Til' Death and Deception

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Til' Death and Deception Page 6

by Kitty Parker

"And I've watched both times."

  "You have a very good memory." he complimented, clearly impressed.

  "Are you going to be ok on the floor?" she asked, feeling more than a little guilty.

  "Of course! I've slept in worse conditions. Here, let me turn around so you can get into your pajamas.

  "Oh...thank you." she said nervously. She pulled on her silk pajama pants and her grandfathers t-shirt. She pulled her hair over her shoulder and began braiding before announcing to Jack that it was safe to turn around. Tying off her hair, she turned to find Jack's eyes on her. He was no longer wearing his shirt, revealing carefully toned muscles which made the blush return to her cheeks. She reverted her eyes and focused on pulling back the covers of her bed.

  "Aren't you going to be cold?" Klara asked, keeping her eyes down.

  "No, I can't sleep with a shirt on, I always get tangled during the night because I toss...It usually wakes me up, so I just sleep with out it."

  "I see." Klara laughed, climbing into the bed. She liked learning the small things about Jack, the things she would only learn being married to him, things no one else knew.

  "Well, goodnight." Jack whispered, reaching up for the light.

  "Good night Jack."



  "You did great tonight, my family loves you. My sisters couldn't get enough of you, Maman thinks you walk on water, and Papi kept reminding me of how beautiful you are."

  "I'm glad it was a successful performance, they're wonderful. Although, I wish I had been able to get the girls to sleep easier..." Klara giggled, unable to resist..

  Jack sighed, half laughing, "You were right, you must have a magic touch, even Maman says so. Sleep well Klara."

  "Sleep well Jack..."

  Klara laid in bed, snuggling under the covers, breathing in the scent on them. The sheets smelled clean and fresh, just washed, but the comforter had a different smell, and it only took a second before she realized it was Jack's. A smile crept onto her face as she relaxed in the comfort of his bed. It wasn't long before she heard his own heavy breathing coming from the floor, she focused on the steady rhythm coming from him and fell asleep easily.

  Chapter 8

  "Three for you today." Daniel smiled as Klara opened the door. "They aren't too badly wounded, they should just need a few stitches and a good meal. I'm glad to see you, the last time I came, Grandmere said you weren't home."

  "Oh, yes, Jack and I had to go visit his family. We were only gone for two days, been back for about a week now." she explained quickly. "Might as well bring those boys in, we're having cauliflower stew, nice and hearty, though, I do wish we had some meat for them, but as things are..."

  "Are you kidding? It sounds, and smells wonderful, I'm sure they'll love it."

  "Well, as always, you're welcome to stay, but I know you won't." she smiled, guiding the men to the basement.

  "Actually, I think I might stay tonight. It gets kind of lonely waiting for runners..." he shrugged, stepping further into the house.

  "I can only imagine."

  "Are you sure it's alright?"

  "Of course! Grandmere will be happy to have you. Jack is in the parlor if you would like to join him while Grandmere and I get supper ready."

  "If it's all the same to you, I think I'll help get the soliders settled."

  "No, of course, please." she smiled, pointing him down the stairs into the basement, not that he needed help finding it.

  "Klara?" he asked, reaching for her arm as she began to turn away.


  "How are things going with Jack? Has he done anything suspicious? Has he been mean to you?"

  "Goodness no! He really is the sweetest man. We've become a strange little family the three of us here, he's like a brother, a good friend. No need to worry."

  "So...you still aren't in love with him?" he pryed.

  "No! Like I said, we're just friends."

  "Well, be careful ok, you can't trust him, and if you fall in love with him, I'm afraid you'll start to."

  "He has earned my trust Daniel. He has been here for two months now, he's never been anything but honest, and he hates this war just as much as we do."

  "But he's still one of them, so if you don't mind, I'm not going to trust him."

  "Fine, but would you please trust me? And while you're in this house, do try to be polite?" Klara smiled, trying not to sound bossy.

  "Of course Klara, I've always trusted you." he said softly, pulling her into a hug. Klara pulled back, dazed. Daniel had never been so affectionate before. She stumbled backward, a stupid grin on her face as she looked at him. His brown eyes were glistening with more than trust, causing confusion to cloud her own green ones. She left him at the door to the basement and went to find Grandmere in the kitchen. Not wanting to talk about the strange moment while Daniel was still in the house, Klara got right to work, shredding cheese into the bubbling pot. In fifteen minutes, dinner was ready and the five hungry men clambered into the dinning room.

  Jack took one seat next to Klara, and Grandmere the other, leaving Daniel to sit across from her, giving him the ability to gaze at her throughout the meal.

  "Klara will take the best care of you boys, I assure you. You'll be in the best of care until we run you across the border." Daniel smiled.

  "Oh thank you, but I'm sure there are a lot of other safe houses that take equally good care of their patients. And, Grandmere is definitely the biggest help."

  "You're modest Klara." Daniel smiled.

  "Indeed she is..." Jack started, before Daniel cut him off.

  "You see, Klara is not only a dedicated help to the Allied cause, but smart and beautiful as well. You couldn't ask for a better hostess."

  "Thank you..." Klara blushed. "I only wish the best for you all, Jack says that the war is only going to get worse..."

  "Klara, we don't need to talk about the harsh cruelties of this war, not at dinner. Besides, I don't know why Jack shares such horrible details with you." Daniel said, glancing at Jack for the first time that evening.

  "I don't keep things from her Daniel, I answer the questions she has, when I know the answers."

  "I appreciate his honesty Daniel, and yours. You are certainly doing the Allied forces a great service by helping their troops away from occupied territory."

  "I do wish I could convince you to join them back over the border." Daniel smiled. "Although, I'm sure your replacement wouldn't be nearly as friendly."

  Klara blushed again, wondering at Daniels strange behavior. He had never paid her so many compliments in one evening, in fact, he had never paid her so many compliments ever. He had always been so shy, and closed off to anything that came close to friendship, it was almost as if he was too afraid to invest himself in anyone in danger, knowing that he, himself was in danger.

  "So when will you be picking these three up for their run?" Jack asked, trying to take the attention off Klara for a moment.

  "Tomorrow, around 6, should be late enough to give us a nice cover. I assume you'll have them ready by then?"

  Klara assured Daniel, and the other men, that they would be ready well before six, and that their run should go smoothly. The rest of the dinner passed in a similar way, Daniel focusing all of his attention on Klara, who continued to shift uncomfortably in her chair. He could sense her tension from his proximity to her and wished he could force Daniel to quiet his inappropriate and unexpected praise of Klara. After dinner, Daniel took his leave, insisting that Klara walk him to the back door. Jack allowed it, but made sure to stay close to the kitchen, listening to all that passed between them.

  "Thank you for the wonderful dinner. You have no idea what a relief it was to be in the presence of humans while eating a meal. I haven't felt this...normal, since the war began, thank you for inviting me."

  "Of course, anytime. But, if you don't mind me asking...is, is everything alright? You were acting, well, unusual."

  "Oh, I suppose I did let me ton
gue get away from me. I think, I just realized what I wanted, and couldn't really contain myself."

  "And what is it that you want?" Klara asked, curiously, Jack couldn't help but smile at her innocence while he listened, it was obvious that she didn't understand Daniel's meaning.

  "Well, I should think tonight made it obvious, I want you. When this war is over, when the running is over, I want you. I want to come home to dinners with you, and a life with you. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you by telling those men what I thought of you, but it's true, all of it. I think you're wonderful Klara." he smiled, reaching a hand up to her face.

  Jack stood in the doorway out of sight, his mouth hanging open in shock. Unless Daniel had come over a lot before he had met Klara, or came over a great deal while he was at work, he couldn't fathom that Klara knew him very well. She never spoke of him, and didn't spend too much time with him when he dropped off the wounded men he was accountable for. Of course, Klara showed him nothing but kindness, but that was just her disposition, he had never seen her be unkind to anyone.

  He waited for a response from Klara, and when he didn't hear one, he wandered into the kitchen. Finding Daniel stealing a kiss from Klara, he cleared his throat to announce his presence.

  "Good bye Jack." Daniel said, peeling himself away from Klara, a triumphant grin on his face. "Goodbye Klara." he whispered.

  Klara stumbled back into the house, one hand to her lips, the other raised in a still wave. She fell into a chair at the rickety kitchen table, letting her head fall heavily into her hands. Jack closed the door, pulling out the seat beside her, waiting for her to regain mental ability.

  "Sorry for interrupting."

  "Are you kidding? I was just about to thank you!" she let out a nervous giggle.

  "Oh, by the way he was kissing you, I thought you were enjoying it, or had at least allowed it."

  "Well, perhaps I allowed it purely because I didn't know what else to do, and didn't want to appear rude, because I have no idea what to think!" she cried, letting her head fall back again.

  "You're not sure if you want him?" he asked, surprised by the twinge of hope he heard in his own voice.

  "Of course not!" she answered quickly. "Wait, did you hear him?"

  "Yea, sorry. He was just acting so strange at dinner, I didn't know what he'd do with you alone, I just wanted to make sure...well, you know."

  "No I don't know, you wanted to make sure what?"

  "I just wanted to make sure that he didn't make a pass at you without you wanting him to." he shrugged.

  "And what a job you did on stopping that pass."she laughed, nudging him.

  "Well, you didn't exactly put up a fight! I thought you were trying to think of a response, I didn't think you were locked in a steamy embrace."

  "It wasn't steamy! It was awkward." she giggled. "Just like this conversation, how about we get to all the dishes. Grandmere will be stitchin' up those soldiers, which leaves the whole mess for me."

  "I can help." he offered.

  "I'll wash, you dry?"

  "Deal." he stood, walking to the dinning room, to help clear the plates. "So, now that you've had another kiss, how does mine rank?"

  "You are unbelievable! Here I am in a moment of crisis and confusion, and you're asking about ranks!"

  "Well of course. How else do you expect to get over the awkwardness of the situation. We've got to have a little fun with it, and I'm sure you've thought about it."

  "You've got first place." she said quietly, blushing.

  "Really?" he asked, excitement causing the end of the word to squeak from his mouth. "How is it possible that our kiss, that meant nothing, ranks higher than the kiss of a man trying to win your heart?" he questioned.

  "Well don't ask me! I've only been kissed twice in my life, and I'm just telling you the truth. And, that first kiss was a while ago, maybe I'm not remembering correctly." she said smartly. Filling the sink with water.

  Jack suddenly had a more than devious idea. He placed the plates carefully on the counter, away from harm. After the plates were down, he positioned himself behind Klara, laying his hands on her hips, twirling her to face him. A look of pure astonishment struck her features. He leaned in, his lips mere inches from hers, "I could remind you of that first kiss." he whispered. Not waiting for a response from her, he made to move in when he felt water hit him in the face. He opened his eyes, to find Klara's hands back in the sink flinging more water at him.

  After giving his stunned surprise a moment of power, he lunged toward the sink, taking a larger amount of water in his hands, soaking her with it. A squeal erupted from her, she obviously wasn't expecting him retaliating. When all of the water was emptied from the sink, and all over the kitchen, they slid down the cabinets, both a wet mess.

  "I was only teasing you know." he laughed, breathless.

  "Yea, tell your face that. If I hadn't splashed you, you definitely would have made contact."

  "And that would have been a travesty?"

  "Perhaps..." she winked. "You know, I'm not the kind of girl that kisses multiple men on the same evening."

  Jack couldn't help but let go an affected sigh. He wasn't sure if he was disappointed, upset, or relieved, but he let the sigh go at any rate, and Klara noticed.

  "Look, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I don't want things to get strange. I like our arrangement, being friends, living under the same roof with no complications. Whether or not you were teasing...part of me didn't really want to know, and it was so tempting with the water right there." she laughed, tousling his wet hair. "And if it helps, this made the situation a whole lot awkward. You know, we had to have a little fun with it."

  "I understand, you're right, I don't know what I was thinking. But, it's an ego thing when I guy hears a girl forgot what a kiss from him was like."

  "Sorry, didn't mean to crush your self esteem. But, I was only kidding when I said I forgot. I don't think it's very often that a girl forgets her first kiss, even if it was just a show for a bunch of German officers."

  Jack couldn't help but smile, giving her another gentle nudge. "I guess we have quite a mess to clean up."

  "You've got that right. Can't risk Grandmere falling and breaking something, or those soldiers. You grab the mop and I'll get the rags?"

  Jack nodded and made to stand up, only to have his feet fall from under him in the slick conditions. He grabbed onto the counter just in time, preventing himself from falling flat on the ground. Klara burst into laughter and made to get up herself, sure that she'd have an easier time of it. It took less than a second before Klara's feet were slipping and sliding under her small frame. Jack reached for her keeping one hand on the counter. With his hand around her waist, he drew her into him, steadying her with his grip. She batted her wet eyelashes, more than startled at their sudden closeness. Both of their breathing was heavy, and as Klara shifted her weight, Jack had to save her again from a painful downfall. Her green eyes sparkled with the exercise, and instead of looking uncomfortable in his arms, he thought he saw a glint of longing in them.

  "How about we both go get the mop, and then we both go get the rags?" he offered, breaking the moment between them.

  With a quick shake of her head, she agreed, and they both wobbled to the cabinet that held the mop, then back over to the sink where the rags were stored. After they had their cleaning tools, they got to work. Scrubbing and wiping the floor and counter tops, which took a great deal longer than expected. They were up most of the night, cleaning and laughing, talking about things that absolutely didn't matter. Jack couldn't remember ever having so much fun, and when he fell into bed some six hours later, it was Klara that occupied his thoughts when he fell into an exhausted sleep.

  Chapter 9

  "I can't do this Grandmere, I'm so nervous, they're all going to know." Klara said quickly as her Grandmere finished working on her hair.

  "You'll be fine my dear. You've already fooled them once, and you've been living with Jack for a while now
. You shouldn't have any trouble. You'll dance, you'll smile, you'll let him kiss you on the cheek and keep his arm around you. They'll all believe you two are madly in love. Don't worry my dear, you're not exactly going as a single girl. If that were the case, I'd understand your concern, but as it stands, you'll be in good hands."

  "Grandmere... it's starting to feel like I'm not pretending... I mean, I certainly don't feel like his wife, but our relationship is becoming less and less of a charade, I like him, and I don't know what to do about that."

  "Darling, it's ok to like him. You should, you see him every day, and it seems like you two get along alright."

  "We do, he's probably the best friend I've ever had, and he's certainly the only male friend I've ever had. I guess I just don't know what to make of it. What if I..."

  "What if you fall for him?" Grandmere asked, finishing her sentence.


  "You thank the Lord and never let him go."

  "But, it's such a dangerous time, what if something happens to him, or if something happens to me. Being in love would make everything so much harder, really being married would make everything so..."

  "Love isn't always easy my dear, and the sooner you realize that the better off you'll be. Do you think you're in love with him now?"

  "Now? No, of course not. But I like him."

  "Well then, let's not worry about something that hasn't happened yet." Grandmere smiled, giving her cheek a gentle pat. "You look beautiful, and he's waiting for you, so take a deep breath, and go. You'll be fine."

  "Thanks Grandmere, I'm not sure when we'll be home, we have to get into Germany and back again. I'm sure we'll be there until at least eleven."

  "That's fine darling, I know it's a special night. Take your key, because I'll probably lock up. And we don't have any runners tonight, so I'll be fine."

  "Ok, I'll see you in the morning then." Klara planted a kiss on Grandmere's cheek and started toward the door.

  "Oh, and Klara." Grandmere called as she reached for the door knob. "I wouldn't mind you falling in love with him, he reminds me of your Grandpere." she winked.


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