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Trapped & Liberated

Page 1

by Bree Wolf


  Title Page




  About the Book

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  Chapter One − Dreams Come True

  Chapter Two − An Impossible Choice

  Chapter Three − Destiny

  Chapter Four − Nothing Is Set in Stone

  Chapter Five − Possibilities

  Chapter Six − A Solemn Vow

  Chapter Seven − A Silent Call

  Chapter Eight − Waters of Change

  Chapter Nine − Crossing Paths

  Chapter Ten − A Fork in the Road

  Chapter Eleven − Now or Never

  Chapter Twelve − An Adventure Beckons

  Chapter Thirteen − Family

  Chapter Fourteen − Born to be at Sea


  About Bree

  Also By Bree

  Dear Reader,

  Read a Sneak-Peek of


  Overview Love's Second Chance Series

  Love's Second Chance Series 1 - 10

  Box Sets

  Bree's Belles of the Ball

  Trapped & Liberated

  The Privateer's Bold Beloved

  (#10 Love’s Second Chance Series)

  by Bree Wolf

  Trapped & Liberated−The Privateer's Bold Beloved

  by Bree Wolf

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, brands, media, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Art by Victoria Cooper

  Copyright © 2018 Sabrina Wolf

  All Rights Reserved

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  To my Devoted Readers

  Shauna Joesten

  Eris Hyrkas

  Debbie Clatterbuck

  Kaye Gunter

  Gina Johnson

  May You Never Leave Me


  My thank-you to all of you who've helped with feedback, typo detection, character and plot development, editing, formatting, cover creation, and the biggie…spreading the word…so that countless readers can now enjoy these stories of love's second chance.

  To name only a few: Michelle Chenoweth, Monique Taken, Zan-Mari Kiousi, Tray-Ci Roberts, Kim Bougher, Vicki Goodwin, Denise Boutin, Elizabeth Greenwood, Corinne Lehmann, Lynn Herron, Karen Semones, Maria DB, Kim O'Shea, Tricia Toney, Deborah Montiero, Keti Vezzu, Patty Michinko, Lynn Smith, Vera Mallard, Isabella Nanni, Carol Bisig, Susan Czaja, Teri Donaldson, Anna Jimenez and Tammy Windsor.

  An additional thank you goes to Marie-Andrée Gignac, who read through all those French expressions uttered by Antoine and Henri, making certain they're...well, actual French expressions.

  About the Book

  An English lady. A French privateer.

  And a chance encounter that was destined to be.

  Long ago, ALEXANDRA WINTERS, LADY SILCOX, dreamed of love and the one man who would steal her heart. However, when her family needs her to agree to a sensible match in order to see her brother happily married, Alexandra gives up on finding love for herself.

  Today, Alexandra is trapped in an arranged marriage, her hope for love dashed, and her only happiness comes from the little girl she gave birth to six years ago.

  Until one night when destiny leads Alexandra down to the beach below Silcox Manor and into the arms of a French privateer.

  After years of biding his time, ANTOINE DURET is finally made Captain of the Destinée, a French privateer. All his life, he has dreamed of nothing but sailing the seas, ignoring his father's mumblings of finding the woman destined for him. Although he loves his family and enjoys taking his nephew on board, Antoine cannot imagine tying himself to another.

  Until one night when an irresistible pull guides him to an English beach and a young lady tumbles into his arms.

  Can there be a happily-ever-after for an English lady and a French privateer? Or is love truly just a myth that has no place in the real world?

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  England 1777 (or a variation thereof)

  “Good night, Sweetheart.”

  Smiling at her mother, Alexandra Sombersby snuggled into her pillows, enjoying the softness of her little cocoon as she closed her eyes. Dimly, she heard the door close and her mother’s footsteps walk down the small corridor until their sounds were swallowed up by the soft howling of the wind outside her window.

  Even at the young age of six, Alexandra knew that she was one of the few fortunate children of her station. One of the few who was tucked in at night not by a nanny or governess, but by her own mother. Although Miss Barton, their governess, kept a sharp eye on Alexandra and her elder brother during the day, bedtime was a moment that belonged to Alexandra and her mother alone.

  Huddled together in Alexandra’s bed, the two of them would pull up the coverlet, enjoying the warmth of their embrace, and her mother would tell her a story.

  A fairy tale.

  A tale of beautiful princesses, of knights in shining armour, of evil dragons and long journeys that always, always led to a happily-ever-after.

  Her mother’s soothing voice would chase away the excitement of the day and gently lull her to sleep. Often, Alexandra was not awake to bid her mother a good night. Often, she slipped into a deep and peaceful slumber before her mother had even whispered the words, “And they lived happily ever after.”

  Alexandra loved nothing more but these quiet moments alone with her mother. They were her favourite part of the day, and yet, she longed for the moment when she would be all grown up, find her own Prince Charming and live happily-ever-after.

  What would he be like? Alexandra mused as her eyelids fluttered closed and a large yawn pulled on her lips. Naturally, there was no need for him to save her from a tower. Would she meet him at a ball then? Or by chance when walking about the countryside?

  Alexandra sighed, picturing all the different ways her own Prince Charming might sweep her off her feet and carry her off to his castle.

  If only that moment was not that far off. If only she did not have to wait so much longer.

  Still, what mattered was that he would find her.

  After all, there was someone destined for her out there, was there not?

  In the depth of her little heart, Alexandra believed that there was, and when sleep claimed her, her dreams put a gentle smile on her little face.

  Chapter One − Dreams Come True

  London 1789

  Twelve years later

  Alexandra Sombersby felt her legs tremble as she slowly walked into the grand ballroom on her father’s arm. Her blue eyes widened as she took in the majestic room as well as the lords and ladies sweeping across the dance floor, clad in their finest, the smiles on their faces speaking of utter joy that the new Season had finally begun.

  Inhaling a deep breath, Alexandra willed her heart to slow down as she brushed an unsteady hand over the soft fabric of her pale blue dress, wishing her mother were here to see her during her first Season, to hold her hand and calm her jittery nerves with the usual calm that had always emanated from her all her life.

sp; But she was not.

  About a year ago, a sudden ailment had taken her from her family, plunging them all into utter darkness. And yet, life had continued, and Alexandra often recalled the promise her mother had demanded of her before she had passed.

  Allow the tears to pass and reclaim your smiles.

  Still, happiness was not as easy as it once had been, even with her mother’s blessing, for her absence made Alexandra’s heart ache painfully…even after a year.

  Especially in moments like this.

  “You look beautiful,” her father whispered, his grey eyes shining as he looked at her. “Your mother would have been very proud.”

  “Thank you, Father.” Blinking, Alexandra did her best to dispel the tears that threatened. Still, the lump in her throat remained.

  “Don’t look so sad,” her brother chided from behind her before he stepped around them, a joyous smile on his face. “This is a happy occasion. Your first ball. Is this not precisely what you’ve always dreamed of?” William asked, his blond hair the same colour as hers.

  Alexandra nodded as they proceeded forward, her gaze sweeping over the sparkling life that was now open to her. “It is,” she whispered, feeling awed, and yet, oddly out of place.

  “Are you trying to spot your Prince Charming?” William chuckled, teasing her as he always did.

  Alexandra felt her cheeks flush and quickly glanced around to see if anyone had overheard her brother’s remark. “Pray do not speak of that here,” she urged him.

  “Why not? Is this not the perfect place to find the man of your dreams?” Pulling her other hand through the crook of his arm, he gestured around the room at the many fine gentlemen in attendance. “Have your pick,” he teased with a wink. “I’m certain not one of these gentlemen would dare refuse you.”

  Glancing at her father for help, Alexandra saw him roll his eyes as he usually did when brother and sister teased each other. “I shall procure us a drink,” he mumbled and walked off.

  “How about him?” William asked, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief as he pointed at a young man with a serious frown. “Or would you object to a man who does not know the meaning of a smile?”

  Gritting her teeth, Alexandra glared at her brother. “Fine, if you insist on this childish nonsense, dear brother, be aware that two can play this game.” Allowing her gaze to sweep the room, Alexandra gestured toward a young lady who kept her fan firmly in front of her mouth, probably because her teeth stood a bit crooked. “What about her? Whether she smiles or not is of no importance as you would never see it. Or would that bother you?”

  Throwing his head back, William laughed. “Well played, Sister.”

  Displeased with her failure to draw his ire, Alexandra let her hand slip from the crook of his arm and walked a few steps away. Unfortunately, William would not allow her to be rid of him that easily.

  “Don’t pout, dear sister,” he whispered, standing behind her left shoulder. “I merely meant to distract your thoughts and make you smile.” He stepped in front of her, his eyes gentle as they looked into hers. “Obviously, I’ve failed.”

  Alexandra sighed, understanding that he had meant well. “You did distract me,” she admitted, returning the smile that lit up his face at her words. “However, it might be more advantageous for both of us if we tried to spy a good match for each other, would you not agree?”

  William nodded. “That does sound indeed far more promising. Shall we then?”

  “We shall.”

  Standing shoulder to shoulder, brother and sister looked around the ballroom, hoping to spot a young lady as well as a young gentleman who would suit the other perfectly. It was no small endeavour, and they stood there quietly for a long while, unaware that their father had returned until he handed each of them a glass of punch.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked when he saw their faces. “You look out of sorts. Both of you.”

  “It’s not easy,” William simply said without offering further details.

  Sir John’s bushy brows drew down as he looked at his children. “What is not?”

  “Finding a spouse,” Alexandra offered when her gaze fell on a lovely young woman she had met the other day at the British Museum.

  “I should think not,” Sir John mumbled, coming to stand next to his daughter, his eyes gazing out at the ballroom as well.

  Touching her brother’s arm, Alexandra leaned closer, indicating the dark-haired beauty across the room. “That over there is Lady Agnes,” she whispered, noticing the slight cringe on her brother’s face before he turned to look. “I know her name is far from promising, but she has a very sweet temper and she is−”

  “Beautiful,” her brother whispered, a touch of awe in his voice that made Alexandra look up at him.

  “You seem quite taken with her,” she observed, a teasing gleam in her eyes. “Shall I introduce you?”

  William swallowed, and despite his best efforts, a touch of red appeared on his face. “Allow me to finish my drink first,” he mumbled, unable to tear his eyes from Lady Agnes.

  Alexandra chuckled, delighted with her brother’s sudden reaction and the thought that it had been her who had possibly just now found the woman of his dreams for him. It was indeed a magical night full of possibilities.

  Strolling across the room a few moments later, Alexandra made the introductions, and before long, she could not help but congratulate herself for her brother and Lady Agnes seemed to have forgotten everyone else in the room.

  Alexandra sighed, turning her gaze from the love-struck couple and toward the gathered gentlemen. Now that she had found a charming lady for her brother, where was her Prince Charming?


  France, 1789

  “Father, you are aware that I’ve been sailing my whole life, n’est-ce pas?” Antoine asked, raking a frustrated hand through his dark hair as he stared at his father.

  “Naturellement,” his father, Hubert Duret, replied, shrugging his shoulders. Then he continued down the starboard side of the Destinée, which lay moored in the harbour, his gaze sweeping over the rigging and up to the crow’s nest before he turned back to look at his son. “However, up until today, you have not been the captain. There is a difference.”

  “I am aware of that,” Antoine replied, doing his best to conceal his annoyance with his father’s rather unexpected lecture. “Still, I do not see why you would feel the need to instruct me on the matter. If you have no faith in my abilities, I wonder why you agreed to hand over the Destinée in the first place.”

  Sighing, his father crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned back against the rail, his gaze focused on the distant horizon. “I know that you’re a fine young man, my son.” For a moment, his father shifted his gaze to look at him. “I’ve seen what a fine sailor you are and how you keep your wits about you in a crisis. You act with care and caution, and you understand the responsibilities that go with being the captain of a ship, of a crew.” Nodding, he met his son’s gaze once more, his grey eyes clear and sincere. “I do not doubt you, Antoine. All I wish to do is prepare you, guide you, see you happy.”

  Feeling himself relax, Antoine settled back against the rail beside his father. “You taught me well,” he said, remembering the first time his father had taken him out, “and I thank you for it. Without your guiding hand, I would not have become the man I am today.”

  His father smiled, turning gentle eyes to him. “Your words are music to a father’s ears.” He chuckled when Antoine dropped his gaze. “Do not pretend you are not as affected by this change as I am,” his father exclaimed, pushing off from the rail and coming to stand in front of his son. “Life will be different after today, and although I am certain I’ve taught you all there is to know about navigating the sea, I fear I might have neglected another matter. One of equal or even higher importance.”

  Antoine frowned, unable to think of anything more important than setting sail.

  “Family,” his father replied. “Love. Mar

  Antoine rolled his eyes. “You’re wrong, Father. You’ve said quite a lot on the matter, and I had hoped that you had finally understood that we are different in that regard.” Straightening, he met his father’s gaze. “I love my family, Mother and you. Alain and little Henri. Everyone. However, I myself am not a man made for marriage.”

  Grinning, his father chuckled. “Only a man who hasn’t yet met his other half would speak thus.”

  Antoine shook his head. “You speak as though it is inevitable but−”

  “It is,” his father interrupted, and Antoine could not deny that the old man’s eyes shone with a conviction he had rarely seen on his face.

  “Perhaps for some people,” Antoine replied, hoping to placate his father. “However, I would never choose love over the sea. This,” he pointed at the distant horizon, “is my home. This is who I am. Nothing will ever change that.”

  An indulgent look came to his father’s grey eyes as though Antoine was nothing but a child ignorant of the ways of the world. “Whether you choose love or not does not matter,” his father spoke ominously. “When it finds you, there will be no choice.”

  Antoine sighed, understanding that no matter what he said his father would not be dissuaded from his opinion. “Can we agree to disagree on this?”

  Again, his father chuckled. “If you wish,” he said, that knowing look back in his eyes. “But promise me one thing.”

  Relenting, Antoine nodded.

  “When you find her,” his father said, his gaze intent on his son’s, “do not hesitate. Do not fear. Do not run. For if you do, you will regret it for the rest of your life.”

  Swallowing, Antoine nodded once more. “I promise.” Although he did not believe as his father did, Antoine could see that his father only meant well, that he was convinced that Antoine would inevitably find himself in love and wanted him to be prepared.


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