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A Fae's Love

Page 17

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  They let go of the lanterns. Hundreds and thousands of colourful paper shapes glittering, taking to the air like stars in the sky. I gasped at the sight as fireworks started to explode in the distance. Music started to play, fast and festive, and the smell of food wafted through the air.

  They were celebrating.

  “I did it…” I breathed, looking at everyone dancing and cheering, hugging each other so happily, “I really d-did…”

  “Oh lord, she’s going to cry,” Queen Lynn pulled me away, “Keep smiling until you’re behind the throne, then you can cry to your heart’s content.”

  I held it together for another three seconds before I finally turned the corner and burst into tears of relief. Darragh gathered me in his arms as I sobbed uncontrollably. It was all so overwhelming and I was waiting for myself to wake up from this wonderful dream back into a nightmare of a life I had back at the farm.

  “It’s not a dream, Martha,” he whispered and stroked my head, “You did all this. You deserve this. You saved our realm.”

  He carefully led me away and back into my quarters, where he held me as I unloaded all of my pain onto him that I had been putting away for so long. It was the first time in my life that I could finally relax. Where I was not planning, running, or being hunted. I did not know what else to do but cry.

  Darragh held me in comfort, kissing my forehead and eventually my face, wiping my tears to help me drink cups of water that the maids were rushing to bring me in panic. Marianne and Cindy burst in, and they were getting just as teary as I was. I saw the stylist almost begin to wail about her work going to waste until one of her girls gave her a hard pinch. It made me chuckle.

  A gentle touch under my chin turned my head, and I felt Darragh’s lips brush against mine lovingly.

  “I’ll leave you all to it then,” he announced and got up, “My Queen, I’ll be downstairs with the generals if you need me. I’ll see you in an hour for the dance.”

  Cindy and Marianne talked me through it all, slowly getting me to calm down and laugh with them. The stylist came over and wiped my face of the make-up, saying she’d be back in thirty minutes and to take a breather until then.

  After a while of talking, I got up to look at myself in the mirror. I burst out laughing at how red my face was from crying, puffy and all. I did not even have make-up on anymore.

  “I look ridiculous,” I giggled.

  “It matters not!” Cindy said, “You’re the smartest and the kindest ruler the Unseelie Court has seen in years!”

  “You still look beautiful even with a puffy face,” Marianne teased, “Are you feeling better now?”

  “Very much,” I nodded, “I’ll go splash some water on my face. The stylist will be back any minute now.”

  Half hour later, my face was prepped and ready again. Lilly led me away to the open, elevated courtyard. The party was gathered below in the garden, dancing away. I saw Darragh standing at the centre of the raised platform, waiting for me. I walked towards him, admiring how wonderful he looked in his golden and Burgundy Royal robes. His eyes fell on me, travelling over my dress and face once more.

  He held his hand out as I neared him, “I will never get used to how beautiful you are, my love.”

  “You’re very handsome yourself,” I winked. He grinned and pulled me in.

  The music changed to something soft, and we waltzed slowly. Golden lights started to glow around us. I looked and was surprised to find pixies flying around us as we danced, decorating the air with glitter. It was beautiful.

  “I hope you’re feeling better,” he whispered into my ears.

  “Much better,” I nodded, and he twirled me around. I laughed as he led me around the courtyard enthusiastically. We were happy, so happy.

  I remembered a conversation I had with my brothel girls from so long ago.

  “We all know what some of the women in town have been saying about you,” Katie muttered.

  “That will never change, even if I were to become a Queen.” I laughed, because it sounded so absurd, “I don’t think I could ever be a Queen. That kind of life isn’t for me.”

  I wished they could see me now. They would be oh so happy.

  * * *

  Hours later, when the night was darker than ever and the party was over, I found myself pushed onto my back on my bed. I bounced lightly on the mattress, my breath already labouring from the thoughts clamouring in my head.

  “It’s a miracle I could keep my hands mannered at all today, my Queen,” Darragh growled seductively as he loosened his top, letting it fall to the floor. He climbed over me slowly, eyes roaming over my body. His energies were buzzing everywhere and right through me, igniting a strong fire in my core that begged to be quenched.

  Darragh was the only one who could do so.

  He’d caught me when I was taking off my jewellery. I wanted to go straight to sleep and almost started taking off my dress when he came in the room. And right now I was under him, not sleepy anymore and very, very desperate for his touch.

  “Touch me all you want tonight, my King,” I breathed, “My heart belongs to no one but you.”

  His gaze softened at my words, a hand coming up to caress my cheek. I leaned into the comfort of his palm, but soon found myself moaning as his mouth latched onto my neck, licking and sucking bruises onto me and marking me his.

  “You are so impatient,” I whined and he laughed. His hands roamed my waist, finding the lace of my corset and pulling it away to loosen my bodice. He pulled away from kissing me, intense eyes on my voluptuous chest that hardened my nipples for him. I wanted him to fuck me so badly, but I knew he would savour the sight of my naked body before anything else.

  His hands clasped around my bodice, sliding it off my torso slowly until he saw the swell of my breasts push up against the still tight corset. With a tug, my breasts slipped out from under the neckline, bouncing from being released of its constraints. The cold air hitting it only made my sex wetter, and he groaned at the sight of my tits moving fluidly under him. He leaned down immediately, taking in a peak with his whole mouth and licking around it with his hot, wet tongue that made me cry out in pleasure.

  He was quick to pull the rest of my dress off, flipping me over himself. I was still in my knickers and his trousers had yet to come off, but I could feel his hard shaft poking against my thigh. His mouth was still sucking on my breast and the feeling was wonderful, but I was soon gasping for air as he shoved my hip to his groin and I felt his member press against the folds of my pussy, rock hard and scorching with need. The walls of my sex throbbed so badly that I did not want to wait any longer.

  I needed to take charge immediately, and so I moved my hands to his trousers, unbuttoning it. His hand gripped my waist to keep me in place as his tongue shot out tend to my other breast, damp licks over the tip of my nipple that shot pleasure down to my core with each stroke. I finally freed the button and pushed it off, practically kicking him.

  “All right, all right,” he laughed, pushing himself to sit and finally shrugging it off his hips. I pushed my panties down and got back on top of him, ready to take him in. But I should have known of his mischief. His hand found the cheek of my bottom, holding me standing on my knees before I could lower myself onto his shaft. His eyes bore into mine with a smirk on his lips. “Not so fast, my love.”

  I groaned and gripped his shoulders as his fingers found my clit, rubbing in gentle and loving circles, occasionally sliding down my slit to dip into my sopping wet cunt. My mouth fell open, eyes crossing from the need and pleasure building up.

  “Darragh, I–oh!” I gasped as he took his fingers away and bucked his dick into my throbbing walls. I screamed as he held my hips and pounded into my, the sound of our slapping skin filling the whole room. I knew he was greatly enjoying watching my tits bounce before his face, and he soon buried himself between them, teeth nipping at my skin.

  My screaming would not stop from how hard and fast he was fucking into me, my wetness pr
obably squirting out of my vagina and dripping down my thighs. Darragh knew how to fuck me so good. I wanted his dick to throb inside of my pussy, gush into me with his seed and make me completely his.

  He flipped me with my back onto the bed, dick still inside me as he grinding himself into me as if reading my mind. He kept away and watched my tits bounce as I grabbed onto the sheets, almost ripping them from the intensity of the climax that was to hit me.

  “Darragh, my love,” I gasped, “please mate with me. Please make me yours.”

  He leaned down and kissed me so hard that I thought my lips would bleed. He slowed his pace down, but grabbed my hips and pounded into me harder each time with such roughness that I would see stars in my vision.

  “I would love nothing more,” he growled.

  Chapter Twenty



  * * *

  I watched Martha fondly as she excitedly buzzed about in her new study, placing decoration pieces as she liked it. She had been working so hard until the day of the coronation that she never got to indulge in anything else.

  “Is this what they call a telescope?” she squealed.

  “Yes, to study the stars,” I explained, “It’s how they read the prophecies.”

  “Is my prophecy up there?” she gasped, “Could you read it to me?”

  “Of course, my love. But at night time.”

  There was an urgent knock on the door, and before Martha could speak, two women burst into the room. They spilled onto the ground, coughing and heaving. I got up immediately and drew my sword, but Martha held a hand up to me.

  “Gabriella! Aria!” she gasped and rushed to them, “Whatever happened to you two?”

  “I don’t know how we ended up here,” Aria gasped and I looked through Martha’s plant shelves of herbs for water, finding a bottle and bringing it to them.

  “Guards!” I called out, “Call for the medics!”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Gabriella!” I cried out and held her in my arms. She had dirt and dried blood all over her. She seemed faint. “Talk to us!”

  “I’m all right,” she croaked with a cough, “Let’s just…agree not to be involved with the witches ever again.”

  Aria groaned in pain and double over, and we saw the knife jutting out of her side.

  “Goodness!” Martha cried out and her eyes started to glow. With a flick of her fingers, she had the women carefully off the floor and the tables in the room pulled to the centre to place them on. She rushed to the herbs and pulled out bandages too on the way back, getting to work on Aria immediately.

  “Sylius,” Aria coughed, “Someone…somehow…he escaped somehow. Some demon. He was looking for me. He’d been looking for me all night.”

  “What?” I demanded.

  “Someone must’ve come through and blended into the coronation party,” Gabriella groaned and held her head, “Congratulations, by the way. All hail Queen Selene.”

  “Pipe it down,” Martha smacked Gabriella’s arm who only smirked in return.

  “What else,” I asked Aria, gently this time.

  “The witches are really something,” Aria shook her head and yelled in pain as Martha pulled the knife out. Blood shot out from the wound, drenching Martha’s face and clothes, but she didn’t care and worked tirelessly. “My father,” she continued in pain, “he’s alive. The witches have hidden him. Sylius made another pact with the demon because he found out. That it could have him in exchange for my freedom from the witches. Now it can have both him and my dad.”

  Martha froze in the middle of bandaging, tears coming into her eyes. Despite her visible frustration, Martha powered on and fixed Aria right up.

  “That’s not what should have happened,” she sighed, and I wished I could take her pain away. Martha had told me about the vision in the portal, and her meeting with the demon. “I should’ve accepted the demon would have its way somehow. There was no winning against it.”

  “So…what now?” I looked at the women, unsure of what could be done, “If the demon’s terms aren’t met, then the life force of the realms will be thrown off. We’ll be doomed…”

  Aria looked at the ceiling, pained but determined. Tears fell from her eyes as she tinned her lips.

  “I need to go find my father and confront the direct ruler of the Underworld.”

  * * *

  End of Book 3

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