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The Modesty Cure

Page 11

by Emily Tilton

  Chapter Sixteen

  Before James went to Amanda’s cell to fuck her bottom, Dr. Brown invited his newest cocksman into his study, and spoke with him at some length.

  “As you know, Mr. Coventry, I have no expectations with regard to the social station you intend your young lady to occupy.”

  James nodded, uncertain in what direction the doctor intended the conversation to proceed.

  “Girls who have matriculated from the College of Advanced Study have gone on to become duchesses on the one hand and harlots on the other. You, Mr. Coventry, would not be here if I were not sure you understand the fundamental tenet of my philosophy concerning social relations.”

  Still rather mystified, James shifted in the Chesterfield chair across the neatly kept desk from the doctor, and said, “That when a natural man exercises his erotic rights with a girl, any station in which he places her will follow in due order, you mean?”

  Dr. Brown nodded. “I bring the matter up with you now because I regard the moment in Miss Eaker’s training at which you now stand—this period just before you have anal coitus with her for the first time—as an extremely important one. I have employed with some success this gesture of consulting with the gentleman who is to take the virginity of his young lady’s backside in previous cases. Thus my discourse with you this evening. It will be of great use to you and Miss Eaker to make some resolution now concerning her future.”

  James felt his eyes narrow as he shifted again in the chair. He opened his mouth to say that he thought he had made it clear that his financial means were still subject to some uncertainty—though since arriving in Westmoreland he had in fact had some very encouraging correspondence—but Dr. Brown continued in a reassuring tone before James could utter a syllable.

  “Do not misunderstand me, please, Mr. Coventry. I am not playing the aggrieved father with you, demanding to know how you will provide for your young lady! We both know how unsuitable that would be!”

  The doctor chuckled, and James joined in the mirth. “Then…?” he asked, tilting his head quizzically to the side. The ornate old longcase clock in the corner tocked a few seconds away. The anticipation of the lascivious act to come, in Amanda’s cell, made his palms itch.

  The doctor chuckled again. “I know how impatient you are to enjoy Miss Eaker’s bottom. That is in part why I use this occasion to attempt to settle things: not only is the gentleman’s mind—your mind—focused on the extremity of the enjoyment you will take in the exercise of this very special natural right, the one that you know I consider to be the supreme right, but of course the girl’s mind is similarly focused. Whether you discuss these matters with Miss Eaker tonight, before or after you master her anus, or not, your actions in her cell—that is to say, the way you go about subjecting her anus to your enjoyment—will inevitably speak to her in their own fashion, and begin to prepare her for her future life, whatever it may be.”

  James nodded, finally understanding, though of course the doctor’s words had caused a new swelling of his cock that made him eager to bring the conversation to a close.

  “I think I follow you now, Doctor,” he said. “Let me say that I haven’t yet made my decision as to whether Miss Eaker will be a suitable wife…”

  “You are considering marrying her, though?” the doctor asked. “From what I hear of your prospects, you could marry a wealthy wife and keep Miss Eaker comfortably in the country.”

  James felt his face darken, and the doctor clearly noticed the change of expression.

  “Forgive me for stating the matter so baldly, Mr. Coventry. To proceed from my earlier premise, a gentleman who plans to marry a young lady has anal coitus with her in one way, while a gentleman who plans to keep her, or even to make her comfortable while leaving her to other men—what some would call putting her away—penetrates that special orifice in a different manner. Do you still follow me?”

  James did, but he didn’t very much like where the path seemed to lead.

  “That isn’t to say,” the doctor continued inexorably, “that a prospective husband should not subject his future bride to anal coitus of the same rigorous kind he might have with a trollop whose bottom he has no compunction about leaving in an uncomfortable state. Many a wife of a natural man feels the same tenderness in the morning that the trollop does. It is my considered opinion, however, that in this supreme exercise of natural masculine rights, when a man teaches his young lady that every part of her person was fashioned for his pleasure, and that she may deny him none of it, the subtlest of messages whether in word or bodily gesture has great import.”

  James nodded, a little grimly.

  “And of course,” Dr. Brown said now with an orotund air that seemed to indicate that he intended to bring the chief head of his discourse to an end, “even if I am incorrect in that opinion, to possess a girl’s anus represents a sort of erotic act and a sort of claiming of what the world considers her modesty so complete and irrevocable that even men such as you and I, who reject the world’s conventions, should take some thought for the girl’s fate.”

  He had not seen it thus before, James realized, and his gratitude to the doctor returned. For a moment, as the clock chimed softly the hour of six—the hour appointed for Miss Amanda Eaker’s anal defloration—he searched his heart as he gazed into the Scotsman’s twinkling blue eyes. Then, at first to his surprise and then quickly to his confident joy, he realized that he had the answer—that he had had it inside him from the moment he found Amanda in the little grove.

  He wanted a pretty girl’s anus to fuck whenever he pleased—with the help of Dr. Brown’s essay, college, and words of wisdom, James knew he must not deny that essential fact of his dominant masculinity. He also, however, loved Miss Amanda Eaker for the whole of her: her good, loving heart and her curious mind as well as the beauty that made his own heart ache even while it made his cock grow hard in anticipation of possessing her and mastering her sexually.

  “I shall marry her, Doctor,” he said. “Whatever our prospects, we shall marry.”

  * * *

  In Amanda’s cell, all was prepared. She awaited him with punished bottom up and blushing face down, the presentation to his eye of those pert eighteen-year-old bottom-cheeks making him think of the ‘arse saddle’ Miss Booth had told Amanda about in the training room, as James and Henry Stallings watched from the observation lounge. He didn’t think he would like to offer Amanda’s bottom to guests the way it seemed Wilson Graham—a school friend of James’ as it happened—would. He thought, however, that he wouldn’t mind putting his young lady—his bride—in an arse saddle for his own private enjoyment, and he wondered if Wilson would share the design of the article with him.

  James untied the belt of his dressing gown and took his cock in his left hand, the better to enjoy the sight of his young lady naked over the leather-covered bolster the nursing sisters had, it seemed, placed under her hips to raise her creamy bottom, accented so nicely by its morning flogging, for his enjoyment. How else, he wondered, had they prepared Amanda? He felt a little surprised that she had not turned her face to look at him.

  “Darling, did they tell you not to turn around?” he asked curiously.

  “Yes, sir,” Amanda said softly into the covers, her voice muffled. “And I’m not to speak unless spoken to, so…” Her quavery voice trailed off, then began again even more uncertainly. “So I don’t interfere with your pleasure. And I must tell you that if you want to have me strapped down to the bed, you may summon Sister Dorcas to do it.”

  James smiled broadly. “How else did they prepare you, darling?” He advanced a few steps, so that he could lay his left hand on the little bottom with its six red cane marks. Amanda gave a tiny whimper as he began to stroke her gently there, adoring the tautness and roundness of the pert cheeks under his caressing fingers.

  “Th-they cleaned me… there… with an enema, s-so I won’t get you dirty, Sister Dorcas said. And they… they oiled me, too, with that same jelly. Sister S
tone made me practice opening, with her fingers.”

  “I’m very glad to hear it,” James said gently, still pumping his cock in his left hand and fondling Amanda’s bottom with his right. “I think you must already understand very well how important bottom sex is to me, and the other gentlemen here.”

  “Yes, sir,” Amanda whispered. “Will they…? Will they, also…?”

  “Fuck your bottom? Yes, they will. That’s part of your course of study here at Dr. Brown’s college.”

  Amanda swallowed hard.

  “And Mr.… Mr. Chelimo?”

  James watched her little hands clench into fists, as if at the thought of that abandoned scene in the training room that he and Stallings had watched with such interest.

  “I understand that Mr. Chelimo comes here once a fortnight or so, darling,” he said. “On his next visit, he will fuck you just as he fucks the other girls.”

  Amanda made no reply, but James heard her breathing grow quicker, puffing in and out of her nostrils. The thought of the long, dark cock going in and out of Amanda’s cunt as she cried out upon the enormity of it made him pump his own cock harder, and he felt he couldn’t keep himself from his supreme right any longer. He climbed upon the bed and said, “Reach back and open your bottom, Amanda. Prepare yourself to submit to me.”

  She obeyed, and James spent a long moment just enjoying the sight of her spread bottom-cheeks with the sweet pink flower of her anus above the delicious pout of her cunt peeping out between her thighs. Her delicate little fingers held the punished cheeks apart, at his command, and the tiny winking eye into which he would now thrust did indeed glisten with the lubricant applied by Sister Stone’s knowing fingers. Miss Amanda Eaker was ready for bottom fucking, and the good fortune fell to James Coventry, Esq. to exercise his natural right to claim this lovely young lady in her most private place. He shrugged the dressing gown from his shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

  Amanda made a tiny sound in her throat as James laid the head of his cock against the narrow portal. Her bottom squirmed, and James thought of commanding her to hold it still, or even of calling the nursing sister to provide the promised service of securing his girl to her bed so that he could enter her bottom at his ease and enjoy himself there in peace.

  But his conversation with Dr. Brown came to mind, and he suddenly understood the reason for it much better than he had even after the doctor had elucidated his philosophy in such sage, persuasive words. James climbed quickly off the bed and came to stoop next to Amanda’s face. Surprise was in her eyes, and for a moment he thought she would try to turn away, as if in fear of being whipped for looking him in the face.

  James kissed her, long and deeply, savoring the sweet taste in her mouth that he thought must be the honey she had put in her tea. “Amanda,” he asked, “will you be my wife?”

  She started at that, and a shiver went through her whole body.

  “I know this is an exceedingly odd way to propose,” he murmured, “as least as far as the world is concerned, but I think it is the proper way, for such as I—and perhaps for such as you.”

  “Yes,” Amanda whispered. “Yes, I… Yes, for such as I, and yes, I will be your wife, James. And…”

  James kissed her again. “And what, darling?”

  Amanda bit her lip and her cheeks turned pink. “Please, sir. Would you have Sister Dorcas strap me down to the bed?”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dr. Brown looked through the peephole of Miss Eaker’s cell with great satisfaction. Between Mr. Coventry’s muscular legs, as the cocksman flexed his knees to thrust his penis rhythmically inside Miss Eaker’s pretty pink anus, he had a clear view of the erotic sight he personally found most arousing of all: a girl’s well-behaved bottom—well-behaved in Miss Eaker’s case because of the stout straps about her waist and upper thighs. Her hands, cuffed to the belt by which Sister Dorcas had secured her hips and backside in place, still obediently held open her punished bottom-cheeks for her gentleman’s use, showing to Dr. Brown both the motions of the penis inside her and the pout of her shaved labia.

  She whimpered her submission as Mr. Coventry rode in and out of her bottom at a brisk pace, murmuring words of encouragement that Dr. Brown couldn’t make out entirely. The cadence, however, suggested that he employed good girl and sweet bottom with some frequency. Mr. Coventry’s penis caused his young lady a good deal of discomfort, the doctor could tell from her cries, but he also could observe the vagina’s clear signs of arousal as the girl underwent her first coitus in the tighter passage just above it.

  He had not expected the cocksman to interrupt his first possession to go speak intimately with his young lady, but when the Dr. Brown saw it, he knew that Mr. Coventry had proposed. Nor was he much surprised by the request that Miss Eaker be bound to her bed for her anal session with her new fiancé: the girl clearly recognized her need to submit completely.

  The doctor had no doubt that Mr. Coventry would in future be able to require anal intercourse of his young lady without binding her. Indeed, it seemed clear that he could have had her without the straps this evening, her bottom still reasonably well-behaved for its coitus. For Miss Eaker herself to acknowledge a desire to please her gentleman with the stilling of her backside he would ride, though, demonstrated a self-awareness the doctor found both striking and satisfactory.

  Mr. Coventry increased his pace, the springs of the bed groaning a little in time with Miss Eaker’s cries of discomfort at the depth of her gentleman’s intercourse. The man stood on the brink of orgasm, the doctor could see: his young lady would be sore in the morning, and perhaps the doctor would have to advise Mr. Coventry to refrain from renewing her anal training immediately, but rigorous bottom sex had an important place in a young woman’s life at the College of Advanced Study.

  Though Miss Eaker had received the penis gently for the first few minutes, it was just as well she should receive it with authority now, until it ejaculated inside her bottom. Here at the end of her first session of Mr. Coventry’s exercise of his supreme right over her person, it would give her the memorable lesson of his desire to possess her as deeply as he could.

  A husky warning came from the gentleman, informing his young lady that she must prepare herself to receive his seed. Mr. Coventry took hold of Miss Eaker’s wrists and used the traction to drive his penis into her bottom at full length, crying out himself as if thunderstruck by the force of his climax.

  Dr. Brown stayed long enough at the peephole to see Mr. Coventry loose his girl from her bonds and gather her in his arms, and even to hear her giggle when her gentleman told her to lie back and hold her legs open so he might reward her for giving him so much pleasure. He closed the peephole on the sight of a fine young man tasting the heady flavor of a young vagina for the first time, while Miss Eaker’s cries assumed quite a different note.

  Back in his study, the doctor recorded the event in the file for Case 35.

  First anal coitus 17 April 1875: very satisfactory. The gentleman has a tendency to use the anus deeply; anal training to resume in two days. In the meantime use of the vagina will be advised, as much as he pleases. The young lady requested binding to the bed: indicates that much modesty will need to be overcome, but that she is strikingly self-aware, and ready to participate in its overcoming.

  Future treatment therefore indicated: the gentleman to be advised to loan the mouth and vagina tomorrow, in a side-by-side session. Use of the double masturbation saddle beforehand also to be recommended.

  * * *

  After dinner the next day, Dr. Brown summoned Mr. Coventry and Miss Eaker to his study, having previously confirmed with Mr. Stallings that he and Miss Miller would be happy to participate in the new couple’s first side-by-side session. Mr. Stallings also declared that he saw no objection to putting Miss Miller on the masturbation saddle with Miss Eaker.

  “Congratulations, Miss Eaker,” the doctor began once the couple had assumed their seats across his desk from him. The piquancy of
a naked young lady in his well-appointed study never failed to inspire him in his work. “You did very well last night. I’m sure Mr. Coventry has expressed his satisfaction with your anus, but I wanted to extend an expression of my own pleasure—from a medical standpoint—in what I observed when you had the penis in your bottom. I hear you two are to be married, as well, and I think Mr. Coventry has made a very fine choice of bride: a girl whose pretty mouth, vagina, and anus will give his penis great enjoyment for many years.”

  Miss Eaker had of course turned bright red, and though her lips parted she did not speak. Mr. Coventry reached out his hand and took hers in it.

  “I’ve told her she must try to give up these blushes, Doctor,” he said apologetically.

  “That’s perfectly all right, Mr. Coventry. I believe that Miss Eaker’s request to be strapped down while you penetrated her anus indicates to me that she understands, and will work hard to please you. Isn’t that right, Miss Eaker?”

  “Yes, Doctor,” the sweet girl whispered, her head bowed so that she looked only at her naked lap.

  “As you know,” the doctor continued, “Mr. Shaw and Miss Reynolds left this morning for America. I mention it because as the days go by you will start to notice the goings and comings here at my college more and more. All that is really only to bring up the matter of the length of your own stay. Mr. Coventry intimated to me when he first wrote that he thought your stay here might have to be lengthy, Miss Eaker, but I gather from a letter I had this morning from London that he may have news concerning his prospects that he may like to share.”

  Mr. Coventry smiled and turned to his young lady, whose face wore the charming, inquisitive aspect of one who has heard she is to receive good news, but remains ignorant of its nature.


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