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Mafia Secret

Page 12

by Angie Derek

  She watched him leave before flopping down to stare up at the ceiling and play the night's events over and over in her mind. It made her hot, making sleep impossible. Lessa waited for his return, knowing he might not be back until morning.

  Her stomach growled, forcing her to acknowledge how little she'd eaten for dinner. Out of bed. Pajamas or clothes? She wasn't too thrilled with the idea of traipsing around the house in her PJs, so grabbed a tee shirt and stepped into the one pair of jeans she'd brought with her. The house was quiet as she let herself out of her room and tip-toed down the stairs.


  "Shut up!" Marc's voice came out of the office with a ruthlessness Lessa had never heard before.

  She froze. Jio's office door was ajar.

  "What amazes me is you actually thought you'd get away with it." Jio's angry voice added. "Now that the old man is gone and his infant son's in charge, I can take what I want. Is that what you thought?"

  She held her breath. This conversation was not intended for her ears.

  "I didn't do anything," an unfamiliar man insisted.

  Lessas breath rushed out her mouth, and she gulped in another. Her pulse raced. She had to move, and quietly. One slow step backward. Then another, eyes glued to the door.

  "You left your mark on her, Tommy," Jio said. "Not only did you rape and kill one of my top money makers, but you were stupid enough to leave your calling card."

  "That whore was yours? I swear I didn't know. I would never steal from you."

  Oh crap, she thought as she slid her other foot back. One of his whores? Did that mean what she thought it meant?

  "She was one of us," Jio said. "The girls count on me for protection. How do you think they'll react when they find out one of my own boys took her out?"

  "I didn't know," the man she assumed was Tommy squeaked.

  "Not good enough," Jio said. "Restitution must be made."

  Lessa nearly lost her balance as her heel hit the bottom step. She stumbled to a stop and jerked her weight forward before she fell back.

  "I'll work it off. Whatever she brought in, I'll make it."

  "Not good enough," Jio yelled. "You're a fucking idiot. Do you honestly think you can pay this off? She was under Tazio protection, you asshole. We take care of our own."

  "No, Jio," Tommy begged. "I swear I didn't know."

  "Take care of him," Jio said.

  She lifted her foot to the step and prepared to spin around as the door swung open and Marc loomed in the opening. Maybe he wouldn't see her. His gaze found hers instantaneously. She needed to run. Her mother's words echoed in her head, "Jiovanni's men are dangerous."

  His face filled with fury and he stepped out of the office, his eyes never leaving hers. A part of her noted a short, fat man being dragged out by two other men, but she couldn't look away from Marc's dark eyes.

  Jio followed behind them and summed up the situation with one word. "Shit."

  Her brain struggled to make sense of it all, but she couldn't work past the unbelievable knowledge that they were going to kill this man, and they now knew that she knew.

  It took Marc three measured steps to reach her. Fear prevented her from shrinking away. His hands gripped her arms painfully. "What are you doing here? How long have you been here?"

  Jio stepped up next to him. "What did you hear?"

  Jio's voice was calm. Too calm. That scared her more than the anger she could hear in Marc's tone.

  Too much, but she couldn't say that. Marc's grip tightened when she refused to speak.

  "What were you thinking?" Marc breathed. "Why weren't you in your room?"

  "How much did you hear?" Jio repeated.

  "She heard enough. Didn't you? Look at me." Marc pushed her chin up so she had to meet his eyes. She trembled at his expression. "Didn't you?"

  Lessa forced herself to nod in answer.

  "Okay," Jio said. "Go take care of it. I'll handle this."

  Marc didn't release her.

  "Marc." Jio's voice was sharp. "We have other things to deal with."

  Slowly, Marc's grip loosened and he stepped away. Without a backward glance, he left the now silent house. It was only then that she realized Tommy had been begging for his life the entire time. Her world crumbled to the ground.

  Jio looked steadily at her and she fought to control her trembling. Without Marc in the room, her mind began to function again.

  "You've just made my life a hell of a lot more difficult." Jio grabbed her arm and turned her to head up the stairs.

  "Jio?" Nina came down the stairs. "Is everything all right?"

  He looked from Lessa to his wife. "Lessa can't sleep. Could you give her one of your pills?"

  Nina smiled. "Of course, dear." She reached out to put her arm around Lessa's shoulders and lead her back up the stairs. "You should have told me you were having trouble sleeping. I've just the thing to help."

  If Nina noticed Lessa's shaking, she didn't comment. She said nothing until they were in the bathroom of her second-floor suite. She opened the cabinet and withdrew a prescription bottle. "One of these will knock you out for a good eight hours."

  Lessa took the pill offered, unsure of what to say. Already beginning to feel numb, she swallowed the pill with a sip of water and let Nina lead her out of her room and up the stairs to her own room. Nina tucked her in with practiced maternity, and Lessa felt strangely comforted by the kindness. She was almost glad for the sedative, as it allowed her to fall into oblivion where she could no longer see Marc's angry face.

  Lessa came out of the drug-induced sleep aware that someone was shaking her shoulder.

  "Wake up," Clarissa said.

  "W-What?" She forced her eyes open, wondering why her body felt so heavy and uncooperative. Last night flooded her mind, and she didn't have to wonder anymore.

  "Let's go." Clarissa shook one last time. "You've slept almost the entire morning away."

  She pushed her hair out of her face, trying to figure out why her half-sister was in her room. "Where are we going?"

  "To brunch and a bit of shopping." Clarissa jumped up and walked into the open closet. "I'd planned to head out earlier, but you just wouldn't wake up. I figured if we were going to get out at a reasonable hour, I'd have to get the ball rolling."

  "Shopping?" Lessa was surprised they were even letting her leave her room after last night. Was it possible Clarissa didn't know? Should she just stay where Jio'd put her? Of course that was what she'd do if she was just going to wait around for the Tazios to decide her fate. When had she become such a wimp?

  "And brunch." Clarissa emerged from the closet with some clothes in her arms.

  The situation was more complicated and dangerous than she'd been led to believe. "I don't know if I should."

  "We need some bonding time according to Marc."

  "Marc?" Lessa said his name warily.

  "Yeah, he suggested this little outing." She tossed the clothes on the bed. "He's probably right. We need some girl time."

  Lessa finally focused on Clarissa and her slightly nervous movements. Was it possible they were all going to act as if nothing had happened? "Are you sure it's okay for us to go out?"

  Clarissa laughed and rolled her eyes. "We aren't prisoners, Lessa. I go out whenever I feel like it. You can too."

  Standing up, she looked at the outfit Clarissa had pulled out of the closet, but couldn't concentrate enough to care what she'd chosen. "All right, let me jump in the shower. It'll only take a couple minutes. I feel a little foggy."

  "You look a little out of it. I'll get you some coffee."

  If only she were out of it. What she was feeling was more than chemical. "Nina gave me one of her sleeping pills."

  "That'd do it." Clarissa cocked her head, her nervous expression changing to one of curiosity. "There's stuff a lot less powerful around here if you have trouble sleeping."

  Lessa nodded as if in agreement as she walked into the bathroom. Shutting the door, she quickly cl
imbed into the shower, wondering if Clarissa knew what went on in the family business.

  What was she going to do? Her mother's warning, followed by Marc's about Jiovanni's enemies, made a lot more sense now that she knew they were involved in illegal activities. The family? Had her father been a mobster? Jio had spoken of protecting his girls – the prostitutes under his protection, but this estate was way too grand for a simple pimp. She breathed out jerkily as she considered what it would take to afford such a lifestyle and whether it was supported completely from criminal activity.

  Other conversations she'd been privy to suddenly became clear. The truth had been right in front of her.

  Lessa took the shortest shower of her life. She toweled off and pulled on the simple black skirt and pink blouse Clarissa had picked. Why had Clarissa bothered picking out clothes for her? Lessa shrugged as she pulled the brush through her hair. Digging through her toiletry bag, she found a small silver barrette and clipped her hair at the base of her neck since she didn't have time to blow dry it.

  She looked at her face and wasn't very encouraged by the dark circles under her eyes. The sleeping pill may have knocked her out, but it didn't look like she'd gotten any sleep. Sighing, she exited the bathroom.

  "All right." Clarissa jumped off the bed. "Let's get the hell out of here."

  Lessa followed her down the stairs, looking around for Marc or Jio in the front hall. It was completely empty. She let out a sigh of relief, following Clarissa out the front door. Mid-step she faltered when she spotted the hulking Tazio guard standing beside a black Mercedes. Did he know what she'd seen? He opened the back door, and Clarissa scooted in. Lessa hesitated, noting a tell-tale bulge of a gun under his jacket.

  "We don't have all day," Clarissa called.

  She climbed into the Mercedes, flinching when the door shut solidly behind her. "I thought you said the two of us were going out."

  "We are." Clarissa pulled a compact out of her purse and passed it to Lessa. "Fix your face. It's best not to venture out without the safety of a guard."

  Lessa frowned at the small mirror, then pulled out the foundation and lipstick she'd brought with her. The guard climbed into the passenger's seat next to the driver, and they headed down the driveway.

  Marc stood in the doorway to Lessa's room and looked around in disbelief. She wasn't there. The bathroom door stood wide open and her purse, which had been sitting on the sink the night before, was gone. His panic built. Jio couldn't have . . . He stopped the thought before it could be completed and spun around to head down to the study where Edoardo and Jio were going over reports.

  Marc roped his temper in tight as he stepped into the room. "Where is she?"

  Edoardo turned from Jio's desk. "Who?"

  Jio raised an eyebrow in confusion. "In her room."

  "No, she's not," Marc said.

  "Then where is she?" Jio stood.

  "That's what I just asked you. What did you do to her?"

  Jio narrowed his eyes. "I sent her to her room with one of Nina's sleeping pills."

  Marc judged Jio's expression and tone. There was no reason for him to lie about what had happened after he left. "She's not there."

  "Lessa?" Edoardo looked from Marc to Jio. "What happened with Lessa?"

  "We'll discuss it later," Jio said. "She probably just went to get something to eat or for a swim."

  Marc spun and headed for the kitchen, doubting he would find her there. Lessa wouldn't have left her room. He looked around the dining room. Nothing. The kitchen was just as empty.

  "Any other suggestions?" He snapped as Jio came up behind him.

  Jio frowned. "Find her. I'll have the guards start a search."

  Marc ground his teeth together to keep from saying something he'd regret later. He needed to regain control of himself before he spoke with Jio again, so he jogged back up to her room to look for clues to where she'd run off to.

  The room was deceptively peaceful. He didn't want to think about how she'd spent the night or morning. She wasn't used to this life or what it meant to be a part of this world. He shouldn't have left to make sure Tommy was dealt with appropriately. She'd been alone with only her fear to keep her company. That was stupid. He'd scared her.

  He pulled open the closet. Her clothes and duffle bag were still there. She hadn't packed up and run away . . . Unless she was devious enough to try to confuse a search for her by running without her belongings. He walked into the bathroom and tried to visualize what had been there before. If she'd grabbed anything besides her purse, he couldn't tell.

  He leaned against the counter and looked at his reflection, not liking what he saw. She depended on him to keep her safe and untouched. Because of him, she'd heard and seen what she had, and he was the one who'd scared the life out of her. The fear in her eyes had been directed at him.

  Shuddering, he fought the sudden urge to gag. He was supposed to keep her safe, not terrify her. What if Jio ordered him to take care of her? Lessa, despite the blood connection, was an outsider and Jio had to be very careful right now.

  No way could he do it. Marc pushed away from the counter to check the garbage for any clues. Nothing.

  Back in the bedroom, he opened the desk drawer and found Jiovanni's letter. He frowned. If she'd run, she'd have taken the only palpable connection she had to her father. Frustrated, he left her suite, shutting the door behind him. Where had she gone? She must have left the grounds, but it didn't look like she'd run away. A dark thought crossed his mind. He tried to dismiss it, but couldn't ignore the possibility that she'd run to the cops. A normal person would do that.

  "Marco!" Virginia called up. "Are you looking for Miss Alessandra?"

  "Yeah." He jogged down the stairs. "Have you seen her?"

  "She went out with Miss Clarissa."


  "A couple hours ago. Clarissa said she was going to take her to brunch and shopping, and that you'd suggested it."

  "Shit." Virginia frowned at his language. "Sorry. Do you know who took 'em?"


  "Can you let Jio know?"

  "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing, just tell Jio." He pulled out his cell phone as he walked away. Punching in George Abel's number, he waited impatiently for it to be answered.

  "George here."

  "Where are you?"

  There was a slight hesitation. "The Premium Outlets with the Misses Tazio."

  Relief cascaded through him at locating Lessa. "What've they been doing?"

  "Cruising the shops." George's voice clearly showed his lack of excitement.

  "Cut the trip short and bring 'em back here," Marc ordered.

  "Sure thing, Boss." George hung up.

  Marc shrugged his shoulders to get the knots to relax. She was on her way back. He should be reassured, but he couldn't be until he saw for himself that she was safe.

  "Miss Tazio."

  Clarissa turned to George. "What is it?"

  "We need to head back."

  "We're not done." Clarissa linked her arm with Lessa's and led her down the walk.

  "We need to head back, now," George said more firmly.

  Clarissa frowned at him and sighed. "Must we?"

  "Yes." George angled his body to herd them outside as he pulled his cell out and called the driver to meet them at the entrance.

  Lessa watched George closely, worried she was the reason they were rushing back. Anxiety nearly overwhelmed her. She rubbed her hands together, briefly toying with the idea of refusing to leave. But the thought didn't last long since she had no idea where she'd go. Besides, it wasn't like she'd left without permission. Why the hell did she need their permission anyway?

  The car pulled up. George opened the door for her and Clarissa to slide in before climbing into the front passenger side.

  "Back to the house," George said.

  Oscar Clark nodded as he shifted the car into gear. They'd only been on the road for ten minutes or so when a siren blurped behind the
m. Turning around, she looked at the flickering red and blue lights.

  "Fuck." Oscar pulled the car to the side of the road.

  "We've got a problem," Edoardo announced, coming into the study.

  Marc's anger spiked. He still hadn't gotten past their current problem. "What?"

  "They've been pulled over. Brady heard it on the scanner."

  Jio sighed before standing up and walking around the desk. "They have no call to arrest them if they didn't do something stupid."

  "Isn't Oscar still on probation?" Edoardo asked. "He doesn't go anywhere without his gun."

  "Shit," Marc said under his breath.

  "They'll all be pulled in for questioning," Edoardo said.


  This was the first time Lessa had been hauled into a police station. She'd never even seen the inside of one except for on those true crime television shows. The week was turning into a whole slew of first-time experiences for her. First time someone had tried to run her down and kill her, first time she'd learned the name of her father, first time she'd met any family, first time she'd had sex with a criminal, and first time she'd been threatened by someone she cared about. At this point, she would have preferred not to have another first-time experience.

  The patrolman separated her and Clarissa as soon as he figured out who he had. She hoped Clarissa wasn't being arrested. She wrinkled her nose at the unpleasant smell in the small interrogation room. She didn't think she wanted to know what had caused the smell. They'd left her alone without any explanation as to why. In fact, Lessa thought back, no one at the station had even said she'd been arrested. They'd just told her to wait there. She should have demanded a phone call, but the patrolman was so laid back about the whole thing, she hadn't considered it until now. If they hadn't taken her purse she could have used her cell. But who would she call?

  She sighed, worried about why they'd been taken into custody and what was going to happen to her, both then and later. Staring at the door, she fidgeted. What would they do if she just walked out? She frowned. Was the door locked? Well, she could always test that theory. She stood up. The door opened.


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