A Fae's Love

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A Fae's Love Page 13

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “Please touch me, Darragh,” I whined. He complied almost immediately as two fingers pressed against my clit through the fabric of my knickers. I moaned out so loud he climbed back up to silence me with a kiss, but I could not help they energy pulsating around my vulva as his fingers pressed and circled my sensitive muscles gently. He found his way inside, fingers dipping into my throbbing and dripping entrance, but only slightly. He moved them around, slowly and lovingly until I was grunting against his lips, begging for him to enter me. But he didn’t, and pulled his fingers out and slid upwards to play with my clit. I screamed and he only kissed me deeper with his tongue. My eyes rolled to the back of my head from the overwhelming assault at my clit and breast. I was so turned on for him and wanted his dick inside me.

  “I have to make up for missed time, my love,” he said with a kiss to my temple, pulling his hand away from my breast to undress me completely, “I owe it to you.”

  I lay before him, bare and waiting. His eyes travelled all over my body, taking it in with a hunger in his gaze that had been denied for too long. My body grew hotter than it already was as he ravaged me by sight alone, and I reached up to pull him down because I felt embarrassed.

  He grabbed my wrists before I could touch him, swopping down to attack my body with his lips. I sighed contently as he travelled around with his mouth, giving me love bites and gently sucking on my breasts. His mouth went lower down my stomach and past my navel, and my breath hitched as he pulled my legs away. I kept my eyes on the stone ceiling as his warm breath brushed against my sex. I felt my clit throb in need for him. It felt like I was waiting forever to for him to do something other than stare.

  “You’re practically dripping,” he growled against my thigh.

  “Of course, I am,” I snapped, “and it’s not getting any drier with y–oh, Darragh!”

  His tongue lapped against my clit and I screamed, fisting his hair and holding his head in place as my hips bucked into his mouth on its own accord. Darragh’s hands clamped around my waist as he buried his face in, his wet tongue fucking into my pussy with no resistance or remorse. His name spilled out of my lips like a prayer as I neared my high, wanting to climax.

  “Please…” I gasped as my back arched, “Darragh…oh god yes.”

  The way his wet and slick tongue moved against the entrance of my pussy was madness. Pushing my legs in the air and spreading them apart, he devoured my throbbing sex into his whole mouth, growling so low that the vibrations ran around my clit deliciously.

  He had me squealing as a knot tightened in my core and snapped, my orgasm pouring out of me with such rigor that it made my body spasm. I dug my nails into his scalp, trying to tear him away from my throbbing and oversensitive sex, but he would not budge until I slapped him.

  “Darragh!” I whined and he finally let go, climbing up my body and holding my face to kiss me. Oddly enough, I was still throbbing between my legs. I knew he could feel it against his thigh and he pulled back to look at me carefully.

  “Do you want it?” he whispered. I nodded desperately, and he pushed himself to sit on his knees, towering above me and taking off his top. My eyes fell onto his abs and I could not help myself. I pushed myself onto my elbows and reached out for his abdomen, tracing his muscles, hypnotised. His hand caressed my face. I looked up at him as his thumb hooked into the waistband of his trousers. He leaned in and kissed me, pushing me down as he rid himself off the last of his clothes. I felt his girth press against my thigh and remembered my aching neediness.

  “Please,” I whispered against his lips, begging him not to delay it anymore. His hand slid down between our legs, and I felt him line up at my entrance. The feel of his head poking past my entrance was driving me up the wall and I wish he would just–

  “AH!” left a sharp cry from my lungs as he pounded himself into me. I felt the throbbing walls of my sex squeeze and release around his hot, rock hard cock that slid in and out of me. My hips rocked with his, grinding his groining against my clit with his thrust inside, and he grabbed my butt to lift if off the bed to fuck me better. I felt the tip of his dick hit the spot deep in my womb and my mouth fell open in a silent cry of pleasure. I had to grip the sheets to keep from falling off the bed.

  His gaze was so intense that I could feel them on my large tits as they bounced before him. His mouth clamped around a perky teat, tongue twisting around it in circles with his spit only making it so much more sensitive. It made the entrance of my vagina pulsate with so much need that I was more than ready to explode again.

  Darragh’s loving assault on my tits continued as he flipped us over. He was suddenly sat up against the wall with me on his lap. His hand guided my hip against his groin, grinding my pussy against him and I moaned hard from the pleasure running up my body. My legs trembled by his thighs, juices flowing between them. I would have been embarrassed by the squelching sounds if I did not want him so much.

  “I missed looking at your tits like this,” he grunted, holding me at a distance by my waist and letting his eyes fall on my chest. All my attention was on the way he was lifting and slamming me onto his dick, squeezing out every drop of wetness in my womb. I felt his eyes travel downwards, watching his dick enter and leave from between my lips. A hand travelled to my thigh, flicking his thumb out to press onto my clit. I gripped his thighs, almost doubling over from the overwhelming pleasure running down to my core. It grew larger and larger, and I heaved a breath as I exploded onto him, screaming wantonly. He groaned loudly and came soon after, filling me with his warm seed.

  Darragh’s hand gripped the back of my head and pulled my forehead to his, his breath across my lips as we rode out our highs. The energy from my body fizzled away and I slumped into his strong arms that cradled me tenderly.

  Chapter Fifteen



  * * *

  My eyes fluttered open to a soft sunlight breaking through the cracks in the golden and burgundy curtains. I looked around at the space bathed in the mesmerising light, realising that I was in a very magnificent bedroom.

  Is this Darragh’s room? I thought in shock. I’d never been in his bedroom before. It was lovely, and even bigger than the bar at the brothel back in Farrington. I looked at the floor, sleek white marble with not a scratch. It was not tiled, just a continuous smooth surface. The bedsheets were as silky as the ones in my room, but so much more comfortable with Darragh’s breath on my neck.

  The man in question grunted in his sleep and tightened his arm around me, pulling me to his chest and kissing my neck softly.

  “You’re awake?” he sighed.

  “It was inevitable, handsome,” I reached back to caress his face. I frowned, “Your beard gets in the way a lot.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” he whispered, lips moving against my jaw, and then to my ear to suck on my lobe lovingly, “Should we wash up?”

  “That would be nice,” I agreed, feeling grossed out by the dried stickiness between us from the night before. I gasped as his hands came under my body and swept me in the air.

  Squealing, I wrapped my arms around his neck as the air hit my bare body. He smiled at me fondly and stepped out of bed. I stared at him, admiring his strong cheeks and somewhat annoyed by his beard because I couldn’t see his sharp jawline. I sighed and snuggled comfortably into his buff arms, feeling the warmth from his chest surround me as the calm energies emanating from him almost lull me back to sleep. In the next second, he turned around a corner and I was hit with the soft scent of lemon and lavender. We lowered into luke-warm water, and I opened my eyes to find ourselves in a pool quite literally the size of my room.

  My eyes found the wall made of glass and gasped at the view of the river that snaked on the border of the kingdom not too far away. The trees that followed beyond it were lush and colourful, with fields of crops and flowers off the side. The workers were up for the early morning feeding, and they looked so tiny, like beetles. The sky was a little dreary, as if it would
rain soon. We were expecting the season, after all. I could hear the birds chirping clearer from here.

  It was a beautiful view.

  “I’d grown tired of his view at one point,” he said from behind me, a slight croak in his voice from the sleep. I giggled and turned leaned back against his chest, letting him pour water into my hair. “For some reason, it looks better now that you’re here.”

  “Everything is better with you around me, Darragh,” I sighed, leaning my head into his shoulder as he lathered my hair with shampoo, “The days I spent without you were…horrible. Even the ten years after you disappeared. I never did heal from it until you returned.”

  Darragh wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. A hand pulled away and reached for the soap to lather my body with, and I looked ahead at the wall, noticing a mirror. I watched him, his eyes loving towards me and a look of peace on his face while he scrubbed my skin clean. I giggled as his hands found my thighs, rubbing them under the water. His fingers traced dangerously close to my vulva, and he was not shy about cupping it in his hand.

  “Mmh,” I sighed as my eyes fluttered shut as my core started to throb again, “It’s a bit sore from last night still.”

  “I might have another way,” he whispered, hands sliding up my torso sensually, fingertips brushing under my tits. His hands, slippery with soap, palmed my breasts gently. My nipples grew taut from his hot breath on my neck, and his fingers gently stroked my peaks repeatedly. I could feel my clit swell once again under his touch, and it was unbearable even beyond the sensitivity of my walls inside. I took one of his hands and dragged it down to my throbbing numb, and he touched it gingerly with the pad of his index finger.

  “I’ll be gentle,” he promised, still stroking my breast as his finger rubbed soft circles down there. I moaned and guided his hand lower down my slit, letting him insert a finger into my warm hole. “You’re so desperate for me, my Queen,” he groaned softly into my ears, “There’s nothing more seductive than looking at you enjoying the pleasure I give you.”

  He pumped his finger into me, slowly and gently. I could already feel my high coming on, and the cold air hitting my breasts only amplified it. My eyes landed on the mirror before us, and it only turned me on more to see myself being fondled by him. I gasped at all the hickeys that were on my neck and chest, but could not complained as he pumped his finger faster into me, making me see white as I threw my arms back to hold myself steady by his neck. I groaned and gasped, my body arching under his tantalising finger as he brought me to an immediate orgasm.

  “Good god!” I cried out as I slumped into his arms, hot and bothered. He gathered me into his arms and chuckled, reaching somewhere behind him to pull the plug. Another pull of a bejewelled rope, and a running shower fell over us. We washed off the soap and finally slipped into fluffy white robes.

  We left the bathing room and Darragh turned me swiftly for one last kiss before I left his quarters. I kissed back, a soft peck. His hands found my face as I pulled away, stroking my cheeks.

  “You’re lovely, Martha,” he sighed, brushing his nose against mine, “I’m so glad you’ve returned to me. I couldn’t ask for a better lover.”

  I looked down and grinned, biting my bottom lip to stop so he wouldn’t see. I looked at him from under my lashes, “You love me? You mean that I’m yours?”

  He chuckled, “Yes, Martha. I’m fully and completely yours as you are mine.”

  I threw myself into him, wrapping my arms around his torso tightly. I was smiling so hard that it was embarrassing. I quickly got on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek and run off, still bashful. I could hear his small laugh as I got farther from him.

  Quickly rounding the hall, I reached my quarters. I’d purposely settled for a modest one, but it was still twice as big as my bedroom back in Farrington. I needed to get ready immediately if I were to have some time for a walk in the garden with Darragh before the rulers of the other realms arrived to announce the collective coalition, followed by a party.

  My clothes had already been laid out, a simple pale-yellow dress with light puff at the shoulders, a modest square neckline, and a skirt with a slight flare embroidered lightly with gold. The threading in the white corset was also of gold.

  I realised that although the dress was to my taste, the colour was quite light. I always preferred my dresses to be accented with deeper colours. I would not be graced with gold threads unless it was an important occasion. I always preferred silk. Not thinking much of it, I put it on and twirled in front of the mirror, admiring the way it fit on me so delicately. It was made of the finest cloth I’d ever worn, and I just looked so elegant and royal even though it was not outlandish at all.

  I felt like a princess.

  Looking on the dressing table, I realised there was delicate jewellery to accompany it. A necklace of diamonds, set with a slightly larger stone in the centre glittering all swirls of colours. A fire stone. I gasped at the way it glinted in the sunlight when I picked it up. It was gorgeous. The earrings were two teardrops of the same stone, cut beautifully to throw rainbows where the light hit. I put them on carefully and admired it in the mirror, spellbound.

  “I hope you like it,” Darragh said, leaning against my door way, “I had them made just for you.”

  “Darragh,” I gasped with a hand to my chest. I felt so touched. “It’s absolutely wonderful…”

  “It looks better now that you’re wearing it,” he smiled. He walked to me slowly, eyes travelling over my dress with admiration and awe. He took a deep breath and met my eyes, “You look beautiful, my love.”

  I looked away from him shyly, eyes falling on us in the mirror. He had on his royal uniform in the same colours as mine, although his yellow was slightly deeper. The lapels were embroidered exactly the same as mine, his cuff links and main collar button at the neck curved out of the same fire stone I was wearing. He’d gotten his beard shaped nicely, too.

  As much as I tried to not think too much of it, I had a nagging feeling at my stomach that the time was not quite right.

  “Umm, Darragh?” I said softly, hoping to not upset him, “Are you…perhaps–”

  “I know what it looks like, my love,” he chuckled, “We’ll talk in the garden after breakfast.”

  “All right,” I nodded. The unsettlement had eased, but not completely. He kissed my forehead and left, now replaced by the royal stylist. After an hour of fixing my hair and make-up, I slipped into beautiful white shoes with gold heels, and made my way to the dining hall. The table was wide, and Darragh would have place a seat for me beside him at the head if my suspicions were to be confirmed. But they were not, and I took my usual place to his right.

  The former inquisitor, now advisor Gwynn, sat across from me to Darragh’s left. He would sneer at me before, but now he simply nodded blandly. I nodded back in acknowledgement, throwing a hidden glare at Darragh who was trying to hide an amused smile. Advisor Gwynn and I did not always meet, but it was humorous to Darragh now when we did with my memories returned, because of Gwynn and I’s previous clashes in the Court.

  Darragh coughed lightly, “Gwynn, remember how I advised you to exert caution around Martha because of her condition?”

  “Yes, and I’ve been very respectful since I was told.”

  “She remembers everything now,” he said blankly, “You may drop your act.”

  “Pardon my cross nature, your Majesty, but how is she still your advisor?” he demanded with a smack of his cup on the table. Darragh could not hide his amusement and I kicked him lightly under the table.

  “That was quite unnecessary,” I hissed at him.

  “Would you please address our king with some respect!”

  “Do you want to challenge your value at the breakfast table?” I shot back.

  “Silence, both of you,” he said firmly and cleared his throat, straightening his back as the servants served us breakfast. The maids giggled and whispered as they walked away, and I knew Gwynn and I’s con
flict would be a great source of entertainment for them from now on.

  I sighed and dug into my breakfast, making small talk with Darragh and occasionally shooting well-intended sarcasm at Gwynn’s unorthodox suggestions. I could not understand why Darragh would promote him from inquisitor to advisor. The man only wreaked havoc.

  Not long after, Gwynn had left to check on the arrangements while I followed Darragh to the garden and into the multi-coloured rose bush maze. The hedges were kept short to only two feet in height since they blocked too might light from falling onto other plants used to decorate empty lots with other flowers.

  It was empty, and the last of the gardeners left for home after tending to the fountains. It was soothing, the soft gushing of the water, and the muted coos of pigeons in the ridiculously large gold cage settled in one of the lots. The sky was still dreary, and there was a slight chill in the wind.

  “The time approaches, Martha,” Darragh said as he trained his eyes on the sky, “Sylius doesn’t stand a chance with his measly coalition,”

  “He still has dark magic on his side,” I reminded him, “How am I supposed to undo so much damage in so little time?”

  He took my hand and stroked my knuckles reassuringly, “You won’t be alone in it…and I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”

  I stopped and turned to him, and he took my other hand. His eyes conveyed nervousness, and honestly, I felt the same. I did not know how I would answer whatever it was he planned on asking.

  “Right now, you’ve got a lot going on,” he started, “There is so much for you to focus on and I wouldn’t want to get in the way of it. You’re so much more powerful in your magic now, more than anyone I’ve seen. And although the time may not be right to make any long-term promises…”

  His hand dug into the pocket of his trousers, feeling around for something, “Ah, yes.”

  He placed something cold in my hand. Metallic and thin, like card. I gave him a dubious look and he smiled at me cheekily and took his hands away.


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