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Wilde Heart (Wilde Women Book 2)

Page 9

by Halliday, Suzanne

“Are you still traveling to Philadelphia for Thanksgiving?”

  Thanksgiving? Where did that come from?

  “Um . . . yeah,” she answered. “Nana and the family.”

  He nodded as his thumbs gently stroked along her jaw and she swallowed heavily.

  “I don’t want you hassling with the train so I’ve made my car and driver available to you.”

  “What for?”

  Liam sighed and his head shook fractionally. “To take you to your gathering, of course. I want you to use my car.”

  Rhiann studied his handsome, scowling face for a minute and frowned in confusion. He wanted her to use his car, but why?

  “No, no, no, no, no!” she chanted. “That’s silly. The train is a direct shot.”

  “I don’t care,” he told her. “You shouldn’t have to manage the train. Wouldn’t you rather sit back and relax for the drive?”

  “Well, sure,” she admitted. “But can you imagine my folks when I show up in a chauffeured car? Your chauffeured car.”

  He let go of her face and lightly tapped her on the nose. “Hadn’t thought of that. You could tell them it’s from the magazine.”

  Without his hands on her, Rhi’s sense returned in a hurry.

  “Liam, no. I can’t. I can’t make up stories to tell my family.”

  As soon as she said the words, the hypocrisy washed back onto her. They’d made a study of making up stories and lying to her family.

  “Then, I’ll drive you myself.”

  She startled and began to object when he told her sharply, “And no—I’m not asking for an invite. I don’t do holidays. Ever. But if it’ll convince you to accept the ride, I’ll cloak and dagger the arrangements, drop you off down the street, and stay off the grid till you’re ready to return. No one will be any the wiser and I’ll know you’re safe.”

  He was being ridiculous and high-handed, but there was something about his tone and the gentle way he was handling Rhi that made her pause and think. It did not help at all that he was standing between her legs.

  Glancing at him from beneath lowered lashes, she detected a show of nerves on his part. Ohhhh. So, he wasn’t all that sure of himself. Why the thought should make her so happy wasn’t rocket science.

  He might stride the globe like an imperial goliath, wielding power and influence wherever he went, but when it came to her, he was out of his element. She made him nervous. That meant he had some sort of feelings for her. Didn’t it?

  Suddenly, doing an about-face that Rhi prayed she wouldn’t regret, she lightened up and gave him a halfhearted smile. “Thank you for the offer. You certainly don’t have to drive though, really.”

  A real, honest-to-Batman smile broke out across his face. Her calm surrender seemed to please him very much. She felt a warm blush creep up her neck.

  And then, without so much as a murmur, he took her mouth in a slow, sexy ravishment that left a puddle beneath her.

  When it was over, he kissed her on the forehead, muttered, “Milaya moya,” then turned and swiftly left her office.

  My sweetness.

  Oh, my. What had she done?

  HEAD BOWED, ONE ARM STRAIGHT, and hand upon the tile wall of the shower—Liam stood beneath the steaming hot cascade of water pounding on his shoulders, running in streams down the length of his body.

  He’d enjoyed the crushing defeat from earlier on the racquetball court. The exclusive private health club, where he went to blow off steam and manage his restless energy, gave him healthy and constructive outlets to focus the sometimes aggressive drive that nipped at his heels. Having your ass handed to you on the court by a much older guy who ran a Fortune 500 company with one hand tied behind his back was quite humbling.

  Chalking the trouncing up to distraction by inner musings, he had to admit that beneath the surface of calm, cool authority—Liam was running in mental and emotional circles.

  Rhiann. He’d won the minor skirmish over her holiday travel arrangements with ease. This was what he did. Who he was. He took control of shit because he was good at it. And because he could.

  Satisfied that she was safely under his wing—in that one thing at least—he turned his attention back to the bigger picture.

  Vigorously scrubbing at his head, he closed his eyes as suds dripped down his face as he ran through a long list of options he’d been forming in his mind.

  Discovering that Rhiann was operating under the impression that he was doing his finance director had been eye opening. First, because of the obvious jealousy that rolled off her sexy little body when she threw the accusation in his face. Second, because he was fucking furious—gossip of that nature getting out there was dangerous. And damaging.

  Sweeping his hands across his chest, Liam absently rubbed bodywash onto his skin and gritted his teeth at the damning knowledge that the truth was more complicated than that. He in no way had a relationship with Kim, but he had crossed the line. He tried to tell himself that the line had been totally consensual, although fueled by alcohol, and that she’d been the one pushing the issue. As if that somehow let him off the hook.

  But Kim wasn’t his fucking problem. Their impulsive, margarita-powered indiscretion was years ago and why he no longer drank tequila. The taste reminded him of their tawdry encounter. Ass fucking wasn’t his thing.

  His attention needed to stay focused on the feisty brunette with the smart mouth who was throwing up one challenge after another. He might not like that gossip found its way to her ears, but it sure as hell turned him on that Rhiann barely hesitated to throw it in his face. He liked her spunk.

  It had driven him batshit crazy all week that the little hellcat turning him inside out refused to look at him. Trying to force eye contact while he shadow stalked her around the Passion offices for some portion of every day had proved futile.

  Unless he got right up in her face, she did a bang up imitation of someone who was ignoring his ass. But he knew better because when he did get up close and things got personal, she gave off a bunch of tells that were like a roadmap of her emotions.

  The blush, of course, gave her away every time. So did the almost imperceptible throb of the pulse at her neck. She wasn’t immune to his presence—a thought that filled him with hope. But she was still wary and fighting him at every opportunity.

  Turning in the shower, he rinsed the last of the suds off and glanced ruefully at the appendage jutting from his body. And then there was this, he sighed. His dick was in a perpetual state of arousal. Hard and heavy with desire, he was getting used to the feeling. They were old friends, after all—him and his cock.

  Without thinking, Liam wrapped his hand near the base and squeezed till a groan bounced off the shower walls. Ah, fuuuck. Bad move.

  Eyes focusing through the steam surrounding him, he watched as his fingers curved around his girth to massage the underside of his shaft with slow, firm strokes.

  Growling in frustration, Liam drifted back to another time when he’d watched. Only that time, his beautiful milaya had been down on her knees, lips open wide as she loved on his cock.

  No one had ever sucked him with such sensual abandon. Pleasing him lit her inner fire, and she was always dripping with desire after. He told her she didn’t have to, but Rhiann had assured him time and again that taking him in her mouth was a turn on.

  His cock pulsed at the memory. She had this way of teasing the head of his shaft with her tongue using soft nips of her teeth that drove him wild. Jesus, he groaned silently. What he wouldn’t give right now to have her on her knees—sexy green eyes looking up at him with a mixture of lust and love—as he emptied his balls down her throat.

  That was it. The thought was so hot and arousing that his cock exploded and Liam had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from moaning as the powerful, unexpected orgasm rippled through his nervous system. Shit. He couldn’t breathe from the intensity—his shaft jerking and throbbing in his grip.

  What the fuck? It had been a long time since he’d jerked o
ff in the damn shower, although technically, jerking off was a far cry from what had just happened. It hadn’t taken but a few strong strokes, and one particularly erotic fantasy edged with memory, to make him go off. She did that to him. He wanted Rhiann so bad it was messing with his head—both of them.

  “Hey, sweetie,” her sister Brynn chirped sweetly as they video-chatted while Rhiann stuffed random crap into her tote bag. “You good to go with the train? Want Jax to fetch you from the 30th Street Station?”

  In her mind, she heard the strains of a game show sound effect that indicated a wipeout when the word train left Brynn’s mouth. Rhiann could barely believe that, once again, she was making up stories and telling tall tales to hide her involvement with Liam Ashforth. What in the hell was she doing?

  With a deliberate air of distracted indifference, she assured Brynn that she had it covered. “No need to take that hunky man away from you. I’ll take a cab. It’ll be mayhem at the station with all the holiday travelers and you know how congested and difficult 30th Street can be on a regular day. Besides, those holiday fares are meat and potatoes for the cabbies. Beats the hassle and is worth the cha-ching.”

  Brynn smiled. “All right then—but leave a big tip and I’ll split it with you.”

  Rhi had to laugh. Brynn was always so fair and being pregnant only made it worse. If she bought something for the baby, she also inevitably splurged on something for somebody else. She called it paying the happiness forward.

  “I’ve missed you, Brynnie,” she murmured at the screen of her laptop. And she had. Her big sister was a rock and right about now she could use some of Brynn’s common sense.

  She saw Jax’s big body move behind Brynn’s image on the screen and felt her heart clutch. He was incredibly protective where her sister was concerned so it came as no surprise to see that he was hovering nearby. On the one hand, it was reassuring to know Brynn was in good hands. On the other, though, Rhi was feeling a bit of envy.

  “Tell me what’s up, sis,” Brynn demanded with a sharp frown.

  “Uh . . . ,” Rhi drawled. “What makes you think anything is up?”

  “Well, let’s see,” was the terse reply. “Not too long ago you were bored and lonely and a certain someone from the past who shall remain nameless was suddenly back in your life. That’s why I think something is up. That and the oh-so-careful way you’re parsing your words. Don’t bullshit me, Rhi. I can see that all is not well in your world.”

  She saw a man’s hand slide onto Brynn’s shoulder and tug on her neck so she angled her head up. Above the reach of the camera’s lens, she heard the distinct sound of a kiss and smiled. Lucky Brynn.

  She was startled when Jax leaned down and his face took up the whole screen while Brynn softly laughed.

  “Hey, Rhi.” He chuckled.

  “Hey, Jax.” She chuckled back. “How’s my sister’s bottom these days?

  He grinned and made an exaggerated roll with his eyes. “The shit I have to put up with from you Baron-Wilde’s. I can’t believe she told you any of that.”

  “Ah, get used to it, Butt Whacker.” She giggled as Brynn hooted in the background.

  “Rhi! Shut up!”

  “Like hell I will.” She laughed heartily. “That shit is priceless. You’re writing your own vows, right? To love, honor, cherish, and spank the bottom of . . .”

  She heard Jax groan. “All right ladies—on that note, I’m out. I’ll see you on Thursday, Rhiann. Give a shout if you change your mind about calling a cab.”

  “Bye, almost brother who whacks my sister’s bum.”

  A moment passed while the engaged couple swapped some spit then Brynn came back on the screen.

  “Don’t think your smart mouth is going to distract me, sis. Out with it. Now. Something’s up with your boss, isn’t it?”

  Rhiann groaned. Dammit. It was impossible to avoid Brynn’s laser-like scrutiny when it was pulsing at full capacity. Trying to hurriedly change the subject and divert the conversation, she mumbled a response that did little to sidetrack her sister’s interest.

  “Why do you automatically assume Liam has anything to do with me?”

  The second the words left her mouth, she saw Brynn’s triumphant expression and realized the error of saying Liam’s name out loud.

  “Shut up, Brynnie,” she muttered darkly.

  “I didn’t actually say anything.”

  “Yeah-well . . . your expression came through loud and clear.”

  They each sighed in unison.

  “Sweetie,” her sister murmured gently. “It’s me. And before you come back with more smoke and mirrors, you should know that I didn’t have my head so far up my ass all those years ago. I saw that something was going on between you two. The moment you told me that he was back—and as your boss, no less—I knew shit was getting real. So, just tell me. Maybe I can help.”

  All of it—the entire breadth and scope of her fucked-up life came into sharp focus. How could she tell Brynn what was going on without divulging all of it? Not just the Liam part. But about the writing and how she had come to the end of her New York rope even before his sudden appearance. It all seemed so damn messy.

  “It’s complicated, sis.”

  Brynn snorted out a laugh. “Like I don’t know complicated?”

  Hmm. She was making a good point.

  Looking straight into the camera, she steeled herself to speak some truth for a change.

  “I’ve been bad.”

  “How?” Brynn asked.

  She shook her head and tried to hold it together. “Been lying to everyone.” Her response was little more than a whisper, but Brynn heard it.

  “About Ashforth?”

  Ugh. This was harder than she imagined. “Yeah. And . . . other things.”

  There was a brief silence while Brynn stared at her.

  “Tell me something, Rhi. Does Amy know about these, um . . . other things?”

  Whoa. Bull’s-eye. “Not about Liam, she doesn’t.”

  Brynn smirked. “That was the best non-answer answer ever!”

  Rhi shrugged. “Don’t be pissed at Amy. She’s been a real friend this last year.”

  Her sister barked out an affectionate laugh. “Pissed at her? Are you kidding? I could never be truly upset with her. Hell, even Jax thinks she’s the bomb. I’m thrilled you’ve had her in your corner this year and only wish you could maybe confide a little in me, too.”

  She nodded her understanding and swallowed the huge lump that formed in her throat.

  “Hon, you can keep your other things a secret but what the fuck with Liam?”

  Just tell her, the voice in her heart bellowed. You’re so damn determined to get Liam to be honest with you. How about a little of that honesty for your family?

  “We were . . . lovers.”

  Brynn responded in a way that Rhi hadn’t expected. “I know.”

  “Whaaat?” Rhi snapped. “How could you possibly know?”

  “Oh, why?” Brynn snarked. “Because you two were so crafty with the sneaking around? Jesus, Rhiann! I saw you two together—more than once or twice. Wherever Liam Ashforth was . . . so were you.”

  “He broke my heart,” Rhi sighed.

  “Well, duh.”

  Silence descended. Learning that Brynn knew or at least had a suspicion kind of took the wind out of her sails.

  “And now . . . after all this time, he’s back. Why, Rhi? Why is Liam back? He didn’t just buy Passion on a whim. He must have known that’s where you worked. Right?”

  Dropping her head into her hands, Rhiann groaned. “It’s all so complicated.”

  Brynn probably sensed that was all she was going to get out of her, so she exhaled deeply and smiled.

  “Sweetie, I’m here for you, okay? When you’re ready to share, I’m all ears.”

  “Hey,” Rhi questioned, “anyone heard from Charlie? She’s gone silent with me again.”

  “Oh, fuck!” Brynn snickered. “Didn’t I tell you? She got in
touch with Mom and guess what? She’s coming home! In time for the wedding, too.”

  Happiness lit up inside Rhiann. Charlize was coming home, and the three sisters would be together again.

  “Must be time for all the prodigal wanderers to return because Jax’s brother is also headed back to the states. My butt whacker is a happy man about it, too. Means Caleb can stand as his best man.”

  “Aww, sis. I’m so happy for you guys. Getting married and a baby on the way! How’s the belly?” She chuckled.

  “I know this may sound crazy, but I seriously can’t wait to wear maternity clothes. Mom sent me one of those tacky t-shirts with a big arrow pointing down that says, Baby.”

  “Ah, the ‘rents. Doing the happy dance about being grandparents.”

  Brynn laughed heartily. “I know, right? They’re so damn pleased that the crazy meddling paid off.”

  “Okay, look . . . I gotta run, Brynnie. Tons of crap to do today so I can have a full four-day holiday. I’ll see you at Nana’s.”

  “Letting you off the hook this time, sis. . . . but we are going to talk. And soon.”

  “DOES THIS REALLY CONCERN ME, Kim? Personnel issues are not in my wheelhouse.”

  Liam was annoyed that she invaded his office while he was working. He didn’t give a shit about these things. Wasn’t that why he hired smart people—to handle the nuts and bolts stuff?

  “And why are you getting involved? Seems a bit below your line of vision.”

  “I’m involved, Liam,” she snapped rather tartly, “because this pain-in-the-ass acquisition of yours has been nothing but a headache from day one.”

  Aw, fuck. This was about Passion again. For some reason, BPG’s finance director was off on a rant about the fashion magazine twenty-four, seven. It was beginning to seem to him like the woman lived just to harp about what a waste of time and resources the publication was.

  “Last time I checked, BPG’s acquisitions are my purview. And nobody else’s. Frankly, I don’t care whether you approve of my decisions or not. Your job, as I understand it, is to look after the finances. Not harangue me about things that do not concern you.”


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