Til' Death and Deception

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Til' Death and Deception Page 5

by Kitty Parker

  Cold water rushed over his head and shocked the thoughts from his mind. All he could think about now was finishing quickly and fixing the water heater. His hair felt like ice as he toweled off. Klara was just calling his name for dinner as he pulled on a pair of jeans and a heavy wool sweater.

  "It smells great down here." he smiled.

  "Just an easy meal." Grandmere smiled, ladling a heaping portion of stew into his bowl.

  "Better than anything I could make." he laughed, taking a bite.

  "I'm sure your mother is a great cook." Grandmere smiled.

  "She was, the best, but my stepmother isn't quite as good. Maybe it's just because I don't have a taste for German food. I loved my mothers English cooking."

  "Jack, if you don't mind me asking, how did she die?" Klara asked tenderly.

  "We're not really sure. She was fine, singing and smiling like she always did. She had just put some Yorkshire puddings in the oven, and I was sitting there playing with some blocks on the floor, I was eight. She just fell, she didn't even scream, just fell, flat on the floor. I ran over to her, I think I shook her for hours, willing her to wake up, believing that she couldn't hear my pleas because she was in such a deep sleep. By the time my Dad came home, the house was filled with smoke, the puddings were burnt and my mother had grown cold, but I was still shaking her. He picked her up and drug me to the car, drove me to my Grandmothers and left me with her for a month."

  "Oh Jack!" Klara gasped, tears in her eyes.

  "I didn't really know what had happened, my Dad just came to bring me home and never talked about her. She was gone and I knew it. The house felt different and smelled different. So that's how we went until my Dad met Marianne, my Step mum. They married when I was fourteen and it wasn't long until I fell in love with her too. I think I was craving feminine attention, she cut my hair, and bought me new clothes and mended my socks, I clung to her. Then two years later she had Arabella and then Emmaline. I miss my Mum, but I can't imagine life without Maman, Arabella and Emmaline. Plus I don't have to eat my Dad's food anymore."

  "I just can't imagine, I know how difficult it was to loose my Grandpere, I can't imagine losing one of my parents. I pray everyday that they make it through this war. Germany is bombing London, it sickens me, thinking they could be killed at any moment."

  "The Lord is in control...He is watching over your parents and has a plan for you Jack." Grandmere comforted both of them, patting their hands affectionately.

  "That's what I like to think." Jack smiled, taking another bite of stew. "And since we're asking the 'tough' questions, why aren't you in London with your parents?"

  "Because she's stubborn." Grandmere said easily, keeping her eyes in her stew.

  "I am not!" Klara denied, shocked. Jack looked up, his eyebrow raised, a laugh pushing the remaining air from his lungs. "Ok, I may be stubborn about some things, but I wasn't trying to be stubborn about staying. I go to school here in France, it was my senior year, I was supposed to graduate in May. When everyone started to leave because the Germans were getting closer, I was naive. Even after we became occupied territory the University stayed open, so, I stayed. Then the University closed and I couldn't really get home safely, so I stayed here. I knew my Grandmere shouldn't be by herself anyway, so I was glad to come."

  "Well that doesn't sound like you were being stubborn at all." Jack teased.

  "You'd better watch it Jack!" she threatened.

  "I guess it's not really important now is it. All that matters is when this war ends, life will get better, hopefully, as long as the Germans don't win, and the Allies don't crush us again. I just want it all to end so my little sisters can have a normal childhood, so my children can grow up safely."

  "Children huh?" Klara asked, interested.

  "Of course! I think I always wanted them, but having Arabella and Emmaline made me realize how badly. I didn't like growing up alone, so I'd like to have more than one, boys and girls."

  "And what would you do with them?"

  "I can imagine getting them all dressed up for church on Sundays, then taking them to the park or the zoo. I imagine them bouncing on their beds before bedtime in their nightgowns or pajama's, their hair still wet from their baths."

  "And you wouldn't yell at them for jumping on their beds?"

  "Never! I think all kids deserve to have a little fun, and jumping on beds doesn't cost any money."

  "Until they break them." Klara laughed.

  "Oh, so I suppose you would want a quiet house, children reading silently, peeling carrots and washing dishes?"

  "No! First of all, I like to wash the dishes myself, it's soothing. And, I love a loud house as much as the next only child"

  "Really! For a girl who likes order and structure as much as you, I'm surprised."

  "I'm glad you've got my character all figured out after a week of marriage." Klara said, standing to put the dishes in the sink. "You've got an awful lot to learn about me."

  "I don't think this war will be ending anytime soon, I have plenty of time." he winked, taking a large serving bowl from her hands. "You know Klara, I am really glad I met you and Grandmere, somehow, you two make the atrocities of this war a little more bearable."

  "It's nice to have you around too. I certainly sleep a lot better with you here."

  "Thanks, and before I forget, I don't know if you remembered, but my parents are expecting us on Friday for dinner. We'll have to take the train and my parents will probably expect us to spend the night."

  "I hadn't forgotten, but are you sure we have to spend the night? I'm not sure I'm that good of an actress..."

  "Even if we don't spend the night you're going to have to be an actress. They think we just got married. But don't worry about spending the night, I'll sneak some extra blankets and sleep on the floor, they'll never know."

  "Oh gosh, I'm nervous already."

  "Don't worry, with the girls around, my parent's won't think it's strange if we're not affectionate. All you'll have to worry about, is my arm around your shoulder and the occasional kiss on the forehead or cheek. If you could manage the wedding day, you can manage dinner with my family." he smiled, planting a kiss on her forehead, to practice. "See, you didn't even flinch."

  Klara blushed and put a hand to the place he had just kissed her. "Ok, we'll be fine, I'll be fine..."

  Chapter 7

  Klara spent extra time in the shower, using her special Cassis shampoo, a delicacy the war couldn't produce, so she had been saving her last bottle for a special occasion. She carefully dried her hair, the silken dark waves tumbling over her frail shoulders, the color of it, making her green eyes more vibrant. After applying more makeup than usual, she went to her room and packed a small bag for the night, making sure not to forget the small presents she had prepared for Jack's family.

  Jack came up to get her, with a gentle warning that they might miss the train. She bit her lip, nodding then wrapping her coat around her. Jack took her bag and placed a respectful but protective arm around her waist. Her hair bounced as they walked down the front stairs and she giggled like a love struck bride the entire way to the station and kept a smile on her face for the entire train ride, which was only an hour long. They continued in a similar way to the Eiffels and stopped in front of a beautiful and quaint house that looked characteristically German, in her own mind.

  "Jack!" the woman who opened the door squealed. Klara vaguely recognized her from the wedding, but she looked quite different with her hair pulled back in a kerchief and a house dress on.

  "Maman! Hi how are you!" Jack smiled, leaning in for a hug, keeping a steady hand on Klara.

  "The girls will be so excited you're here! And Klara, it's so good to have you. You look just as beautiful as your wedding day. Come in, come in!" she smiled, hugging Klara as she walked over the threshold. "Go put your things in the bedroom Jack and I'll have some hot chocolate and cookies waiting in the den."

  Klara smiled, trying to swallow her nerves. She
followed Jack upstairs despite him saying she could wait downstairs. His room was small and orderly and smelled like pine cleaner and Jack's aftershave. Jack dropped the bags onto a small settee at the edge of his queen size bed, allowing Klara to dig through it, finding the gifts she had brought.

  "What are those?" Jack asked, taking off his boots.

  "Gifts for your parents and sisters."

  "I didn't know you bought them things..."

  "I didn't, Grandmere and I made Macaroons for your parents yesterday, and I found two of my old baby dolls in the attic a few weeks ago, and thought your sisters might like them. I know it's hard to get anything made of plastic during the war, and I kept them in pretty good condition, only playing with them in the summers."

  "They are in perfect condition! There's not a mark on them." he marveled, inspecting them. "Did you ever play with them?"

  "Of course! These were my two favorites, but I didn't treat them like toys, I treated them like my children. They slept in cradles, and I carried them around in blankets. I didn't throw them down the stairs and roll them around in dirt!" she smiled, stroking the face of one of the dolls.

  Jack laughed, shaking his head. "What?" Klara asked, half embarrassed, afraid she had confessed too much.

  "It's just interesting, but thanks for bringing them, the girls will love them, especially Emmaline. Shall we go give them to them?"

  "Ok.." Klara answered, allowing Jack to take her shaky hand.

  "What's the matter?" he asked gently.

  "I'm just a little nervous."

  "Nervous? About what?"

  "I know we're not really married, and that they aren't really my new in-laws, but, I've always been a people pleaser . What if they don't like me?" She felt foolish asking, but she had been worrying about it all day. "And what if they don't believe us?"

  "Are you kidding? You brought them presents, they'll probably love you more than me. And we're pretty good at acting, they won't doubt us being married."

  Klara smiled, relieved by his answer. He nudged her playfully toward the door, and they walked hand in hand down the stairs. When they reached the living room, Jack was attacked by two squealing little girls. Klara watched with a smile as Jack laughed, tickling them until they could barely breathe.

  "Girls, girls, Klara brought you something." Jack announced, settling them down immediately. They scurried to her feet, looking up eagerly, their blue eyes sparkling.

  Klara smiled at them nervously, pulling the dolls from the brown bag she'd been clutching. Emmaline's jaw dropped and Arabella squealed, jumping to her feet, reaching for the brown haired doll. Emmaline stood after her and took the remaining blonde haired doll from Klara. "She's beautiful..." Emmaline whispered, stroking the dolls face.

  "Thank you Klara! Maman and Papi haven't been able to find dollies for a long time! Where did you find them?" Arabella asked.

  "They were mine when I was little, I don't play with them anymore, so I thought you girls might enjoy them."

  Emmaline took a careful step toward Klara, then, after a moments hesitation, wrapped her arms around her. "This is the best present ever." she whispered. When she was finished hugging her, she crawled into Klara's lap. "What's her name?"

  "That is up to you." Klara smiled.

  "I don't know any pretty names..." Emmaline said sadly, stroking the dolls hair.

  "Well then, let's think of one! Every pretty doll needs a pretty name."

  Klara sat with Emmaline on her lap until dinner was ready. They shared a cup of cocoa and nibbled on chocolate chip cookies. Klara suggested several names for the baby doll and Emmaline finally decided on Molly. After the name was chosen, Emmaline told Klara all about the happenings at her Grundschule, the elementary school she attended. When Mrs. Eiffel finally called them for dinner, Emmaline begged to be seated next to Klara, which made Arabella upset that she hadn't thought of it first.

  "I'm sorry Mrs. Eiffel, I brought these for you and your husband, I forgot they were in my bag."

  "Oh, thank you dear, and you had better start calling me Maman." she smiled, affectionately tapping Klara's cheek.

  Klara blushed, squeezing into the chair between Emmaline and Jack. Jack draped his arm affectionately around Klara, giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

  "I'm glad you marred her Jack, I like her." Emmaline said softly, giggling.

  "Me too!" Arabella squealed, shooting a smile at Klara. "May I play with her after dinner?"

  "Girls, she is not a doll like your gifts! And no, she isn't going to play with you, she's going to visit with the adults for a little bit." Mr. Eiffel smiled.

  "Oh please, it's no trouble, I don't mind playing with the girls."

  "I'm sure you don't my dear, but they need baths, then it's off to bed with them both, they have school in the morning."

  "I see, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude."

  "You weren't, my girls can be quite persuasive. But, if they don't get their sleep, they are very difficult in the morning."

  "Papi!" Arabella said quickly, an embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

  "Perhaps I can read them a bedtime story?" Klara asked.

  "Oh Papi, please! Can she?" Arabella begged, practically bouncing out of her chair. Emmaline just smiled, nodding quickly in agreement.

  "I think that would be just fine." Maman smiled, sending her husband an easy glance from across the table. He smiled back with a gentle nod, and the girls giggled anxiously in their chairs. Dinner passed slowly, everyone talking as they ate. Mr. Eiffel seemed interested in Jack's work at the base, which ended up taking over most of the conversation. When the girls had pushed their vegetables around on their plates long enough, Maman herded them toward the bathroom. Klara happily cleared the table, receiving a kiss on the forhead when she insisted that Jack and Mr. Eiffel take their conversation to the living room and leave her to clean up. She smiled at the sound of giggles and squeals through the floor, and the low rumble of voices coming from the parlor, while she cleaned the pots used to make dinner.

  "You didn't have to do this." Maman announced, re-entering the kitchen.

  "Oh, I don't mind, it actually relaxes me. Besides, you would have been up all night."

  "Well, there are two little girls upstairs waiting for a bedtime story. Why don't you go upstairs and I'll finish up here."

  "Of course." Klara smiled. "Your girls are wonderful by the way."

  "All of my children are, thank you for noticing." Maman winked.

  Klara giggled, relinquishing her dish towel to Maman. She walked upstairs, unable to keep a smile from her lips as she heard the excited whispers echoing down the hallway. When Klara entered the brightly colored bedroom, Arabella and Emmaline gave a squeal, throwing themselves under their covers.

  "How about we snuggle on one bed while we're reading?" Klara smiled.

  Emmaline crawled out of her own bed, dragging a ragged blanket behind her as she climbed onto Arabella's bed. Arabella had already picked a book and shoved it into Klara's hand. Klara began reading, trying to be dramatic as she flipped through the pages of the worn storybook. Arabella fell asleep quickly, her small head resting on Klaras arm, a gentle snore coming frm her half open mouth. When the story finished, Emmaline was still half awake and Klara gently transferred her to her own bed, tucking her blanket tightly around her.

  Klara knelt beside her, stroking her wet blond hair, enjoying the smell it emitted. Softly, she sang a French lullaby that her own mother had sang to her as a child. It didn't take long before she heard the steadied breath coming from the bed. As she stood to leave, she noticed a shadow in the doorway and silently jumped at the sight of it.

  "Oh Jack, you startled me." she whispered, recognizing his blonde wisps of hair.

  "Sorry, Maman wanted me to come and get you for tea and coffee. She knows that the girls can be pretty insistent and end up keeping visitors longer than necessary..."

  "Shh..." Klara whispered, pushing Jack out into the hallway. "I think they're asleep."

  "No, you're mistaken, they'll be giggling any moment. It usually takes an hour or more to get them to bed. They'll want water or a snack or Arabella will wake Emmaline for a ridiculous reason, just wait." Jack smiled, taking Klara's hand.

  "I think they're asleep." she smiled, taking a backward glance at the closed bedroom door.

  "Give them fifteen minutes." he laughed. "But that won't be your concern, Papi always settles them down. Let's just go have some coffee and your macaroons, then we'll go to bed, ok?"

  "Of course."

  Jack and Klara joined his parents into the parlor, where a pot of coffee an macaroons were already laid out. "Would you like a cup sweetheart?" Klara asked Jack, placing an affectionate hard on his leg.

  "Yes please."

  Klara carefully filled a mug, then added two and a half spoons of sugar and just enough milk to turn the brew into a light caramel color. With a quick stir, she handed the cup to Jack, then began assembling her own cup. They had a pleasant conversation, discussing the highlights of their new found love. When everyone's mug was empty, Mrs. Eiffel suggested they all turn in for the night, and Jack was quick to agree. Klara helped Maman carry the dishes to the kitchen before entering Jack's bedroom, daring to open the door without a knock, for surely knocking on her husbands door would give Jack's parents the wrong idea.

  She found Jack inside, wearing a pair of sweat pants and a large undershirt. He was constructing a bed on the floor with a mountain of blankets and pillows. Klara closed the door quickly, not wanting anyone to discover their sleeping arrangement. Jack looked up at the sound of the doors lock being turned and smiled at Klara.

  "My coffee was delicious." he said, still working on his bed.

  "Oh, I'm glad you liked it." she blushed, pulling clothes out of her bag.

  "How did you know how I take my coffee?"

  "Grandmere isn't the only one who knows how to convince others we're in love. I've watched how you make it at home."

  "But I've only had coffee twice at your house." he laughed.


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