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Marked for Life

Page 3

by Jaxx Steele

  Could that have been him?

  He cleared his head with a shake and opened his eyes.

  "Do you know why the other wolf attacked me today?"

  "He sought to destroy you because he smelled my mark on you."

  In his mind's eye, Victor saw the two wolves fighting.

  Yaya saved the dark wolf; that's when she took me in.

  Victor let go of Mark's hand and reached up to touch the scar on his left shoulder. He knew now how he got it. "I thought I got this when I was young from falling or something," he murmured.

  Mark shook his head negatively. "I gave you the mark when you were an infant so that when we met again you would know me. With it, no other male could claim you."

  Victor nodded. Although he was not a virgin, he'd never had a real relationship with anyone. He'd had many partners, but only to experiment with sex and sexual positions. Victor realized at an early age that he was interested in men and not women, but neither managed to satisfy him completely. Over the years he became more selective about whom he took to his bed. His lovers came few and far between and they didn't stay long. He always found something wrong with them and eventually broke everything off.

  "Why are you here, Mark?" he asked, giving the man a sideways glance.

  "You know why I am here, Victor," Mark answered with a sly grin.

  Victor thought for a moment and Mark was right. He did know. Mark was there to claim him, but what the hell did that mean?

  How did a wolf-shifter claim a man? As a wolf, or as a man? Would it be painful? Would he die? Would he like it? Would he turn into a wolf, too? He had a life in the city; not a great life, but it was the only one he knew. Did Mark want him to give all that up?

  The questions slammed into his brain one after the other. Fear started to well up inside him. Victor blew out a breath. His chest heaving, he rested his arms on his knees and lowered his head, taking deep breaths to calm his rapidly beating heart.


  Mark's smooth voice soothed him. He turned his head to Mark.

  "There is no need to fear me. I could never hurt you. I have known who you were since the day I laid eyes on you." He let out a soft chuckle of surprise. "I must say, gazing upon you as an infant gave me no idea you would grow to be such a handsome man." Mark moved closer. "Your dark skin is intoxicatingly beautiful. I especially love the way your almond-shaped eyes glisten when you speak. Your body is strong and firm and very appealing. It is a relief to know that."

  "A relief? I don't understand."

  "It is a relief to know my embrace will not harm you," Mark explained. "The sprite fed you from her body. Her enchanted milk made you stronger than what you would have been." Mark stared at him for a moment and then continued. "I have loved you from the moment I tasted your blood, but I had no idea your physical appearance would be so pleasing to me."

  Victor was speechless at Mark's description of him. He sat very still, staring at him as he continued to speak, his tone changing from adoration to desperation.

  "Being this close to you and not being able to have you is driving me to the edge of insanity, but if it takes me a lifetime to ease your fears so you can come to me on your own, I will wait. I have waited twenty-five years to be here with you; I can wait a little longer."

  Mark's confession struck a chord in him. "Are you saying you haven't been with anyone else?"

  "There is no one else for me."

  Shocked, Victor sat up and shook his head. "Wait, you mean you haven't had sex with anyone in twenty-five years? You've been waiting for me to grow up?"

  "I was driven from my pack long ago. I have no one but you. You will be my companion and mate. I cannot have another mate as long as you are alive," Mark confirmed.

  "But I was a baby when we met."

  "Yes, but you are a man now."

  The extent of Mark's sacrifice touched Victor's heart. Victor had been celibate the last three years, but that was by choice. He just couldn't find anyone who satisfied him enough to stay with and now he knew why. Mark, on the other hand, had no choice. He had to wait for Victor to mature, alone with no support from his pack. The pain of his exile was evident in Mark's eyes.

  The more he understood the situation, the more Victor's fears faded away. His Yaya's words came back to him. Mark was for him. Victor believed him when Mark said he would not hurt him. He couldn't. They were a part of each other. Mark could no more harm Victor than he could hurt himself. Somewhere deep inside himself he knew that. Victor reached out to caress Mark's face.

  Sighing, Mark grasped the hand and pressed his face into the palm.

  "Victor, please…" Mark's voice shook with emotion. "Your touch is torture and pleasure at the same time. My soul cries out for you. Your scent is overwhelming me, taking away rational thought. I fear I will die from desperate want if I cannot have you. My restraint is pushed to its limits. It pains me to hold back my lust for you."

  Victor was astonished. He had never affected someone so much. At least no one had ever voiced such emotion to him. He could feel Mark trembling against his hand as he held it tightly to his cheek.

  "I'm so sorry, Mark," he said, moving closer so their legs touched. "I don't mean to—"

  Victor's voice died in his throat as he looked into Mark's wild eyes. Undeniable passion and lust cried out to him. He gasped at the sight. Victor's body suddenly recognized the man before him and responded; his cock throbbed at Mark's closeness. Their faces moved closer, seemingly on their own accord. He could no longer deny what his body was telling him. Victor slid his arms around Mark's neck and pulled him on top of him. Together they hit the cushion, fusing their lips together in a moaning kiss.

  Mark frantically ate at Victor's mouth and he loved it. This was the kiss he had always wanted but never received from any of his other lovers. The dominant, persistent, overpowering feel of his mouth along with the pressure of Mark's body on top of him drove Victor to frenzy. He pushed his pelvis up, meeting Mark's hardness. Mark tore his lips away with a growl and his kisses moved to Victor's throat. Tantalizing shudders raced across his heating skin. Mark alternated between tiny nips and licks, and Victor's nipples tightened from the pleasure. Mark inhaled deeply, dragging his nose along the length of Victor's neck.

  "Your scent never left me, Victor," he murmured, leaving a bite on his ear. "It anchored itself into my very spirit the day I marked you. I knew every time you were in the forest," he said between sucking pecks on the pulse near Mark's collarbone. "It nearly killed me to be so close and yet have to keep myself distant because you were not ready for me. I had no idea how hard it would be to wait for you to age. Please, let me make love to you and make our bond complete."

  Mark's pleading words left goose bumps on his skin. Victor could hear the torment in them. He was on fire from the inside out, Mark's hardness pushed against his perineum and nuts as he rubbed his hard-on against him, promising pleasure. Victor's ass clenched repeatedly, wanting Mark's rod deep within it. Never had he wanted a man so much. He knew he could come from Mark's dominating kisses and their frantic making out, but he wanted more. Victor wanted to end Mark's suffering, but moreover, his instincts told him that sex with Mark would be incredible.

  For his answer, Victor tugged at Mark's shirt to remove it. Mark let out a groan of relief and backed off of him. The man's pants fell away from his body quickly and he kicked them off to the side. Yanking his t-shirt over his head, he tossed it into the air to meet his bottoms across the room. Victor wasted no time getting out of his own clothes. He fell back onto the sofa topless and raised his legs to shimmy from his pants. When he straightened his legs his eyes landed on Mark's naked glory.

  Speechless, Victor surveyed his soon to be lover. His chest was wide and thickly muscled, the soft looking ebony swirls extending from one pectoral to the other. The hair thinned into a line in a downward flow, sprinkling over the defined features of Mark's stomach, ending in a nest of dark curls. From the condensed bush sprouted a long piece
of sinewy flesh. Full with excitement, it stood proudly between Mark's strong-looking legs and was magnificent to behold.

  Finally his gaze returned to Mark's face. A silent plea to move forward greeted him when their eyes met. Victor smiled and curled his fingers in invitation. Mark climbed over his body, gripped both sides of his face, then took his mouth in a searing kiss.

  "I must taste you, Victor," he panted breathlessly, sliding down his body. "I've waited so long to—"

  His words ended abruptly when Victor felt the molten heat of Mark's wet mouth engulfing his rock hard erection. Vibrations of ecstasy ran up his spine and letting out a loud moan he rose from the couch. Mark's mouth and tongue worked together, sucking and licking him until he cried out.

  "Mark! Oh my God! If— if you don't—"

  Mark released his cock, but Victor had no opportunity to catch his breath. Mark applied a trail of hot kisses down his staff to his nuts and the responsive flesh tightened under the lavish licks. He drew the delicate sac into his mouth, gently concentrating on one testicle at a time. Mark's hands touched him, continually enhancing Victor's delight. One hand glided freely over Victor's torso while the other snaked across his pelvis to grip his throbbing member, stroking the length of it. His palm moved from the bottom to the top and then swirled around the sensitive head. Repeating the motion over and over, Mark sent euphoric tremors traveling the length of Victor's body.

  With his free hand, Mark grasped Victor's ankle and hooked it over the back of the couch, opening his legs wider. He pressed his fingers into the fleshy part of Victor's ass cheek to pull it to the side, exposing the hidden hole within. Victor gasped when he felt Mark's tongue dart out to lick his most carnal spot. The hot wet heat in the ultra sensitive area was heaven and Victor bore down, wiggling his ass toward it. The combination of Mark's delicious hand job and the exquisite tongue lashing brought him to edge of ecstasy. His extremities shook uncontrollably and his screams of enjoyment left his throat raw.

  "Please… oh, God, Mark, please," he begged urgently, reaching his arms out. "I need to feel you inside me. Mark, please."

  Mark complied and journeyed up his body leaving behind a trail of heated kisses. He released Victor's cock and held his right leg aloft.

  "I want you so badly, Victor, I fear I will hurt you with my lust despite the sprite's protective influences," he cautioned, positioning himself between his legs.

  "Just fuck me, Mark. We'll work the details out later."

  A soft growl reached Victor's ears and seconds later Mark pushed his thick staff between his cheeks. The pressure of the engorged head sliding over his tight hole teased him deliciously as it prepared him. Victor closed his eyes and evened his breathing. Mark pushed forward and Victor's breath caught. The head slipped pass the first barrier. The intrusion immeasurably pleasurable. Mark moved slowly, stretching Victor's ass.

  When he slid more of himself forward, Mark paused to give his body time to adjust. Victor smiled. Mark was a giving lover. He was being as gentle as he could, but Victor knew his control was wavering. Victor moved his hands smoothly around Mark's hips and dug his fingers into his firm buttocks to urge him forward. Mark obeyed the silent request and buried his cock to the hilt.

  "Ohhh!" Victor cried.

  Mark fell forward, resting his head to Victor's forehead. "Am I hurting you?"

  Victor shook his head negatively, pressing his lips together. He was astounded by what he was feeling. Mark's cock felt as incredible as it looked, the long, elegant flesh inciting a riot within him. Each in and out movement sent erotic tremors up and down his spine. The feel of the swollen head sliding within him left him speechless with desire.

  Wrapping his arms around Mark's neck, Victor buried his face against his collarbone. His instincts had not led him astray, but they did not prepare him for the extent of the emotional chaos now rocking his core. A mind-boggling mix of pressure, pain, and pleasure now coursed through him. Tears stung his eyes. He wanted to cry, to scream, and shout all at the same time.

  Uncontrolled sounds of bliss left his mouth as he gasped for air. He bit down on his lip to keep his mouth shut, not sure which emotional sounds would emerge. Finally, he could take no more. He swallowed to wet his dry mouth, let Mark go, and brought his knees up between them.

  "Just fuck me, Mark," he repeated when the power of speech returned to him.

  Mark held onto Victor's knees for balance. His next movement sent searing enjoyment throughout Victor's body. Every nerve in his body was alive and dancing. Mark started a slow grinding motion that forced a sound from the man like nothing Victor had ever heard before. The sound pierced his heart and called to his soul. Mark moved within his ass with comfortable ease. It was magnificent. The look on Mark's face was the most beautiful sight Victor had ever seen. His eyes were closed, there was a hint of surprise, and a small smile grew on his sensual lips. His face glowed with complete delight as he continued to thrust into Victor's body.

  Mark let out another roar of joy, filling both the room and Victor's heart. He fell forward and gripped Victor's neglected cock. Tugging in sync with his lovemaking, Mark's skillful hand brought it quickly to its former stiffness.

  "We shall come together, my love. I can wait no longer to complete our union," Mark growled.

  Victor nodded vigorously. "Yes! Yes! Make me come, Mark!"

  Victor reached up and pinched his own nipples, taking his excitement to another level. Mark drove into his hole with vigor and pumped his cock until it exploded moments later. The orgasm hit him hard and fast. Victor yelled his satisfaction to the ceiling. Mark's thumb played in the slick come, smearing it over his erupting head. Victor's limbs twitched uncontrollably as electrified jolts of euphoria shot through him. The aftermath left his body tingling and completely sated. His heart hammered in his chest and his lungs burned as they worked overtime to get back the much needed air that escaped with his screams.

  The force Mark used on his flight to paradise rocked Victor's body back and forth and kept him from passing out from exhaustion. A sound akin to howling signaled the end of Mark's voyage. He shoved as much of his shaft into Victor's canal as he could. Mark's cock throbbed as it propelled his seed deep into Victor, his extremities locked in place and his body trembling for a time before he collapsed on top of him.

  Victor wrapped his arms around his new lover but he didn't have the strength to hold on. They fell away from Mark's shoulders as sexual fatigue finally overtook him. Mark's soft declaration drifted in his ear just before darkness claimed him.

  "At last we are one."

  Chapter Three

  Victor woke slowly. It was still dark. He was in his bed, but not alone. An arm was draped over his waist and someone lay molded to his back. He lifted his head from the pillow and turned to peer over his shoulder. Mark slept peacefully beside him. A sheet was draped over them from the waist down. The wonderful throbbing in his backside brought back the delicious memories from earlier. He smiled and pressed back into Mark's groin, enjoying the feel of their bodies together. A sleepy moan and heated breath on the back of his neck greeted him and Mark's arm tightened its grip, bringing Victor closer to him. Victor settled back down and touched the hand now resting on his belly. He stared out the dark window across the room for a long moment then sighed.

  "What's wrong, Victor?"

  The words rumbled and vibrated along Victor's back, causing him to jump. Mark's question was filled with concern. Victor hesitated before answering him.

  "Nothing," he lied.

  Mark laughed, shaking Victor's body with his own. "I know that is not true. We are one now, you and I. You cannot lie to me." He gave him a squeeze, lifting his knees beneath Victor's, folding him forward before stretching him out again.

  Victor sighed again and turned to face his lover. Mark caressed his face and put a gentle kiss on his lips. He looked into Mark's eyes and saw nothing but love looking back at him. The knowledge seemed almost overwhelming. He opened his mouth to express his f
eelings, but closed it again.

  "Tell me, darling. Why are you upset in the wake of our beautiful lovemaking?" Mark urged.

  "It's just… so much has happened. Yaya is gone. She was the only family I have ever known. I'm sure she was trying to tell me about you and all of this, but she never got the chance. I mean, I don't even know you and yet I do. Everything inside of me says I love you. I don't understand it."

  Victor sighed and paused to move the loose curls from Mark's brow. He was absolutely gorgeous. Looking into his pristine brown eyes brought feelings reminiscent of sipping a hot toddy by the fire on a cold winter's night. The sensation left him feeling warm and content and made his dick throb. Victor's hand slid down Mark's jaw and his thumb played on his bottom lip. He leaned forward and gave into the urge to suck it into his mouth then left him with a tender peck.

  "It's like I've been overcome with this rush of insatiable need to have you, Mark." He spoke fast in his desire to explain himself. "I want you with me always. I need to feel your body pressing against me as we sleep. I need to feel you making love to me." He stopped abruptly and sighed again. "I miss her, I do, but my heart is so full of love for you that I don't I have the room to mourn her. It's all very confusing."

  Mark smiled. "It is so with true mates, Victor. Your soul is complete when you are in my arms. As for the sprite, you have no reason to feel guilty. She may be gone, but she will return in time. It is their way."

  Victor nodded. He knew that, but the pangs were still there.

  "Do you not feel the new strength in your body as well?"

  Victor did a mental search of himself and was stunned. He did feel stronger, mentally and physically.

  "We now share the best of each other. Where you were once weak, my abilities have now strengthened you and you have done so for me," Mark explained. "We are truly one."

  Victor raised a brow and looked up to him. "Does this mean you can read my mind?"

  Mark laughed. "No, darling, but I hope to know you so well that I may anticipate your desires as if I can."


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