Parasite World
Page 17
‘What did she do to you exactly?’
‘She’d extracted a protein from the potion and it looked like the active ingredient. She injected it into my brain. It was supposed to multiply the receptors for testosterone in the nerve cells.’
‘And then you’d suddenly become a thrusting success like Algernon? Well, you don’t seem any different to me. You haven’t turned into a bully like him. You’re just a lovely man,’ said Bulimia picking up his hand and kissing it.
‘You’re right. I think the experiment failed.’
Frinkl Neobtzl scanned the UKGuv news channel. She stopped scrolling at a short item in the Cultural News section.
Cool News from Number 10
The government has appointed the first ever artist in residence at number 10. Jimmy Sorenson, a popular conceptual artist, has a three year contract to exhibit his artwork throughout the PM’s residence including the Cabinet Office. Mr Sorenson, a man of humble origins, says he is both amazed and gratified that his work has been recognised by those at the apex of British society……..
Neobtzl bookmarked the item: it was evidence that her experiment on Sorenson had worked. There were social factors that could have contributed to his new rôle, of course, so the experiment wasn’t definitive proof of her theory. She would still cite it in her forthcoming paper though.
Meanwhile, Bulimia Pemberton was also watching the news. A short report caught her eye and she clicked on the link for more detail. A talking head appeared.
‘A post mortem examination of the brain of MP, Algernon Pemberton has shown that it bears a strong resemblance to that of a sheep. Pathologists at Zappo Forensics are at a loss to explain this anomaly…….’