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Trapped & Liberated

Page 8

by Bree Wolf

  But always would it lead one to the place one ought to be.

  And to the love one was destined to find.

  But sometimes patience was required.

  “I want to see, too,” Violet demanded, her little voice tinged with anger. “Give it to me.”

  Alarmed, Alexandra broke the kiss and pulled back as Antoine turned to see what was going on. Looking down at the main deck, they found Violet standing beside Antoine’s nephew Henri, her little hands reaching up and trying to snag the spyglass from him.

  Antoine laughed, his eyes sparkling as he met Alexandra’s eyes. “As fierce as her mother.”

  Resting her head on his shoulder, Alexandra smiled. Still, she needed to be certain that Antoine had no regrets, either. “Are you certain you don’t mind her being here?” she asked, remembering the letter she had left for her husband, telling him that she’d rather take their daughter to a wet grave than see her married to an old man. Hopefully, upon reading it, he would believe them dead and not come after them.

  Stepping back, Antoine lifted her chin, his dark gaze finding hers. “She is mine now, as much as she is yours, and I will not hear that man’s name mentioned as her father ever again, do we agree?”

  Joy filled Alexandra’s heart as she nodded her head, her vision blurring by the tears that streamed down her face. “Agreed,” she whispered, sinking into Antoine’s embrace.

  “Merde!” Henri cursed, annoyance clear in his voice. “Give that back!”

  Brushing away her tears, Alexandra’s gaze swept back to her daughter and nephew, and a smile came to her face as she saw Violet’s little hands clutching the spyglass, determined not to return it to an enraged Henri. “How did she do it?”

  Antoine laughed. “I don’t know, but she seems quite resourceful.”

  As Henri started after her, Violet turned and ran across the deck, her little feet carrying her as though she did not even notice the swaying of the ship. When there was no room left for retreat, she made to climb up the rigging, but Henri surged forward, pulling her back to safety. “I will show you how to use it if you promise not to climb up there again, all right?”

  For a moment, they looked at one another, the dark-haired young man and the golden-haired little girl, who suddenly found themselves to be cousins, family. Then Violet nodded and held out the spyglass to Henri, who took it with a sigh and then began to explain to a rapturously listening Violet how it could be used.

  “She seems born to be at sea,” Antoine said, his eyes beaming as he looked back at her. “The same as Henri. I do not have a doubt in my heart that we were all meant to find one another. We’ve always been family. Apart before, and now together. Never doubt that, ma chérie!”

  Wrapped tightly in Antoine’s arms, Alexandra sighed. Never had she been this happy, her heart free to love. Never had she thought she ever would be. And then, life had taken an unexpected turn−one turn! −and everything had changed.

  Alexandra’s heart overflowed with happiness that she hardly knew how to contain it. Whatever the future would hold, she would be grateful for it and never take it for granted, and she would always remember what it was like to live a life of regret, a caged life, a life without choice.

  Alexandra vowed that Violet would never know such a life.

  She would be free to make her own choices.

  It was the greatest gift Alexandra could bestow upon her.

  That and a loving family.


  As the Destinée approached the harbour, Antoine could see his family awaiting them at the docks. It was a clear day. The sun shone brightly, and the sky was blue. Antoine was not surprised that they had been spotted early on. Someone in his family always seemed to have an eye on the far horizon, waiting for him and Henri to return.

  Only this time, they were not the only ones to come home.

  Meeting Alexandra’s gaze, Antoine could see a touch of nervousness in the way she brushed her hair out of her eyes. “They will love you,” he whispered to her. “Do not worry. My parents will be overjoyed to meet you.”

  Swallowing, Alexandra nodded, then picked up their daughter, settling her on her hip, so the girl could see.

  “This is where grandpère and grandmère live?” Violette asked, glancing down at Henri who stood beside them, his green eyes focused on the small crowd of people waving from the docks.

  “Oui,” he confirmed, joy dancing in his eyes as he waved back.

  “Will they like me?” little Violette asked without the slightest hint of concern.

  Henri nodded. “Of course, they will.”

  Smiling, Violette nodded, then lifted her hand and waved to her new family.

  Antoine’s gaze drifted from his daughter to his wife, his eyes sparkling with delight at the way the young met the world. “Don’t worry,” he repeated, a low chuckle in his throat. “Children have a way of knowing these things.”

  Sighing, Alexandra cuddled their daughter close. “I suppose you’re right.”

  Relieved to see his wife relax, Antoine strode away to ensure that the ship made it safely to the dock. His crew scrambled to execute his commands as he stood on the quarter deck, his gaze sweeping over the treasure he had so unexpectedly found on this voyage.

  Not much time had passed since they had left England, but nothing was as it had been before. Antoine loved Alexandra with a fierceness he had never thought himself capable of. He loved the way she smiled and laughed. The way she glared at him and never ducked her head even when his eyes narrowed, and he could feel anger boiling under his calm exterior. In the short time they had spent together, they had come to know each other well. They had become a family, and he could not imagine his life without his wife and child.

  Violette, too, had taken to life on a ship like a fish took to the water. Trailing Henri like a shadow, she already spoke a little French and her hands were roughened from climbing the rigging. Apparently, no one−not even her watchful new cousin! −could persuade her to keep her feet on deck. After a day out at sea, Alexandra had altered a pair of spare trousers from Henri and packed up Violette’s dress−torn beyond repair. The joy that shone in the girl’s eyes had finally put all her mother’s doubts at rest and brought a peaceful happiness to their little family.

  When the ship was finally docked, Henri jumped over the rail and surged into his father’s arms. Then he hugged his grandparents, their eyes wide as they glanced at Alexandra, her golden hair billowing in the wind.

  Leading his wife down the gangplank, his daughter in his arms, Antoine met his father’s gaze. For a moment, the older man stared at him, his eyes gliding over the two women by his son’s side before meeting Antoine’s gaze. Then a smile unlike any Antoine had ever seen before splitting his father’s face in half, and he laughed with joy, tears misting his eyes. “Bienvenues!” he boomed, joy reverberating in every cell of his body as he strode forward.

  Antoine had never seen him so happy, and he promised his father silently that he would find a quiet moment and thank him for never giving up on him and guiding him to the woman he never knew he had always been looking for.

  “Es-tu mon grandpère?” Violette asked when Antoine’s father came to stand before them, his laughing eyes gliding over Violette and Alexandra in the same way Violette studied him.

  At her innocent perusal, his father laughed, instantly taken with the golden-haired girl. “Mais, bien sûr.” Then he held out his arms, and Violette flung herself at him, her little mouth talking his ear off, English and French flowing together as she told him of all she had seen and done since coming aboard the Destinée.

  “Are you still worried?” Antoine whispered in Alexandra’s ear, his arm wrapped tightly around her.

  Smiling, she sighed. “Not at all. This is perfect.” Tears came to her eyes as she watched Violette with her new grandparents, her aunts, her uncles and cousins and others of Antoine’s extended family. “I’ve always wanted this for her. A family who loves her.”

wing her into his arms, Antoine kissed her. “She will never be alone again,” he whispered, his dark eyes looking into her sparkling blue ones. “And neither will you.”

  Whatever tomorrow would bring did not matter.

  For they would face it together.

  As a family.

  The End

  If you haven't yet read Violet's story, then grab a copy of Condemned & Admired − The Earl's Cunning Wife today. All grown up, Violet sails the seas with her father when she stumbles upon an English earl. Naturally, that is only the beginning of an adventurous love story.

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  About Bree

  USA Today bestselling author, Bree Wolf has always been a language enthusiast (though not a grammarian!) and is rarely found without a book in her hand or her fingers glued to a keyboard. Trying to find her way, she has taught English as a second language, traveled abroad and worked at a translation agency as well as a law firm in Ireland. She also spent loooong years obtaining a BA in English and Education and an MA in Specialized Translation while wishing she could simply be a writer. Although there is nothing simple about being a writer, her dreams have finally come true.

  “A big thanks to my fairy godmother!”

  Currently, Bree has found her new home in the historical romance genre, writing Regency novels and novellas. Enjoying the mix of fact and fiction, she occasionally feels like a puppet master (or mistress? Although that sounds weird!), forcing her characters into ever-new situations that will put their strength, their beliefs, their love to the test, hoping that in the end they will triumph and get the happily-ever-after we are all looking for.

  If you're an avid reader, sign up for Bree's newsletter as she has the tendency to simply give books away. Find out about freebies, giveaways as well as occasional advance reader copies and read before the book is even on the shelves!

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  Also By Bree

  Historical Romance:

  Love's Second Chance Series

  #1 Forgotten & Remembered - The Duke's Late Wife

  #2 Cursed & Cherished - The Duke's Wilful Wife

  #3 Despised & Desired - The Marquess' Passionate Wife

  #4 Abandoned & Protected - The Marquis' Tenacious Wife

  #5 Ruined & Redeemed - The Earl's Fallen Wife

  #6 Betrayed & Blessed - The Viscount's Shrewd Wife

  #7 Deceived & Honoured - The Baron’s Vexing Wife

  #8 Sacrificed & Reclaimed - The Soldier’s Daring Widow

  #9 Condemned & Admired - The Earl’s Cunning Wife

  #10 Trapped & Liberated - The Privateer’s Bold Beloved

  Love's Second Chance Series Box Set One (Books 1 - 4)

  Love’s Second Chance Series Box Set Two: (Books 5 - 8)

  Contemporary Romance:

  A Love Trapped in Time

  Paranormal Fantasy:

  Crescent Rock Series

  #1 How to Live and Die in Crescent Rock

  Dear Reader,

  similar to book eight, a tie-in novella to book seven, I never planned on writing this novella, either. It snuck up on me the same way as the last one.

  Alexandra and Antoine's love story was so unusual and so touching as we learned of it in Violet's own story that I felt compelled to give them their own voice and allow them to tell their own story. Isn't a story always different when it is told by those who actually lived it?

  Well, if you haven't read Violet's story yet, then I suggest you move on to book nine in the series, Condemned and Admired. Finally grown up, she sails the seas with her new father until fate leads her back to England once more and into the arms of Oliver Cornell, Earl of Cullingwood. Thus, a new love story begins.

  In the future novels of this series, the previous couples will often do a short appearance and reveal a little about what they've been doing and (my particular favorite) how many children they have by then! I often consult those readers subscribed to my mailing list about naming the little ones. So, if you would like to put in your vote, sign up!

  Or join my FB group Bree's Belles of the Ball and put in your vote! It's as simple as that!

  But now, I'll move on to book eleven, Richard's and Evelyn's story! We've met them both before. However, so far they haven't had many opportunities to reveal who they truly are. That will now change! Stay tuned!

  In the meantime, if you enjoyed book ten, would you mind leaving an honest and fair review?

  Would it help if I said, “pretty please” with a cherry on top?

  In all honesty, reviews and recommendations are so important for attracting new readers, especially for indie authors like me. I would greatly appreciate your support! Thanks so much for reading!

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  All the best to you,


  Read a Sneak-peek

  Condemned & Admired

  The Earl’s Cunning Wife

  (#9 Love’s Second Chance Series)

  A French privateer’s daughter. A marquess’s son.

  And a chance encounter on the high seas.

  Twelve years ago, Lady Silcox fled England with her six-year-old daughter Violet to spare her the life she herself had been forced into: an arranged marriage to an older man.

  Today, VIOLET WINTERS is a grown woman sailing the seas on her French stepfather’s privateer, dreaming of commandeering a ship of her own. However, when she stumbles upon a betrothal announcement of the man she was set to marry, Violet cannot help but feel honour-bound to protect the woman who had been forced to take her place.

  Fortune smiles on Violet and delivers an English lord into her hands – and with him the chance to return to England unrecognised.

  OLIVER CORNELL, EARL OF CULLINGWOOD, is trapped in a life he abhors. Not seen as a son, but merely an heir, he dreams of sailing the seas, the epitome of freedom.

  By sheer happenstance, Oliver ends up on a merchant vessel, which is promptly boarded by a French privateer. On board the Chevalier Noir, Oliver meets the captain’s daughter, a woman unlike any other he has ever met. Utterly fascinated by the adventurous gleam in her eyes, he does not hesitate to offer his assistance when Violet finds herself in need of a guide to London’s upper society.

  Revelling in his first taste of adventure, Oliver poses as her husband…only to realise before long that posing as her husband will not be good enough.

  Can a privateer’s daughter and a marquess’s son ever have a happily-ever-after? Or is their love doomed to fail?


  Norfolk, England 1796 (or a variation thereof)

  Twelve Years Ago

  “Violet, Sweetheart, wake up.”

  Snuggling deeper into the pillow, six-year-old Violet Winters, daughter to Viscount Silcox, tried to hold on to the sweet oblivion of slumber. Still, her mother’s gentle but insistent voice reached her little mind, tickling it awake and chasing away the last remnants of sleep.

  A deep yawn opened Violet’s mouth, and she rubbed her hand over her eyes. Blinking into the night’s darkness, she looked up at her mother sitting on the side of her bed, a heavy woollen cloak wrapped around her shoulders and a small bundle sitting in her
lap. Her golden hair–the same colour as Violet’s–was hidden under the black cloak and her blue eyes seemed dark in the dimness of the room. “Mummy?” Violet squeaked, her voice sounding too loud in the silence that engulfed them.

  “Shhh,” her mother whispered, putting her right index finger to her lips, her eyes darting to the door in her back as though she expected someone to happen upon them at any moment.

  A frown drew down Violet’s brows as she saw the strain on her mother’s face. Something was wrong! Even at the innocent age of six years, Violet could see that the slight tremble in her mother’s hands was not due to the chill of the season. Nor could the way she glanced over her shoulder every few seconds be attributed to anything harmless.

  Violet swallowed as she recognised the hint of fear that rested in her mother’s eyes. “What’s wrong, Mummy?”

  A soft smile came to her mother’s face as she brushed a gentle hand over her daughter’s head and then cupped her cheek. “Everything’s fine,” she whispered, leaning close as she kept her voice down. “We’re going on a little adventure.”

  “An adventure?” Violet glanced toward the windows where heavy curtains shut out the night. “But it’s still dark.”

  Squeezing her daughter’s hands, Alexandra Winters, Viscountess Silcox, nodded. “Precisely,” she whispered, and for the first time, Violet thought to see a touch of excitement under the fear that clouded her mother’s eyes.

  “Come, you need to get dressed.” Pulling back the blanket, her mother reached for a dress and a cloak lying over the back of Violet’s bed. “But quietly. We must not make a sound, but be as quiet as mice, do you understand?”


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