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A Sanctuary for Elle

Page 8

by Anna Jane

  He grasped her knees and pushed them apart, exposing her sex to him. He then leant down in between her legs and licked gently at the burning nub. He started out softly, licking and caressing. He soon moved more fluidly, letting the passion inside him release a little. He sucked and licked with more pressure, eliciting gasps and moans from Elle who was writhing beneath him.

  Elle was in heaven. To her surprise, Mark had unclothed her and was selflessly pleasuring her. She knew instinctively that he was trying to hold back and give pleasure to her so as to take things slow. She was feeling wonderful right now so appreciated his efforts immensely.

  Elle gasped as he drew her clitoris into his mouth again and sucked hard. He then moved his tongue along her sex over and over again until she felt herself begin to spiral away. His fingers joined his mouth and he slipped two inside her opening, thrusting in and out rhythmically. Elle cried out in pleasure, shouting his name. Mark sped up his motion and Elle felt herself climax with a cry. Over and over again she soared as he continued to lick gently now. He eased back from her and gathered her back in his arms. He kissed her mouth softly and she smiled at him, delirious with ecstasy. Mark was hard and aching but refused to acknowledge it. He wanted this to be about Elle, and only Elle.

  Yet again, Elle had different ideas and slipped her good hand downwards until she managed to wrap her hand around his length. Mark groaned. 'Elle, you don't need to do that. This was all about you.'

  Elle smiled up at him though, 'and this is all about you.' Elle moved her hand until she found a rhythm he seemed to enjoy. His body arched as she moved against him and the friction made him tight with the need for release. Elle met his mouth as he arched and kissed him fiercely as she felt him tense. On and on she tormented until he felt himself arch, peak and cry out in pure ecstasy. He spilled seed into her hand and his body went into spasm in delight.

  Elle fell back on the bed and chucked at the look of pure satisfaction on his face.

  'So much for taking things slow, you!' Mark scolded but chuckled himself.

  'I couldn't help it, you're just too damn gorgeous.'

  'Ha! Come here you little minx,' Once again Mark gathered her close and their bodies warmed each others.

  Chapter 10

  Elle and Mark dozed in bed for another hour. When they woke the next time they were both ready to get up for the day. Elle showered first then dressed casually in jeans. She had to wear a baggy sweatshirt as her cast was large and problematic.

  Mark showered too and then dressed in his clothes from the day before. He went downstairs to find Elle making coffee, struggling a little doing it one-handed.

  'Here, let me help you.' Mark took the coffee maker from Elle and positioned it correctly. Elle sat down at the table and yawned. This felt wonderfully domestic. Something she had never experienced. With her previous boyfriend, living together had been a stressful event. Nothing was ever good enough, nothing was ever up to his impossible standards. She had never felt the kind of content feeling she had right now. Elle worried she was jumping the gun. Maybe Mark's kindness was just characteristic of him. She could be reading too much into it. She had a feeling though that he was feeling everything she was. She also knew he was desperately trying to slow things down. Maybe she should take a leaf out of his book. Take things a little slower, enjoy the moments and not think too much about where it was headed.

  'This is nice,' Elle commented.

  'It is, I was thinking the same thing.'

  'What are you doing today?' Elle asked, wondering if he was going into work as it was 9am already.

  'I have to go into the office this afternoon but I have this morning free. I was wondering, that is, if you're free, I wondered if you might take a walk with me. Let me explain at last. I would really appreciate it. I want to get this off my chest and if you hear me out I think we can come to an understanding.'

  Elle was more than ready to find out exactly what had gone on while she had been gallivanting so she agreed readily. 'Of course. We could walk around the headland.'

  'Perfect. Now, what would you like for breakfast?'

  Mark cooked an impeccable English breakfast for them both which they devoured hungrily. After clearing up they headed out together, huddled into coats as the weather was worsening. The wind was strong and there was a hint of rain in the air.

  Mark and Elle headed down the grassy hill towards the cliffs which overlooked the bay. As they approached the cliff Mark started to talk.

  'I've been anticipating this conversation for a while now Elle. I want you to know that you've become someone important to me over these last few weeks and I would never want to hurt you. I hope when I'm through that we can carry on as before and see what might be happening between us.'

  Elle appreciated the prelude but wondered what Mark had to say. She hoped it was something she felt would not change how she felt about him.

  'When we were trapped in the landslide, I had no idea who you were Elle. Had I any idea that you were Joy's Granddaughter then I would never have gotten involved with you before sorting this mess out. I am a ruthless business man, I admit that. I am also a man with a conscience and a heart. I would never pursue an old, frail woman who I believed to be unwell. The fact is that Joy contacted me Elle. She said she had heard about my reputation in the area and wanted an idea of a price. A price to sell The Sanctuary. I came out here and met here in the house. We chatted, had tea and I offered a considerable sum for the purchase of Sanctuary. I was very keen, I admit that. I really wanted to buy it.'

  'Wanted? As in past tense?' Elle enquired.

  'Yes, Elle. Wanted. I now know what it means to you and no-one can take that from you. I wouldn't want to. Anyway, your Grandmother said she would think about it and get back to me with her decision. She phoned me back the following day and said she had changed her mind, that things had changed. She no longer wanted to sell. I asked her if she would reconsider. I offered her a higher price. She refused. She was very clear so I thanked her for her time and that was it. I am absolutely devastated to think that my involvement with Joy had any detrimental effect on her health. You've got to know I didn't do anything I would consider immoral or abusive towards her.'

  Mark's eyes were earnest, seeking her approval and wanting for her to understand. It didn't make sense to Elle though. This wasn't how she had understood the process to have gone. 'So you didn't call her constantly, turn up at the door at all hours pressuring her? Because that's what she had me believe. That's what she told me Mark.' Elle was confused by his admission, thinking what he had said was nothing from what she had expected.

  'Elle, I only met her once when she invited me in for tea. Yes I pursue properties in my business but I never pursued an elderly woman. I would never dream of turning up on a old woman unannounced. I promise you, I didn't.'

  Mark's mind was whirling. What she was saying was untrue. He hadn't done any of the pursuing she mentioned. He wouldn't. He had good morals at the end of the day at although he wanted The Sanctuary he didn't desperately need it for his portfolio.

  'I want you to listen to something Mark. It's a voice mail. From Nen. It was what made me come home ultimately. By the time I was on the plane she was gone. Not that I knew until I landed and the hospital got through to me. It says exactly what I'm trying to explain.'

  Elle retrieved her phone from her pocket and dialled up the voice mail service with her saved messages. She switched the phone from handset to speaker and held it out between them for Mark to hear.

  A disembodied voice informed them of the number the call was from and the date and time it had been sent. Her grandmother's voice then filled the air around them. 'Elle, hello sweetheart, its me. Can you phone me when you get this? I need some advice, you see I did something silly. I considered selling Sanctuary and when I changed my mind this man. It's Mark-Anthony Hunter Properties. Well he's hounding me, its really bothering me. He keeps turning up, phoning me incessantly and I just don't feel up to it any more. There's more
too Elle. I need to speak to you about something important but it needs to be here Elle, not over the phone. Could you fly home for a bit? I would love to see you. I know its asking a lot but I thought maybe you could do with a holiday. You've been working so hard. Anyway, sorry to ramble I jut really need to speak with you. I love you sweetie. Hope to hear back from you. Bye then.' The message clicked finished and Elle put it back in her pocket.

  Mark could see hearing her Grandmother's voice had bothered her. He looked at her concerned. He was furious though, he now had a good idea exactly where this was leading.

  'Elle. It wasn't me. The man your Grandmother talks about, it wasn't me. I spoke with her twice on the phone and once in person. I think we may have had crossed wires somehow. I have a feeling I know what happened though and I'm about to get really cross.'

  Elle was ready to burst,' Tell me then?! What do you think happened?'

  'Will you give me two minutes? I need to make a quick phone call.'

  Without waiting for her to answer, he strode ten feet away from her and started speaking into his mobile. At the beginning of the conversation he was angrily cold, speaking in a flat tone. As she watched him he grew more agitated and began to bark orders down the phone. He was throwing his arms out, gesticulating. Whatever he was hearing, he was angry. She could see it in his stance. She wished she could hear the conversation but the wind was strong and his voice was swept away in it. She waited patiently and then eagerly looked up as he turned back and stomped over to her, clearly annoyed.

  Mark rejoined Elle, fury in his eyes. Elle was desperate to know what he knew.

  'Tell me, Mark. What?'

  'It was as I suspected. It's true I didn't harass your Grandmother. But one of my partners, my colleague did. His name is David Wenlock, he's young, ruthless and ambitious. He knew of The Sanctuary and I have just found out that when I let it go, he didn't. He thought, this is it, this is the big one, the one that will make me. He went after The Sanctuary via your Grandmother and I've just sacked him. He didn't even recognise what he had done may have been upsetting or distressing. He was so blinded by the greed, the chance to succeed in this cut-throat business we work in. I can't apologise enough Elle. Despite it not being me directly, I feel responsible. He worked for me. I am heartbroken at the thought that his actions effected your Grandmother's poor health. Tell me Elle, do you think that was the case?'

  Elle was angry with this faceless man he spoke of but at the same time it made sense now. This man before her was honest, was the kind character she had seen in him from day one. She was pleased for that, she just needed him to know that she no longer held anything against him.

  'I think that my Grandmother was seriously ill. That 'other thing' she needed to talk to me about in the voice mail. It was that she had been battling cancer. For too long. And it was beating her. She had been told that she didn't have long left, to sort out her affairs. She hadn't told me. She didn't tell me Mark. Why didn't she tell me? I would have been home before she finished telling me!' Elle's eyes brimmed then overflowed with tears. 'I'm sorry, Mark. No, you're not responsible, not even indirectly. I will be wanting to have a few choice words with your ex-colleague but not you. I'm glad that you were respectful and kind towards Nen, glad you are honest like you said. I'm actually relieved overall because I like you. I wanted to still be able to like you. So I guess its good it turned out like this.'

  'Elle, I'm so sorry. So sorry for your loss. Can I hold you?' Mark was so unsure of how she would react, of what she needed from him right now.

  Elle stepped into his arms without a second thought. She let him hold her and she cried into his shoulder, releasing the grief and allowing herself to feel all of the emotions she kept inside.

  After a while, Mark eased Elle back off his shoulder. 'Come on, sweetie. Lets take you back. It's getting cold.'

  They wandered back arm in arm. When they reached the house Elle felt herself drawn to The Sanctuary and she veered off towards it. She looked to Mark and he followed her over the gravel pathway to the stunning building. She unlocked the grand front door and wandered into the marble-covered entrance. She stood there gazing around until Mark joined her behind her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and massaged her gently.

  'This was my home Mark. It's like a shadow. You wouldn't believe how much life used to flow through these hallways. It's just sad. It makes me sad. I want to do so much. Bring it back.' She looked around wistfully, off in her own little world, imagining it when the work had been completed.

  'Tell me your plans. Share your vision with me,' Mark implored.

  'Really? Are you really interested?'

  'Of course I am, Elle. I look around this place and all I see is possibility. I would love to hear what your plans are, how you'll recreate the hotel that existed before. Tell me.'

  He did look genuinely interested so she began to walk him through how she envisioned The Sanctuary. She explained how things used to look, where items were placed, how areas were run. Mark listened attentively and even suggested a few things she hadn't thought of which she was surprised to find that she liked. He was really interested as well and she found herself more enthused as she spoke of her ideas.

  They finished the tour back in the marble hallway where they had started. 'It's going to be amazing Elle, I can hear it as you speak. I think you've got fantastic ideas.'

  'Oh not really Mark. Most of my plans come from things I remember from before. I'm just impatient for it to be done, for me to snap my fingers and it be up and running. I know that's not possible but it'd be good.'

  mark chuckled. 'Patience, patience Elle. All in good time. Thing is, if you want things done fast, they can be. That it, if you have the cash. It often costs to be quick. I could give you names of reliable tradesmen that would do the work well.'

  'Thanks Mark, that would be really helpful.'

  They wandered back out of the hotel and down the path towards their houses. Elle was unsure now of their next step. Should she invite him in? Or maybe let things slow down a little.

  'When do you have to be at work?' Elle asked as they arrived at her gate.

  'In about an hour. We could have a coffee if you like. I've just got myself a flash, new machine.'

  'That sounds great.'

  Mark and Elle walked down his path and into the house. As she walked in she realised he had been very busy inside. Gone were the floral prints and patterned rugs Margaret had favoured. Mark had redecorated with muted tones, clear of all clutter with the occasional elegant piece of tasteful wooden furniture. She wandered around slowly taking it in, liking what she saw. He had good taste and it actually fitted with hers.

  'I like what you've done with the place.'

  'Thanks. I've been quite busy here, worked into the night a lot but it feels so good to do the work yourself. I feel proud of what I've accomplished.' Mark looked around the room, pleased with his handiwork.

  'You should be. It's really good. I love the natural effect you've created.'

  'I'm glad, I was hoping you would like it.'

  Elle was curious. 'Why?'

  'Because you're opinion matters to me Elle.' Mark gave her shoulders a squeeze and a small peck on the cheek before heading into the kitchen.

  Well, that was nice. To have someone who thought she mattered was really sweet. To have someone value her opinions good too. What had she been doing with her ex-boyfriend? He had really treated her unkindly.

  Elle sat at Mark's kitchen table and became more curious about the man making her coffee. What did she really know about him? Oh she knew he was kind and honest. She knew he had good morals and did the right thing. She knew he was a talented lover who knew his way around a woman's body. But what about the other things. He had said he had a large family, but nothing more. He worked in property, but she knew none of the details. What were his likes, his dislikes?

  Elle wanted to know all of these things and was surprised that she wanted to know them now. She knew she was being i
mpatient but she wanted to know him, all of him. She liked so much about him she wanted to know even more.

  Mark finished making the coffee and laid the mugs and pot on the table. He also brought cream, milk and sugar. Elle poured herself a cup to her preference as he did the same.

  'Go on then,' Mark said to her, a sardonic look on his face.

  'What?' Elle remarked surprised.

  'I can practically hear your mind whirling. What do you want to say to me?'

  Elle was shocked he was so perceptive but took the opportunity as it presented itself. 'I was just thinking that I don't know much about you really. I know the basics but up till now its been me telling you everything about my life. I don't know anything about your family, anything really about what you do, where you grew up, what your likes and dislikes are..'

  Mark laughed, throwing his head back. 'I didn't realise you were this impatient to know all there is to know about me! I'm beginning to notice that its a bit of a character trait in you. You do realise half the fun is taking the time to get to know each other?'

  Elle just smiled at him. The warmth he saw in her face made him concede.

  'Okay. What do you want to know?'

  'Tell me about your family.'

  'Okay. Well I grew up 5 miles from here, North Wales born and bred. We lived in a simple two up, two down. Mum and Dad both worked but neither earned much so we lived a tight existence. I'm the eldest, I have two younger brothers-Jack and Daniel. I also have a sister, Amy. Jack married last year and he and his wife Rosie are expecting their first. Jack is a pilot. Daniel is newly engaged. He's absolutely besotted right now and its all about weddings with him. Amy is my youngest sibling. She is five years younger than me, already married and settled and has three children-Billy, Ellie and Lucy. She is now a full time Mum, she actually married a pretty great guy who provides for her and the kids well, he's in finance. Mum and Dad are still here in Wales. I bought them a nice, big place when I began earning the big money. They love the mountains so they would never be happy anywhere but they are happier now they don't have to worry about money so much.'


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