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Christmas Daddy Next Door

Page 46

by Tia Siren

  And I’d spend a lifetime making sure she felt just as cherished as she was in my life.

  “You are such a mature, intelligent, and incredible woman, Hanna. I want to be here for you. I want to help you raise this child. I want to love you. I don’t want you to leave. However you were getting home, whoever purchased you anything, I’ll pay them back. Just…don’t go.”

  I felt her shoulders shaking, and it was then that I realized she was crying. I pulled her away from me, panicking because I thought I’d done something wrong, but the smile on her face while she brushed away her tears told me differently.

  “I love you, too, Kason,” she said breathily. “I’ve loved you since the moment I first met you.”

  “You have?” I asked.

  “Man, you were my middle and high school crush, and you just ruined me every time you came home to visit Marcus. I thought with you pulling away that you were second-guessing having a relationship and raising this child with me. I thought you didn’t—”

  “I’m so sorry,” I said. I cupped her cheeks and brought her gaze back to mine, and I felt her ragged breath pulsing against my lips.

  “Please forgive me. Just give me some time. I’m not good at this now, but I—”

  She crashed her lips against mine before I could finish, and I knew then and there that she’d forgiven me. I made a mental note to ask her who had bought her a ticket home so I could pay them back, and then I took her in my arms and picked her up off her feet. She smiled into my lips, and I slipped my tongue between them. The moment I did, she melted into my arms.

  “I love you, I love you, I love you,” I said, and her giggle was music to my ears.

  “Let’s get my stuff back inside,” she whispered.

  “Sounds like a good idea.”

  I set her down once again and she went to grab her suitcase. But I wouldn’t let her. It was heavy and shoved full of shit, and no woman of mine who was carrying my child would be hauling this by herself.

  “Why don’t we dump this in a corner and go take a bath?” I asked.

  The smile that lit up her face fluttered my heart.

  Chapter 39


  We got up to my room, and the moment the door shut, he was all over me. His hands grasped my hips and his lips attached themselves to my neck, and something told me we weren’t making it to the bed when he growled into my skin. His chest pressed into my back and his hands slid up my shirt. It felt so good to have him against my body again, and I wanted to make it worth it.

  I wanted to show him what he had chosen to stay with.

  I turned around in his arms and nipped at his shoulders. I slowly stripped him of all his clothes and traced the outlines of his rippling muscles with my fingertips. His skin puckered at my touch, and I peppered kisses all along his chest, feeling his skin heat up below my lips. He slid me out of my clothes until we were bare for one another in my bedroom, and when my lips attacked his neck, I took my time.

  I bit into his skin before I licked it clean with my tongue, his hands depressed deep in the small of my back. His dick throbbed against my stomach and his arms held me close, and when I kissed down to his chest, I drew little circles around his nipples. He sucked in a short breath before his hands slid down to my ass. His touch felt so soft and ignited my soul deep within my gut, but when he raised me off my feet, I knew exactly where we were headed.

  He took me into the bathroom while I continued to pepper his neck with kisses, and he walked us into my shower. He turned on the hot water and slowly backed me into it. Then he sank to his knees and trailed kisses down my stomach. He pressed kiss after kiss to my belly button, praising my body while his hands ran up the insides of my legs, and I leaned my back into the wall of the shower just when his hands reached up to cup my breasts.

  “Beautiful,” he said into my skin. I jumped at every nip of his teeth when he grazed the excess of my thighs. I felt myself pooling into my pussy folds, threatening to spill forth as his tongue drew mindless drawings on my skin. The water was steaming the shower, and suddenly he stood back up. It wasn’t until he reached above his head that I knew what he was going for.

  “It’s removable.”

  He grasped the head of the shower and maneuvered it until a thick, tight stream was coming from the head. When his fingertips parted my pussy folds, my eyes widened.

  “Keep your eyes on me,” he commanded.

  My legs shook as the spout of water slowly washed my silky essence away from my skin. He trailed it around my swollen nub, and the moment that spout hit my clit, it was all over. As I laid my head back into the wall and Kason leaned forward to suck my nipple between his lips, my legs bounced and threatened to give way as the water pounded my bundle of nerves.

  “Oh, shit,” I said.

  “Look at me,” Kason commanded. I fluttered my eyes open and tried to keep them trained on him, but it was next to impossible. My body shook and his smirk continued to bloom, and suddenly my orgasm washed over me and my legs gave way. His arm let go of my pussy and flew around my body, but the stream of water continued to pelt my clit, and I wailed into his chest.

  “Oh, god, Kason. Yes! Fuck!”

  I bit down on his chest, and that was when he dropped the spout of water. Before I could register what was going on, he pressed my tits into the wet shower wall. Water pummeled our feet, and I felt the tip of his dick press against my entrance. When I pushed back onto him, he slipped right in. He planted his hands by my head and slowly thrust into me, and I couldn’t help but shake at the feel of him massaging my swollen pussy walls.

  “You like that?” he asked.

  “Shit, yes.”

  “You were a very bad girl, trying to leave,” he said.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said breathily.

  His hand cracked across my ass, and my walls clamped down on him.

  “I should teach you what happens if you try to run away.”

  “Please teach me,” I whispered.

  He cracked his hand down on my other ass check, but I knew he couldn't keep up the ruse much longer. He was just as desperate for this as I was. Which was why when he slid out of me from behind, I felt empty inside.

  “Kason?” I asked.

  He fiddled with the spout and put it back up above us, and soon his sculpted muscles were being doused in hot water. His skinned turned a deep red while his dick pulsed at attention for me, and the way he looked at me was nothing short of primal.

  “Get on your knees,” he commanded.

  I dropped to my knees with a crash and gobbled him up before he could ask. I tasted my juices around his dick, and my nipples grew harder than they ever had been. I had to massage them just to get them under control. He wrapped his hands in my hair and fucked my throat deep, and I fluttered my eyes up to look at him. He looked absolutely incredible with his eyes screwed shut in pleasure, and I took great pride in being able to make him feel this way.

  To crumble the great Kason Marx into a blubbering mess of cum and sweat.

  I sucked him until my cheeks were hollow and I saw his balls pulls up into his body. I knew he was close, so close that I started to rub my own clit with my own fingertips. But before he let me swallow him down, he ripped me up from my knees and crashed his lips onto mine.

  “That’s not where I want to come,” he whispered.

  We sank to the floor and he pushed himself deep inside me with his eyes trained heavily on mine. I kept my eyes on his while he slowly sheathed himself inside me time and time again, and that slow burn ignited in my pelvis. I wrapped my legs around his calves to steady us on the shower floor, and when the water from his hair began to drip onto my skin, he bent down to lick up every drop.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said.

  I wiped his hair from his face, but he never picked up his pace. I tried to raise my hips to his and set a rhythm of my own, but his hands pinned me to the floor and I couldn’t move. I whimpered and writhed with want, and soon I began begging him
for my own release.

  “Please, Kason. Please let me come.”

  “Together, my love,” he whispered. “Just be patient.”

  He drove me to the brink of my own precipice before he backed off and pulled out. His dick was purple with rage and my pussy was sore with the need for release. My body was trembling and my muscles were sore, and when the hot water shut off, I whimpered into the echoing shower.


  He picked me up in his arms and carried me to the bed, but when he laid me down, it was on my side. He crawled into bed beside me and slipped his hand around my waist. Then I felt his lips by my ear.

  “Wrap your top leg back around me,” he commanded.

  I parted my sore legs for him and felt his arm take my thigh. His dick slipped between my legs and automatically found my entrance, and I sighed in relief when he entered from behind me. His lips peppered my shoulder with light kisses, and my hand reached back to run through his wet hair. His hand held my leg like it was made of nothing while he thrust deep into me.

  “Yes, Kason. Right there. Please,” I begged. He was hitting me in just the right spot, with my clit being hit from behind, and soon stars burst behind my eyelids as he slowly picked up the pace.

  “Come for me, Hanna. Come for me and say my name.”

  “Yes, Kason. I’m going to come. Just…keep…doing… Oh, hell.”

  My pussy began to swell around his dick, and then my body finally gave way. It contracted and milked his dick before he buried himself as far into me as he could get. I threw my head back into him while he bit down deeply on my shoulder.

  “Kason. Oh, Kason. I love you. I love you. Yes. Damn, Kason, yes.”

  “I love you, too, Hanna,” he said, grunting. “I love you so much.”

  We came together, and I could feel our juices dripping out onto the bed, but I didn’t care. His body was contracting and expanding against mine and I was shivering with the aftershocks of my orgasm, and all I could think about was how this was it.

  This was what I had been looking for ever since I’d decided I wanted a child.

  And as we lay there in bed with his dick still sheathed within my warmth, I locked my fingers with his while we held each other and drifted off to sleep.

  Finally, I was home.


  Eight Months Later


  I raced across town while the phone call rolled through my mind. I knew I shouldn’t have come into work today, but Hanna had insisted I get up and go. She had been having those fake-ass contractions all during her last trimester, but we were three days out from her due date and I was worried about her.

  And just when I decided to go into work, she called from the hospital and said her water had broken.

  I got stuck in traffic and cursed all of these fuckers for being in my way. The love of my life was in labor with my child, and I couldn’t get to her quick enough.

  “Fuck!” I yelled.

  By the time I got to the hospital, I had been in traffic for over an hour. I started shedding clothes in the waiting room without taking a second glance as to who was there, and when I felt a hand come down on my shoulder, I ripped around and was locked and loaded to cuss out whoever was stopping me from getting to Hanna.

  I was shocked to see her father behind me.

  “Marcus and her mom have been taking turns, but she’s close. She needs you.”

  “I know,” I said. “Wait. Marcus and her mom are here?”

  “Yep,” he said with a slight grin.

  I rushed around the corner and sped down to the room from which I could hear Hanna screaming. For whatever reason, she wanted to do this without an epidural because she was scared of needles, and I could tell from her panicked screams that she was regretting her decision.

  “Where’s Kason!?” she roared.

  “I’m right here. I’m right here.”

  I skidded into the room, and Marcus and her mother stepped out of the way. They were shooed out of the room just as the doctor came in, and I held Hanna’s hand tightly while brushing the sweat from her brow. She looked absolutely exhausted, and the doctor said something about her progressing quickly, but all I cared about was the fact that they were all right.

  “You ready to push, honey?” the doctor asked.

  “Kason, I’m scared,” she whispered.

  “I know, sweetheart,” I said. “But when you’re done, Sarah will be here and she’ll be gorgeous. Just like her mother.”

  “You’re never touching me again,” she said with a growl.

  “I’ll touch you all I want,” I said with a grin in return.

  “All right, Hanna. Give me a push.”

  She bared down with the concentration of a wildebeest, and I was amazed at how strong she was. The sweat dripping from her brow trickled down and soaked her hospital gown, and every time she fell back to the bed, I wiped her face and gave her a kiss. In this very moment, I wanted to take all the pain away from her, and it killed me that I couldn’t. She was shaking with weariness and exhaustion, and I was honestly worried she wasn’t going to have the strength to push Sarah out.

  But every time she raised up to push, she surprised me with her strength and determination.

  “One last push!” the doctor exclaimed.

  “Come OOOOOOOOON!” Hanna roared. She clamped down on my hand so hard that I thought she was going to break it, but when her back slammed down for the last time, I captured her lips with mine while nurses swarmed her pelvic region.

  They rushed our little one to the table to clean her up, but I stayed by Hanna’s side. She was panting and trembling, and I knew she wanted to be the first to hold Sarah.

  “Want to cut the cord, Dad?” the doctor asked.

  Hanna shooed me away, and when I cut the cord, I couldn’t help but look down and see how beautiful Sarah was. She had Hanna’s eyes and hair, but the poor girl definitely had my chin. She was going to be just as strong and determined as her mother, apparently, because when she opened her eyes, I could tell she was going to have my color eyes as well.

  “My word, she’s already opened them!” a nurse exclaimed.

  I walked her over to Hanna, who immediately dropped her to her breast. Sarah nuzzled into her bosom before she drew Hanna’s nipple into her mouth, and I watched exactly how wonderful Hanna’s body was. Her body had not only grown my child, but it was feeding my child, and it was absolutely astounding to me.

  Tears trickled down my face as I ran my fingers through Hanna’s hair.

  “That feels good,” she whispered.

  “I’m glad, honey,” I whispered back.

  Sarah ate and I helped Hanna get cleaned up, and when we were all ready, our families swarmed our sides. Mom and Dad must’ve gotten here while Hanna was pushing, and when I saw them, I wrapped my arms tightly around them both.

  “Congratulations, Son,” my dad said.

  “She’s beautiful,” my mom said.

  “Could I hold her?” Hanna’s dad asked. I looked down at her while she looked up at her father, and without a word, she handed Sarah to him. Tears rose to his eyes, and we all watched as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. When Hanna’s hand began to tremble, I took it in mine and brought it to my lips.

  “I’m so sorry,” her dad said.

  “It’s okay, Daddy,” Hanna said.

  “When you’ve got a second, Roger, I’d like to talk to you,” I said.

  He handed the baby back to Hanna, and all of Hanna’s family followed me into the hallway. My parents stayed behind with her to ogle over the baby, but mostly they stayed behind because I’d already talked to them about this.

  The decision I was about to make.

  “Roger,” I began, “I’ll just cut to the chase.”

  “Before you begin, I just want to say how—”

  “Water under the bridge. The important thing is that you’re here for this and that you apologized to Hanna. That’s all I wanted,” I said.

nbsp; “Then what were you wanting to talk to us about?” Lisa asked.

  “Roger, Marcus, Lisa, I want your permission to ask your daughter’s and sister’s hand in marriage.”

  The entire area fell silent and I felt their stares on me, but when Marcus moved to take me tightly in his arms, I knew what the answer would be.

  “Way to go, dude,” he said.

  “You’ve got my blessing,” Lisa said with tears in her eyes.

  “I couldn’t imagine a better man being her husband,” Roger said.

  I dug around in my pocket for the ring and showed it to them. Their eyes lit up when the saw the diamond ring I’d purchased for Hanna, and they quickly swarmed the room as I sat back down beside her.

  “Hanna, baby, how’re you feeling?” I asked.

  “Tired,” she admitted.

  “Could I ask you something before you drift off to sleep?”

  “Of course,” she said with a smile. “What’s up?”

  “Well, for the past seven months, things have been—well—interesting. I fell in love with my best friend’s sister who was carrying my child, and then I made her my secretary and helped her finish her schooling early so she could graduate on time.”

  “It’s been a whirlwind, but one I wouldn’t trade for the world,” she said.

  “And now we have a family and Sarah will have my last name, and I just don’t think that’s very fair to you.”

  “No, no, no. We talked about this. Sarah should have her father’s last name,” Hanna interjected.

  “I know,” I said with a smile. I took out the box and cracked it open before I handed it to her. Her eyes grew wide as tears began to brew in them.

  “That’s why I was wondering if you’d like it, too,” I said.


  “Hanna Rendon, I grew up right beside you. I watched you go through elementary school and middle school. I defended you from bullies with your brother and watched you go off to college, but never in my wildest imagination did I ever think I would fall in love with you. But, just like in middle school, I want you to know that I’ll always be there. To protect you and defend you, to pull you out of pools you fall into and to catch you whenever you slip. You’ll never hit the ground so long as I’m with you, and I was wondering if you would do me the honor of marrying me.”


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