The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race

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The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race Page 25

by Len Kasten

  Once these masked references in the Pyramid Texts are deciphered, they can be seen as a sort of travel guide, or TripTik, for Horus, the dead king, as he makes his way back to rejoin his father, Osiris, in the stars. But his journey is not only through space. According to Bauval, it is also a time journey. He says, “What we’ve recently discovered is that in Egypt in 10,500 BC there was a group of people called the Followers of Horus, who were supposed to be ancestors of the kings, and their job was literally to follow Horus as he changed position, in order to know exactly where they were in time, in order to be able to return. The Pyramid Texts speak of the time of the original Osiris, and of the original Horus. They believed that there is a lineage of kings that emerges from this first time, and that the king is supposed to return back to his origins in time. So basically the king uses the Followers of Horus to travel back. And the flux that he travels on is precession. That’s why precession is built into this ancient architecture. They give us the date 2,500 BC with the Great Pyramid shaft pointing to Orion’s belt, and then they tell us travel back in time.”


  So far in our interview, Bauval had given me some fascinating new insights into the ancient Egyptian star religion, but he had drawn no inferences. But at that point, the interview took an unexpected turn as Bauval entered some new and daring territory. I asked him what sort of people could have designed such an elaborate and complex plan stretching out over eight thousand years with the confidence that it would come to fruition. He said, “We’re looking at a scientific way of thinking that is totally alien to us. It seems that we have a device that was built to work with time. It’s a sort of calendar that these people, the Followers of Horus, built in order to be able to trigger certain events in the future. One of the things that they knew would happen, and they timed it, was the Pyramid Age. The Egyptians believed that certain individuals came from a divine origin, and these individuals had the ability to return to where they came from. There is something that we haven’t yet quite understood about our capabilities. Because we feel uncomfortable with it, we use words like spirit, soul, intellect, whatever. But there is something about us that may possibly be able to travel in time or in space. Now these people seemed to know about it, and they went to a lot of trouble to create a condition that somehow allowed this to happen. We call it ritual, we call it initiation. You can call it what you like. But they seemed to think that it was only possible to achieve it through a certain condition when the harmonics were right, when everything was right. It has something to do with stone; it has something to do with scale; it has something to do with a mental state. You have to be able to take yourself to the threshold of a journey, and the journey seems to be returning to a time when immortality was known.”

  This explanation seemed to approach Edgar Cayce’s claim that the Great Pyramid was a temple of initiation. I asked Bauval to elaborate on this, and his reply was surprising. He said that we seem to be dealing with people who were convinced that they had a science of immortality, and they built something that they felt was a device to achieve it. Bauval was obviously referring to the priests at Heliopolis, but his description of their activities and goals strayed far from conventional Egyptology. He said, “What I think happened here is that we have a very powerful nucleus, a messiah-making academy if you like, at Heliopolis, that maintained the origin of an idea, maintained something, whether it’s in physical form, whether it’s the Hall of Records, whatever. They were the keepers of it. And they maintained it to a point where they finally were able to physically create a place for it to rest forever. My impression, based on the evidence, is that we’re dealing with people who seem to know their origins, who knew where they came from, literally, and they wanted to maintain this knowledge of their origins forever, never to be lost. They seem to have been able to keep it for a long period of time, and finally found, perhaps within their own academy, or outside, an individual who could wield the nation in order to build what they had in mind, to find a repository for this knowledge of origins. There were two thousand to three thousand years of preparation for something to happen. And then it does happen. They find the right guy, they find the right moment. And the point in time is 2,500 BC. And then their mission was accomplished, and they left.”


  By this time in the interview, Bauval had used the “a” word (“alien”) twice, in other contexts, and he was now clearly advancing toward star-gate country. Although there are no ancient astronaut implications in his book, it was beginning to appear that he may have now begun to think about it, so I decided to turn the conversation in that direction. His response was startling and placed his entire body of research and theory in a totally new domain. His answers put the capstone on his discovery, and suddenly it all made perfect sense. I could see that this was obviously not just an add-on idea but was seamlessly integrated into his theoretical framework.

  Bauval first argued that the Pyramid Texts were directing the dead king specifically to a place underneath the Sphinx. He said, “We are led to conclude that by following the instructions, we reach a date of 10,500 BC, and that somewhere underneath the Sphinx, somewhere between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, is something that has to do with 10,500 BC. I’m translating the message as it is written in the Pyramid Texts, and on the monuments. And he’s supposed to arrive at the region called horacty when he’s finished his journey. And there he’s arrived at the time of the gods, and this is declared to be the place of the first time. What he’s told then is that when he reaches here, he’s at the entrance of the necropolis. And now comes the terrestrial journey. It’s said that now at this entrance he has to find the astral body of his father, of Osiris. So from here, he has to go to the pyramids, which are behind him, which we know represent the astral body of Osiris. But he is actually told to go under the Sphinx. The message is to find the astral body which is behind you, you have to proceed to that point. And what we find there is a plaque in front of the Sphinx, a stele. And on it is written, ‘This is the place of the first time.’ Surprisingly nobody has picked up its meaning.”

  The time had now come to ask the obvious question, the key question: What were the origins that the priests were so jealously guarding? Where did they come from? I pointed out to Bauval that the configuration of the three pyramids in replication of the Orion stars was only obvious from the sky. That observation elicited the following amazing reply. He said, “What they are telling us, whether we like it or not, is that the gods came from the sky, and one of them, the major one, came from Orion. And they’re telling us that in 10,500 BC they buried the body of Orion at Giza. And they’re leading us on just enough, but making it hard to find. It isn’t Robert Bauval that is saying this. The message is there.”

  When Bauval made that statement, the words of von Däniken and Sitchin flashed through my mind. All of a sudden, it all made sense—the Nazca Plain, Machu Picchu, and Teotihuacán. What makes Bauval’s conclusion so convincing is the route by which he got there. He didn’t start out with the extraterrestrial hypothesis but arrived at it after a painstaking study of the Pyramid Texts and a corresponding highly scientific astronomical study of the monuments. The body of evidence is there for anyone to see. At 10,500 years before Christ, some superintelligent beings knew all about precession and galactic astronomy and all the dimensions of the planet, and they laid out a construction plan on Earth to duplicate the star patterns in order to leave behind an indestructible message telling us where they came from and, perhaps, where we came from!


  Having now revealed his entire message, Bauval felt free to comment on the extraordinary resistance to these ideas by the establishment archaeologists and Egyptologists, who refuse to even consider the star theory and who have even been accused of suppressing some important new discoveries. He said, “There are a few of us who are trying to maintain the tempo, and what we’re finding is the quintessential adversarial situation. There is enor
mous resistance. We’re dealing with something that is giving us a cosmic address, a cosmic time, and it’s screaming a message out loud. It’s plain to read, but we won’t accept it. And we feel uncomfortable with something that we shouldn’t feel uncomfortable with. We live in a cosmic environment that cries out for us to consider an outer space explanation. This planet may very well have been visited. So we may look like a bunch of fools now. But if we don’t speak up, in two or three generations time they’ll say, ‘Well, the evidence was staring them in the face. They had these big things there. They were obviously astronomical. There was obviously something to investigate, and these idiots have concluded that they were tombs!’ . . . If there is any faint possibility that these people knew something that we don’t know about our origins, let alone immortality, then we should pursue it, whatever the uncomfortable feeling we have. I can tell you that I am speaking far more openly now than I would have two years ago. But we’re dealing with something of a scale and magnitude that has to be taken with the utmost seriousness.”

  Readers who found this chapter of interest should seek out The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind, cowritten by Bauval and Graham Hancock, who is also the author of the popular Fingerprints of the Gods.


  Battleground Earth: Part I

  The last world war was not simply a war fought between the Allies and the Axis or Democracy and Despotism . . . It was also the planetary battlefield of Galactic War III, when alien civilizations sponsoring the Nazis and alien civilizations sponsoring the Americans fought once again for control of planet Earth . . . while using its unsuspecting armies as pawns in their interstellar conflict.





  The conventional view of the outbreak of World War II is one in which Germany and Japan just happened to emerge as fascist military superpowers at the same time and decided to join forces and take over the entire world! In this view, it was accidental that Japan would build an imperial fleet and become an invincible naval power, and that Germany would simultaneously develop a fearsome blitzkrieg (lightning war) capability using coordinated air and ground forces. Even at face value, this hypothesis is patently absurd. Such grand historical coincidences rarely occur and almost always turn out to be the result of meticulous, long-range planning, and that is almost certainly the case with World War II.

  As we investigate the circumstances of Hitler’s rise to power and the sudden, coordinated emergence of militant fascism all over the world, the roots of World War II take on an entirely new complexion. Very obviously, it was decided well in advance at some very high level that Japan would take over all of Asia and Australia, and Germany and Italy would divide up Europe, Russia, and North and South America. Spain, South Africa, and Argentina were already fascist dictatorships and therefore automatically part of the alliance. This division of effort made perfect sense since domination of Asia required control over vast areas of the Pacific Ocean that only superior naval forces could handle, while the conquest of the massive continental areas of Europe, Russia, and the Americas would necessitate control of the air and huge, highly mechanized, fast-moving armies.

  Clearly, there was an invisible hand behind all of this, and there is now mounting evidence that it wasn’t an earthly hand. Cumulative torrents of information now emerging from insiders are revealing that Planet Earth is a battleground between extraterrestrial forces, that we are truly right in the middle of real star wars. For a long time, while we struggled with swords and bows and arrows and man-powered naval vessels, the ETs didn’t pay much attention to us. But now we have become a player on the cosmic stage. It appears that, with the advent of World War II, we have become knowing, active participants in an ongoing galactic conflict.


  After World War I, at the end of 1919, ex-corporal Adolf Hitler met Dietrich Eckart in Munich. Eckart was a sophisticated and wealthy publisher and was editor in chief of an anti-Semitic publication called In Plain German. He was also an occultist in the highest circle of the Thule Society, an esoteric group founded in Germany in 1918. In his early days, he had been a student of Russian metaphysician G. I. Gurdjieff, and later he became a disciple of Aleister Crowley. Because of his admiration for Eckart, Hitler joined the society. The Thule Society held regular sêances during which the attendees reportedly communicated with demons and attempted to invoke the Antichrist.

  During one such session, Eckart believed that he was told by his spirit guide that he would have the honor of training the coming Great One—the incarnation of the Antichrist. He soon became convinced that Hitler was the chosen one, and he took him under his wing. According to Wulf Schwartzwaller in The Unknown Hitler: His Private Life and Fortune, “There can be no doubt that Eckart . . . trained Hitler in techniques of self confidence, self projection, persuasive oratory, body language and discursive sophistry.” Using these capabilities, Hitler became a powerful speaker, able to mesmerize and excite vast audiences. He learned to start his speeches softly and then build to a peak of pretended, frenzied fervor accompanied by animated gesticulations. He also developed a hypnotic power over individuals. Eckart also passed on to Hitler all of his occult knowledge of ritual and sexual black magic. According to Trevor Ravenscroft in The Spear of Destiny, regarding the practices of the Thule Society, “Indulgence in the most sadistic rituals awakened penetrating vision into the workings of Evil Intelligences and bestowed phenomenal magical powers.”

  Dietrich Eckart

  At the completion of this training, Hitler claimed to be “born anew,” filled with new strength and the resolve he would need to carry out his “mandate.” Eckart died three years later in 1923 and reportedly said on his deathbed, “Follow Hitler. He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the ‘Secret Doctrine;’ opened his centres of vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any German.” The following year, Hitler dedicated the second volume of his book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle), to Eckart. Eckart’s claim that he had given to Hitler “the means to communicate with the Powers” has been interpreted to mean that Hitler could now solicit advice from those same entities that Aleister Crowley referred to as the “Secret Chiefs,” since Eckart was basically a disciple of Crowley. Crowley, who was sometimes referred to as the “Great Beast,” was the head of the infamous occult organization the Order of the Golden Dawn, in London.

  In late 1919, the Thule Society became more political and was instrumental in starting the German Workers’ Party under the leadership of Thulist Karl Harrer. In 1920, this evolved into the National Socialist German Workers Party, or NSDAP, commonly known as the Nazi Party, drawing its membership from the top echelons of the Thule Society, including Rudolf Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Alfred Rosenberg, and Adolf Hitler. In The Gods of Eden, William Bramley says, “The Thule was a ‘Society of Assassins.’ It held secret courts and condemned people to death. It is likely that many victims murdered by the District Command had been condemned earlier in the secret courts of the Thule.” The conception of the swastika flag adopted by the Nazis is attributed to Dr. Freidrich Krohn, a member of the Thule Society. Thus, according to the Crystalinks website (, “with the victory of the Nazi Party, the occult tradition was carried on in the Third Reich.”


  But Hitler’s occult training was not yet complete. After the death of Eckart, as if on a schedule, another, even more powerful teacher came into his life. Karl Haushofer was a fifty-four-year-old professor of political science at Munich University when Hitler entered jail in 1924. While with German intelligence in Japan before the war, Haushofer had been initiated into the ultrasecret Green Dragon Society, one of only three Europeans to have ever been granted that honor. There he was taugh
t how to develop the mastery of the etheric body, sometimes called the Time Organism because the etheric realm is outside of time-space. Consequently etheric mastery allows one to be free of the limitations of time. This training apparently gave him precognitive powers, and he was able to predict the dates and exact times of enemy attacks, the number of casualties, and bombardment patterns while a general during the war. We now know this practice as remote viewing. Consequently, Haushofer emerged with an illustrious war record and became well known throughout Germany.

  It was only very reluctantly that Haushofer agreed to attend the treason trial of a rabble-rousing, brawling street politician named Adolf Hitler in 1923. He finally consented, after much persuasion by a student at the university, Rudolph Hess. Though disinterested at first, by the time Hitler delivered his final oration in court, Haushofer, like Eckart, was convinced that he had found the savior of the German people that he had been seeking. Haushofer subsequently visited Hitler frequently in his plush cell at the Landsberg Fortress in 1924 with books and papers under his arm and helped him write what became the bible of the Nazi movement, Mein Kampf, virtually dictating long passages about geopolitics and Germany’s destiny.


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