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The Vampire's Submissive

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by Violet Gray

  The Vampire’s Submissive

  By Violet Gray

  Text copyright © 2013 Violet Gray

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover art by Niina Cord /

  This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people or places is purely coincidental.


  To Niina Cord. I’m your biggest fan.

  The author acknowledges the following trademarks:

  GQ magazine

  Chapter One

  The streetlamp flickered and popped, plunging the corner of the cobbled sidewalk into darkness. Creepy much? Katy Foster locked the door to Bebe’s Bookshop and peered over her shoulder. The fine hairs at the nape of her neck prickled. “Stop it. You’re being silly, Katy,” she chastised herself under her breath.

  The scent of coffee and pie wafted through the air. Maybe she could dart into Moe’s across the street and scare away the heebie jeebies with a mocha and a slice of pecan pie. No, she needed to get home. That paper on gender roles in contemporary romance literature wouldn’t write itself. The street lamps flickered and a whiff of cigarette smoke irritated her sinuses, but she didn’t see anyone. Moving quickly, she walked toward the city parking lot, suddenly desperate to be safe inside her little red banger.

  Nothing bad ever happened in Sweetwater.

  Oh, damn, now she’d done it. Anytime a character in a book said those words, something bad inevitably happened. Shuddering, she tightened her grip on her car keys and shivered in spite of the wool coat wrapped around her size eighteen frame. Where was everyone tonight? The street was terribly quiet, even if it was ten o’clock on a Monday night. She neared the alley between Sweetwater Hardware and Billy’s Guitar Shop.

  Smoke, thick and putrid, curled and danced its way out of the alley. Okay, that was weird. Hurrying, she held her breath and dashed past the opening to the alley. An arm snaked out of the smoke and grabbed her around the throat. In her mind, she was screaming, but no sound escaped. He dragged her backwards into the alley, and she gagged as his oily, filthy scent invaded her nostrils. Oh, god, she was going to die. He threw her onto the ground and knelt over her, pressing a knife against her neck. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “Please! Let me go!”

  He laughed. “You ain’t going nowhere. You’re a fat one, but I don’t mind.” He reached down and pressed his hand against her knee.

  She scooted backward, a scream finally breaking free. “Help me!”

  “Shut up!”

  He hit her across the face and she saw stars flash behind her eyelids. The dirty ground scraped against her legs, bared by her cute floaty deep red skirt. She’d made it herself. It would be ruined.

  “No,” she whimpered, disbelieving this was happening to her. A nightmare. She was caught in a nightmare. “Help me! Oh, god, help me!” He struck her again.

  In the moment before blackness consumed her, she thought she saw Jackson Wainwright’s perfect face.

  Jackson Wainwright heard the cries for help from several blocks away. Taking off at a run, his nightly jog for serenity forgotten, he followed the sound of her pleas. She sounded familiar. Keep calling, baby. Keep calling. Her cries would distract her attacker, giving him the element of surprise. Not that he actually needed it. His incisors had descended the moment her first plea for help had pierced the night. He ran past Bebe’s and he knew he’d found her. He could smell her sweet scent. The dark curling smoke gave him a moment’s pause. Non-human. Probably demon. And not the gentlemanly sort like his best friend, William. He heard him hit her and then he was on him, just as she fell back against the ground, her head striking the filthy asphalt.


  Jackson wrapped one arm around the demon’s chest and used his other hand to rip the beast’s head from his shoulders. For a heartbeat, the head glared at him, then head and body transformed into ash. Wiping the disgusting soot from his hands onto his shorts, he knelt beside her. He recognized her beautiful, heart shaped face at once.



  She was unconscious but breathing. The demon had bloodied her lip and a huge bruise had already begun to form on her right cheekbone. He didn’t want to frighten her, but he needed to get her out of there in case the thing had friends lurking about. He could take her home, doctor her up. Or, he could take her to the hospital. Much as he wanted to keep her close by, he knew she might be frightened if she woke up in his home.

  They were passing acquaintances, seeing as how he shopped often in Bebe’s. Always at night. He’d admired her from afar for two years but something about her kept him from asking her out. Her fragility perhaps. A docile flower like Katy wouldn’t be comfortable with his dark needs.

  Hospital, he decided.

  Lifting her easily into his arms, he held her close, trying not to notice her lush breast pressed against his chest. Fail. Her thick wavy blonde hair--he’d bet it was natural--flowed over his arm and down her back. Thank god he’d gotten to her in time. If that bastard had succeeded in hurting her, Jackson would have spent a great deal more time killing him. As it was, the sonofabitch was lucky he’d killed him quick.

  Walking two streets over and then three more blocks north, the hospital came into view. He headed straight for the emergency entrance and recognized Kyle Porter, the night guard. “Kyle, this is Katy Foster. She was attacked in the alley between Billy’s and the hardware store.”

  “Goddamnit,” Kyle muttered, holding the door open for Jackson. “Did you catch the guy who did it?”

  “He got away while I was checking on her,” Jackson said, the lie rolling off his tongue.

  “The police will want a statement.”

  “Yeah, I’ll hang around.” Fisting his hands at his sides, he wished he could kill the demon all over again.

  The police came and took his statement, along with his description of her attacker. Should he go home, or should he wait and see if she needed a ride? Would they keep her overnight? Was she conscious? The questions crowded his brain but none could quiet the rage, the innate urge to kill. He needed to talk to Alexander, head of the vampire council for Mississippi. Alexander needed to know about the attack as well as the very real possibility that more demons had descended on the small Southern town. Jackson ran a hand through his mussed dark brown hair. If only they would tell him something, let him know she was okay.

  “Mr. Wainwright?” A nurse beckoned him. She led him through a secure door, and he followed her past several curtained rooms. When she stopped, he drew a subtle breath. Mixed with the strong odor of antiseptic was Katy’s unique scent. Wildflowers and a summer breeze.

  “She’s asking for you,” the nurse said. “It’s against policy seeing as you aren’t family, but she’s become rather vocal.”

  Katy? Vocal? That didn’t sound right. She was so soft spoken at the bookshop. “She recognized me in the alley? I wasn’t sure.”

  “Yes, she knew you were the one who saved her. She wants to thank you. Since she doesn’t have any next of kin for us to call, we can have a police officer take her home…”

  “I’ll do it.”

  The nurse nodded, satisfied Katy would be in good hands, and walked briskly to the desk in the center of the ER.

  He pulled back the curtain and stepped inside the small room. Her mouth looked much better now that the blood had been cleaned off. How he’d managed not to bite her earlier, he had no idea. Fear and rage must have drowned out the hunger. Plus, he’d eaten bagged blood a few hours before, so he’d been sated when he found her.

  “Katy?” he whispered. Her eyes were closed.

  She opened them and tried to smile. “Ouch,” she said, touching her fingers to
her injured mouth.

  “Are you all right? Oh, god, that’s a stupid question. Of course, you’re not all right. You’ve had a terrible scare.”

  “It would’ve been worse, Jackson, if you hadn’t stopped him. I thought it was you…I wasn’t certain…I only saw you for a moment and then everything went black. Did you catch him? The man who tried to…I’m sorry, I can’t say it.”

  He moved to stand beside her and brushed a curl from her forehead. “You don’t have to say it, Katy. No, I didn’t catch him, but they will. I gave a good description. Katy?”


  Damn but her blue eyes were the most beautiful he’d ever seen. “Do you have a roommate?”

  She shook her head. “No, I live in my Aunt Agatha’s house over on Cherry. When she died a couple of years ago, she left the house to me. That’s when I moved here.”

  He nodded. “I ask, because I don’t think you should be alone right now. You’re safe, of course, but I’d feel better knowing you weren’t alone. Is there someone you could call?”

  “Oh, I don’t want to bother anyone, and I don’t have family here. Or anywhere for that matter.” She wrapped her arms around herself protectively.

  “The way I see it, you’ve got two options.” He held up a finger. “One. Stay at my place for a few days.” He held up two fingers. “Two. Let me stay at your house. Just so you’re not alone while you’re recovering.”

  She shook her head. “Oh, but, Jackson, I don’t want to be any trouble…”

  Typical Southern response. Tucking his hands in his front pockets, he shifted his weight onto one leg and gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “It’s settled then. We’ll go by your place so you can pick up some of your things, then you’ll stay with me. A week minimum.”

  She smiled ever so slightly and nodded her head before letting it flop back on the pillow, exhausted. “Thank you, Jackson.”

  Anything for you, he wanted to say, but he didn’t dare. Now, here’s hoping he could keep his hands—and his teeth—to himself.

  Chapter Two

  At her house, he watched her fill a suitcase with clothes. He flinched when he saw the virginal white cotton nightie she tucked in next to her underthings. Was she a virgin? He’d never asked her age, but she looked to be in her mid-twenties. She piled some books in with the clothes and toiletries. Zipping it up, she went to lift it off the bed.

  “Oh, no, you don’t. I’ve got it.” He lifted it easily. “Anything else?”

  “Just my laptop.” She reached for the small bag.

  “Ready then?”

  She nodded and he placed a hand at the small of her back. Once in his car, she rested her head against the seat. “I should call Bebe and ask her if I can have tomorrow off. I…I don’t think I’m ready to face the world just yet. Is that bad?”

  “No, Katy. You know your limits, and I’m sure Bebe will be more than understanding.”

  “You’re right.” She reached inside her purse and pulled out a phone. He listened as she explained her situation to her boss. When she ended the call, she looked at him and smiled. “It’s fine. She wants me to take two days. More if I need it.”

  “Good.” He longed to reach out and wrap his arm around her shoulder, but he didn’t dare. He couldn’t bear the thought of frightening her.

  They pulled up to his house, a Civil War era white-washed beauty set on a hundred acres of forested land. He lived on the edge of town. He liked it that way. People didn’t tend to notice when he didn’t go out during the day.

  Inside, he directed her to a guest room, conveniently located next to his, in case she needed anything, he told her.

  “It’s lovely, Jackson,” she told him, as she set her purse on the dresser.

  He laid her suitcase on the bed so she could unpack. “Are you hungry?” Damn, he’d forgotten to buy food.

  “A little. A sandwich would be nice, but I’ll fix it myself.” She tucked a strand of golden blonde hair behind her pretty little ear.

  He tried not to think about the vein pulsing in her neck.

  “Nonsense. You unpack and rest and I’ll bring it up in a bit.” After he’d run…literally…to the store. Thank goodness the grocery stayed open late.

  Half an hour later, he tapped on the open door.

  “Come in,” she said.

  Those two little words sent frissons of pleasure to his groin. God, he wanted her, wanted to devour her plump lips, tease her pretty breasts, and fill her to bursting with his cock. He drew a steadying breath. “Dinner is served.” He carried the tray to the bed and set it on her lap. “I hope tea is okay to drink.” He’d bought a gallon ready-made.

  “Perfect. Thank you, Jackson.” She took a sip of sweet tea.

  He made to back out of the room.

  “Jackson? Do you mind staying? I don’t think…what I mean is…I don’t feel comfortable being by myself right now.”

  He nodded and settled himself into a chair and watched her eat. She sucked on a strawberry and he nearly came in his pants. “You like strawberries? I wasn’t sure.”

  “They’re my favorite fruit. Want one?” She held one out.

  “No thank you. Those are all yours. I ate earlier.”

  When she’d finished her meal, he took the tray downstairs and washed the dishes. What would he do if she asked him to stay in her room for the rest of the night? Not that there was much night left, of course. “Jackson?”

  He turned to find her standing in the middle of his kitchen.

  “I’m tired but I don’t think I can sleep. Would it be too much trouble…would you mind staying with me?”

  She had no idea. No clue how much he wanted to possess her, to seduce her, to drive into her wet slit and mark her as his own.

  “Of course, Katy. I’ll be up in a few minutes.” How he managed to sound calm and unaffected, he had no clue.

  “Thank you, Jackson. Again.”

  He nodded and tried to smile.

  When he entered her room, the lamp beside the bed was on, casting a warm glow in the room. “Do you mind if I leave the light on?” she asked.

  “No, of course not. Whatever you need.” How was he supposed to lie beside her and not touch her? He didn’t sleep. Ever. He clenched his fists at his sides, determined to still the desire raging inside of him.

  She snuggled deeper under the covers. He wore shorts and a T-shirt. He didn’t think she would want him to climb in the bed as he usually slept…naked as the day he was born.

  “Are you sure?” He wanted to be certain this was what she wanted.

  She nodded, her eyes drooping sleepily. He wondered if she was wearing the virginal nightgown. He couldn’t see under the quilt. She was burrowed that deeply. Lifting the covers, he caught a glimpse of the gown and nearly groaned. Her lush breasts peeked over the top of the bodice, and he could see her rosy pink nipples through the cotton fabric. He climbed into the bed, leaving plenty of room between them.

  “Jackson?” Her soft voice felt like sandpaper on his nerves.

  “Yes, baby?” The endearment slipped off his tongue.

  She blushed. “Can I cuddle?”

  Oh, hell. He was toast. He pulled her against him, gently, and she settled her cheek against his chest. “Thank you,” she murmured before she drifted off to sleep. Moments later, in her sleep, she moved her leg, draping it over his. He groaned. His hard-on raged.

  Katy Foster would be the second death of him.

  Chapter Three

  Katy awoke on a scream. “No!” She kicked and flung her arms out.

  “Katy, Katy, you’re safe. It’s over. You’re safe.” His voice, rich and smooth, flowed over her, easing her from the confines of the nightmare.


  “Yes, Katy. I’m here. He’s gone. He can’t hurt you now.”

  She shuddered and wrapped her arms around herself.

  “Katy? Do you want me to hold you?” She nodded and leaned back against his chest. He was propped up agai
nst the headboard and he drew her close, wrapping his arms around her in a loose embrace.

  “Tighter,” she whispered, and he increased his hold on her. She tilted her head back, resting it on his shoulder. “He was horrible, Jackson. He smelled like death, and he called me a ‘bitch.’ He hit me. Twice, I think.” She laughed harshly. “He told me I was fat but that he didn’t care.”

  “Please don’t take anything he said to heart, Katy. You aren’t fat; you’re gorgeous.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb, and she sighed.

  “You’re so sweet, Jackson, but you don’t have to lie. I know I’m fat, and I’m okay with it. Really. I’ve always been big.”

  “Stop it, Katy. You’re not fat. You’ve got amazing curves and your…”

  “What? My what?” She pressed him, grinning girlishly.

  “Your breasts, Katy. Your breasts are so full and lush. I…”

  She blushed at his praise and covered her face with her hands for a moment. “No one’s ever said such nice things about me. Do you really mean it?”

  “Hell, yes! I noticed your…um…curves the first day we met at Bebe’s.”

  “So if you liked what you saw, why didn’t you ask me out?” Oh, god, had she just asked him that? What was wrong with her? Of course, he’d just said that stuff to be nice.

  He squeezed her gently and pressed a quick kiss to the top of her head.

  Suddenly, she realized where she was. She was in bed with Jackson Wainwright.

  Pulling her onto his lap, he murmured into her ear, “I was protecting you, Katy girl.”

  His cock was hard and pressed against her. She couldn’t breathe. “Protecting me from what?” Thankful she couldn’t see his face, she relished the feel of his hard thighs beneath hers.


  “You?” She twisted in his arms and peered up into his face. His cock jumped and she shrieked. “I’m so sorry!”

  “You’re apologizing for giving me a hard on?” He chuckled. “You’re priceless, Katy.”


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