We Both Can't Be Bae
Page 8
When her parents walked away to go to the vending machine, the four girls were left by themselves. “Why you didn’t tell us Malcolm’s ass was suicidal? The nigga really walked out into traffic?” Shay said.
“His whole damn family is crazy!! It starts with his damn mama,” Toya added.
“I just can’t believe any of this. I feel so sorry for you Cam,” Sonya said.
“If he would try to kill his self, you know damn well he will kill you. Girl you gonna have to play this smart,” Toya said. Cameron reached into her purse and popped three pills without water or anything.
“Are you tryna kill yourself too? What kinda pills you taking?” Toya asked. Cameron ignored her. She didn’t even want to get into that at the moment.
“When are you going up to see him?” Shay asked. Cameron finally found her voice and said she was trying to wait until his mom left. “Umm, judging by the way she’s been acting, I really don’t think she’s going anywhere anytime soon so you might have to suck it up and go on up,” Sonya said.
“Is this my fault?’ Cameron asked.
“You just married a damn fool,” Shay said.
The four of them talked for a little while longer. They were all trying to comfort Cameron as best as they could to help her cope with the situation. After about thirty more minutes they finally made Cameron go on up to Malcolm’s room. They all told her they would talk to her later and wished Malcolm a speedy recovery. Neither of the girls wanted to see Malcolm or witness anymore drama so they decided to go ahead and leave. They told Cameron that they would check on her later but made her promise to call them if she needed them no matter what time it was. She agreed and they left.
When she walked into the room the first thing he said was, “Heeyyy baby, I’m so happy to see you. I knew you loved me and would come to take me home.”
This fool REALLY is crazy, Cameron thought to herself. She didn’t want to set him off in any kind of way so she said hi and asked him how he was feeling. “I’m just ready to go home. The doctor said with pain medication, I should be able to heal at home. I might only be off work for about three weeks,” Malcolm said. Cameron felt like she had died on the inside. She started hyperventilating. Three weeks at home. Everyday. Oh my God!! How in the hell is this gonna work, she thought to herself. FUUCCCKKKK, she screamed in her head.
Malcolm was released from the hospital on Friday evening, the day before Cameron’s birthday. She was hoping they would have kept him for a couple more days so she could celebrate in peace, but now she had to come up with a plan to get out. She reluctantly allowed Malcolm to come home. If it had not been for the doctor recommending he be taken to a familiar setting since she wasn’t sending him to a facility for psychiatric treatment, and him begging in front of the staff to come home she would have sent him right back home with his mother where both women wanted him.
They made it home before it got dark. Cameron’s mom had cooked and cleaned so that Cameron wouldn’t have to do too much. She really appreciated her for that. Malcolm was acting like a big baby and acting as if he didn’t do this shit on purpose but they all knew the truth. Cameron was finding it hard to play nice when this situation could have been avoided.
As soon as they got settled in there was a knock at the door. Cameron opened the door and found Bertha standing there with pots and pans. “We have food already,” Cameron said with an attitude. She just didn’t like this woman and she knew the feeling was mutual. “I just thought I would bring my baby his favorite meal. I didn’t mean any harm and I don’t want to keep fussing with you. I just want to make sure my son is OK. He asked me to be nice and I think we should try to get along,” Bertha said. Cameron felt like this was all a bunch of bullshit, but she instantly thought that if she made peace with her she would be able to get out of the house a little easier. Cameron stepped to the side allowing Bertha to enter. She faked a smile and said that sounds good to me.
Since Bertha had made herself at home, Cameron decided to go take a shower and leave those two alone. She heard Bertha ask Malcolm if he got the results from the DNA test yet and he responded with a simple “No”. She fought the urge to go in there and cuss them both out. She was about to get the fuck away from there so she decided to let it slide. She went into the bathroom and turned on the shower then called Keith. They had been texting everyday but she was unable to talk like she wanted to while being at the hospital by Malcolm’s side for three days. She told him that she needed to see him soon. “Can you get out in a few?” He asked.
“Yeah, his mom is here and I can tell them I’m running to Wal-Mart. Where is she?” Cameron asked.
“She went out of town to a hair show. I’ll be here, just let yourself in,” Keith said. Cameron hopped in the shower smiling, thinking about Keith being inside of her soon.
After she finished her shower and dried off, she looked for something quick and comfortable to slip on. She couldn’t put on anything that would cause Malcolm to act a fool before she could even get out of the house so she settled for some pink joggers, one of Keith’s sweatshirts, and a pair of Ugg boots. It looks like I’m just going to the store and not to screw my man, she thought to herself while looking in the mirror. She knew she wouldn’t be able to stay longer than an hour but that was more than enough time to get her fix.
She made it out of the house easier than she imagined. Malcolm did ask a few questions and she already had her answers rehearsed. She even had her lie together just in case she didn’t make it back as soon as planned. She sent Toya a text to let her know what was up. Toya only replied SMH!! Malcolm wouldn’t be able to text because his replacement phone wouldn’t be ready until Monday and if he called she would just say she had left her phone in the car which wouldn’t be a lie.
Cameron made it to Keith’s house in record time and let herself in. She needed him so bad. When she walked in she found Keith in the kitchen cooking him something to eat. He was just getting started but he had it smelling good. Cameron pulled her shoes off at the door, went in gave him a sweet kiss and said, “Let me do that for you bae.”
He slapped her on the ass and said, “You know you can’t cook, but go ahead and don’t burn my food.” She playfully rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue and took over frying the chicken for him.
Keith disappeared into the back for a few minutes then came back naked. He eased up behind Cameron and started kissing her neck and fondling her breasts. She let out a soft moan and told him that he was gonna make her burn the food. “Fuck the food, I want you,” he said as he pulled his sweatshirt that she had on over her head. “I love this sweatshirt,” he said as he unsnapped her bra, turned her around. He then picked her up and sat her on top of the counter. He kissed her passionately and then pulled her joggers off. “No panties, damn you were ready huh?” Keith asked playfully. She arched her back as he entered her and wrapped her arms around him. This was just what they both needed. She leaned forward and thrust her pelvis into him while sucking on his neck. “Shit, you bout to make me cum already girl,” he said. He picked her up from the counter and took her into the living room and laid her on the couch never missing a stroke. She cried out in pleasure as he continued to pound her. She dug her fingernails into his back and bit his neck leaving passion marks on him. He was too into her to even care what she was doing. “Oh shit!!” Keith said as they both climaxed. As soon as Keith was about to get up they heard the smoke detector going off and they both laughed. “Fuck the food,” she said.
Cameron had drifted off to sleep in Keith’s arms and didn’t realize it until she was awakened by his phone ringing. She jumped up and asked him what time it was. “It’s 10:43,” he told her.
“Oh my God! I’ve been gone almost three hours,” she said in a panicked voice.
“I don’t want you to leave. I’m tired of this back and forth shit. It’s time for you to leave that nigga. We both can’t be bae,” Keith said.
“I can’t leave him right now, not with everything that just ha
ppened,” Cameron said sadly. Keith had been talking about her leaving Malcolm a lot lately. “I promise, when the timing is right, I’ll leave. You know you my bae tho, don’t even play,” Cameron said.
“You call that nigga bae too so don’t even trip,” Keith snapped.
“You call her the same thang but I don’t even wanna argue with you,” Cameron said to him before she kissed him. “Right now, I’ve gotta get going because I know he’s been blowing my phone up. I love you bae,” she said before she left.
Just as Cameron suspected, Malcolm had been blowing her phone up. He had called eighteen times. Eighteen got damn missed calls all from home. Cameron texted Toya and told her she was heading home.
“You really tryna die huh?” was Toya’s reply. Cameron didn’t even text her back. When Cameron made it home she was glad that Bertha was gone. She didn’t want to argue with mother and son tonight. She was prepared to deal with the son but not both.
As soon as she walked in Malcolm was on the couch sitting up. “Why aren’t you in bed lying down?” Cameron asked sweetly.
“What did you get from Wal-Mart?” Malcolm asked.
“I didn’t realize I had left the bag in Toya’s car until I was halfway home. I parked at her house and rode with her. I sent her a text asking her to get it out the car,” Cameron lied with ease. “Come and sit with me,” Malcolm said. The wheels in Cameron’s head were spinning. She was prepared for a screaming match, but Malcolm was too calm and now she didn’t know what to expect. She went and sat beside him cautiously. “I’m tired of fighting with you, I know we’ve both made mistakes, but I want to put it behind us. I can’t live my life without you and you won’t live yours without me either. ‘Til death do us part,” Malcolm said and leaned over planting a kiss on her forehead. Cameron was speechless and numb but she was thinking about how that was one of the lines she had skipped in her vows so she was wondering why he always recited it. She was so numb that she didn’t even notice that Malcolm was pulling her shirt off until it was too late. She had to think of a way to distract him. “You need to heal before you try to have sex,” she tried to plead with him to no avail. He sloppily kissed her and pulled her pants down. When did he get undressed? She thought to herself. Before she could protest any further, he was done. That can’t possibly count as screwing two men in the same day, she thought.
Chapter 13
Malcolm was bored out of his mind and today had only made a week since the “accident”. Sitting at home was getting the best of him. He tried to convince Cameron to still take the trip to the mountains for her birthday but she flat out told him no. He knew that she was cheating on him but he had no solid proof. She was taking care of him, and playing nice but he knew it was all just a front. He admitted deep down in his conscience that he had started this, but he would never acknowledge it to Cameron or anyone else for that matter. His mom told him to leave Cameron everyday because one of her coworkers previously informing her about Cameron’s boyfriend. She had also informed him that Cameron’s boyfriend even brings her lunch to her job. As he sat there, he decided that he would try to catch her in the act. It was time for him to get some proof. He hadn’t been out of the house in a week now and it was about time to make a move. He was feeling pretty good with the pain meds so he figured he would be fine.
Malcolm ate a bowl of cereal, showered, threw on some black jeans, a black hoodie, then got in his car and left. He had a little time to spare so he decided he would wash his Mustang since the sun was shining. He loved to wash his vehicles no matter how hot or cold it was so there was no way he could let a sunny day pass him by. While he was vacuuming, he noticed a woman staring at him. She had taken her white Honda Civic through the drive through car wash and now looked like she was just passing time. She looked familiar but he couldn’t quite place her. Malcolm being the kind of guy he was, he stared right back at the girl. He finally broke the stare and went to throw something in the trash can. By the time he made it back, she had walked over and was leaning on his car smiling. She greeted him with a hello and Malcolm smiled back. He then noticed that she was the girl who worked at the electric company.
“I’ve been waiting on the chance catch you alone so when I saw your car I had to stop. Let me see your phone,” she passively demanded. Malcolm was stunned at her straight forwardness and handed her his phone almost immediately. She called her cell phone from his and saved her number in his phone as Callie. “You know, I wouldn’t have you out here looking crazy like that wife of yours. You seem like such an awesome guy,” Callie said. Malcolm was mesmerized by this blonde haired beauty and decided to keep quiet for a moment. “I could show you a real good time if you let me,” she continued. Malcolm finally broke his silence by smiling and letting her know that he was always down to have a good time. They chatted for a few moments before Malcolm realized that he needed to get going. He told her that he would be in touch. When he got in his car, he erased her name out of his phone and programmed her number into his mind. He remembered numbers easily so there was no need for her name to be in his phone. He made up his mind right then that he was gonna finally screw a white girl. He got in his car and drove away grinning from ear to ear.
Malcolm made it to Cameron’s job and noticed that she was parked in the perfect spot where he could hide; her car was right in front of a bush. He thought about hiding in the back seat of her car but didn’t have the spare key with him so the bush would have to do. It was big so he would be able to hide easily. He drove around and parked on the other side of the building then walked back around and stooped behind his selected hide out. He would never know that when he circled the building to park, he had just missed Keith getting out of her car and leaving.
Malcolm had been hiding in the bushes for about five minutes before he finally heard Cameron’s car door open and close. He assumed it was Cameron’s mystery man so he jumped up, ran around to the front of the car, and jumped on the hood. Feeling accomplished he screamed, “GOTCHA!!!!” He knew for a matter of fact that he had caught her. The look on Cameron and her coworker’s faces were priceless. Cameron was pissed the fuck off and her coworker was scared for her life, not knowing whether to stay put or make a run for it. She didn’t have her mace or anything so she was scared shitless. She was only bringing a release form to Cameron that she needed to take with her to the hospital. The only reason she had gotten in the car was because she had a few minutes to spare. Neither of them was expecting Inspector Gadget to jump out of the bushes and onto the hood of the car. Cameron was truly pissed and embarrassed because everyone at work was going to know that she was married to a got damn jackass.
Chapter 14
Cameron was so over Malcolm. That stunt that he pulled on her at work yesterday was too much for her to handle. She wanted to strangle his ass and was seriously considering leaving him, but wondered if Keith was really serious about leaving Phebe. Cameron had been getting nasty text messages on her phone for the last week and knew that it couldn’t be anybody but Phebe. She knew that she had to do something because on yesterday if Malcolm would have made it only two to three minutes earlier than he did, he would’ve caught Keith in her car. He had brought her lunch and she had fed him; fed him right on the back seat as she sat on his face. She never imagined that her life would turn out the way that it had been going. If I could just turn back the hands of time, she thought to herself.
The girls were supposed to meet up for drinks after work. Cameron had sent out a mass
text because she felt stressed and needed to vent. The day was moving along pretty swiftly and Cameron was ready to clock out. Word had spread about the incident that took place in the parking lot yesterday and she was beyond embarrassed. Malcolm couldn’t lie his way out of it either. He had attempted to say he was just trying to surprise her, but how in the hell do you justify hiding in some bushes and then jumping onto the hood of a car screaming “gotcha” as a surprise? It couldn’t be justified in
her eyes.
Cameron’s boss had called her in to speak with her and asked if she needed some time off from work. She could use some time off, but there was no way she could relax while Malcolm was at home since she could barely stand the sight of him. She was also told that the company couldn’t tolerate those kinds of behaviors on their property. Cameron told her boss that she understood and promised to get everything under control. She had no idea how to do that but she sure as hell was going to try. She loved her job and wasn’t going to allow Malcolm to make her lose it. The only reason she still had her job was because everyone loved her and she was a very hard worker. She was blessed with a wonderful boss and coworkers so she would do everything in her power to get this situation under control. Malcolm had been calling and texting her all day, but she ignored him completely. She was still pissed at him and he knew it. He might as well just leave me the fuck alone, Cameron thought.
The work day was finally coming to an end and Cameron was relieved. She shut her computer down, grabbed her things, and shot out of the door without looking back. Cameron was the first one to arrive at the restaurant so she requested a booth for four. She walked by the bar and a guy complemented her on her outfit. She was wearing a black Marc Jacobs knee length dress with suede black and maroon wedges. Of course she thanked him and kept walking.
When she sat down she already knew what she wanted, but she looked over the menu anyway. She wanted a grilled chicken quesadilla with meat and cheese only. Shay arrived next. She was wearing a pretty yellow blouse with some skinny jeans and heels. “What’s up Cam?” She asked. “What ain’t up,” Cameron replied. The waitress came by and took their drink orders, and Shay told her to bring waters for the other two ladies because they should be arriving soon.
Toya and Sonya walked in as the waitress was placing the drinks on the table. After everyone was seated, the women started making small talk. “What did you end up doing for your birthday last weekend since everything happened with Malcolm and we couldn’t do anything?” Shay asked Cameron. “Girl, absolutely nothing except pop some pills and slept the day away. I wasn’t able to get out of the house because I left the night before to go to Wal-Mart and ended up being gone for almost four hours. Malcolm wouldn’t let me breathe in peace so I just went to bed and left him and Kingston up,” Cameron said.