by Anna Jane
Elle found the perfect area for the nursery/creche area. They had a room which they had once called 'The Sunshine Room' as it was similar to a conservatory as it was heavily windowed and always sunny and pleasant. It was large and secure and downstairs, just off from the main hall area. It could easily be changed into a large, playroom which could cater for about fifteen toddlers or babies. Elle stood in the doorway to the room and made notes for what they needed. The list she made quickly grew and she then ran upstairs and made yet another internet order which was available for 24 hour delivery. She clicked confirm and the order was placed. Elle went back to making up beds with brand new linen and dressing the rooms with side-tables, paintings, lights and complimentary toiletries. There were 13 bedrooms in total, two single rooms, ten spacious double rooms and one massive room which was called 'The family room' but which was also sometimes used as an executive suite. Elle finished dressing the rooms and was pleased with her accomplishment. The single rooms were basic and yet warmly comfortable. The rooms which held double beds were more spacious, they were all attached to en-suites. Elle had added personal touches to each room and they were all looking plush, comfortable and luxurious. The family room held a double bed, a single bed and a cot. It had a toy chest and wardrobe and chest of drawers. There was a large bathroom attached with a jacuzzi style bath installed with a separate shower as well.
Elle took the order in the following day for the creche. The delivery men carried the mass of boxes into 'The Sunshine Room' and once they had left, Elle started unpacking. As the room had fresh carpet she could place things where they would stay. She had ordered a large snakes and ladders rug which she laid in one end of the room, next to which she placed an adult low chair where stories could be read. Four large book holders were put in that area too which would be filled with stories for the children. In the other end a role play corner was set up where the children could go in and out of the little house she had bought. Into the house she put the wooden kitchen she had bought and the pretend washing machine and ironing board. In the centre of the room she added the pint-size tables and chair which the children could sit at and draw, play and eat at.
When she was finished she sat down on a chair and looked at the lovely scene she had created. A few more toys and she would have a fully functioning nursery room. The room made her smile. It was colourful, so colourful. Toys and puzzles everywhere, children's toys and games littering the sides. It made her think of the child she carried. She ran a hand across her belly and thought of the child playing in this room. Would it be a little boy, with Mark's impish grin? Or would it be a little girl with her long, dark hair running freely down her back? They would surely love playing in here, she thought. That was a definite.
Elle made herself got up but the movement seemed to shock her system. She felt uneasy all of a sudden and found herself stumbling towards the nearest bathroom. Inside the room she leant on the sink as she waited for the uneasy feeling to dissipate. Instead of getting any better it felt worse for a moment and then to her surprise Elle was sick in the sink. It came as if from nowhere and after washing her face and mouth out he felt a lot better. Elle looked at herself in the mirror. Morning sickness she decided. So this was what it was like. The reality of the baby was increasing with each passing day and now this physical reaction showed her how real this situation was. Instead of feeling sad though, Elle smiled at her pale face in the mirror. She was having a baby! And she was so pleased.
That night, Mark phoned. 'Hello Elle.' He said. He sounded tired.
'Hey! How are you?'
'Good. I'm good. What about you?'
'Same, all is good. I'm getting a lot done.'
'Ooh, what have you been up to?' he asked, intrigued.
'Well, I contacted those workmen you recommended. Most of the work was done in the first week. I've been taking deliveries, decorating the rooms, setting up my office, hiring a manager and staff..' Elle trailed off as she listed the things she had been doing. She decided not to mention the sunshine room.
'Wow, you've been busy. Don't tire yourself out now. I'll be looking for a bit of your attention when I get home!'
Elle laughed,' Sure. Any time. So, hows the business side of things going?'
'It's been a long slog to be honest. There was more to sort than I anticipated and I have had to travel around a bit to make sure I can leave the businesses in safe hands. I'm actually calling long distance, guess where I am!'
Elle laughed. What was it about this man? He could always make her smile, make her feel happy. 'I don't know, London?'
'Nope..try another country..'
'Oh right, wow, well France?'
'Nope, further, way further than France.'
'Nope, although been there last week, had to pop into the New York Office for some work. Do you give up?'
'Yes, Mark. I give up, where are you?'
Elle was surprised. 'Australia! Whoa! You have been busy!'
'Yeah, this is the last stop. I'm in Sydney doing the last meetings and then I'll be free to come home. I think I will be back early next week. How does that sound? You free to sit down and talk futures?'
Elle smiled. 'Yes. It sound great. I will be ready and waiting for our talk and ready to give you some attention.'
Mark was pleased. She sounded happier than last time they had spoken on the phone. He was missing her so incredibly that he knew this was the right decision. It had taken a lot to sort the business but he was glad now that it would mean he could be free to work from a home and become settled at last. 'Okay then, well I better go now. I'll talk to you soon?'
'Okay, talk to you soon. Bye then.'
'Bye, Elle.' They hung up and both went back to their work. Elle walked back over to The Sanctuary and started unpacking chairs in the restaurant. The tables had come made up but the chairs had been plastic wrapped to within an inch of their lives and it tool Elle ages to unpack the thirty chairs she had ordered. When they were done and placed around the tables they looked great. Elle had chosen natural wood and it gave an earthy feel to the room.
The walls were neutral but Elle had added paintings from local artists which she would sell if required. Scenes of North Wales adorned every spare space, they looked wonderful. The buffet bar still stood in the middle of the room where it had been since her Grandmother's days. It had been sanded down to match the tables and chairs and new granite work surfaces installed. Breakfast and lunch would be available from the buffet and dinner would be run by a chef she would employ. She wanted to have a simple but elegant menu which catered for everyone, children included. Lucy could help her find the right kitchen staff, she mused. Thinking of Lucy she headed up to her office which was in the attic space which had once served as her home. She had made it comfortable and homely. It now had a sofa, a desk with computer and workstation and she had added many of the ornaments her grandmother had left and she hadn't known what to do with. They were a little kitsch but sweet and they reminded her of Nen and happy days. She had also added a number of multi-layered photo frames which she had filled with all the photos she had found. Pictures of days out on the beach, Nen laughing joyfully at the camera, her parents when they were young, her childhood pets. The pictures covered the walls.
Elle sat down at the desk and picked up the phone to call Lucy. She asked her to meet so they could discuss their next steps for the hotel. They agreed to meet the following week. Elle hung up, content that things were going so well. She sat at her desk for a long time thinking about how her life here had changed her, about how good it was to be back. Elle thought of Mark and those moments in the landslide. She thought of how much she had changed as a woman since she had met him. Having been cold and uninterested before, she now felt alive and passionate and vibrant. She was keen to see him again, even though she was nervous about sharing the baby news. Elle made herself get up and she headed back to the house. She had at least four days before he came back, she w
ould think about what to say, how to say it. She had time. Time to dwell, muse. Elle headed to bed early and when she dreamt, she dreamt of Mark.
Chapter 15
Mark drove along the country lanes to The Sanctuary. He had come to a decision. A decision that would change his world. And hopefully Elle's too. The thought of leaving now was unthinkable. It was the last thing he wanted. What he wanted was Elle. He was in love with her. It had come to him in his sleep the previous night as he thought about the upcoming weeks. He loved her. Loved everything about her. He wanted to find out if she returned his feelings and if maybe, just maybe she would consider him for her dreams. Let him be the one that she settled down with. Him that she would marry and give children to.
Mark worried as he drove that she would refuse him. Yes she enjoyed his company. Yes she enjoyed his love making, that much was clear. But maybe that was all it was for her, a fun sexual awakening. A fling possibly. Doubts filled his mind as he neared the cottage. He was so unsure of everything but knew how determined he was for it to work out as he desired. He thought of her distant voice when he had called her, wondered if she still would feel the same about him after his absence. He hoped so, with all his heart.
As the road wound round the hills he signalled left down to The Sanctuary. He slowed to a crawl down the gravel track and drove on past the ancient church. He pressed down on the brake to stop in front of the cottage. He paused before getting out, drawing breath for courage. He would need as much as could get.
Elle was in the cottage lounge when she heard a car slowing down outside. She went to the net curtain covering the window and was surprised and slightly horrified to see Mark's car outside. Elle was not ready to see him, not when she had just come to terms with the news herself. He had said next week! What was he doing back so soon? She took several deep breaths as she watched him climb out of his car. The words she needed to say had not been practised, not been planned. Elle wanted to rehearse the words, know what to say to him. But now she would just have to tell him. She felt extremely nervous.
Elle accepted the new knowledge. She was pregnant. She was going to have a baby, a child. No longer would she ever be alone or lonely as she would have someone to spend her time with. Enjoy her life with. Elle had known the second she had heard the news that she wanted this baby. She felt immediately protective towards him/her and knew that she would do anything to ensure that the life she built for the child was one of happiness and joy.
The issue of how to tell Mark was seriously bothering her. Elle had accepted that she loved Mark, had known it for some time now. She had no idea if her liked her or loved her, thought of her as a bit of a fling or a serious relationship. The last thing she wanted was for him to feel trapped but on the other hand there was no way she could keep this from him. The child would be as much his than hers and if at all possible, Elle wanted Mark to be part of the baby's life. Her baby would need a daddy and Elle knew Mark would be a wonderful father.
Mark's knock sounded at the door and Elle drew in a deep breath, steeling herself for this revelation of news she was about to impart.
'Hi,' Elle's voice was soft as she opened the door wide for Mark to enter.
'Hey sweetheart,' Marks endearment made the butterflies in Elle's stomach intensify. He stepped into her welcoming arms as naturally as ever and they held each other for several moments, enjoying the feel of another warm body after being separated for all of these weeks. He slowly drew back and looked into her beautiful eyes.
'Elle, we need to talk. Can I come in?'
Elle moved aside to allow Mark in and offered him a drink. Upon refusal she moved to the couch in the lounge to join him.
They sat down together, both uncomfortable, both unsure of where to start. Mark decided to be bold and launched in.
'Elle, you know the job I do, its meant travelling around, living in different cities all over the world. I'm tired Elle, tired of the travel, of the lack of a home. I'm ready to settle, ready to work from home and be a family man.' Elle's heart began to beat faster as she took in what he was saying.
Refocusing, she tuned back into what he was saying. 'The thing is though I lay awake last night, thinking about you and knowing I wanted to do this.' Elle's heart leapt, hope springing to life.
'Why?' she spoke softly, hopefully.
'Because of you.'
'Yes you. Because I... because, I'm going to take a chance here. Say something I have never said to another woman before. I love you. I love you, Elle. I don't know if you feel the same for me but I need to say it. I love you. Now tell me, tell me what you're feeling.' His eyes burned with the love he felt for her but insecurity passed as clouds through his gaze.
Elle's heart felt it would burst through her chest. She couldn't believe it. He loved her, really loved her. She didn't believe it possible. It was all her dreams come true.
'Mark, I loved you too. I loved you since that day in the garden, when I realised that despite everything that was going on, I couldn't be without you. I love you. You're everything I ever wanted in a man.'
Mark was overjoyed by Elle's words. He smiled down at her feeling happier than he could ever remember feeling. 'Oh Elle,' he murmured before dipping his head to gently kiss her sweetly.
Her lips were soft and supple beneath his. They kissed for several minutes until he pulled back and said, 'Marry me.'
Elle's eyes filled with tears of happiness, 'Yes Mark, yes, oh I love you. So much. I love you.'
They kissed passionately, lips meeting and joining sensually.
Unexpectedly, Elle suddenly pulled back, 'No! I mean, stop Mark. We can't, I mean I can't. Not until..'
'Elle, what's wrong, tell me. Anything!' Mark's eyes bored into hers with concern at this sudden about turn.
Elle was scared to say it, terrified of a negative reaction. She, like Mark needed to be bold though, tell him the truth. 'I need to know how you feel about having children.'
'I would love to have a family, Elle. If that's what you're worried about, don't. Of course I'd love to have a family with you one day.'
'One day? What about now? You see Mark, what I'm trying to say is...I'm pregnant. We weren't too careful remember. I've been thinking day and night since I found out and I have decided what I want to do. I'm having this baby. I am and I've decided, and if that means you want to change your mind about me then please tell me now.'
Mark was stunned. In disbelief at the word pregnant. He stared at her dumbfounded, quickly to be replaced by a feeling of elation. A baby. Elle, his beautiful Elle, the woman he loved with all his heart was carrying their child. What an amazing gift. Not only did she love him, she was holding within her their chance to be a family. How simply wonderful.
'I am so happy, Elle. I can't believe you are carrying our child. I feel like the luckiest man alive,'
Elle was stunned, in all her imagined reactions from Mark, never would she had guessed he would be truly and utterly happy and pleased about it.
'Really Mark? I don't want you to say that just to do the right thing. I want you to want this baby like I do.'
'Elle, weren't you listening, I am so happy! I can't remember feeling this happy. I was elated enough just to hear that you love me, and to know you are carrying our baby, well, its just amazing.'
Elle was overjoyed. She was so happy that Mark had reacted well. They had never spoken of their feelings towards children so his reaction could have been potentially very different. He was happy though, he wanted to marry her and be a daddy. It was all her dreams come true. She felt like one happy woman. One small question still nagged at her 'Where will we live?'
'Why here of course. With The Sanctuary running next door. That was what your dream was wasn't it? To settle here?'
'Well yes, but what about you, your career?'
'I will work from home now, there's nothing I can't do now without a phone line and internet connection and I have a good team of people working for me who I can delegate new r
oles for. I may have to go away on odd occasions but I'm ready to settle down now too Elle. I want a home, a family, a place where I could feel settled, secure and happy. I want that here, with you.'
Elle had no words left. It was everything she ever wanted and more. A home, a man, a family of her own. She was a very lucky lady. So instead of using words, she leant to kiss his lips. He kissed her back and they snuggled together on the sofa kissing leisurely, exploring each other slowly. They took their time, a whole life now stretching before them There was no need to rush, to hurry. They opened their mouths and their hearts and kissed with abandon, loving their new closeness.
'Where's the bedroom?' Mark asked, pulling his mouth from hers.
'Upstairs, on the left,' she murmured, dazed by his kiss.
He stood then bent to scoop her easily into his arms. He carried her up the stairs and into the bedroom. An ornate four poster bed sat in the centre of the room, it wooden structure dominating the space. 'Wow!' he exclaimed, 'this is fancy!'
'Do you like it? It was my Grandmother's. Its a bit of an heirloom. I wanted to keep it as mine.'
'Its lovely. I'll look forward to sharing it with you.'
Mark lowered Elle to the bed and lay down beside her. This was a time for slow, leisurely love making. They both felt the slow burn of arousal but with no need to rush. Mark kissed her thoroughly, enjoying the soft noises of pleasure she made as his tongue explored her mouth. She kissed him back with abandon, completely giving herself to him, loving him with her mouth. Her hand blazed a trail down his chest, revelling in the hardened muscles which quivered under her touch. She reached his hip and then moved further to squeeze his bum. He elicited a sound so close to a giggle that she threw back her head and laughed. 'What?' he demanded laughing at her reaction.