A Sanctuary for Elle

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A Sanctuary for Elle Page 12

by Anna Jane

  Chapter 14

  Elle watched as Mark drove away and willed him to be back again soon. She felt pretty sure she knew what he was going to come back and say so she was keen he get his pretty butt back as quick as possible.

  Elle sat down on the sofa and became lost in her thoughts. She was rudely interrupted by the ringing phone. She snapped out of her reverie and picked it up quickly.

  'Hello?' Elle answered.

  'Hello, is that Elle Forster?'

  'Yes, speaking.'

  'Hello, Miss Forster, this is Dr Hodges from the hospital.'

  'Oh, hello doctor,' she replied, a little confused by a phone call from him.

  'Miss Forster, I'm phoning about the blood test we performed when you came in recently with your broken arm,' he stated matter of factly.

  'Yes?' Elle said, becoming alarmed. What was wrong with her blood? Did she have some horrible disease?

  'Well, we routinely check the blood we take and something cropped up on your test. You see the thing is, you're pregnant. Miss Forster, your blood showed you were positively expecting.'

  Elle's mouth actually dropped in shock. She plopped down hard onto the sofa and the phone dropped out of her hand onto the floor. She sat stock still, taking in the unexpected news. Pregnant. Pregnant. She was pregnant. With child. Expecting a baby. Up the duff. Oh my God. She couldn't believe it. She was on the pill. She wasn't expecting this. She suddenly heard the doctor again, shouting her name down phone.

  Elle snapped the phone up again, 'Hello doctor. Sorry. It was just..unexpected..to say the least.'

  Elle talked through next steps with the doctor, agreed to visit her local GP for an appointment. She then assured him that she was fine and then hung up. She then sat down on the sofa, drew her feet up beneath her and placed a hand on her flat stomach.

  Pregnant. She was still in a state of disbelief. She thought back to all the times with Mark. Sure, there had been plenty of opportunity to become pregnant. The pill was not always fool proof. She ran her hand over her stomach. A baby. There was a baby growing inside her. Her baby. Mark's baby. Their baby. A person they had created. It seemed altogether too much to comprehend.

  Her thoughts turned to Mark. What on earth would he think? They had never discussed children. She was pretty sure he wanted to be with her now but children? That was something they had never talked about, never considered yet. They were still at the beginnings of their relationship. Did Mark want to be a father? Did he even like kids? She didn't know him well enough to know this.

  Elle closed her eyes and tried to visualise herself as a mother. She imagined holding a baby in her arms, feeding it, changing it, comforting it when it cried. She could see it so clearly in her mind. In that moment, Elle without any doubt that she would do anything and everything for the baby that grew inside her. She had been so alone and suddenly, her body was filled with life, she knew that with this baby, she never would be alone again. Never. The baby lived in her now. The baby would live with her, beside her for all time. Elle suddenly felt joyful and tears of joy sprung from her eyes. This was a gift. Whether Mark joined her in this wonderful experience or not, she knew that she would be the best mother she could possibly be.

  Elle got up and began to pace. She had begun to come to terms with her new situation but how to tell Mark. He had said he was coming back later and yet she didn't know how to tell him. What would he say? Would he be happy? Maybe he would feel trapped, obligated to stay with her. A whirlwind of possibilities flashed through her mind. It could go any number of ways. She resolved to mull it over and tell him as soon as he arrived. She hoped he would be happy. Longed for it. If he reacted well, they would become a family, a unit. Elle realised that that was exactly what she wanted, what she had hoped for. It may be coming sooner than expected but she felt happy. Blessed. This was wonderful news.

  Elle threw herself into her new business in the first week of Mark's absence. She needed to occupy her mind, the pregnancy had thrown her completely. Her emotions were varied, uncertain. She was desperate to speak to Mark and at the same time terrified. While her mind idled, her thoughts taunted her. She therefore kept busy.

  The day after Mark left, Elle phoned around for workmen to begin the jobs in The Sanctuary. She used the contact list that Mark had given her so she would only be using reliable workers. She managed to set up four appointments for the week ahead and soon the hustle and bustle began. An electrician was in first checking the electrics and connecting up wires where there were issues. A plumber and his team came in and reconnected the water works. They also fixed a leak and installed showers in the en-suite bathrooms. Bathrooms were also re-tiled and new flooring installed with underfloor heating.

  Elle found a painting and decorating company who were keen for the big contract job. Elle offered a good amount of money for the work to be completed quickly and efficiently. A team of ten men started immediately and the look of The Sanctuary gradually re-emerged beautifully.

  Elle let the workmen get on while she set herself up an office in the attic space she and her grandmother used to live in. She had a desk moved up into the space on which she laid a new laptop, stationary and lamp. She used her new laptop to place adverts for the staff she would require and began advertising the reopening of the hotel. She set up a website for her hotel which allowed bookings for one months time. That way she forced a deadline upon herself for the work to be done. Things could be accomplished quickly in one put their minds to it.

  During the first week of work, Elle refused to think about her pregnancy in the day time. It was when she walked the short distance back to the house every evening. Thoughts would creep in. She would begin to dwell on what Mark's reaction would be. She would think about impending motherhood and worry about what kind of mother she would be. At the end of the week Mark phoned Elle briefly. 'Hey sweetheart, how are you?'

  'Hi Mark, I'm fine thanks. Busy. How about you?'

  'I'm good, but it's hectic. I'm not going to be back for a while, at least another week. I just wanted to phone and tell you that I'm thinking about you. Every day. Every hour. I can't wait to come home and see you, I just need to get this all sorted out.'

  'It's fine Mark, really. I'm busy with the hotel. I'll see you when you tie up all the loose ends.' Elle thought of all the things she had to tell him, things she couldn't talk about over the phone. She kept it brief and friendly. The important conversation could wait until they were face to face.

  Mark was slightly confused. Elle sounded distant, as if she wanted the conversation over. He thought they were on the same page. Thought that they had something building between them. 'Are you sure Elle. You sound a little, well, off.'

  'Mark, you're being paranoid. Get your work done and then come home, you don't need to phone me again, just get home when you can. I'll talk to you soon.'

  'Okay,' Mark mumbled, still not sure about her tone.

  'Bye then.'

  'Yeah, bye.'

  Elle hung up. Mark was left staring at the phone. Uncertainty settled like a cloud over him. He shouldn't have come away, should have stayed and guaranteed their promises first. He worried she had changed her mind. She sounded so different of the phone. What was going on?

  Elle sat back heavily. She had found the phone call stressful. How on earth would she tell him about the baby? Best keep busy she told herself. Think about it when the time came.

  The following day Elle received an unexpected phone call. Elle was a little distracted when she answered as she had been busy filling orders and invoices for the various pieces of furniture which had to be ordered for the hotel. 'Hello, Elle Forster speaking,' she answered automatically.

  'Hello Elle. My name is Lucy. Lucy Day. I don't know if you remember me? We knew each other years ago.'

  Elle's mind reeled. Lucy. Yes, she did recall Lucy. She had been the daughter of John, one of her grandmother's staff. He had been manager for a time at The Sanctuary and Lucy had been around at points when she was younger. S
he had been a few years younger but she remembered playing with the girl when they had had staff barbecue’s and parties in the gardens.

  'Lucy! Yes I remember you! How are you?'

  'I'm well thanks, Very well. I was wondering if we could meet, maybe catch up. I also was wondering if you would consider talking me through the manager job I saw for The Sanctuary. It's something I'd be really interested in you see.'

  Elle felt excited all of a sudden. It sounded too good to be true. An old acquaintance filling the most important job she had advertised would be ideal. She leapt at the chance to find out more,' Of course, that sounds great. Hey I'm not very busy today, do you fancy coming over?'

  'Oh, uh, when?' Lucy sounded surprised.

  'Now! Today, any time.'

  'Well, I'd love too. It's just, I have a little boy. Would you mind if I brought him with me? My husband is working and I don't use childcare at the moment.' Lucy sounded unsure, as if she would be putting Elle out.

  'Lucy, you didn't even need to ask. Bring your son, that's not a problem at all. I would love to meet him! I'll be at the house, when did you want to come over?'

  'I can head over now if you like. I'll be about half an hour.'

  'Great. Look forward to seeing you.'

  The women hung up and Elle tidied away the papers spread out on the table. She then went on the hunt for some biscuits and cake, anything she could offer her guests. She tried to recall any more information about Lucy and her background but she didn't think her grandmother had mentioned her. She knew John had retired some years ago. Interesting for his daughter to be looking for the same job as her father had once held. John had been wonderful, a kind but dedicated, thorough manager. If Lucy followed in his footsteps then she would be the perfect employee for The Sanctuary.

  Lucy arrived half an hour later. When Elle opened the door, the woman before her smiled widely and bustled in, baby on her hip, bag on the other side. Elle ushered her to the sofa where she settled down and plopped the little boy on the floor.

  'Wow, you look amazing Elle. The stories I've heard about your modelling, the glamour, the places you've been. Wow.'

  Elle chuckled. 'It's overrated! I'm very glad to be home at last.'

  Lucy smiled. 'Well, you still look great.'

  'Thanks.' Elle was already just slightly in love with the little boy crawling all over her leg. 'This little guy is adorable. What's his name?'

  'Joshua. He's a sweetheart, and a handful. Getting to that stage where he's into everything.'

  Joshua was now pulling himself up on her leg and once he managed to stand he help his arms out to Elle.

  Elle looked up at Lucy, questioningly. Lucy nodded to go ahead so Elle lifted the little bundle into her arms and nestled him on her lap. He felt soft and warm and smiled a goofy grin at her which to her horror brought tears to her eyes,

  Lucy noticed Elle's reaction immediately and shuffled around the sofa to sit beside her quickly.

  'Elle, what on earth's the matter?'

  'Oh, I'm sorry. It's just he's so lovely, and so sweet. And well, the thing is..I'm pregnant. And in love. But the father doesn't know yet, I don't know how to tell him and I'm terrified.' Elle let the words out in a brief tumble, all of her inner turmoil rushing out in a whirl. She felt awful offloading onto Lucy but the other woman didn't seem to mind at all.

  'Elle, hey, don't cry. Pregnancy is an emotional time. You'll find yourself crying all the time, sometimes for no reason at all. Tell me, this fella of yours, does he love you?'

  'Yes. I mean, I think so. Well yes, I think he does. Although we haven't said those actual words yet. He's away at the moment tying up his business so that he can work at home and be with me.'

  'Ah! So that tells you a lot. If he loves you, it'll be fine.' Lucy sounded sure of it.

  'I'm just so scared Lucy. This wasn't planned at all. I've had no family for so long and now it seems, I suddenly have a complete unit!'

  'Sometimes life has a way of working itself out like that.' Lucy said thoughtfully. She took the squirming little boy from Elle who was beginning to struggle and told her about her own story. 'My little boy here, he's a miracle Elle. Jack and I were overjoyed two years ago to be pregnant, Elle. We went through the whole thing oblivious to any problems. Then, right at the end of the pregnancy, we lost her. She died. She ended having to be born stillborn. We were devastated. I almost lost myself. The desire to have a child was still so great though Elle. We tried again and almost a year to the date of losing our daughter, we had this little bundle of joy. And it is wonderful, Elle. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's why we're here. It changes your world, and for the better. Life is never the same after you have had a child. You're changed forever. They bring the reality of life back to you, they bring the joy of childhood fresh into your days. You may be scared right now Elle, but I promise you, this baby will be the most amazing thing you have ever done.'

  Elle looked into Lucy's shining brown eyes, fresh tears in her own eyes from the woman's sad story. 'I'm so sorry you lost your baby Lucy. I am being so silly. You're right. Its a miracle. I'm overjoyed, really I am. Thank you. Thank you so much. I didn't mean to put all this on you! You came to talk about the job!'

  'Yes. I did. But also to remember a friendship, and hopefully we can renew it. I have few friends left in the village, when I heard you had returned I hoped we would become close again.'

  Elle smiled, feeling happy. 'I'd love that Lucy. I could do with a good friend right now!'

  'Well consider yourself sorted. One friend, at your disposal!'

  'Thanks, I appreciate it. So about the job?'

  'Yes. Well, the thing is before having Josh I worked at many different hotels after working in The Sanctuary. I've managed one for five years and it was very successful. I have good references for my work there. When I saw your advert I thought it looked perfect. I need to start earning some money now Josh is past one year old. I thought it would be worth enquiring about anyway.'

  'It sounds perfect. What about Josh, what will you do while you work?'

  'Well, my Mum is still local and willing to have him, and there's always nursery's. It wouldn't be a problem.'

  'Wouldn't you miss him though?'

  Lucy looked downwards towards her little boy, 'Well, I guess so. But I would adjust.'

  Elle spoke as she thought out loud, 'What if we set up our own creche in The Sanctuary once we're up and running. It would be good for you, and me when I have the baby. Think about the guests as well, I'm sure they would find a creche useful if they wanted some adult time or something.'

  'It's a wonderful idea, Elle.' Lucy's face lit up with the brilliant idea.

  'I definitely want a family orientated hotel and this could be an advertising point, that we have our own fully run creche.' Elle mulled on the idea, it could be advantageous on many levels.

  'Not many hotels offer that too so it could be something that makes 'The Sanctuary' stand out from other local hotels.' Lucy made a lot of sense.

  'So tell me Lucy, do you think you could run an operation like 'The Sanctuary.' You see what I'm looking for is a hands on manager who can deal with all the day to day aspects of running the hotel. I want to be able to oversea everything but not be tied down to the nitty gritty aspects of managing the hotel, the staff, the restaurant etcetera. I'm willing to offer a good salary for the hotel to be run well.'

  'Well, I have plenty of experience Elle. I was manager of 'The Horse and Hound' for four years and then I went on the manage 'Ty Gwyn' for seven years before I left to have Josh. I know what I'm doing, I like a challenge and I'm a hard worker. I think I would be a really good manager for you. Here, I printed my CV and I have several references of people you can talk to about my experience.'

  Elle looked down at the paper holding Lucy's work history. It seemed perfect and she was the type of person she wanted involved, clearly family orientated and with enough knowledge and know how to get on with the job. Elle needed someone who had don
e this before as she didn't have a clue!

  'Great, Lucy. What I will do is speak to your references and then we can get together again. How about that?'

  'That sounds great, thanks for your time today Elle. It has been lovely to see you again. And you know what? You're going to be fine. You'll be a wonderful Mum as you already care so much for the baby growing inside you. I'm sure it will work out just fine.'

  'Thanks Lucy, that's exactly what I needed to hear today and sorry if I offloaded on you so much! I think I needed someone to talk to.' Elle smiled at her renewed friend.

  'Any time, and I mean that-you know even if the job doesn't work out, I hope we'll be friends. Our babies could play together.'

  'What a lovely thought Lucy. Yes, I am sure we're going to be good friends.' Elle hugged Lucy and gave Josh a kiss on his head. He gave her a toothy grin as Lucy collected her bag and coats.

  'See you soon then,' Elle opened the door for her friend.

  'Yes, definitely. See you soon. Bye.'

  Elle watched as Lucy secured Josh in his car seat and then reversed down the gravel path. She waved and then went back inside. Elle went straight to the phone and spoke to both people listed on Lucy's CV. They both gave Lucy glowing recommendations and by the time Elle had finished she was sure she had found the right manager for The Sanctuary. Later in the evening she phoned Lucy and offered her the job. Lucy was overjoyed and they arranged to meet later in the week. Elle gave Lucy the task of making a list of the staff she would need in full so that they could advertise and start interviewing for the posts together. Lucy assured her that she would have the list ready for the next meeting and they hung up, both feeling happy.

  Elle spent the next few days unloading the mass of furniture that had been delivered to the hotel. The large items were moved by some of the workmen she had employed, rooms began to take shape as the beds began to fill them. Elle positioned all the smaller items herself and began to dress the rooms attractively as all the painting was complete and the carpet fitter had laid all of the carpet that was going down. Elle had chosen a neutral colour for the rooms so she added a different colour for each room so she could label them as the 'pink' room or the 'green' room. This would help to manage the various rooms.


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