make him nervous so he's hiding.” he said laughing. “Where's Maite? I thought she was only st
aying on so she could attend this party thing.” “No idea. She's probably down in the dungeon boiling her cauldron.”

  He picked up his name card and managed to fold it into a mini paper aeroplane. He let it go and it flew across the room and landed in a ladies massive beehive hair do. Kenzie shoved his fist in his mouth trying to hold back laughter and I hid behind my napkin. She looked this way and we both leaned down to the floor pretending to look for something.

  We waited for a few minutes with our heads under the tablecloth.

  “What about Cam's mother? What else do you know about her?”

  “Not much, I only know her name's Rose that's it.”

  “Is she in Under?”

  “No she went back.”

  “Back?” I asked.

  He pointed up. “She'd had enough of living down here and left.”

  “No contract for her then?” I asked with a sullen tone as we sat back up.

  He shrugged. “I don't know, no one talks about her.”

  Cam was walking this way and we quickly changed the conversation.

  When most of the guests were seated the orchestra came through and set up close by and continued to play. Servants started walking in with trays, I wondered if extra help had been hired. There were so many and I didn't recognise most of them.

  Roman, Shasta, Ryu and Tallen sat at our table. Grayson turned up but hadn't changed out of his daily clothes and was still wearing his usual purple penguin jacket. He sat at the end with Vivienne and Emmett.

  Emmett looked uncomfortable as Vivienne fussed over him, brushing his suit down and smoothing his hair back. Now that I knew she was his mother it was pretty obvious by the way they were together. Starters were served and simple prawn cocktail was put in front of me. Kenzie just had a plate of garlic bread and Cam had what I could only describe as a long curvy sausage shape thing that was red and black.

  “What's that?” I asked as he cut into it.

  “I don't think I should tell you.” he said popping a piece into his mouth.

  “Trust me Cups, you don't want to know.” Kenzie said leaning over to look at Cam's plate. Main course was served and I thought I was seeing things when a tray was served to a table near us, whatever was on it was moving. My jaw dropped open.

  “Okay what is that?” I asked looking sideways at Cam. He was tight lipped and pretended he hadn't heard me. “I don't want to know, do I?” I asked.

  Kenzie and Cam both shook their heads in agreement and I tried to keep my eyes on my own plate. After dessert everyone filtered back into the main ballroom. I no longer had to stand by the doors and Cam had disappeared into the crowd and left me alone with Kenzie. We ended up hiding out behind a water feature at the back of the ballroom. It was a long glass wall with water trickling down from the top. I could just about see through to the other side but it was distorted and a blur of colours.

  “So what was that blue thing they bought through? I saw feathers and a hoof.” I asked pulling a disgusted look referring to something I had seen served at dinner.

  “Even I don't know what that was.” Kenzie said sticking his hand into the water feature. A few of the guests were mingling around on the same side as we were and one of the ladies suddenly beelined for us.

  “You are just heavenly dear, I wish you and Cam the greatest of happiness. I hope you are blessed with many many babies. Scintilla and Pierre are big names right now.”

  “What are you high?” I blurted out without thinking, slightly horrified at the thought of Cam and I having babies. Which was definitely not happening or part of the contract.

  Kenzie snickered loudly behind me and the woman looked at me completely confused. Alex stepped up beside me and laughed. I hadn't seen where he'd come from, I didn't even know he was here. The fallen guys hadn't attended dinner (because they don't eat) so they had stayed in the ballroom.

  “I don't understand,” she said still looking confused.

  I was about to tell her where to go but Alex stepped in.

  “It's an expression where Ruby is from, it means she thinks it's a great idea and she loves it.” I looked over at Alex wondering how much he'd had to drink.

  “Well I've never heard that one before. You learn something new everyday.” she said smiling, before walking off back around the water feature.

  Kenzie stood beside me laughing. “She'll probably go around asking everyone if they're high now.” he said trying to control his laughter.

  “Ruby you can't say stuff like that to these people. They won't understand your modern words and expressions.” Alex said sternly.

  “Well I'm sorry but did you hear her, I mean what the....” Alex pushed his finger to my lips shaking his head.

  “Ladies do not curse and they definitely don't use the F word.” I looked over at Kenzie wondering if Alex was serious.

  “Well I'm no lady.” I said scratching at my chest where the fabric was starting to itch. “Well as obvious as that is, tonight you have to try and behave like one.” Alex said sipping on his beer bottle.

  “Where is he? He was meant to come and see me before the party but he never showed up.” I said to Alex. He knew I was talking about Senka I didn't need to say his name.

  “He had to go up to HP to pick something up.” he said with a sly smile on his face. “Like what?” I asked.

  “You'll have to wait and see.”

  “Alex,” I said, wanting more information.

  Another lady appeared and kissed me on the cheek without warning.

  “Congratulations my darling. I can't wait for the wedding. It's one we've all been waiting for a long time.”

  As soon as her back was turned I looked back at Alex.

  “Seriously that's like the millionth person to kiss me already.” I said, becoming fed up with being passed around and kissed by everyone.

  “And there will probably be a millionth more that want to kiss you. So suck it up and smile.” Kenzie appeared next to me and nudged my arm. “Shots.” he said squealing, holding up two shot glasses .

  He had faded and reappeared with shots. I went to take the glass from him but Alex snatched it away from him and downed the shot for me.

  “Alex. That was for me.” I said.

  “Ladies don't do shots.” he said handing the empty glass back to me.

  “So I'm not allowed to do anything that I would normally do at a party? All I can do is stand here and look pretty.” I said to the back of Alex as he walked away.

  Kenzie pushed his glass into my hand. I downed it and handed it back to him.

  “Teenagers like to dance at parties?” he said tilting his head towards the dance floor. “Yes, but I was born in the nineties not the nineteen hundreds. The only dancing I know involves twerking.”

  “And you do a great job twerking. I have had the great honour of seeing you dance after one too many drinks. But tonight I will show you how to dance like a princess.”

  “Is it safe?” I asked smiling.

  “That depends on how many times you step on my toes.” He stuck his tongue out at me and laughed taking my hand. We walked around the water feature until we were back on the main dance floor. “Put your hand on my shoulder like all the other girls in the room.”

  I briefly looked around then back at Kenzie and placed my hand on his shoulder. “Good,” he said holding my hand in his and placing his other hand on the small of my back. “It's easy just move with me and try not to trip over that massive cupcake you're wearing.” “Hey, you said you liked it and isn't that puffy, not like the other dresses in here.” I said looking at the lady nearest to us, she looked weighed down from the amount of dress puffed up around her hips.

  “Ready Cups?”

  “No.” I replied dreading the very thought of dancing in front of all these strangers. I could just imagine myself falling over my own foot and landing face first onto the floor.

  Kenzie pulled me around and danced me all over the dance floor. We spent the next few hours together with him tea
ching me how to dance.

  But I couldn't forget about what Alex had said. It was really bugging me. What had Senka gone up to HP to pick up? I was still thinking about it when Kenzie interrupted me in my little think bubble. “So what are you thinking about? I can practically see the clogs turning inside your head.” he asked. “Nothing.” I said while quickly thinking of something else to say, I didn't want to tell him I couldn't stop thinking about Senka or Jessie. He was probably fed up of hearing about it.

  “A while back one of my childhood memories resurfaced. Cam was there with his raven. I think I was five or six or something like that and I was playing out in the garden and you appeared out of nowhere to fetch Cam.”

  He smiled. “You remember that?”

  I nodded. “You knew me before I even knew you existed.” I said smiling.

  “But I wouldn't have guessed we'd be such good friends.” he said pulling a silly face to make me laugh.

  “Thank you for distracting me tonight.”

  “You're welcome, but to be honest I don't know how well it's working. You look like you're somewhere else behind those eyes.”

  “Hmm,” I mumbled to myself.

  “I'm probably the luckiest guy in here, getting to dance with the prettiest girl.” he said spinning me under his arm. “Ugh! What does he want?” Kenzie grumbled as he pulled me back to him. “Who?” I asked looking around.

  “Em and he's headed this way, but he will have to catch us first.”

  I laughed as Kenzie spun me out at arms length, I curled back into him and he danced me around the ballroom passed all the different people and under their arms making our way as far away as possible from Emmett.

  “I think we lost him.” Kenzie said dipping me back. I caught a blur of colour as it whizzed past my eyes while I was upside down. Kenzie pulled me back up and Emmett was standing behind him. “Hi Em,” I said letting Kenzie know Emmett was behind him.

  Kenzie looked over his shoulder, annoyed didn't even cover the look Kenzie was giving him. “Hi Ruby. Can I steal you away for one dance?” Emmett asked.


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