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A Dangerous Love 7: Smiling Faces Hide Lies

Page 24

by J Peach

  “Mm,” I moaned into his mouth as he groaned.

  Unlike usual he didn’t move, he just laid there.

  I had no problem with that. My arms and legs wrapped around his waist, holding him to me as we continued to kiss.

  Blaze broke the kiss and put his head on my shoulder, panting hard. “Damn, Peaches,” was all he could say in that moment.

  With my arms and legs still wrapped around him I rolled us over. I just laid on top of him. My body was literally tired. I didn’t feel like doing anything but stay in bed.

  My lips pressed against his chest.

  Blaze’s hands slowly began to caress along my hot, sweaty skin as we laid in a comfortable silence. It didn’t take long for my eyes to become droopy and I fell asleep.

  Chapter 24

  One Week Later


  A heavy sigh left my mouth as I waited impatiently to be called in the back to see the doctor. For damn near an hour, I had been sitting there waiting to be called to the back. My frustration levels were already high because I had to come to the appointment by myself.

  Blaze pretending to be dead was truly taking its toll on me. I simply hated it. This was now my second time going to the doctor and just like before, he couldn’t be there.

  My phone vibrated. Blaze’s name popped up on the screen and my eyes rolled. “Hello,” a tiring breath left my mouth.

  “You still ain’t been seen yet? –Turn up here.” He instructed someone.

  The fact that he could run the streets at any given time of the day or night bothered me. He could do all of that but couldn’t come from the dead and be at a freakin’ doctor’s visit with me. Pissed couldn’t begin to explain my feelings. I was on the verge of killing his ass my damn self. I shook my head, ridding myself of those violent thoughts.

  “Peaches?” Blaze’s called my name loudly.

  “I’m sorry, I got caught in a thought. But no I haven’t been called back yet. I’m about to say fuck it and take my black ass home. I’m tired of sitting here and watching everybody go before me. Half of them got here after I did, like damn! How much longer am I going to have to wait? Ugh.” I just felt so irritable and uncomfortable.

  Blaze laughed through the line. “Peach, you bet not leave. I’m sho they gon’ call you back soon. Just chill out.”

  “I don’t find nothing funny at all. And how much longer am I supposed to sit here? Damn,” I caught myself before I snapped at him. My hand rubbed over my ponytail and I took a deep breath. “What’s up, bae?”

  “Shit, I was just trying to see what’s happening with you. Peach, you know if I could, I’d be there with you, right?” He sounded so sincere. “I don’t like this shit no more than you do. But stressing ain’t gon’ make this no better, you hear me?”

  My head nodded because I knew he was right. I just didn’t want to accept it. “I know and I’m sorry, but bae, something gotda give. I don’t like this at all. If we have to drive hours away for a damn appointment just so you can be here with me, then that’s what we have to do. I hate having to sit here by myself.”

  “Yeah, that’s what’s up. Aye, let me hit you back in a minute, bet?” Blaze disconnected the line before I had a chance to say anything else.

  I looked at my phone. No this black motha— did he even hear what I was saying? Ugh, I fuckin’ hate him! Stupid ass, I swear!

  “Peaches Johnson.” A medical assistant called out.

  I couldn’t wait until I saw his yellow ass. “Here I come.” I tossed my phone in my purse and hurriedly went to her. Once we got in the back, she weighed me and then led me to room three.

  After she did the normal routine, she pulled a sheet from a drawer. “You can get undressed from the waist down and the doctor will be with you shortly.” She informed me before she left out the room.

  I pulled my shorts and panties down my hips as the door suddenly came open. “What the fuck?” I quickly pulled my clothes up and spun around. The hooded figure had me snatching my purse up.

  “Yo, Peach, chill.” Blaze pulled the hood from his head and then held his hands up.”

  My hand went to my racing heart and I let out a deep breath. “Blaze, what the hell? I just almost shot you.” I waved my little baby toward him. I could admit that moving back to Gary while I was pregnant had me always on high alert when I had moves to make.

  “No shit. Why the hell do you have a gun in the doctor’s office, Peaches?” He laughed at me. “Man, put that shit up before you go to jail.”

  I put my gun away then went to him. My arms wrapped around his neck and I kissed him. “I was going to kill you when I got home. You play too much. Why didn’t you tell me you was coming?” My lips pressed against his once more before I pulled back.

  “I didn’t know if I was going to make it at first. That’s why I kept calling yo mean ass.” He sat down in the chair and took his hat off. Blaze hand ran over his head then down his face.

  “What’s wrong?” I pulled my shorts and panties off. After I folded them up, I handed my clothes to him.

  “Shit, tired and hot as hell.” He reached out and grabbed me, pulling me into his lap. “I don’t think I like this shit. Yo ass gotda get naked? Hell n’all.”

  Laughing, I pushed his head back. “She has to check me out. Wait how did you get in here and how did you know what room I was in?” My head tilted curiously.

  He shrugged. “I told you before money will make a way.”

  My mouth opened and I was about to go off. No they didn’t just let anyone in who waved a dollar. What if he was a killer trying to kill me?

  “N’all, she cool, though. I know a friend that knows her. They called in a favor for me.”

  Truth be told I didn’t care how he got in, I was just glad he was here with me. “We’ll, I’m happy you’re here.” I kissed his lips then stepped out of his hold. I sat on the medical and placed the sheet over my legs.

  Blaze stared at my legs for a long while before he bit into his lower lip. His mouth soon stretched into a smile. No he wasn’t thinking what I thought he was thinking. He licked his lips and his eyes met with mine. He stood up and took off his hoody then pulled up his jeans.

  “B, get yo ass out. Right now.” I pointed to the door.

  “Damn, what I do?” He feigned innocent. “How my babies doing?” He came to me and rubbed my stomach.

  “The baby is fine. Blaze, we are not about to do this in here so go sit yo ol horny ass down somewhere.” Laughing, I pushed him away from me.

  He came right back, stepping between my legs. “You always say that before you let me in.” His lips pressed against mine.

  I kissed him back but then pushed him away from me. “I’m serious, gon’ now.”

  “I’ight, yo black ass gon’ remember this. Ain’t no dick for you tonight.”

  The door opened and the doctor entered. Her lips pursed together as she tried to stop her laughter. She waved her hand then pointed to Blaze. “Do I need to sit you in the lobby?” she asked him as she went to wash her hands.

  Blaze laughed. “N’all, I’m good.” He sat back in his chair and grabbed his crouch. He pointed to it and then waved his finger at me. You ain’t getting none, he mouthed.

  I couldn’t do anything but laugh at his foolishness. I swear I loved that crazy ass man.

  “So how have you been feeling? The doctor asked as she lightly patted my leg. “Lay back for me.” She then proceeded to get everything she needed for the Pap smear.

  “I’m good considering I hate this morning sickness.” I will never understand why they called it morning sickness when I got sick all times of the day.

  “Everyone hates that. Scoot back for me.” She finished the pap then disposed of her gloves. “Do you ever feel around your breast for lumps?” She checked my breast.

  “Yes, I do.” I knew how common breast cancer was. I checked myself constantly.

  When the doctor finished her examination, she grabbed the ultrasound machine from the sid
e of the room and wheeled it over. She grabbed a tube then raised my shirt. “This is a little cold.” She squirted some gel on my stomach then grabbed the wand. She moved it over my belly for a few seconds, paused and pointed to the screen. “There goes your baby.” She pressed another button and moved the wand around my stomach again. She clicked a few buttons. A few seconds later a whooshing sound echoed in the room. “That’s your baby’s heartbeat.”

  “Oh, my God!” My eyes quickly began to water. Last time around, I didn’t get a chance to experience this. So to hear its beating heart and to actually see the little baby inside of me was simply amazing. I wiped my eyes but more tears continued to fall.

  “What you mean one baby? You need to fix that damn thing or shake her damn stomach. I know its two babies in there. Hell n’all.” Blaze told her as he stood on the side of me.

  I hit his arm as I covered my mouth. A tearful laugh slipped through my lips. “Bae, shut up, please. It’s no twins.”

  The doctor laughed along as she pointed to the screen. “I’m sorry, daddy, but it’s only one baby, one heartbeat.”

  Blaze’s head shook and I pinched him before he could say anything else.

  “Would you like to know the sex of your baby?”

  “Yeah,” Blaze answered before I could. His eyes held excitement as he stared at the screen with one arm folded across his chest while his hand rubbed his chin curiously. He was so focused.

  “Let’s see, if the baby would just move its leg…” she trailed off as she moved the wand about. “There you go.” She clicked another button.

  “What is it?” Blaze and I asked at the same time. Looking at each other, we started laughing.

  “Congratulations it’s a girl.”

  “Ah, I got my girl.” I squeaked out. I didn’t know what I was going to do if I was having another boy. Blake and Blaze was enough. I couldn’t handle no more boys.

  “Shit, we’re about to go broke.” Blaze say the stupidest stuff sometimes.

  I would never understand him. “Blaze, shut up.” I laughed.

  He did the same as he leaned down and kissed me.

  “I love you.” I kissed him again.

  “I love you, too, Peaches.”

  “I’ll give you a minute to get dressed.” She pushed the machine back and then left out the room.

  “I’m actually about to have a baby. This is really happening.” I looked at Blaze through teary eyes.

  “Yeah, it’s really happening.” Blaze’s lips pressed against mine before helped me sit up. “Damn, I’m about to have girl. Two of you. Shit! It’s about to be trouble.” He played. “Peaches, I’mma need you to stop worrying and stressing over me when I’m out here. That’s shit ain’t good for y’all so chill the fuck out. I’mma be good, i’ight?”

  I wiped the gel off my stomach with the sheet then tossed it in the trash. “Blaze, we are not about to have that talk here. We can talk when we get home.” I put my clothes back on. When Blaze didn’t reply, I glanced up at him to see his hand rubbing the back of his neck. “What is it?”

  “I gotda make a run out to Ohio tonight. If everything goes as planned, then I’ll be back tomorrow night. If not, I’ll be home in a few days.” Blaze said.

  Worry immediately set in my body and I knew it showed on my face. I didn’t want him to go.

  “Peaches, don’t give me that look. I’mma be straight. I promise you.” He took ahold of my face and tilted my head back. His eyes stared into mine as if to will me into believing he was going to be alright.

  “B, why—”

  “Peaches, don’t ask questions, just trust and believe me. Can you do that?” His eyes didn’t once leave mine.

  My eyes rolled up in my head. “I can but I don’t want to. Blaze, just be careful.”

  “I’m always am.” He stopped talking when someone knocked on the door.

  The doctor entered and handed me photos from the ultrasound. “There you go. Once you’re finished up in here you can go to the front for you next appointment.” The doctor was about to walk out until Blaze stopped her.

  “Aye, I have a question. Can she still suck dick while she’s pregnant?” He asked her seriously.

  My mouth dropped to the floor. “Oh, my God, Blaze!” I hit him. “I’m so sorry. You don’t have to answer that.”

  “Yes the fuck she do. Peaches, shut up. I got this.” He pushed me behind him and stepped closer to her. “So can she still suck dick?”

  My hands covered my face and tears ran from my face as I laughed from both embarrassment and his stupidity. He would be the one to ask that damn question. I would never complain about having to come to the doctor by my damn self no more.

  “Yes, she can if she wants to.” She shook her head at him before she looked at me. “Good luck.” The doctor walked out of the room. Her laughter could be heard from the hallway.

  “Blaze, why? I can’t believe you.” I stepped to him.

  “What? I wanted to know.” He licked his lips while he pulled me to him. “You gon’ suck my dick when I get home?”

  I pushed him away from me. “Man, bye. I have to go pick up my baby and get something for dinner. I’ll see you at home. Give me a kiss so I can go.” I stood on my tip toes and pressed my lips to his.

  “I’ll eat yo pussy,” he said between pecks.

  I couldn’t do nothing but laugh at him. “You gon’ do that anyways. Bye, I love you.” I kissed him again and then pulled back.

  “Gon’ ‘head. Call me when you leave my mom’s crib, bet.”

  “I will.” I kissed him again then slipped out of the room. I saw the doctor walking into another room. She glanced at me and smiled. My cheeks went hot. He was so gotdamn embarrassing.


  “Oh, Lord, not another Keema I hope. Hell she might be worse. She got Boon in her. Damn it!” Bianca stressed playfully.

  “Nuh uh, Momma. Keema the way she is because of Britt. My baby is not going to be nothing like that nor will she be around Brittany’s ass.” I took a drink of my sweet tea.

  “So which one of these can I have?” Bianca picked up the photos from the ultrasound, looking at the four different pictures.

  “I don’t know, I’ll have to ask Blaze and see what he says.” I pulled out my phone and called him.

  “Why you have to ask him for? This is your baby.” She pointed to the pictures, making me laugh.

  “It’s his too. I’ll ask him.” I whispered just as Blaze answered the phone. “Hey, bae, I’m at your moms’ house now, but we’re about to leave in a minute.”

  Bianca held the pictures in front of me.

  I rolled my eyes showing my slight irritation. “Bae, momma wanna know if she can have one of the ultrasound pictures.”

  “Hell no! She can’t have nan one of ‘em.”

  I couldn’t contain my smile or laughter. I loved the hell out of that man. I knew what he was going to say before I even called. My baby was not afraid to tell nobody hell no! Whereas myself, I didn’t feel right telling Bianca no even when I really wanted to.

  “Momma, he said hell no.” My shoulders shrugged, my lips twisted and my head shook as if I felt some type of way about his answer.

  “Whose baby is that?” She asked me.

  “What she just say?” Blaze sounded confused.

  “She asked whose baby was this.”

  “That’s mine. Fuck she talkin’ ‘bout? Hell no! She can’t have no damn picture. Those mine too. Shit! Peaches, I keep trying to tell you to stay yo baldheaded ass away from her. She gon’ get you fuck’d up. Man, take yo ass home.” He demanded playfully.

  And he wonder where Blake got his attitude from.

  “Don’t talk to me like that.” Laughing, my eyes rolled. “No seriously, we’re about to leave now because I still have to stop by the grocery store and get something for dinner. Do you want anything in particular? Hold on— Blake let’s go!” I yelled out to him.

  Bianca spun around and looked at me like she wanted to
slap me.

  “Sorry,” I let out a nervous laugh before getting back on the call. “You know what you want?” I asked Blaze.

  “Big mouth ass.” He laughed. “I want some tacos, tho’.”

  “Okay, I’ll make that for dinner, then. Well, we’re about to get out of here. I’ll call you when we make it home.” I grabbed my wallet and keys and then went into the living room where Blake sat.

  “I’ight, Peaches. I don’t have nobody on you so don’t be out there long. Get what you need and go to the crib,” he warned.

  I understood what he was saying. With all the crazy shit still going on and me having Blake, he didn’t want to take any chances. After we said our goodbyes and I told him I loved him a few times, we hung up the phone.

  Bianca walked us to the door seeing us off.

  Once we got in the car I pulled off.

  “Where are we going now?” Blake asked as he played a game on his phone.

  “To the grocery store so I can get stuff for tacos. Is that good for you?” My hand covered his phone.

  He looked at me and smiled. “So what happened at the doctor? Was everything okay?”

  My smile grew. He was such a little protector and it melted my heart. My baby always had to make sure his momma was alright. “Yeah, everything’s good. The doctor told us I’m having a girl.”

  Blake turned in his seat to face me. “I could’ve told you that. I told dad that.”

  “How would you have known?” My lips twisted and I glanced at him with a questioning brow.

  “Because you cry way too much. So I knew it was a girl, boys ain’t that weak, we got tough skin. We Carters.” Blake explained.

  I came to a stop light and looked at him with my head tilted to the side. “Um, she’s a Carter. I’m trying to understand what you’re saying but I can’t. You have to explain a little better than that.” I was certain my baby girl’s a Carter so for him to say that Carter’s have touch skin was crazy. “Wait a minute, I do not cry a lot, first off.” I felt offended.

  Blake let out a loud snort. “Yeah you do. Dad could yell at you for something and you’ll start crying. You might yell back but you cry. But the baby is a Carter but she’s more you than us. You’re not a Carter but a Johnson, so that baby takes after you. I never see dad cry and it’s a known fact boys take after their fathers and girls take from the mommas.”


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