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A Fae's Love

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by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  A Fae’s Love

  Adult Fairy Tale Romance Book 3

  Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  Copyright © 2020 by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  Chapter One



  * * *

  The ball room was very loud and crowded with so many Fae that I had never seen before and they were all staring at me. I needed some alone time so, sighing loudly, I decided to walk over to the terrace. Sylius was surrounded by his advisors and guests from the other realms. I had to get some fresh air, my head felt like it was about to explode. I could hear him talking about the war with Seelie Court - a tedious subject that I was done hearing about.

  Many fae in the court didn’t bother with me. I had tried my best to make some kind of connection, but none of them made an effort to get to know me. What complicated matters further was that I didn’t know who I was either.

  I stepped outside; the patio doors opened up to the large terrace. It was a beautiful night; the navy sky was clear and scattered with stars. The view over the Unseelie Court took my breath away. The warm energy spread through my chest as I admired the view over the whole court. The forest and the grounds were immersed in silence. I felt like only nature understood what I was going through. I felt a deep connection with this place and the Fae who lived here. Their nature kept surprising me on a daily basis. The temperature dropped a little and I felt the cool draft coming in from the north.

  Sylius didn’t like me going outside alone. He kept telling me that other Fae may want to harm me so he asked me not to leave the palace where he could guarantee my safety.

  I had been trying to remember who I was and how long I had been with him without much luck so far. Every time I tried to recall the past I felt a sharp pain inside my skull. My memories were filled with darkness. Sylius told me that he found me in the forest, confused and disoriented. He assumed that I had escaped through the portal and ended up in the crossworlds. He had saved me from some Fae that were chasing after me. I remembered bits and pieces from that story but not enough to remember what had happened to me that had caused me to be in that situation.

  Sylius was the only Fae that tried to help me, the others only wanted to use me.

  I sensed someone nearby and it brought me back to reality. It was Sylius; he was standing behind me now. I could sense his dark energy drifting slowly around me. Despite being here with him for a while, I still wasn’t quite used to his gloomy energy and domineering nature. He put his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into the nape of my neck. A cold shiver crawled up my spine, as I took a deep breath, savouring the moment.

  “You shouldn’t have left the Fae in there. They were eager to talk to you,” I pointed out.

  “It doesn’t matter, they can wait. I read your aura. You were sad, so I wanted to check on you,” he muttered.

  I smiled to myself.

  “The sky is so beautiful tonight,” I said and then he followed my gaze.

  “It is indeed,’ he admitted.

  His power projected out of him; it was both forceful and gentle at the same time. I was a little frightened of him at first, especially of this power that he held over others. At the same time, I was in his debt. Sylius took me in when I had no one. He had rescued me from the Fae that had surrounded me down by the Sinful river. I hated being in someone else’s debt.

  “I’m sorry about tonight my dear, but we are at war. My Fae are impatient and everyone likes to voice their opinions,” he continued speaking whilst kissing the back of my neck, it felt so wonderful. Instant heat began moving through my core. I desired him, but I was still wary of getting attached to him.

  There were too many unanswered questions in my head and the future seemed uncertain.

  “Why can’t I remember anything?” I asked him, feeling uncomfortable that all my memories were gone. I couldn’t be sure that the Unseelie Court was actually my home. Sylius assured me countless times that we were destined to be together. I wanted to believe him, but a little voice inside me kept sewing seeds of doubt and I couldn’t seem to ignore it without being able to fill in the blanks of my past.

  His expression shifted, he was instantly annoyed. He pulled me closer to him and the doubts began to drift away. The voice inside my head reminded me once again that if it wasn’t for him I would already be dead.

  “You were hit with a strong charm Martha. I suspect that the witches were involved so that will be why you can’t remember anything. Don’t worry my darling, your memories should return soon.”

  “Are you sure? I hate being such a burden, having no past or recollection of the real me is wearing me down. I need to remember my previous life.”

  “I am darling. Maybe we could try to restore your memories with magic, we could try some potions. I will ask Ravanna for advice,” he said and I was suddenly filled with joy.

  “That’s a wonderful idea Sylius,” I said.

  “Good, now let’s get back into the room. I think it’s time for my special announcement,” he said.

  He grabbed my hand and we walked back inside the room together. Everyone was staring at us. I had a feeling that the other females were jealous of his interest in me. They all desired Sylius. After all, he was the Dark Prince of the Unseelie Court. He was the master of all the Fae and I was the one standing by his side.

  I tried to find out more about his life, but no one seemed prepared to discuss it. Even the servants were too afraid that I might get them into trouble but I was only curious. I wanted to know what kind of Fae he truly was.

  Shortly after I moved into the palace, I began to notice little things that made me feel uncomfortable when I was around him. I didn’t like the way he treated his servants. Nothing was ever good enough, but I refused to say anything since it wasn’t my place to comment on how he interacted with his own Fae.

  I few weeks back, I had woken up by the river in another realm with no recollection of who I was, surrounded by strange Fae. They were all jeering at me, attacking me with their magic and trying to rob me of my jewellery. Sylius had shown up, punched one of the males trying to charm me and chased them all away.

  He had then kneeled in front of me and told that I didn’t have to be scared anymore. He gently explained that he was here to take care of me. There was an instant connection between us that I couldn't explain. I was confused but felt like I could trust him.

  Several hours later, another tall and very handsome Fae appeared who seemed to recognise me straight away. He kept asking how it was that I had forgotten about him, saying that it was impossible. He kept calling me his Queen. He appeared to be quite distraught about it all.

  I didn’t know what to think. He knew my name but I hated being forced into anything. I didn’t know him, but he was claiming that I was his. He accuse
d Sylius of charming me.

  These accusations were disturbing. The stranger began threatening Sylius, saying that he was going to kill him. I couldn’t understand what was going on.

  Later on, Sylius explained that Darragh was the Fae King of the Seelie Court and Sylius’s greatest enemy. Both courts were at war. He also told me that Darragh had tried to rape me, not only that but he was also the reason that I lost all my memories. Maybe that’s why I felt so detached from him.

  Sylius mentioned that The Fae King threw me into jail because I took something important from him. I decided then that he could never be trusted.

  Sylius handed me a drink of ambrosia and smiled at me. I liked that drink; I felt much more confident after a few of those.

  Sylius was getting ready to announce something important. Many of the Fae expectantly gathered around him. The magic inside the room rose along with the excited energy.

  A few more approached him, so he left me again. I understood that he was busy, that he had so many other priorities he needed to take care of but I felt a little lonely nevertheless.

  Deep down I felt that I didn’t belong here, although I never mentioned this to Sylius. I didn’t want to worry him.

  After a week or so in the Unseelie Court, I managed to befriend one of the servants - Lily. She recognised me and told me that I had been here before. I was confused at first when she started asking me about humans. Lily was very passionate about the other side of the realm. She mentioned that I was actually from there, but I was reluctant to believe her.

  I didn’t tell Sylius about any of our conversations regarding this. I was too afraid that he might punish Lily for speaking out of turn and I didn't want that. She had done nothing wrong and assured me that I just needed to give myself time.

  There was a female fae in the corner playing on the harp. I shut my eyes for a moment enjoying the soft music.

  I was trying to figure out why I felt so isolated. Sylius was loving and caring and I did appreciate everything he had done for me but there was still the matter of the resistance towards his magic inside me.

  Moments later, Sylius started hitting the glass with the small spoon signaling for silence in the room. This was it: his big announcement that everyone was waiting for. I knew that the Unseelie Court was still at war with the Seelie Court, but he refused to explain exactly why this was and what had happened in the past, claiming that I wouldn’t understand.

  All the Fae around went instantly quiet. As I approached him, the females narrowed their eyes at me, especially when he moved his hand around my waist. The other two male Fae moved aside, bowing. They all knew that I had to be respected, that I was important to Sylius.

  “My dear Fae, I’m so pleased that we can all be gathered here tonight. It’s finally time to celebrate our victory over the Seelie Court. The Fae King has been defeated at last. A few nights ago I was officially crowned the master of all the Other Realms. The Fae King doesn’t have any control or influence over us anymore.”

  Everyone cheered and clapped loudly. It was obviously good news. I started clapping too, thinking that Sylius must have really deserved this. This obviously wasn't good news for the opposite side and I had to admit to myself that although I didn’t trust Darragh, I felt a little sorry for him.

  Maybe destiny had finally caught up with him.

  Sylius smiled at me, patiently waiting until the Fae stopped clapping. The magic rose, soaring through the whole room.

  He touched my hand squeezing it hard, looking around clearly not finished with his proclamations. Everyone went silent again, waiting for him to continue.

  Then he looked at me, staring deeply into my eyes.

  “And now I need to ask something of Martha–the changeling who is here with me,” Sylius continued speaking.

  Then he kneeled in front of me and I felt paralysed. For a long moment I couldn’t even breathe.

  No … he couldn’t have been planning to do this so soon after meeting me. Surely I would have known or at least sensed something.

  Sylius removed his hand from his pocket, in it was a small box and when he opened it I saw the most beautiful, sparkling ring inside. My heart raced and my head spun. I felt like I was going to pass out.

  This was a dream, a mirage. This wasn’t happening for real.

  “Martha, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife and the official Queen of the Unseelie Court?”

  The level of whispers rose through the crowd. Everyone was shocked, some visibly disturbed by this question. I couldn’t speak or breathe. My throat was tight with anxiety. I needed to calm down. My heart was jackhammering inside my chest but at the same time I was filled with excitement. I wasn’t getting any younger and Sylius assured me that I had never been married before. He told me that Darragh had treated me badly, that he wanted to imprison me for himself. I had apparently already escaped from his prison once, I really didn’t want to go back there. Sylius had done so much for me. I had the opportunity to start over with the Fae that had saved me and treated me well for as long as I could remember. How could I possibly refuse?

  “Yes Sylius, I will marry you,” I answered in a slightly shaky voice.

  I never realised that he was so serious about me. I couldn’t fathom how he would want to spend eternity with me with all my past troubles but he had been patient and supportive and reassured me when I most needed it.

  Sylius’s eyes shimmered with energy and he smiled wider. Then he slid the ring onto my finger. The warmth of his energy rushing through my body as he did this. It was a wonderful feeling. The ring fit me perfectly. At that very moment, everybody started cheering and clapping. The uncertainty that I had felt before faded away, the Fae around us seemed genuinely happy that their leader was going to be married.

  The Dark prince brought me into him into his arms and kissed me hard and with so much passion that I wondered why I had hesitated earlier on. He really loved and cared for me.

  Other fae approached and started congratulating us, even the females that had been jealous of me earlier on, were now hugging me and telling me that I was going to be the most beautiful bride. This was my new reality, I was here to stay.

  Chapter Two



  * * *

  I stretched and yawned loudly, only just realising that I had been staring at the wall for the past half an hour. I sat on my chair when I got back from the hunt, lost in my own thoughts. I had been thinking about my situation for far too long. Things were rapidly declining in the Seelie Court. Sylius was clearly winning the war and I was under pressure to make some kind of progress, as well as trying to deal with my brothers. Sylius had taken control of all the crucial realms right before the cease-fire and most of the leaders from these realms were supporting him. They were scared.

  I suspected that Sylius found a way to bribe them with dust.

  Urlich insisted that we needed to keep going but at the same time, we couldn't risk breaking the agreement that had been put in place.

  Many Fae had lost their lives during the war and all these bloody battles. I hadn't fulfilled any of my promises and my people weren’t happy. Many were loudly voicing their opinions. They all demanded a change. This war had gone on for far too long, the production of magical dust was declining too. Everyone felt the tension within the court.

  Three months had passed since Sylius vanished with Martha, since he stole her away from me. I had to let them go, I couldn’t force her to leave with me. She didn't remember me. I had to return to the Seelie Court; devastated and lost.

  I just couldn't comprehend how this happened. Ravenna had to be the one who betrayed me, there wasn’t any other explanation. She must've been working with Sylius since the very beginning. I had no idea how I had missed it. She had been lying to everyone for so long.

  Oran had tried to keep my spirits up but without Martha, I could barely function. My brothers were working against me. We had lost control of the crucial realms and I
slowly began to realise that soon I might lose control over my own court. Urlich wouldn’t forgive me for taking his crown.

  For a long time, everyone believed that I Had died in the battle with the Trolls. For over ten years I had no idea of who I was until Martha brought me back. Only then did I realise that I was the Fae King of the Seelie Court. True loves kiss had broken the curse that someone had place on me during that battle all those years before.

  My brother wasn’t going to give up, he wanted to regain his position of power. Urlich knew that my situation was complicated. I had tried to reach out to the mages, to anyone that could help but without any luck so far. Sylius had no clue that Martha was important, that she was the legitimate ruler of Unseelie Court. And now she was firmly within his control.

  Moments later, Oran walked in to the room and I shook my head, trying not to dwell on my miserable situation. Martha had been my light for so long and I couldn’t cope being away from her, knowing that she was with that bastard.

  Oran’s expression was unreadable and that usually indicated that he didn't have any good news.

  “How are you my King?” he asked with amusement in his tone of voice.

  “I don't know what to do anymore Oran and that’s the honest truth. I think I need to cross to the other side and just take her. There’s no other option,” I said, not quite understanding how I had found myself in this situation. I lifted myself off the chair and dragged my hand through my hair. “I have been so stupid, believing that Ravanna was on my side. She sacrificed her honour for the Dark Prince. This just doesn’t make any sense.”


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