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The Second Move: Rogues of Everly Prep Book Two

Page 11

by Wendi Wilson

  That left Theo and Cooper.

  My plan to make Theo jealous was a total success. It was pretty obvious he was miserable, but we hadn’t been able to push him past the brink of his self-control yet. I had no idea what I expected him to do, but I wanted more than quiet desolation as he suffered in silence. I needed something big to happen. Something loud and flashy that would ruin him just as he tried to ruin me when he provided the security tapes of that pool party to Charlotte.

  As for Cooper, Simone was making headway. He seemed smitten, and was trying to impress her with cheesy little romantic gifts and funny love poems a second-grader might write. If I wasn’t so angry with him, I might have swooned a little, myself. I had no clue how Simone was keeping herself detached—which meant I needed to get her out of the situation, fast.

  Like she was telepathic, or something, my phone vibrated and a text message popped up from Simone.

  Oh. My. God. You totally did it. That video has almost twelve-hundred views, and you just posted it like two minutes ago.

  I checked the time, and it had actually been about a half an hour, but she was right to be amazed. That was a shit-ton of views for such a short amount of time. I tapped the screen to text her back.

  Check and Mate. Those bitches are probably freaking the fuck out. Oh, what I would give to be a fly on the wall.

  She sent back a few laughing emojis, then added, Cooper already texted to ask if I saw it. He’s not asking directly, but fishing for info on whether or not I knew what you’d had planned. I replied with a good amount of shock and awe.

  Nice, I sent back. Have you come up with any dirt on him so we can expose it and end this?

  No. He seems to be squeaky clean, but I do have an idea I want to run by you and Josh. Tomorrow, at lunch?

  Sure thing, I typed, though impatience swirled inside me.

  I forced the feeling down, telling myself I could be patient. I’ve been planning and executing this revenge for weeks. One more day wasn’t going to hurt anything.

  My phone vibrated again. I looked down, expecting a reply from Simone, but my breath hitched in my chest when I saw Mason’s name on the screen. I tapped the bubble to pull up the text thread.

  I see you put that video I gave you to good use.

  “Wow,” I mumbled.

  He was really beginning to trust me. To send me a text proving that he’d provided me with the footage of Amelia, and that I hadn’t stolen it or somehow planted hidden cameras to take it myself? That was some serious ammunition I could use against him.

  I cocked my head, thinking about it. I decided against it. What I had planned for him was enough. I didn’t need to fuel the fire with any more kindling. He’d given me that video as a peace offering, and I’d used it to my advantage. I wouldn’t punish him for helping me.

  Only for hurting me.

  Yeah, thanks for that, I typed back, inserting a winky-face emoji.

  I don’t know how you got the footage of Charlotte and Amelia talking trash about Isla, but it was classic. Those three are going to implode and it’s going to be epic.

  Those were my feelings, but why were they his? They were all part of the same crew, so why did he seem delighted that I was going for the jugular? I typed out a text, asking him as much.

  I told you everything is not as it seems, Chaz. Have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.

  Good night, I sent back, a frown on my face.

  He hadn’t even asked what Charlotte had done to me to trigger the release of the video. Oh, he certainly knew about what had gone down before winter break, but when he’d given me the footage, it was with the expectation that I’d only use it if Charlotte messed with me again.

  He obviously didn’t care why I’d made it public, and was just was eager to see the resulting fallout as I was. Could he have been telling the truth? Was there something more to his relationship with Charlotte than just trying to be the golden couple everyone expected? What was really going on?

  “No,” I said aloud, shaking my head. “No, no, no.”

  It didn’t matter. Mason and Charlotte could do whatever they wanted, for whatever reason, and it had no bearing on me or my life. This was simple revenge, and I needed to stay on-task.

  Only a few more days, and I’d be done with all of them. Forever.


  I was on the receiving end of several smoldering gazes from Mason the next morning, all of them meant to make my inside clench with need. While I couldn’t say I felt nothing, the twinges of desire were miniscule compared to what they would’ve been had he not asked me to be his secret side-piece.

  I was either getting over him—finally—or my anger and disgust were so great that nothing could penetrate the fog of negativity. I wasn’t sure which.

  Charlotte, Amelia, and Isla were notably absent from school, which was both relieving and disappointing. I didn’t have to deal with any lash-back since it was pretty obvious I’d been the one to post the video, but I also didn’t get to witness their humiliation as they walked the halls, alone in shame. Maybe they all killed each other. A girl could only hope.

  I walked into the dining hall at lunch time to find Josh and Simone already seated, their heads bent together.

  “I hope you didn’t start without me?” I said as I dropped my bag to the floor and plopped into a seat across from them.

  “Of course not, Queen,” Josh said.

  My stomach dropped as he said the words. The joy his voice usually held when he called me that was gone. I stared at him for a moment, noting his pinched expression, sallow complexion, and dark-rimmed eyes.

  “Hey, are you okay?” I asked, reaching across the table to grasp his hand.

  I squeezed his fingers, but they just lay there limp until he pulled his hand from underneath mine. I swallowed against the knot that materialized in my throat as he stared at the table for several beats before meeting my eyes. The smile he gave me was pathetic.

  “I’m just tired,” he said.

  “Bullshit,” I muttered. “Tell me the truth. We don’t lie to each other.”

  “It is the truth,” he insisted. “I’ve not been sleeping well, keeping up appearances with Henderson while fending off his advances has been exhausting, and to top it all off, my grades are dropping.”

  “Henderson has been glued to his side, insisting they study together. But apparently, he never wants to study,” Simone added in a soft voice.

  “Tell him to fuck off,” I said, my anger growing.

  My anger at Henderson for being such a massive douche was nothing compared to the anger I felt toward myself. I put Josh in this position. I let him put my need for revenge above his own happiness.

  And I was so wrapped up in my schemes, I didn’t see how bad things had gotten for my best friend.

  “I can deal with it a little longer,” Josh said.

  “No. No, Josh. This is ridiculous. This is all my fault, and if I have to fix it for you, so be it. Either you tell him to go fuck himself, or I will.”



  His head reared back at my use of his full name. I gave him a pointed look to emphasize my seriousness, and his lips started to twitch. I narrowed my gaze, and his lips stretched into a wide smile. A real one, filled with his usual “Josh” delight.

  “Okay, you win,” he chuckled as I gave him my cheesiest grin.

  “Of course, I do,” I said. “I always win.”

  “Speaking of winning,” Simone cut in, “I wanted to tell you guys my idea for getting back at Cooper.”

  “Shoot,” I said, grabbing a carrot stick from her tray since I didn’t stop to get myself anything to eat.

  “Like I told you last night,” she said, leaning low over the table, “I can’t find any dirt on him. He seems to be an upstanding guy with no skeletons in his closet.”

  “There has to be something considering the company he keeps,” Josh replied, nodding his head toward the Rogues. “Why aren’t you sitting w
ith him, anyway? I figured he’d expect you to since you guys are supposedly dating.”

  Simone’s black curls bounced as she shook her head, saying “I told him I’m not ready for that, yet. Too much attention makes me jittery, and nothing would put me in the public eye like sitting at that table.”

  “What did he say to that?” I asked.

  “He offered to sit here, with us, instead.”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I spat. “He did not.”

  Her head bobbed up and down as her eyes widened in a silent plea for me to believe her. “He did.”

  “What did you say?” I asked.

  “I told him I had to ask you guys first. He seemed convinced you’d say hell to the no, but I assured him I have mighty powers of persuasion.”

  She smiled then, a big Cheshire cat smile that made her teeth look bright and shiny next to her dark skin. My brow wrinkled as I tried to figure out what she was up to. Josh lost patience and asked the question I was sure we were both wondering.

  “Why would we want him to sit with us?”

  “I’ve met his parents,” she said cryptically.

  “And?” I asked, still not sure where she was going with the information.

  “They seemed very…involved. When they met me, they bombarded me with questions about who I am, who my family is, my background, social standing, and even my grade-point average. His crazy mom even asked me what size I wear and whether I’d ever consider breast implants when the guys left to grab us all drinks.”

  “She didn’t,” Josh gasped.

  “She did,” Simone confirmed, nodding her head.

  “I’m still not connecting the dots,” I said, pushing my anger at Cooper’s parents aside for the moment.

  I would process their uppity, unforgivable rudeness to my friend later.

  “His mom and dad are too concerned with who he associates with and how his association with them might affect their social standing. Imagine what they’d do if they found out he was hanging out with the school pariah and her gay best friend.”

  She shot us each apologetic looks as she referred to us that way, but we both waved her off. Possibilities ran through my head on a cycle, making me a bit dizzy. Simone watched me eagerly, waiting to hear my thoughts on her plan.

  “So, his parents would be really upset and disappointed. His friends would be offended that he deserted them for us. And the whole school would be speculating the reasons behind his sudden change of cafeteria real estate, with rumors flying all over the place.”

  I looked back and forth between Simone and Josh, both of them wearing hopeful smiles. Finally, I smiled back.

  “It’s perfect.”

  “Hey, babe. Simone, do you mind?”

  Henderson’s sudden appearance startled all three of us, and we all flew into upward sitting positions with rigid spines and guilty expressions. Simone slid out of her seat next to Josh to move around beside me, and Henderson plopped into her seat. Dropping his tray onto the table, he reached over to put his hand somewhere in the vicinity of Josh’s lap. The table hid the exact location of his fingers, but Josh’s face told me exactly where they were. His discomfort was palpable.

  Jesus fucking Christ, the guy was intolerable. I opened my mouth to blast him, but a loud roar to my right cut me off. A chair screeching on tile quickly followed the sound, and I barely turned my head before a blur of white whipped past me.

  Suddenly, Theo was standing next to our table, gripping Henderson by the shirt and yanking him out of his chair. His biceps flexed beneath the sleeves of his white polo shirt as his lifted Henderson up. Damn, he was strong. Henderson was no featherweight.

  Theo shook the asshole until his teeth chattered together, growling unintelligible words that sounded like dire warnings. Threats, even. With one final shake, he released his grip and Henderson flew backwards, crashing to the floor and sliding several feet on his back.

  Before anyone could blink, Theo wrapped a hand behind Josh’s neck and jerked him forward. He sealed his mouth over Josh’s, kissing him like his life depended on it. He released him just as quickly, ran a hand through his hair as his eyes chased around the room, then turned and stalked out.

  “Holy shit,” I mumbled, plopping back into my chair.

  I hadn’t even realized I’d stood up during the commotion. I watched as Josh reclaimed his seat, his expression dazed. I looked over at Simone, who stared back at me with the same shocked expression I felt on my own face.

  Josh climbed back to his feet, staring at the empty doorway where Theo had disappeared.

  “Josh?” I asked, keeping my voice gentle. “Are you okay?”

  “No,” he said, finally meeting my eyes. “Nothing about this is okay.”

  “But—” I started, but he cut me off.

  “No, Chaz. I’m sorry. I know this is what you wanted, but that was…brutal. He lost control and outed himself in a haze of rage. It wasn’t on his own terms. Not really. I wouldn’t want anyone to come out like that. Not even Theo.” He paused for a moment as he stared into my eyes, then added “Especially not Theo.”

  He walked away with that, not pausing to say goodbye or turning back when I called out to him. Heartbreak and fear warred inside me as I watched him go, his head hanging low.

  What had I done? Had my need for revenge ruined the best relationship I’d ever had? If I lost Josh…

  “He’ll be okay.” Simone’s quiet voice broke through my panic, and I looked at her with tears in my eyes. “That was…a lot. He just needs to process everything. Give him some space, and he’ll come around.”

  “How do you know?” I asked, my voice cracking as I tried to hold back the tears.

  “Because he loves you, Chaz.”

  “He loves Theo, too,” I whispered. “And I broke him.”

  Simone shook her head, repeating, “Josh will come around.”

  I hoped she was right. I hoped Josh would give me a chance to beg for forgiveness and try to make things right. I had no idea if I actually could make anything right ever again, but I had to try.

  Josh was my person, and I’d let my need for vengeance hurt him in the worst way. I wanted to hit something, to punch and kick until all the rage and self-loathing drained out of me.

  I said goodbye to Simone, grabbed my bag and stood, leaving the dining hall with my head bent low. I looked at no one, keeping my gaze firmly on the floor, but I felt eyes burning into me with every step I took. My pace quickened until I was speed-walking like those old ladies in track suits at the mall.

  I didn’t care what I looked like. I needed out. I needed to be alone.

  I needed to figure out how to fix things with Josh.


  I didn’t see Josh again for the rest of the day. I checked the parking lot after literature, and his car was gone. I went straight to the office, pled sickness, and left before gym. No way could I handle Coach Barkley and the incessant laps he’d make our class run. Not with my heart feeling like a dead fish in my chest.

  When I got home, I went straight to my room to avoid any questions from Mom or Atticus. Their cars were in the garage, so I knew they were somewhere in the huge house, but I was in no mood to answer questions or be fussed over.

  Sprawling on my bed, I unlocked my phone and texted Josh.

  Are you okay? I’m so, so sorry. I know this is all my fault and the last thing I wanted to do was hurt you.

  The seconds ticked by as I waited for his response, each one pounding in my head in time with my heartbeat. I released a choked breath as my phone vibrated, and a large conversation bubble appeared beneath my text.

  I’m not mad at you, Chaz. Not really. I’m angry with myself for letting things go so far. I never should have led Henderson on, and I should have put a stop to it when things got uncomfortable for me. I’m a big boy, and I can make my own decisions. You didn’t force me into anything.

  My tears overflowed as I read his words. I felt like I did force him into it. Josh cared about me and w
as the type of person who’d do just about anything for the ones he loved. I took advantage of that to further my own agenda.

  My fingers flew over the screen as I texted back.

  I talked you into it, Josh, and for that I’m sorry. I love you, and I’ll do whatever is necessary to make things right.

  His response was almost instantaneous.

  I just need time. I’ve told my parents I’m sick, and I won’t be back at school this week. Don’t freak out, but I’m going to reach out to Theo. He needs me right now, probably more than he knows.

  Of course, I typed back. I wouldn’t expect anything else.

  I paused for a moment, swallowing thickly, then sent another message.

  Are we okay?

  We will be, he sent back. Like I said, I need time to work through everything and make sure Theo is okay. You’re still my person, Queen. I know you have your reasons for this whole revenge scheme, and I’m still behind you. This part with me and Theo just got out of hand.

  As I composed a response in my head, another text came through.

  Do me a favor?


  Really think things through before you see this to the end. Sometimes, the consequences aren’t worth the satisfaction.

  I read his words over and over, and no more messages came through. I felt terrible for hurting him, and if I was honest with myself, for pushing Theo to such extreme measures.

  Sure, he’d been part of the plot to frame me for sleeping with Jasper. It had been in his pool where the conversation had taken place. His security footage that was tampered with to make it sound like I’d admitted to the act.

  But other than that, he’d never really done anything to me. He hadn’t called me names or played vicious pranks on me like the Roguettes had. He didn’t suck me in and make me care about him Like Seth and Cooper. Like Mason.

  He was always a bit standoffish. Stoic. Introverted, even.

  In fact, I didn’t even know for sure if he’d been the one to acquire the footage. Anyone could have downloaded it from his system. Stella had proven that when she garnered the real footage for me to clear my name.


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