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The Finale

Page 18

by Leigh Walker

  Tariq came and lined us up. Me, Blake, Shaye and Tamara, in a row in front of the prince.

  “Miss Shaye Iman, would you accept the position of Goodwill Ambassador? Will you continue your good work with the settlements on behalf of the royal family?”

  Shaye grinned at him and stepped forward. “I’m honored, Your Highness. I accept.”

  Dallas hugged her, smiling. “Thank you.” Shaye went to stand off to the side, and Dallas faced us again. “Miss Tamara Layne. Will you accept the position of Goodwill Ambassador, and continue your good work with the settlements on behalf of the royal family?”

  Tamara smiled a positively royal smile as she stepped forward. “Of course, Your Highness. It is my honor to continue to serve the royal court, and to become an integral member.”

  Dallas hugged her and thanked her. Tamara went next to Shaye, standing with her hand on her hips for the best photographic effect.

  “Miss Blake Kensington. Would you accept the position as a Goodwill Ambassador to the North? Will you continue your good work on behalf of the royal settlements in our northern counterpart?”

  Austin was staring hard at Blake, a fact that did not go unnoticed by her. Blushing, she stepped forward. “I do accept, Your Highness. And may I also add something?”

  Dallas smiled at her. “Of course.”

  Blake grinned. “I wish you every happiness.” She hustled next to Tamara and Shaye, happy to be out of the spotlight.

  Dallas cleared his throat. Did I imagine it, or did he look a bit nervous? “Miss West, that leaves you.”

  I smiled at him. “Well… I suppose it does.”

  “Miss West, in you, I have found a partner to complete me. I have found a friend, a confidant, someone who understands me as no one else can. I have found hope, courage, and a vision of the future that I never had before. You make me…you make me whole, Gwyneth. I didn’t realize how alone I’d been until you came into my life.”

  “Oh.” I wiped at my eyes. “Quite.”

  Seeing how moved I was, Dallas grinned. Then he got down on one knee. He took a dark-satin box from his pocket, then opened it to reveal an enormous, emerald-cut diamond in an antique platinum setting.

  My heart thudded in the best sort of way.

  “Miss West—My Gwyneth… Will you marry me?”

  There was only one answer. I reached for his hand, knowing I would never let it go again. “Yes.”

  Vampire Royals 4: The North

  Book 4 Continues with Your Favorite Characters…

  The Pageant has Ended, but a New Adventure is Just Beginning!

  Blake Kensington enjoyed her time at the palace. But after the royal wedding, it’s time for her to begin her new role as Goodwill Ambassador to the North. Curious about the foreign country and even more curious about her traveling companion, Prince Austin Black, Blake sets out on her adventure with the handsome and mysterious prince.

  But once they cross the border, and the North reveals itself to be more treacherous than Blake ever anticipated.

  Austin vowed to never leave his Northern home. But when the werewolves begin threatening the castle, putting Blake at risk, the prince must defend his claim like never before. Austin never planned to risk his kingdom for a human…

  How do you choose between your past, and what could be your future?

  Click here for order:

  And keep reading for a sneak-peek at Chapter 1!


  The chants fired up again. “Long live the Prince! Long live the Princess!” The crowds who’d gathered outside of the palace roared, then broke into another round of applause.

  “They’re making quite a fuss, aren’t they?” I made sure Gwyneth’s long veil was arranged neatly behind her as we listened to the settlers outside.

  Tamara tossed her bouncy raven waves in my direction. “Now Blake—what’s your problem? Are you jealous?”

  “Of course not! I just want Gwyneth’s day to be perfect.” I clenched my fists together, so I didn’t yank that glossy hair of hers. “I can’t believe you’re a bloody bridesmaid.”

  “Well, I am.” Tamara didn’t so much smile as gloat. “By order of the king.”

  “Fine. But for the record? I’m not jealous, but you are a cow.”

  “Takes one to know one. Just saying.” Tamara then smoothed her slate-colored bridesmaid gown. Even with its modest collar, she somehow managed to make the dress look sultry, her enviable assets straining against the silk bodice.

  Shaye finished reapplying her lip gloss and giggled. “Oh, you two. Don’t be silly, and for the love of all things holy, don’t fight. This is Gwyneth’s day!”

  “I’m not trying to ruin her day.” Tamara arched a manicured eyebrow in my direction, and I made a note to whack her later.

  “I’m not either. It’s not every afternoon that your best friend marries a prince, after all.” I finished with Gwyneth’s veil and sat back, admiring its intricate lacework.

  “Today is already perfect.” The bride turned from the mirror and grinned, her happiness infectious. “And I, for one, think it’s lovely we have so many people here.” She motioned toward the windows, which she’d been expressly instructed to stay away from, lest the settlers see her gown before it was time. “I’m thrilled that the king and queen allowed civilians to be here. I’ve heard hundreds of people came down from Four. It means so much to me.”

  The ceremony was being held in the palace chapel. The royals had arranged it so that the guests, royal family, groom and bridal parties would walk in a procession from the palace to the small church. The settlers would be able to see everyone up close, dressed in their finery. In addition, the ceremony would be broadcast live on large outdoor screens, and simultaneously shown on the national network.

  It was all anyone had been talking about.

  The wedding was the triumphant conclusion to The Pageant, the nationally-televised dating competition in which Shaye, Tamara, Gwyneth and I had been contestants. The royals had selected two young women from each settlement to come and stay at the palace. Each contestant was introduced to the prince, His Royal Highness Dallas Black, in his quest to find a wife.

  The entire process had been filmed for the wildly popular show. But it had never really been a contest. I’d known from the beginning that the prince would propose to Gwyneth. From day one, it had been obvious on his handsome, besotted face that he only had eyes for her.

  The royals had sponsored the competition with the hope of bringing peace and unity to the nation. After winning the war against the rebels and taking control of the settlements, the royals’ relationship with the settlers had been rocky. Rumors about the king and queen abounded—whispers that they only came out at night, that they didn’t eat regular food, that they were somehow…different. Then the government rations had run low and morale had run even lower. The Pageant was an attempt to bridge the gap between the crown and the commoners, showing the nation a glimpse inside the palace and the lives of the royals. The show was a success—the prince and Gwyneth’s star-crossed love story had captured the citizens’ hearts. That’s why there were hundreds of them camped outside, chanting, hoping for a glimpse of the happy couple.

  Now that the prince was marrying a girl from Settlement 4, the settlers had begun to embrace the new government. Prince Black had vowed to make positive changes, a promise he’d already begun delivering on. Things were finally beginning to look up around here. Too bad I was leaving so soon…

  Shaye, Tamara and I had been asked to stay on as Goodwill Ambassadors, members of the royal court and representatives of the palace. First thing tomorrow morning, I was embarking on my assignment: Goodwill Ambassador to the North. I’d be traveling to the foreign country with Prince Austin Black, Dallas’s younger brother. Austin had specifically requested me to go with him. He’d said that he couldn’t wait to head back to the North, the royal family’s original home, even though it was apparently infested with gnomes and wer

  The gnomes and werewolves worried me, but Austin worried me more. The younger prince was tall, strapping, and brutally handsome. He was also a vampire, one that hadn’t spent much time around humans. The fact that I was leaving with the rather uncivilized vampire prince first thing in the morning for a foreign country… I still didn’t know how I felt about it.

  But I’d vowed to be brave. The royals had given me a second chance—they’d sent money to my family, allowing my father and siblings to live comfortably for the first time in years. My sick father was finally getting the medicine he needed, and my younger siblings reported that with the increase in their rations, they could no longer count their ribs. So I didn’t plan on biting the hand that fed me.

  I just hoped that Austin maintained the same decorum.

  Sometimes, the way the younger prince looked at me—as if he were hungry—made me wonder…was I safe with him? But then I remembered that Dallas and Gwyneth both approved of my appointment. They wouldn’t send me off like a lamb for the slaughter.

  The door to our suite burst open, breaking my reverie. Gwyneth’s maids, Bria, Bettina and Evangeline, hustled in. Evangeline was tall and fair; the twins were shorter and petite, with coffee-colored skin and long, ebony ponytails. The three maids practically dragged someone through the door behind them.

  “We’re back! We got what we needed.” Evangeline smiled a bit nervously as the prisoner cursed behind her.

  I jumped up. “What on earth is going on?”

  “We found the maid of honor hiding near the servant’s wing.” Never loosening her grip, Bria quickly closed the door, so her charge couldn’t escape.

  “Let go! I told you I was on my way here!” Blonde curls bouncing, Eve broke free and then glared at the maids with her unusual, blazing aqua eyes.

  But Bria didn’t back down one bit. “It’s almost time for the ceremony, miss! You need your hair and makeup done—not to mention your dress. We’ve been over this again and again, and there you were, trying to hide in the back stairwell!”

  “I wasn’t hiding.” Eve narrowed her eyes. “I was just pausing before I had to put that beastly gown on!”

  Gwyneth gingerly approached Eve. “Will you please get dressed now? It is almost time.”

  “Oh, Gwyn. Just look at you.” Eve’s face softened as she took in Gwyneth in her wedding dress. Gwyneth’s hair was half up, auburn waves tumbling over the shoulders of her fitted lace bodice. “You look amazing, truly. Dallas is going to lose his mind when he sees you.”

  “I hope he stays quite sane. It is his wedding day, after all.” Gwyneth reached for Eve’s hand. “But I can’t do this without my maid of honor. Will you please let them do your hair? Bria’s very gentle.”

  Bria frowned, as if she didn’t want to be particularly gentle with Eve after finding her hiding in the stairwell.

  “Bettina’s an angel with makeup.”

  Bettina curtsied.

  “And Evangeline will make sure that your dress fits comfortably.”

  Evangeline came forward with Eve’s gown, an encouraging smile on her face.

  Eve eyed the slate-gray satin with distaste. “My kingdom for a pair of trousers.”

  “It’s only for a few hours.” Evangeline smiled, even as Eve frowned. “You’ll look lovely.”

  “I’d rather be useful. Don’t they need more help with security?” Eve looked to Gwyneth hopefully.

  Gwyneth shrugged. “I’m afraid they’ve got it covered—and I need you more than they do.”

  Eve sighed. “Oh, bloody hell. Bring the dress here, then.”

  “Thank you.” Gwyneth beamed as Evangeline bustled into action.

  “Let me see if I can do something with that hair.” Bria frowned.

  Eve frowned back, narrowing her blazing aqua eyes. “That hair—my hair—is just fine, thank you very much.”

  “I think you’re beautiful with a fresh face, but we could use a bit of blush for the cameras.” Bettina smiled gently, trying a softer approach.

  Eve glanced at Gwyneth, who still looked cautiously hopeful. “Fine. But not too much rouge—I don’t want to look a fool.”

  Gwyneth held back her laughter as the twins descended on Eve, fussing and clucking. “Thank you, my friend.”

  “You’re the only one I’d suffer like this for.” Eve frowned, but her eyes sparkled. “You and your royal wedding.”

  Gwyneth winked at her. “It wouldn’t be the same without you. Thank you for putting up with all the frilliness.”

  “Oh, like I had a choice!” Eve complained as Bria started working her fingers through her curls and Bettina dabbed her face with a poufy brush. “His Haughtiness threatened me. Said I’d be forced to wear ballgowns and take tea with the dignitaries if I didn’t put the dress on and do it with a smile.”

  While the twins continued on Eve’s hair and makeup in earnest, Tamara took the opportunity to stalk closer to me. “So… Tomorrow’s a big day for you.”

  “It’s my first day in my official capacity as Goodwill Ambassador. So in that respect, I suppose it is.”

  “I wonder what it’s going to be like up there. Especially with such a barbarian.” Her blue eyes sparkled.

  I held my head high. “Prince Austin is hardly a barbarian.”

  She leaned closer, her perfume rolling over me. “I see the way he’s been looking at you. Like a midnight snack.”

  “Shut up, Tamara.” I could feel my cheeks heating.

  “Fine. But you mark my words—the younger prince wants something from you. You best hope it’s not your neck.”

  “Will you stop?” Shaye hissed, keeping her voice low enough so Gwyneth couldn’t hear. “Please stop bullying Blake and put your game face on. The cameras and the crowds are waiting. Besides—I think your eyeliner smudged a bit.”

  “What?” Tamara hustled off to the nearest mirror to check her flawless makeup.

  Shaye giggled. “Don’t mind her. You just have to keep her busy.”

  “You have to do something with her, all right.”

  “Now now.” Shaye patted my hand as the chanting grew louder outside. “It’s almost time.”

  Click here to order the next book and keep reading:

  Vampire Royals 4


  Thank you so much for reading this book! It means everything to me! The next book is coming soon!

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  Leigh Walker

  Also by Leigh Walker

  Vampire Royals

  The Pageant (Book #1)

  The Gala (Book #2)

  The Finale (Book #3)

  The North (Book #4)

  The Division Series

  The Complete Series

  Premonition (Book #1)

  Intuition (Book #2)

  Perception (Book #3)

  Divination (Book #4)

  About the Author

  Leigh Walker lives in New Hampshire with her husband and three adorable, brilliant, talented children who play almost every sport on the planet and help clean the house only when direct threats are issued.

  In her pre-author life, Leigh had many different jobs. She worked in advertising at Boston Magazine and was a copy editor at Chadwick’s, the women’s fashion catalog. She was also a barback, waitress, barista, receptionist, and lawyer. She loves being a full-time writer and sports-mom best.<
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  Outside of writing and family, her priorities include maintaining a sense of humor, caffeine, chocolate, Grey's Anatomy, Westworld, and Chris Rock's Tamborine.

  She loves to hear from readers! Email her at, and sign up for her mailing list at


  Thank you to my readers for joining me! Your support means everything. Readers for the win!

  This series is so much fun to write. I love Gwyneth and Dallas and, of course, Shaye, Blake, and Tamara. Yes, I love Tamara. She’s always fun to write. I feel as if she’s going to jump off the page and start causing trouble!

  Speaking of love, I must give love to my family, who put up with my blank stares, my crazy ideas, and me in general. A special shout-out to my kids, who always have my back and make me smile. Love, love, love you. Love for the win!

  Speaking of my kids, my 11-year old tells me that I listen to “old people music.” At some point I will ground him for this, but in the interim, I have to thank the band U2—who he insists falls into this category—for the song “Red Hill Mining Town.” I listened to that song about a thousand times writing this book, and a lot of the lyrics turned into chapter titles. Bono for the win!

  Thanks to my mom, who always supports and helps me. She loves Dallas almost as much as I do. Love you, Mom. Moms for the win!

  I also want to thank my editors at Red Adept Editing. They edit all my independently published books, and I love working with them. They’re the best. It’s so nice to have a team, even when I’m a free agent!


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