Taming the Bear Collection

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Taming the Bear Collection Page 15

by Jessica Ryan

  Judging by the blood and moans of pain, he had taken plenty of them down. He cursed his own stupidity as he jumped out of the truck, holding his rifle. What if Thorn had been standing there and he had hit him too?

  Those thoughts quickly dissipated as bullets began ringing overhead. By the cart return there were several grungy-looking wolves shooting at him. A few easy shots from his rifle took them out and ended any thoughts they’d had of bringing the raging bear down.

  Where was Rain? Where was Thorn? Where were the rest of them? He was confused, disoriented as he tried to find his enemies. Beorn turned and his eyes locked on something at the end of an aisle.

  The wolf who stood there was tall and muscular with darker skin. His eyes almost glowed in the darkness and his teeth gleamed with evil intent as he smiled at Beorn.

  “You son of a bitch!” Beorn shouted, throwing his rifle aside and beginning a determined march down the aisle.

  Right before he entered it a battle cry pierced the air and a smaller wolf leapt off a register stand, intending to catch Beorn off guard. The bear was in no mood to be screwed with. He caught the bastard by the throat and squeezed with all his might, not even reacting as he heard the bones of the wolf’s neck crush in his bare hands.

  “Keep coming,” a voice from the end of the aisle said.

  Beorn tossed the now-dead biker to the ground and continued his march to face Abaddon one on one. He stopped five feet from the demon. The store was completely silent now save for Beorn’s intense panting as he stared down the demon gang leader.

  “Are you ready for this?” Abaddon asked, holding his hands out to his sides.

  Beorn didn’t answer. Instead, he twisted his head, cracking his neck rather loudly. He followed by cracking each knuckle in his hands as he smiled back at the demonic wolf.

  They stared one another down for what felt like years. The first time Beorn had looked at Rain it had felt the same way, a moment that would never end. That moment would forever be on top in his past, but this moment would live somewhere near the bottom.

  As the thoughts of Rain entered his mind he felt the rage seething inside of him even stronger. Abaddon wasn’t just threatening Bucklin or Beorn, he was threatening Rain. Rain, the headstrong, immature female wolf who had felt torn between two lives that she wasn’t quite sure how to live. A girl who hadn’t known responsibility yet, but was now being forced to grow up before she was ready—all because of the asshole standing in front of Beorn. She deserved better than this. She deserved better than watching her mate have to kill over and over again.

  Beorn had spent his entire life as the grumpy, solitary bear who didn’t give a damn about anyone but himself. If he needed sex he found a willing partner and then dumped her to the side. He’d spent his whole life trying to live as equals with the angry, murderous monster inside of him. But this was it: now he was turning into the monster.

  “Your move,” Abaddon said with a smile and a wink.

  You threatened Rain, Beorn thought. I love her and I always will.

  With those thoughts Beorn rushed forward, screaming as he did so. Abaddon’s eyes grew wide; clearly, he hadn’t expected the giant bear to charge him with so much force. Abaddon was big for a normal human, but Beorn still engulfed him when he reached him, lowering his shoulder into the demon’s sternum as he wrapped his arms around Abaddon’s legs and lifted with his shoulder, pushing the demon backwards off his feet.

  The two men hit the ground with a thud, and Beorn heard a satisfying crunch as his shoulder continued its drive into the demon’s sternum. As Abaddon gasped for breath Beorn raised up, clubbing Abaddon across the face with his giant ham-fists. Bones cracked and blood flew as he continued to beat the demon senseless.

  Finally Abaddon regained his senses and brought his knee up into Beorn’s crotch. All the pleasure and enjoyment Beorn had derived from the way Rain had roughly worked his cock and balls with her mouth yesterday was long gone as a sharp pain radiated through his body. It started low in his crotch before spreading to his stomach. Beorn gasped for air as Abaddon pulled himself out from under the bear. He rose to his feet and smashed his forearm into the side of Beorn’s face, blurring his vision.

  Beorn shook it off as he thought of Rain again. He roared and shot back into the demon’s stomach, picking him up off the ground. Abaddon kicked and punched, but he was unable to free himself as Beorn began to crush him between his shoulder and arm. It was the most literal definition of a bear-hug and it was more painful than it looked. Abaddon cried out as Beorn squeezed with both arms, feeling something pop in the demon’s lower back. After that the kicking ceased and Abaddon’s legs went limp.

  “Die!” Beorn roared as he began to run forward. The two men slammed into the metal grocery store shelf, sending it toppling over backwards. Abaddon cried out in pain as his body broke between Beorn and the unforgiving steel. Beorn wouldn’t give him a moment to catch his breath, though; instead, he grabbed the demon by the throat and tossed him back towards the front of the store. Abaddon’s body hit the ground with a thud and he skidded to the cash registers, not moving.

  Beorn charged again, his feet leaving the floor as he got close to Abaddon. The demon’s eyes grew wide as Beorn crashed onto him, flattening him between the concrete floor and his heavy frame. Beorn delivered a few more blows to the demon’s face, shattering bones with each shot. Abaddon was covered in blood and his limbs were twisted in ways they were not meant to go. Something sharp jutted up out of his chest, more than likely a broken rib that had been forced up there.

  There was a noise in the background, one that almost sounded human. Beorn ignored it as he continued his assault on the son of a bitch who had caused so much grief and pain. With one hand on the demon’s throat he continued to squeeze and slam his fist into Abaddon’s now unrecognizable face.

  Beorn stood, trying to block out the screaming he heard in the background. Someone was yelling at him, but he couldn’t make out the words. His bear was growling and roaring, demanding more blood sacrifice from the demon. Beorn looked to his left and saw one of the heavy, old cash registers sitting on the counter. He picked the steel box up, ready to finally crush the demon’s head and finish this fight once and for all.

  “See you in hell,” Beorn said as he lifted the cash register high.

  “Beorn! Stop! Please stop! For the love of God, Beorn, stop!”

  The words were coming through loud and clear now, enough for Beorn to make out every syllable. Still holding the cash register high, he looked to his left, to the place where his truck had come to rest. Rain and Thorn were both on their knees. Tears were streaking Rain’s beautiful face, nearly bringing tears to Beorn’s own eyes. One of Thorn’s eyes was swollen shut and his jaw was misshapen. He could barely lift his head to look at his old friend, but Beorn saw the sorrow and pleading in his one good eye.

  Behind them stood six of Abaddon’s gang, each wearing the leather vest and insignia of Satan’s Angels. They all held various guns that were pointed firmly at the backs of Rain’s and Thorn’s heads. The moment he brought the cash register down was the moment their lives ended. His eyes traveled behind them, landing on the cause of all this pain. Leena was standing there, her hands on her hips and a sneer on her face. As their eyes met she blew him a kiss before giggling.

  Beorn slowly lowered the cash register before tossing it to the side. It was over. He had lost.

  Chapter 27

  After the gunshots had started, Rain had lifted her gun and looked in all directions, but she didn’t see anything on her side of the truck. On the other side she saw Beorn throw his gun down as people fell, and then he was gone and she was alone.

  Where had he gone? He had vanished and left her alone in the front of the store. She walked around to his side of the truck, turning her head in revulsion as she looked at the men that lay dead by the cart return.

  “Beorn?” she said weakly. She tried to call fo
r him again, but she wasn’t able to speak at all. Glass crunched under heavy boots behind her. She felt her stomach jump and she spun, raising her gun in defense. “Ahhhh!”

  She screamed as her gun grew red hot, burning her hands and forcing her to drop it.

  “You won’t be needing that,” Leena said, a half smile on her evil face. “Why don’t you just have a seat.”

  Rain started to back away, but she backed right into several more men in gang leathers that had snuck in behind her. One harshly put his hand on her shoulder and forced her to her knees. Another threw a limp body down to the ground beside her.

  “Thorn?” she asked weakly.

  The only response she got was a weak cough as he tried to get to his knees.

  “He’s fine,” Leena said, flipping her hand dismissively. “He’ll live, at least.”

  Rain rubbed her burned hands as she sullenly looked up at her surrogate father’s former sister. What kind of witchcraft had she used to burn her?

  “Speaking of living,” she said, looking up.

  Rain turned to see a lifeless body slide into view on the other side of the registers. She couldn’t make out who it was, but her eyes were quickly drawn to Beorn who came screaming out of the aisle before diving onto the limp body, screaming as he began to pound it into dust.

  “He’s killing him, mistress,” one of the bikers said.

  “His flesh will heal,” Leena said. Then her cool facade suddenly changed as her eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped. “Unless his head is destroyed. Fuck!”

  “Beorn, stop!” Rain screamed, realizing that he was very close to completely smashing Abaddon’s head with his bare hands. They would never let him live if he killed their master. “Please!”

  Beorn lifted a cash register, preparing to bring it down on Abaddon’s head.

  “Beorn! Stop! Please, stop! For the love of God, Beorn, stop!”

  He turned to look at them as Rain felt the cold tip of a shotgun pressing into the base of her skull. This was the end of the road.

  Beorn looked completely defeated, not an ounce of fight left in his body. He dropped the cash register beside him and put his hands up.

  “Beorn, I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Enough out of you,” Leena said, shoving the back of Rain’s head. Rain fell forward, catching herself on her hands.

  “You’re still in there, Leena,” Rain whispered. “I’ve seen it in your eyes. ’You’re still in there somewhere.”

  “A touching sentiment,” Leena said, turning back to Rain. “That spineless bitch can’t do anything to me anymore. I’m in control.”

  “Who are you?” Rain asked.

  “You couldn’t pronounce my demon name if you tried,” Leena said, laughing. “Just call me Leena, since she won’t be using that name anymore. Get them to the cages.”

  The next few minutes were a complete blur as Rain, Thorn and Beorn were shuffled outside and forced into what amounted to an armored car. There was no escape, even if they wanted to. The car drove slowly down the street, five motorcycles escorting it on each side. As they were being put into the back Rain had recognized the driver: it was Thaddeus Greenbranch, a local farmer and member of the Oakdale pack.

  “Traitor,” she had screamed as they forced her into the back.

  He just gave her an amused look before slamming the door shut on them. After the short drive they were forced out of the car at gunpoint and into the jail. Bucklin had a smaller jail with two hallways that held cells, called the Dawn Wing and the Guard Wing.

  Thorn was forced through the door to the Guard Wing while Beorn and Rain were left standing alone. Finally a guard, another recognizable member of the Oakdale pack, told the bikers to take them down into the Dawn Wing because the Guard Wing was full.

  Rain felt some hope in her heart. Maybe they had captured Rowan and Eva. They obviously wanted to capture high profile members of each pack. Why else would they leave Thorn alive when they had the opportunity to kill him?

  The guards forced them into a tiny cell together before slamming the door shut and leaving them alone in the dark wing. There was one light on in the hallway, but that was all the illumination they got.

  “I’m sorry,” Beorn said, sitting on the bed. “I’m so sorry, Rain.”

  “For what?” she asked, looking back at him. He looked to be in pain, unable to cope with what had just happened. She could see he was fighting back tears. It was a sad sight to see such a big, strong man reduced to such turmoil.

  “I failed you,” he said. “I promised you we would fix this and I had that son of a bitch right where I wanted him. He was going to die, and then she showed up.”

  “You did what you had to,” Rain said. “You didn’t want them to shoot you.”

  “I could give a damn about me or Thorn,” Beorn said, looking up at her. “I didn’t want you to die.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” she said, looking at the ground. “I’m not important. We should have finished Abaddon while we had the chance. He was already sitting up and healing while they were shuffling us out. By tomorrow morning he’ll be whole again.”

  “I failed,” Beorn said again, looking down.

  “You were looking out for me,” she said, walking over and grabbing a handful of his bushy beard. She tugged on it before running her hand up the side of his cheek. “You did it because you love me and I...I love you too, Beorn.”

  “This might be our last night together,” Beorn said.

  “Then what do we do?” Rain asked.

  Beorn didn’t wait for a response. Rain felt butterflies in her stomach as her breath was taken away by his sudden charge. He lifted her off the ground, pushing her into the steel bars of the jail cell—just as he had done the first night they met, alongside his truck.

  This time, though, he was the aggressor. She barely got a chance to kiss him. His lips were wildly finding their way up and down her face, neck and chest. She took a deep breath and moaned as she felt his erection pushing against her. Together they hungrily found one another’s lips and began to explore. Rain’s tongue entered Beorn’s mouth, exploring before his began to beat back and forth against her own.

  Beorn kept her pushed against the cell door as he reached down and pulled her pants off, panties and all. She was completely exposed here in the Dawn Wing for all who entered to watch, but she didn’t care. This might be the last time she ever looked at the man she had grown to love over the last few days, the man she had experienced a lifetime with in that time.

  With the furiousness of his kissing assault she didn’t even notice that he had also worked his pants off, revealing his thick, long cock. She felt the tip begin to tease her opening, threatening to impale her right there against the cold steel, but Beorn hesitated.

  “Do it,” she whispered into his ear. “Take me, baby, do it.”

  Beorn didn’t need any more encouragement. She sucked in a breath and arched her back as he thrust his manhood into her, stretching her inner walls to their limit. He was so big he pushed all the way to her back wall with some of his staff still outside of her.

  She grabbed his hair and moaned as he began to thrust into her. His motion was short and intense as he pumped away. The pain and shock she felt from his initial few thrusts quickly began to get blurred with pleasure and ecstasy. It felt like he was thrusting all the way into her stomach. It was the most amazing thing she had ever felt. The pressure in her nether regions was immense. She could already feel the orgasm beginning to build inside of her.

  Beorn was growling and grunting as he kept one hand firmly planted on her ass and the other gripped the bars for support. She could feel the steel digging into her back, but she didn’t give a damn.

  Each thrust slammed her up and into the bars, but the pain was beginning to feel good. She had never been this wet in her life; the sounds of his cock sliding in and out of her wet sheath were turning h
er on just as much as his guttural grunting was. She could feel the hard buds of her nipples rubbing against the inside of her bra as she continued to bob up and down on his thickness.

  The entire time he pounded her canal with brute force her wolf growled and snapped its approval in her head. She could only imagine Beorn’s bear was doing the same. She could feel the animal inside of her feeling satisfaction for the first time in its life and it showed its gratitude by radiating pleasure all through her, even down to her bones.

  All of it combined to overwhelm her senses and bring her to a place she had never been before. She gripped Beorn’s hair hard with one hand while digging the nails of the other hand into the soft flesh of his neck. The orgasm was beginning to overwhelm her, like 2000 volts of electricity coursing through her veins.

  Her scream could probably be heard throughout the jailhouse and possibly in the surrounding neighborhood. Beorn let out his own roar as she felt his come shooting into her, filling her to the brim.

  They both began to spasm and then stiffen as they shared the most wonderful orgasm that Rain had ever experienced. It wasn’t just Rain and Beorn that had just had sex, it was Rain, the wolf, Beorn and the bear that had exhibited their primal need to meld into one.

  There was nothing left to do except collapse backwards onto the bed and wait for their sentence to be carried out.

  “I love you,” she whispered as sleep moved quickly, like a thief, to steal her away in the middle of the night.

  “I love you, too,” Beorn said before stifling a deep yawn. “I’m sorry, babe.”

  “Don’t be,” she whispered back. “I can die happy now.”

  “Me too,” he said.

  That was the last thing Rain heard before drifting off to sleep. She knew her part in this whole mess was done. She was going to die soon and there was nothing she could do to fight it. Abaddon and Leena had won. The bear and the wolf had tamed one another, just in time to march to their deaths.


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