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by Christine d'Abo


  By Christine d’Abo

  Petra Clark’s blog Sexcapades inspires women to embrace sexuality. What readers don’t know is that her advice isn’t based on personal experience. Despite erotic fantasies about the hot guy at her local coffee shop, social anxiety keeps Petra from connecting with real men in the real world. She’s more comfortable as PC, sparring online with her nemesis, the cocky D. Williams.

  Counselor by day, blogger by night, Darcy Williams gets a thrill countering PC’s female-friendly advice with a macho slant. And when both blogs are nominated for an award, he’s intrigued by the chance to finally meet the woman who’s been driving him wild with her Sexcapades.

  When Petra runs into her coffee-shop crush at the awards party, sparks fly—and so do their clothes. Only after multiple orgasms does she realize who Darcy really is: the competition. Now they’re facing accusations of fraud, with stalking and blackmail thrown in. But perhaps most frightening of all are the feelings growing between them...

  51,000 words

  Dear Reader,

  I’m writing this just after having returned from Disney World. It wasn’t my first trip to Disney and it won’t be my last. Even though I’m not fond of big crowds, I get sick if I even look at a twisty ride (though I still like to ride a few) and by the end of our visit we’re all invariably cranky, I still love it there. Disney truly has created something magical.

  Luckily, for those of you who don’t have a trip to Disney in your future, they’re not the only ones who can create something magical. Every month, Carina Press authors deliver us books that transport us to new times, new places and new adventures. This month is no different!

  I’m pleased to introduce New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Tyler’s new series, launching this month. This romance, set in post-apocalypse America, centers around the survival of the fittest: the motorcycle gangs of the future. Dark, edgy and steamy, Defiance is the first in this can’t-miss new series.

  Another New York Times bestselling author, Marie Force, is back with the next installment in her bestselling romantic suspense series. An error on the baseball field leads to murder in Fatal Mistake.

  And I’m happy to welcome Victoria Davies to Carina Press with her newest paranormal romance, Seducing the Demon Huntress.

  Joining these three is a lineup of fantastic authors returning to Carina Press. Don’t miss the latest installment of Love Letters Volume 3: Wicked Whispers. Verbal foreplay goes a long way in these four steamy stories. From author Christine d’Abo comes Sexcapades. Sparks fly between two rival internet bloggers in this erotic contemporary romance.

  Our last erotic offering for the month of June is the long-awaited sequel to Dana Marie Bell’s Blood of the Maple. In Throne of Oak, dark forces are converging on Maggie’s Grove, and a horde of hunters stalk supernaturals from the shadows.

  If you’re looking for more paranormal romances, Sheryl Nantus, PJ Schnyder, and Eleri Stone all have releases this month. Check out the new installments from Sheryl and Eleri respectively, Family Pride and Witch Bound. Meanwhile, join PJ on a new adventure as she kicks off her London Undead series with Bite Me. Zombies have taken over London and a werewolf finds himself protecting a woman who seems determined to put herself in harm’s way.

  Still in the “other world” genres, we have two releases: Fae Sutherland’s Sky Runners, a delicious male/male space opera; and the conclusion to Vivi Anna’s steampunk romance trilogy. The League of Illusion: Destiny wraps up with sorcerer Sebastian Davenport’s story.

  If you’re a fan of Downton Abbey, you’ll want to make sure you’re not missing out on Julie Rowe’s War Girls books. World War I generated many heroes—only some of them were men. Check out Enticing the Spymaster, her newest release, and go back and catch up with Saving the Rifleman, the first in this series. And while you’re in the past, why not stay there? Wendy Soliman’s Beguiling the Barrister also transports readers to a past time in this regency romance.

  Last but not least, two powerhouse authors have new releases to center you in the here and now. HelenKay Dimon explores love and lust in her return to Holloway with contemporary romance Just What He Wanted. Sexy Travis is the story we’ve all been waiting for!

  Adrienne Giordano rounds out our month of magical releases with Opposing Forces. In this romantic suspense, when a pharmaceutical distribution manager uncovers secret drug shipments at work, she and a savvy executive with political ties must risk everything—including their hearts—to stop the criminals and stay alive.

  No matter where your reading tastes take you, whether it’s the past, the future, or an alternate world, we’ve got an extensive catalog to help give you a magical experience without ever leaving the comfort of your own house (or needing to stand in line!).

  We love to hear from readers, and you can email us your thoughts, comments and questions to You can also interact with Carina Press staff and authors on our blog, Twitter stream and Facebook fan page.

  Happy reading!

  ~Angela James

  Executive Editor, Carina Press


  To Mark. We built the pyramids.


  As always, there are many people who have helped me along the way. Thanks first and foremost to JK and Del for being the best critique partners a girl could ever ask for. Your insights and comments are always spot on.

  To my editor, Alissa. I know this is our first book together, but the ride so far has been a lot of fun! Thank you so much for taking me on and being so awesome to work with. I know this will be the first of many books together.

  And as always, I have to thank my family. From my parents and sister who are always cheering me on, to my daughters who are just awesome, to my husband who is the best hero a girl could ask for. I love you all!


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  About the Author


  Chapter One

  Ladies, don’t let men fool you—they want to be wooed as much as we do! Break out the wine and flowers along with that action movie. And when it comes to sex, don’t be afraid to do things their way once in a while. It makes it easier for them to reciprocate when you want to set the rules.

  —PC, Sexcapades — sex advice for women

  Screw the flowers. We want blowjobs.

  —D. Williams, Mantastic — advice for REAL men

  “He’s nothing but a damned ignorant Neanderthal!”

  Petra knew her anger at the mysterious D. Williams bordered on irrational. But given how the owner of Mantastic: A Blog for Real Men had contradicted her at every turn, twisting her female-friendly advice into something base and crude that perpetuated the idiocy of the immature man, she really didn’t give a shit. Glaring at the computer screen, she knew that simply putting a retort on her blog wouldn’t be enough to satisfy her annoyance. Once again it was time to take things up a notch.

  She furiously typed out a snarky retort in the comments section of Mantastic’s latest post about the top ten things a man can say that will get him dumped. It was time for her to give him another taste of his own medicine. Petra wasn’t going to back away fr
om the opportunity to needle him.

  Sure, this particular post probably wasn’t her best option for fodder given he was mostly right—the jerk—but beggars couldn’t be choosers. She knew the moment she hit Send she’d immediately be jumped on by at least thirty adolescent man-children trying to defend what was said in the post. That was part of the fun for her—that and seeing what teasing comment D. Williams would come back with.

  Alice scooted up onto the desk, bumping her hip against Petra’s keyboard and jarring her fingers off home row. “Yes, but he’s an ignorant bully with a gazillion followers, which has helped increase your blog’s popularity. People can’t get enough of the two of you ripping each other up.”

  “That’s not why I do this, and you know it. He’s arrogant. I hate that.”

  Alice let out a huff. “You’re delusional. Face it, Pet, you can’t stand the idea of a man who might actually be good with this relationship stuff. Especially because he happens to have a PhD in psychology and occasionally does give out sound advice to his followers.”

  “If that’s even true. There’s no way he can prove his credentials without outing his real identity.” Petra shoved the keyboard away, crossed her arms and turned to face her friend. “A real psychologist works in an office with patients and, you know, ethics. They don’t hand out dime store advice on the internet.”

  “You do.”

  Petra growled. “I run an advice column. I don’t pretend to be something I’m not.”

  “What’s to say he’s pretending? You don’t know the guy or what he does for a living.”

  It was an old argument, one Petra didn’t feel like getting into. “I know men like him, Alice.” Petra shoved aside her too long bangs from behind her glasses. “He probably thinks he’s God’s gift to women and knows everything because he’s the man. I bet he spends every night at a bar trying to pick up women because he can’t figure out how to be in a real relationship. The women who come to my blog need honest, uncensored advice. They don’t need to have their fears and insecurities perpetuated by his chauvinistic views.”

  Turning back to her computer, she rattled off a few more words before hitting Send. “Done.”

  Pinching the bridge of her nose, Alice shook her head. “Why do you do this to yourself?”

  “Every jerk like D. Williams needs a counterweight. I happen to be his.”

  Petra wasn’t about to admit she enjoyed their little sparring matches. It was an odd sort of online flirting, and she doubted it was entirely healthy, given their relationship. Still, rereading her comment pulled a small smile from her. She’d pushed the limits once again and couldn’t wait for the reaction.

  I don’t think you could handle a proper blow job, Williams. Would you even know one if you got it? Just for your education, it would require me stripping you naked while teasing your skin and kissing your nipples before I’d press you against the wall and lick you senseless. I might even use a cock ring. No way you’re man enough for that.

  Naughty, naughty Petra.

  As much as she accused him of being a past-his-prime chauvinist, Petra had always envisioned him as a sultry, devious sex-god. A sex-god who wanted to put her through her paces and do some of her racier ideas with her. Dildos, nipple clamps, dirty talk that would get her salivating for more, We Vibes...

  Alice reached across the desk and grabbed the empty coffee mug. “Anyway, I came by to see if you wanted to head out for a coffee. You’ve been stuck in here for days.”

  “I can’t, sweetie.” Petra bunched up her shoulder length hair and twisted an elastic around the unruly mass. She knew Alice wouldn’t be fooled, but it was a hard-wired deflection technique. Outside, no matter how beautiful the day, wasn’t really her favorite place to be. “I have to send out ad invoices for next month and see if I can get another sponsor. Oh, did I tell you I’ve got some new products to feature on the blog next week? I still need to finalize Monday’s post and do a bit more research, but it’s going to rock.”

  “What’s the topic?”

  “‘Love Thyself—Creative Uses for Vibrators.’” Petra smirked. “Or, ‘Rev Your Engines—When a Man Just Isn’t Enough.’ I can’t quite decide on a title.” She couldn’t wait for D. Williams to read this one. Petra had added in a few lines she knew he wouldn’t be able to resist commenting on. Not that she’d ever admit to purposely baiting him. “I still need to look up a few brands of lube and get some additional model numbers.”

  Alice laughed. “I’m surprised you don’t have diagrams.”

  “I do! And I even found some photos I can use.” While her blog always skirted the borders of risqué, in most circles of society her topics were considered vanilla. The women who most frequently visited her site were in the discovery phase of their burgeoning sexuality. Petra was more than happy to get them started. No one needed to know she hadn’t had the opportunity to personally explore some of the more avant-garde things she posted on her blog. Hell, she’d done little more than the missionary position the few times she’d been with a man. Sad, but true.

  What she wanted was to take her own vanilla life, douse it in chocolate sauce and roll around in the sprinkles. Yeah, like that would ever happen. The moment she put herself out there Petra knew life would find a way to give her a smack and send her running for the safety of her condo. She’d love to know what D. Williams would think about that.

  Alice jumped to her feet and pulled Petra along with her. “You’re coming out for coffee.”

  “But I—”

  “You get more excited about dildo pictures than the idea of ogling men, real men, at the coffee shop. Move your ass, Pet.”

  * * *

  Well damn. She hated when Alice was right.

  The warmth of the summer breeze surprised her when they stepped out from her condo building, and Petra took a moment to stop and let the day soak into her body. Heat from the asphalt rolled over her bare toes, up her legs, until every inch of her skin was quickly covered in a fine sheen of perspiration. The summer heat that had eluded Toronto residents in June had arrived with a vengeance in July.

  “Why are we out here again?” Petra wiped a hand across the back of her neck, thankful for her sleeveless top. “I don’t think I can handle hot coffee in this weather.”

  “Iced cappuccinos.” Alice tugged her arm to get her moving again. “Plus, I want to see if our mystery man is back.”

  Oh yes, how could she forget him? Petra patted her tangled ponytail as she squinted into the coffee shop windows for a glimpse of the mystery man. Dammit—she’d lost an earring. Or maybe she’d taken it off during that last phone conversation. God, she’d lose her head if it was possible.

  She cast a quick glance at Alice in her cute summer dress with matching sandals and two—not one, but two—earrings, and took a few steps sideways, hoping her bunched denim shorts and general disarray wouldn’t look so bad if she stood farther from Alice’s fashionable self.

  “I don’t know why you don’t go talk to him. You’ve been drooling over the man for months.”

  Alice clicked her tongue. “Because he’s not interested in me.”

  Petra shook her head and chuckled. Why Alice thought the caffeine-addicted god who graced their local coffee shop wanted her, she hadn’t a clue. Every time Petra had tried to catch his eye, offer a smile, he quickly vacated the premises.

  Yeah, really interested.

  “Alice, I love you, but you’re delusional.”

  “And you’re an idiot.” Alice bumped her shoulder to get her moving. “You don’t see what I see.”

  “So you say. Look, I’m going to melt before I get there if we don’t move.” Petra pushed her messenger bag to lie along her back and picked up the pace, the weight of her textbook inside keeping it in place. “Plus, I’ll get an air-conditioning headache if we don’t get back into the cold quickly.”

  The welcoming electronic chime of the door opening was accompanied by a blast of freezing air as they stepped inside. The small seating
area was packed with sweat-soaked business folks who were looking for a cool refuge against the oppressive heat while they drank in their caffeine. Petra hoped she didn’t have the same look of relieved desperation.

  As they slipped into the back of the line, Alice leaned in and whispered, “Damn, he’s not here.”

  “I don’t know why you thought he would be. It’s too hot for coffee.” Petra looked around to confirm the lack of one hunky coffee drinker.

  At least she could hurry back to the dildos.

  “He’s usually here Thursday afternoons. I hope he’s okay.”

  “Alice White, I think you have a crush.”

  Her friend’s snort was enough to put that argument to rest. “You know my type. Tall, dark and works at my law firm.” She winked.

  The young barista Kimmie waved at them from behind the counter when she saw Petra standing there. One of the joys of being a regular—your order was ready when you got to the counter. “That may be, but I thought he was interested in you the last time I caught him staring.”

  “He wasn’t looking at me.” Alice smirked. “And with any luck, someday I’ll be able to prove it.”

  She was about to ask how when the door chimed and their mystery man moved into the line three people behind them. Petra spun back around and faced the girl, who held out her double sweet iced cap with chocolate drizzle.

  “How’s it going, Petra?” A blush covered the girl’s face even as she grinned. “Thanks for pointing me to that blog site about using dirty talk in bed. I’m going to try a few of the examples next time my boyfriend comes over.”

  Someone behind them snorted, causing Petra and Alice to turn around. No one stood out as the culprit, but her man was looking up at the menu board above the counter and avoiding her gaze.

  It couldn’t be...

  Petra glared at him for good measure before turning back around. “I hope they help, Kimmie. A guy likes to hear a bit of nasty from his girl.”


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