A Fae's Love

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A Fae's Love Page 14

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  I turned my palm to look at what he’d given me and laughed.

  “Darragh!” I shook my head stepped into his arms, reaching up to kiss his jaw. It was easier now that his beard was trimmed nicely, “So, I’m finally worthy of our license.”

  “I just thought of it as a gag,” he said, “It made you laugh. I was successful.”

  I laughed and held him, feeling so much happier than I already did.

  “Martha,” he soft softly with his chin on my head, “when the time is right and everything is settled, could I ask you to marry me then?”

  My heart swelled in my chest and I tried my best to not cry. The stylist had worked hard on my make-up and I did not want to trouble her too much. I sniffled a bit, reaching for my handkerchief to take care of the bit of waterworks that had escaped. Darragh kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger.

  “Is that a yes?”

  I could only nod as he continued to hold me in his embrace.

  This was just a small part of my happily ever after. There was still a lot of it that I needed to fight for. But with Darragh by my side and the strength of the coalition, I had a feeling that everything would turn out all right.

  For the first time in my life, I wasn’t afraid.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Silence at dawn


  * * *

  The meeting went well. We had a few more realms turn over to our side after they had conducted in-depth investigation on the Unseelie Court. There was a lot of information shared and much discovered, which pleased Martha greatly.

  Sylius had stopped searching for Martha merely a month into the operation as some kingdoms and queendoms refused him direct entry onto their land. It was inevitable that he would find out I had returned to the throne. After that, he must have accepted that there was no getting Martha back. The news of Princess Selene’s possible return had spread like wildfire through the realms, with some boycotting their treaties with the witches and looking for ethical alternatives for trade. Most were still on civil terms with them, but had asked to renew their treaties with them and added some terms for protective measures. While Fae blood was the most important for them to source, other beings’ blood was also useful to them. Vampire blood value was second in demand to the witches after Fae blood.

  King Caspian of Farrington was there with his Eldest brother, Emperor Vladimir of the Vampire dynasties. Although I had advised them on breaking of contact with the witches all together, they insisted on retaining their relations.

  “It’s easier to keep track of their activities that way,” Martha explained to me again when we walked over to them, “so please don’t bring it up. I understand you’re not fond of the witches but we will have to reach civility with them once the tide of war turns over for good.”

  “We’ve already halfway won,” I whispered to her, “Much of his armies have surrendered or retreated.”

  “Have you forgotten what Aelius just told us in the meeting?” she nudged me disappointedly, “Sylius is maintaining a closer than ever alliance with them despite their treachery. The witches intend on keeping the war going and that’s exactly what Sylius wants. We do not know what kind of attack they could be planning.”

  “Which is why everyone who have sided with us should cut the witches off!”

  “It is simply trade, my love,” Martha sighed, but brightened up immediately when Caspian and Vladimir spotted us coming towards them. Cinderella appeared from behind Caspian and rushed towards Martha with a squeal and tears in her eyes.

  “Martha, do you remember me finally?” she choked up.

  “Yes, Cindy,” Martha chuckled and Cinderella hugged her tight.

  “Caspian told me everything about what happened to you,” she moaned, “Oh, I’m so glad you got away safely. It was an agonising six months of not hearing from you in so long and Caspian said I could not reach out to you under any circumstances! Word spread in Farrington so quickly that you were missing and no one knew what to do!”

  “I’m here now, aren’t I?” Martha forced a smile, “I ought to go and deal with matters back at home, though. I must’ve caused everyone so much trouble.”

  “You must!” Cinderella cheered, “I’m sure they all miss you very much.”

  Cinderella then dragged her away, chattering endlessly as Martha politely and patiently listened. I’m sure she would want to catch up on everything she had missed.

  “Darragh, my boy,” Vladimir patted my shoulder, “You’ve grown up well. I heard you and Caspian stayed in touch occasionally.”

  “The Seelie Court and Farrington exist edge to edge practically,” I mentioned, “so it was a given.”

  “Yes, yes, of course. Now, tell me, what progress is there on the Princess Selene? You do know that the essence of this coalition rests upon her return. And you’re an honest man, Darragh. We take your word very seriously as it is.”

  “Brother,” Caspian hissed and nudged the Emperor in the ribs.

  “I think we all deserve to know,” Vladimir huffed. I smiled, remembering Martha’s look of determination back in the garden when she said it was time to reveal her true identity. She could not have chosen a better time.

  “She’s closer than you think,” I assured him with a wink at Caspian, who’s mouth fell open. I knew he had sensed that Martha’s energies were much more different than before.

  “No wonder…” he whispered under his breath, eyes scanning the crowd, “I must get Cinderella.”

  “And I must go prepare for…an announcement,” I coughed lightly, “Good meeting you, Vladimir! Please, help yourself. We’ve got the finest Pegasus blood served fresh.”

  “Ah, yes, that’s been a little hard to come by these days,” he sighed, “especially since the centaurs have closed off their borders for hunting since the unfortunate incident last century. Tell me, are you open to trade in that department?”

  “Ah, advisor Gwynn!” I forced a cheer and grabbed him from passing by me, “You know Emperor Vladimir, don’t you? Would you please fill him in on the Pegasus blood harvest and other details? Thank you.”

  With that, I rushed off to look for Martha, hoping she was ready. I sensed her energy in the air and followed it past the flurry of so many others’. But I knew her so well, and could differentiate easily. It led me to the balcony doors. The one balcony where the moonlight fell best.

  I should have known. Martha adored the moon and stars endlessly. It made sense for her to be here.

  I carefully opened the door and closed it behind me. Just like the in day, the sky was cloudy. It was darker than ever because the moon was nowhere to be seen.

  “Would have been nice to see some stars tonight,” she sighed, “They’re always comforting.”

  “There will be more days to see them,” I reminded her, “Are you nervous?”

  “Not really,” she shrugged, “I’d been waiting for this moment for quite some time now. Tonight’s the night.”

  A pregnant silence fell over us, eyes trained on the forest trees that held colourful fireflies lighting the way for the workers going back home.

  “Will they believe me?” she whispered.

  “Your memories are evidence of it,” I took her hand gently, “The vision in the portal, the dreams you’ve been having the past six months, it’s all there. You’re too powerful to dismiss once they see it.”

  She squeezed my hand and looked at me with fire in her eyes, and a smile on her lips.

  “I’m ready.”

  * * *

  The crowd milled about nervously, sensing there was something in the air. The anticipation was making me giddy and I could only imagine how Martha must have felt.

  But when I looked over at her next to me, she looked as calm as ever. She looked at me from the corner of her eye and smiled, irises turning clear like marbles. I directed my gaze onto Gwynn, hoping to the gods that he would co-operate.

  Martha stepped forward, and I watched the crowd fall silent as their gaz
e fell on her. I did not know what she had done exactly, but her powers had activated and she looked…absolutely magnificent. Her skin glowed like cream silver under the chandelier, hair as transparent and shiny like rubies.

  It was obvious that Martha was not the average Fae. Or changeling.

  “You’ve all gathered here today in promise of a new era,” she started, her voice ringing loudly around the ball room, “And it has been six months of patience, faith, and loyalty to the cause against Sylius’s reign of terror over the Unseelie Court and other realms colonised by him.”

  “Here, here!” someone called in the crowd, and there were nods and murmurs of agreement.

  I grabbed Gwynn and got moving. We needed to be on the ground once Martha activated her full potential and presented her memories.

  “Your Majesty!” he hissed, “What are we doing?”

  “Has there ever been a time where you don’t question my judgement, Gwynn,” I groaned. He fell silent and walked ahead of me behind the throne and down the stairs. I sighed and followed suit, walking around the platform and finding a spot behind one of the pillars to watch from.

  “This all would not have happened had the truth about Princess Selene not finally seen the light of day,” she continued, “I’m aware that many of you have made your own attempts in looking for the missing princess to set the prophecy in motion, but everything has a time and place…and I’ve finally found mine.”

  Martha spotted me in the crowd easily, and gave me a small smile before returning her gaze to the crowd. Her form started to glow brighter, purple runes materialising and floating around and coming together slowly, three different wheels spinning around her in different angles. Her eyes glowed brighter than her skin did, and her energy was so intense that it snuffed all the candles out in the room.

  There was no one to look at but Martha…

  No. Princess Selene.

  The spinning wheels of runes burst into golden purple waves that radiated through the room, hitting everyone and also myself. And I blanked out.

  Fire, a baby’s cry, and wails of a man and woman in the distance. Choking and strong fumes of smoke and char. Falling from a height. A laugh, sinister and similar…


  Witches. Hushed whispers and conversation.

  “Should we keep her?”

  “No, she’s of the prophecy.”

  “Take her away,” came the hushed gruff of the now-dead Deepika, “Change her name, change her kin. She cannot become queen.”

  “The prophecy has been foretold,” another witch hissed, “Even if we switch the children, it will go on.”

  “Until then, we shall reap the benefits of this…odd circumstance.”

  Another memory. Martha growing up on a farm. Helping out, taking care of children.

  Getting hit by her family. It made sense why she ran away.

  Then she was running endlessly. She discovered magic. She helped people. The goodness of her heart was so evident. The love and peace she had brought and the people she had healed.

  I could feel her feelings of kindness through each memory of helping someone.

  Witches again, but this time she was training. Images of the Unseelie mines and her helping prisoners escape. Talking to a servant girl. Fighting with the guards back at the Unseelie Court. Then her being in the castle and training with Oran.

  I came back with gasp, trying to suck in as much air as I can as I realised suddenly that I now had new memories that belonged to Martha, Princess Selene.

  “You…” Vladimir breathed in the distance, “You were the child in the castle. You were switched!”

  “She really is Princess Selene…” someone else murmured. It put me at ease, hearing the whispers of shock and approval make rounds. I waited for someone to object. There would always be someone who objected.

  But no one came forward to reject her. The evidence was pure and bare. The crowd knew it.

  “Do you accept me as the heir to the Unseelie Court?” Martha asked, floating in the air, glowing in her powerful glory as if she was liquid gemstone. But her face was still so kind, “I cannot move forward without you all.”

  Vladimir and Caspian were the first to push to the front of the crowd and drop onto a knee, leaning over in a deep bow. I watched the others, their faces brimming with hope as they took the knee behind Vladimir. One after the other, all the Royals of different realms had pledged themselves to her. I lowered myself to the ground, eyes never leaving her beautiful form as I bowed.

  I caught Queen Lynn at the very back of the room smiling at Princess Selene, making her way forward and next to Vladimir. The heir to the Unseelie Court smiled at her fondly, and curtseyed in thanks. Queen Lynn responded with a bow.

  “Rise,” said Princess Selene, “We shall finally feast in celebration of a new history in the making.”

  Everyone rose and a round of applause followed around the ballroom, cheering for Princess Selene. Cinderella cried tears of joy and bound up the stairs, and Princess Selene engulfed her in an embrace with open arms.

  “I knew fate would be kind to you someday, Martha,” she wailed, “You deserve the world and more.”

  “I do,” she chuckled, “I finally accept that now. She shared a knowing look with Queen Lynn.

  I smiled, my chest swelling with pride. It was unbelievable, her going from an orphan, to a whore, and now the most powerful Fae in the all the realms. All that was left to take was her rightful throne.

  Sylius had better been prepared for what was coming.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Missing Queen


  * * *

  I was in the balcony where Princess Selene previously was. There was a slight rumble in the sky, and I had sent out guards to advise the townsfolk of an oncoming storm and assist them in boarding up their homes to keep the rain out.

  “King Darragh,” Gabriella said behind me. I looked over and nodded, allowing her to come forward and stand beside me. “I see all is going according to plan.”

  “Thankfully,” I nodded, “Although, Martha’s memories returning was a bit quick. But Princess Selene’s debut had to happen either way.”

  “I’m glad,” she sighed, very relieved, “King Darragh, I must apologise to you for my earlier interferences and the way I came between you two. I ripped you two away from each other under the influence of evil. I should have known better than to trust the witches.”

  “I trusted them too at one point,” I sighed, “It was my wrong to not have enough faith in the bond Martha and I shared.”

  There was a silence between us, and I did not know if there was anything to forgive Gabriella for. She was only doing what she was told, and what she believed was in Martha’s best interest.

  “It’s been…poking at me,” I admitted, “your words about Martha and I’s union being the Seelie Court’s downfall. Do you think there is still any truth to it?”

  “Before six months ago, perhaps,” she nodded, “Your relationship with both Martha and you kingdom was extremely unstable and very superficial. I can’t blame you, though. Your circumstances were extremely difficult as well. It’s not like you had the time to work on any of it until recently.”

  “Martha losing her memories helped, you know?” I said, “As terrible as it must have been for her, she wouldn’t be the person we know now without that experiences.”

  “And you would never had acknowledged the many other things she is to be admired for,” she teased. I only scoffed, but she was right. I had been too superficial in my feelings for Martha. I loved her so much more deeply now. Her beauty and grace were an added bonus to her stubborn personality.

  She was a wildfire.

  “I needed to talk about something else that was very important,” Gabriella stated in urgency, “You remember Aria, yes? I used to work side by side with her before being assigned to Martha’s care. We were very close for a good few decades.”

  “Oh!” I grunted, “Yes, I’ve be
en meaning to talk to you about her, too. I’ve wanted her in my coalition but she’s very well hidden.”

  “I haven’t heard of her since the night we recused Martha,” Gabriella looked worried, “I’ve tried searching for her and gathered many clues but…I might need a very extensive leave. I can’t be Martha’s bodyguard for a while if I’m granted it.”

  “There’s no one better for the mission to look for Aria,” I assured her, “I grant you my permission. Besides, I’m sure Princess Selene is more than capable of taking care of herself now. She’s very talented and strong.”

  “Thank you very much, King Darragh,” she curtseyed, “I hope this won’t take me longer than a few months, but I’ll send you reports when necessary.”

  “Of course,” I placed a hand on her shoulder, “And would you be needing assistance? I can gather my finest men and women to accompany you on this task.”

  “I would appreciate that very much,” she beamed, “I always work better with a team.”

  “No one is meant to be alone,” I smiled at her, “Right, by tomorrow morning, we’ll get to shortlisting people in our academy and current cavalry. You’ll need to be well rested for that. Did Gwynn find you a plumber for your bath fixture problem earlier on?”

  “Yes, my quarters are well maintained,” she said, “I shall take my leave now. Good night, King Darragh.”

  “Rest well, Gabriella.”

  She walked away, and I felt Martha appear and place herself under my arm.

  “Is everything all right?” she said sweetly with a gentle hand to my chest.

  “I think so,” I replied, taking her hand and kissing it, “Gabriella will be leaving tomorrow on an extensive mission, though. To look for Aria. She’s been…missing.”

  “Well, that isn’t unusual of her, to be honest,” Martha explained, “She keeps well under the radar. Not sure how she does it, but it’s pretty clever.”


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