by Len Kasten
Haushofer’s domination of the entire philosophical basis of the Nazi movement was solidified when he founded the Luminous Lodge, or Vril Society, in Berlin in the 1920s. This eventually became the inner circle of the Thule Society and reportedly attracted members from other occult movements in Europe, as well as from Tibet, Japan, India, Kashmir, Turkey, and Ceylon. The society took its inspiration from the book The Coming Race (William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London, 1871) by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a story about an underground utopian civilization where the inhabitants flew around in silent, wingless vehicles, powered by a force called vril—hence the name of the society.
Haushofer knew a great deal about life on Atlantis, almost as though through personal memory. He taught Hitler that the Aryan race was genetically developed by the “gods” of Atlantis in preparation for the coming disaster to be a new “master race” afterward. He claimed that the Aryans were given higher consciousness and the faculty of logical thought, instead of just supermemory as with the preceding sub-races on Atlantis. He convinced Hitler that the “pure” Germans were descended from this civilization from Ultima Thule, sometimes called Hyperborea, and were meant to be the nucleus of the new master race.
Haushofer believed that this race of Aryan supermen survived the Atlantean upheavals and still existed somewhere underground in Tibet or the Gobi Desert, and he convinced Hitler to try to make contact with them. From 1926 to 1942, Haushofer organized annual German expeditions to Tibet. He apparently succeeded in making contact with an underground civilization in Tibet known in occult literature as Shamballa (or variously as Shambhala) sometime in the early thirties. It is known that Haushofer met some monks from this underground city and enlisted them in the Nazi cause. Some literature on this subject describes the monks as “adepts of the dark side.” They came to Berlin and set up a community. They were later joined by members of the Green Dragon Society from Japan, at the invitation of Haushofer.
In the secret meetings of the Vril Society attended by Haushofer, Hitler, and the key members of the Thule Society, a medium by the name of Maria Orsic began to get psychic transmissions in an unknown language, which they were eventually able to decipher. As the transmissions continued, it was determined that the messages were coming from two planets in the Aldebaran system that formed the Sumeran Empire. Aldebaran is a huge star in the Taurus constellation, thousands of times larger than our own sun, about sixty-five light-years from Earth. The information channeled by Orsic claimed that the Sumeran Empire consisted of an Aryan or master race and a subservient slave race, and that the Aryans colonized our solar system five hundred million years ago when the Aldebaran system became uninhabitable. When they eventually reached Earth, they founded the Sumerian civilization. According to Peter Moon in The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection, “As they continued to study the transmissions, the Vril Society discovered that the ancient Sumerian language . . . was identical to that of the Aldebarans and that it was also similar to the German language.”
Whether someone materialized in the flesh in the inner sanctum of the Vril Society or met with the Nazi leaders in the underground city through the mediation of the Tibetan monks, there is no doubt that Hitler, at least, met with the ubermensch or “superman.” In a conversation with Hermann Rauschning, the governor of the Free City of Danzig, about the possibility of creating a new, advanced species of human through breeding, Hitler said, as reported by Rauschning in his book Hitler Speaks, “‘The new man is living amongst us now! He is here!’ exclaimed Hitler, triumphantly. ‘Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him.’” Samuel Mathers, the founder of the Golden Dawn, had a similar encounter. In a manifesto to the members in 1896, he wrote, “As to the Secret Chiefs with whom I am in touch and from whom I have received the wisdom of the Second Order . . . they used to meet me physically at a time and place fixed in advance. For my part, I believe they are human beings living on this Earth, but possessed of terrible and superhuman powers . . . I felt I was in contact with a force so terrible that I can only compare it to the shock one would receive from being near a flash of lightning during a great thunderstorm.”
It is clear now, in retrospect, that the Secret Chiefs or supermen were extraterrestrials, whether living on Earth or not. We know this because their contact with Hitler resulted in the Nazis acquiring scientific knowledge and weapon technologies far beyond anything on Earth at that time. These became known as the wunderwaffe or “wonder weapons.” This is especially remarkable when it is understood just how much the Nazi inner circle detested science and “book knowledge” and embraced psychic information and ceremonial magic instead.
According to Moon, as early as 1919, the combined Thule and Vril societies began work on a time machine that was completed in 1924 and taken to a hiding place in southern Germany. This machine created an intense electromagnetic field intended to open a dimensional portal to Aldebaran. This early development resurfaced after the war and was continued thirty years later as the Montauk Project in an underground base at Montauk Point, Long Island, where ex-Nazi scientists were assisted by extraterrestrials. And it was the Vril Society that developed the first antigravity craft, the RFZ-1, as early as 1934. The society raised its own funds for this development by soliciting donations in German newspapers! This first model “crashed and burned,” but the RFZ-2, sixty feet in length, flew quite well and was used as a reconnaissance craft, and so it came to the attention of Himmler, chief of the Schutzstaffel or SS. By this time, Hitler was in power, and he turned the antigravity development project over to the SS, to work directly with the Vril Society.
Hitler himself was more interested in conventional weaponry. By 1939, the SS had developed the RFZ-5, which was renamed to become the Haunebu-I. This was a two-man craft, about thirty-five feet in diameter and powered by a tachyon-type electrogravitation motor called the Kohler Converter. This motor converted Earth’s gravitational energy into electromagnetic power. The Nazis continually improved on the Haunebu models, culminating in the Haunebu-III late in the war. This was a huge craft, two hundred feet in diameter, that could reach a speed of twenty-four thousand miles per hour at an altitude of fifteen thousand feet and could carry thirty-two passengers. But the Germans were never able to adapt these incredible flying machines to conventional warfare. They couldn’t train the pilots, the craft were not maneuverable enough to engage fighter planes in dogfights, and they couldn’t be used as bombers, although they could easily reach the United States without refueling. The Nazis chose to focus instead on Wernher von Braun’s robotic (unmanned) rocketry, believing that they could so terrorize the civilian population of London with their V-2 flying bombs that they could precipitate a mass movement to surrender. They severely underestimated the legendary British “stiff upper lip.” The Nazis also pioneered jet-powered propulsion. The first jet fighter plane in the world, the fearsome Messerschmitt ME-262, could easily have turned the tide of the war if it had lasted several months longer.
German scientists were also working on the development of nuclear weapons long before America got into the act. Nuclear fission was discovered in 1938 by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin. The Germans were producing heavy water in Vemork, Norway, in 1943 in preparation for using it to refine plutonium. But Hitler and architect Albert Speer scuttled the program after the chief civilian nuclear scientist, Werner Heisenberg, failed to sell the project as a feasible way to win the war. Allied soldiers discovered a uranium-based nuclear reactor located underground in Haigerloch, Germany, Heisenberg’s hometown, and several thousand pounds of uranium buried nearby. The consensus is that Germany would have developed the bomb before the United States if it hadn’t been for Hitler’s poor judgment in scientific matters, the flight of the best scientists to the West, and the sabotage and heavy Allied bombardments of technolo
gical sites, although some think that Heisenberg, a former protêgê of Nobel Prize–winning Danish physicist Niels Bohr, who went over to work on the Manhattan Project, deliberately diverted his research away from weaponry.
Battleground Earth: Part II
I conjure entire divisions out of the earth. It must be an easy task to find a few girls for my Berghof.
We have seen in chapter 24 that the German advanced scientific knowledge and weaponry was evidently supplied by extraterrestrials somehow connected with an underground civilization in Tibet. Exactly how this information was conveyed is not clear, but it is known that the connection was established through the mediation of university professor Karl Haushofer and that a group of monks from the underground Tibetan city came to live in Berlin to assist with Hitler’s war plans. They were known as the Society of Green Men. There is strong evidence to suggest that this situation evolved until aliens were working shoulder to shoulder with German scientists. Hitler envisioned a New World Order to last a thousand years. With the help of architect Albert Speer, he designed grandiose buildings and monuments to accommodate his new, one-world Aryan civilization, to be supported by the slave labor of the “inferior” races. However, it seems that this alliance with the extraterrestrials was a marriage of convenience, since apparently they had the same goal and were using Hitler as a straw man to help them take over the planet. That puts the European war in a totally new perspective, since it can now be seen as just one piece of an elaborate worldwide campaign of alien design that necessitated the participation of Japan in order to control the seas.
Thus, the outbreak of World War II can now be viewed as an all-out push by the extraterrestrials to impose a fascist dictatorship of the entire planet, under their control. That being the case, we can reasonably assume that the planning probably began in the early years of the twentieth century and that Hitler’s rise to power was coordinated with Benito Mussolini’s in Italy and the emergence of Hideki Tj in Japan. This explains the strange similarities between the three fascist movements, especially the militarization of the governments and the imposition of elaborate and sophisticated propaganda machines. Propaganda is nothing more than a form of national mind control, and we have learned now that the aliens are very skilled in these techniques.
At the close of World War I in 1919, under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was allowed to keep only one hundred thousand men in the army and fifteen thousand in the navy, and it was not permitted to have submarines or military aircraft. This situation remained basically stable for the next fourteen years until Hitler came to power in 1933 and then, in March 1935, instituted conscription and renewed military training in open violation of the treaty.
To achieve the extravagantly ambitious goal of world conquest, Germany would need a bright, new army of young, ruthless, efficient, well-trained storm troopers numbering in the millions. In 1933 that seemed like an impossible dream, since the army then consisted mainly of one hundred thousand aging, dispirited veterans of World War I and some raw recruits. It seemed especially hopeless in view of the depressed economic conditions in Germany at that time. Yet in September of the very next year, six months before conscription began, at the Nazi Party’s Nuremberg Rally of 1934, one hundred and sixty thousand stalwart German soldiers with backpacks and rifles stood silently at attention in precise ranks as Hitler, Himmler, and storm trooper Chief Viktor Lutze walked down the wide center aisle toward flaming columns bordering a gigantic wreath honoring German soldiers killed in battle. This fantastic scene was captured in the now-famous documentary Triumph of the Will by Hitler’s movie photographer Leni Riefenstahl. Where did those one hundred and sixty thousand perfect, young soldiers come from?
In October 1935, Hitler supplied the answer to that riddle when he made public that he had kept twenty-one infantry divisions “under wraps” in 1934, and he announced that they would now become the core of the new German army—the Wehrmacht. So that’s where the one hundred and sixty thousand soldiers at the rally came from, but where did the twenty-one divisions come from? An infantry division can be as many as twenty thousand troops, so it seems that somehow Hitler magically got his hands on an instant army of about four hundred thousand soldiers, with no explanation of where they came from or how they had been trained. He announced also that an additional twenty-one divisions would soon be added. How was it possible for all this to be accomplished only one year after Hitler became chancellor of Germany?
One hundred and sixty thousand German soldiers at the 1934 Nuremberg Rally (from Triumph of the Will)
Now that we have evidence of alien involvement in the war preparations, a startling explanation presents itself. It is now generally accepted that the aliens have mastered cloning biotechnology and, in fact, that the small grey ETs of abduction fame are clones themselves. Is it possible that his alien friends presented Hitler with a ready-made, million-man army of cloned storm troopers? We have already seen that the planning for World War II probably began in the early part of the century. Was Hitler’s army secretly growing up in spaceships or underground cities even as real soldiers were dying by the millions on the battlefields of Europe? Perhaps George Lucas knew more than is commonly believed when, in 2001, he wrote Star Wars: Episode II—Attack of the Clones.
According to Vladimir Terziski (see, the Germans ucceeded in reaching the moon sometime in 1942 and established a base on the dark side. Terziski is a controversial figure in the UFO community, but he has impressive credentials. He is a Bulgarian-born engineer and physicist. He graduated cum laude with an MS degree from Tokai University in Tokyo and reportedly is conversant in English, Japanese, Russian, and German in addition to his native Bulgarian, and he is therefore uniquely able to do research in all these languages. He says, “The Germans landed on the Moon probably as early as 1942, utilizing their larger exoatmospheric rocket saucers of the Miethe and Schriever type . . . the Schriever Walter turbine powered craft was designed as an interplanetary exploration vehicle. It had a diameter of 60 meters, had 10 stories of crew compartments, and stood 45 meters high.” Terziski claims that after establishing the initial surface base, Germans tunneled underground “and by the end of the war there was a small Nazi research base on the Moon. The free-energy tachyon drive craft of the Haunebu-1 and 2 type were used after 1944 to haul people, materiel(s) and the first robots to the construction site.”
Hitler with saucer fleet (German poster)
Terziski claims that the moon has an atmosphere, water, and vegetation, and that it is possible to get around without space suits, despite NASA propaganda to the contrary. We can reasonably assume that the aliens played a large role in the Nazi moon adventure. While obviously this fantastic accomplishment had no wartime strategic value, it should be remembered that, in 1942, the Germans were supremely confident of winning the war and were projecting their space travel (conquest?) plans well ahead into the thousand-year Third Reich. This is further evidence of their collusion with the aliens.
Needless to say, sources of information about extraterrestrial involvement in World War II in book form are nonexistent. However, when we turn to the Internet, a cornucopia of information presents itself. Here, holding court without peer, is someone called Bruce Alan Walton, or “Branton,” who has somehow acquired encyclopedic knowledge of extraterrestrial influence on human affairs. The following information is according to Branton. It is presented here because it fills in many of the gaps in our knowledge about alien involvement in World War II. He says that a formal treaty, facilitated by the Thule Society, was executed in 1933 between the Nazi-Bavarian Intelligence Agency, which eventually became the SS, and the Greys, who were living in underground bases in Tibet and el
sewhere in the world. The Greys are known to be from Zeta Reticuli. The Greys, in turn, are subservient to the Reptilians and are believed to be implanted with biochips to keep them under control. They are mostly a cloned race, having lost the ability to reproduce eons ago due to radioactive fallout from nuclear wars on their home planet. There is a group of about two thousand original Grey prototypes from which the clones are copied. Many abductees have commented on their robotic, totally unemotional behavior.
The Reptilians are a fierce, tyrannical race from Alpha Draconis, sometimes referred to as Reptiloids because they are humanlike in basic form, but their skin is scaly and their faces are lizardlike, with vertical-slit eyeballs. They are up to eight feet tall and very strong. They are considered by some extraterrestrials to be master geneticists, but others claim that they have botched many of their genetic experiments. Their most powerful capability is mind control, and in this they are considered undisputed experts. This accounts for their ability to seemingly “shape-shift,” that is, to take on a human appearance, because they can plant that illusion in the mind of the observer. Their mind control expertise also manifests as mastery of propaganda, a capability they passed on to their fascist compatriots. They are in league with other Reptilian races from Rigel Orion and Bellatrix Orion. Together, these races are referred to as the Draco-Orion Imperialists, and they have taken over many of the star systems in the twenty-one-star cluster in this section of the galaxy, forming the Draco-Orion/Grey Empire. The Draco-Orionites are referred to as interventionists because they boldly seek to enslave other races. Like the fascists that they sponsored, they are cruel and merciless.