The Second Move: Rogues of Everly Prep Book Two

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The Second Move: Rogues of Everly Prep Book Two Page 12

by Wendi Wilson

  I’d been rash, and now everyone knew the truth. Theo had hit Henderson in a fit of rage and kissed Josh just as angrily, in full view of most of the student body. It wouldn’t take long for everyone within a hundred-mile radius to hear the news.

  For Theo’s parents to hear it.

  I wanted revenge. Wanted it so bad, I could taste it. But this…

  It was too much.

  Josh was right. I really need to think about what I had planned for Mason and Cooper. I needed to decide if the risk was worth the reward.

  After tossing and turning all night, I dragged myself out of bed the next morning, bleary-eyed and dry-mouthed. It hadn’t been all for nothing, though. I’d made a decision.

  I needed to see this through.

  Having Cooper sit with us to upset his parents and friends was nothing compared to what happened with Theo. The punishment fit the crime.

  And Mason, well, he deserved the worst I had to give, and hurting his feelings and his ego were no more than what he’d done to me. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth.

  A broken heart for a broken heart.

  The plan was a go, and would end today. Cooper would sit with me and Simone at lunch, and I was certain the news would spread like wildfire, getting back to his parents before the sun set. If he continued to sit with us after today, so be it. When he decided it was too much, that he couldn’t handle the pressure and censure from his peers and his family, Simone would break up with him. Game over.

  As for my vendetta against Mason Bellamy, well, our project presentation was scheduled for today.

  The costumes came in a few days ago, but I didn’t tell him. I decided to keep them under wraps until just before class. His wasn’t terrible, but tight enough in all the right places to be a bit of a problem if Mason got a little turned on by my own costume—which I was pretty sure he would.

  Having the class see his obvious erection was the cherry on top of my whole plan, if it panned out. If it didn’t, well, the rest was sure to get the result I wanted. And I couldn’t wait.

  I hopped in the shower to wash away the remnants of my sleepless night. I took special care with my hair, curling the ends and braiding the front pieces into a crown on my head. A little light makeup, and I was good to go.

  I pulled in my tightest jeans and an even tighter top before sliding into my leather jacket. Grabbing my boots and the garment bag holding the two costumes, I headed downstairs. I made a beeline straight for the door, not wanting to be waylaid by anyone—I could put my shoes on in the car.

  Today was the day Mason Bellamy got his comeuppance, and nothing was going to slow me down. Not my family. Not my growling belly.

  Not even my conscience.


  “Hey, are you ready for today?”

  Mason’s hand gripped my wrist as I walked by his desk in second period. I paused, looking down at him with a bright smile.

  “More than you know,” I said, shooting him a wink.

  He released me and I continued on to my seat. Professor Willows walked in, calling class to order as her beady dark eyes scanned the room. My own gaze followed the same path, noting several empty seats.

  Charlotte, Amelia, and Isla were still missing, prompting me to wonder if they would ever return. The thought made me smirk, but I knew it was probably too much to hope for. I was sure they were at home, licking their wounds and letting time fade the memory of that video.

  Charlotte would probably come back with a vengeful vendetta, ready to take me out. She could bring it on. I’d be ready.

  Theo was also missing. A pang of regret pierced my chest as I thought of him, sitting at home freaking out over his rash actions yesterday. I hoped, for Josh’s sake and that of my own conscience, that he’d be okay.

  I caught Stella’s eye and she arched a brow at me before shaking her head. Seth sat on her other side, and I saw him lean over and whisper something to her. Her cheeks bloomed with color as she nodded in response.


  Professor Willows started her lecture, and I stared forward, attempting to pay attention. My mind kept wandering, anticipation eating at me as my plan for Mason played out over and over in my head. I just hoped it would be enough. That I would experience the vindication I craved and could end this campaign for good.

  It all depended on how much Mason actually cared for and wanted me.

  Third period science and fourth period French dragged on interminably, and when the bell finally rang for lunch, I heaved a sigh of relief. If all went well, Cooper would sit with me and Simone at lunch and the gossip mill would start cranking.

  When I walked through the doors of the dining hall, I spotted him immediately, sitting next to Simone at our table. He was smiling broadly, seemingly unaware of the shocked stares burning into him from all sides.

  I saw multiple phones lifted in the air, taking pictures or shooting videos of his apparent defection from the Rogues’ table. The images would be all over social media within minutes.

  I shook my head. These people were just as predictably ridiculous as I thought. No one should give a rat’s ass who Cooper Calloway sat with, yet just as I suspected, his change in seating arrangements was big news.

  The only ones not paying attention were Mason, Seth, and Stella. The latter two were sitting next to each other with their heads together as they spoke quietly. They were probably talking about their own presentation. I’d forgotten they’d been paired to work together.

  Mason, however, was watching me. I sent him a soft smile, which he returned before looking down at his phone.

  “Can’t be caught with a wandering eye when you’re supposed to be Charlotte’s boyfriend,” I mumbled through gritted teeth as I made my way over to my table.

  “Hey, Chaz,” Cooper said as I sat down across from him and Simone.

  I grunted out a non-response as I sat, then realized I didn’t have any food. Josh usually grabbed my tray or shared his lunch with me, but he wasn’t here. Groaning, I stood and stomped over to the lunch line. It moved quickly, and I walked back to my seat with a giant slice of pizza and a can of cold soda. I plopped down into my chair with a frown.

  “Maybe I should go,” Cooper muttered, making as if to rise from his seat.

  “Please don’t,” Simone said, latching onto his arm before shooting me a pointed glare.

  “Sorry,” I mumbled. “It’s not you, Cooper. I’m just upset about what happened with Josh yesterday, and I’m worried about him.”

  “Okay,” he replied, relaxing back into his chair.

  I peered at him for a moment as I took a big drink of my soda.

  “How’s Theo?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” Cooper said, shrugging. “He hasn’t returned any of my calls or text messages. I know Mason talked to him last night, but all he could tell me was that Theo was coping.”

  I nodded, saying, “That’s good to hear. I’ve been worried about him.”

  “Have you?” he asked, cocking his head to the right. “No offense, but I was pretty sure you hated us all after what happened. Why would you be concerned about Theo?”

  My hackles had risen as he spoke, but I managed to calm down before responding. He was right, after all. I did hate them. But I wasn’t a total monster.

  “I’d hate to see anyone suffering while trying to hide their true selves,” I said. “Theo should be free to be who he is, no matter what. And he shouldn’t be ashamed of who he loves.”

  Cooper’s dark eyes squinted as he flinched. As Theo’s friend, he should have had his back and encouraged to be himself instead of hiding behind his rich friends and his fake girlfriend.

  “There’s more to it—” he started, then cut himself off. “No, you’re right. We shouldn’t have to pretend.”

  His eyes moved from me to Simone, and his expression brightened. He really liked her. It was going to hurt him when she revealed the truth of our ruse.

  She smiled back, her eyes lighting up, and my gut twi
sted. I hadn’t known Simone long, but I could tell it was no act. My eyes drifted shut as I exhaled.

  “Simone, come with me to the bathroom,” I said, standing.

  “What?” she asked, confused.

  “Please?” I begged, then looked at Cooper. “We’ll be right back. You’ll watch our stuff, won’t you?”

  I gave him a pleading smile and he nodded. I chirped out my thanks and grabbed Simone’s hand. I pulled her up and dragged her from the dining hall and down the corridor. When I was sure we were far enough away from the doors that no one could hear us, I jerked to stop.

  “What’s going on?” Simone asked, her eyebrows scrunched low over her eyes.

  “You tell me,” I said, striving to keep my tone light. “What’s going on with you and Cooper?”

  “What do you mean? You know what’s going on,” she said, clearly confused.

  I propped my hands on her shoulders and locked eyes with her.

  “Listen to me Simone. If you like him, or think there’s any possibility you may grow to like him in the future, we need to end this, now.”

  “What? I don’t…understand.”

  But she did understand. I could see the truth in her eyes. She did like him, and why not? Cooper was funny, smart, and good-looking. And he really seemed to like her. His sitting at my table was evidence of his feelings.

  “It’s okay, Simone. No judgment here,” I said, lifting my palms into the air. “If you want him, go for it, girl. You deserve it.”

  “But—your plans.”

  I was shaking my head before she even finished.

  “I don’t want revenge at the expense of my friends’ happiness. I learned my lesson yesterday with Josh and Theo. Gossip is already running amok about Cooper sitting with us at our table. That’s enough. Take what you want, and hold onto it tight.”

  She stared at me for a moment as if trying to suss out the truth, then a smile bloomed on her lips.

  “Okay,” she whispered, then pulled me in for a hug. “Thank you, Chaz.”

  I hugged her back, whispering, “Of course. I just want you to be happy.”

  She stepped back, giving me one last smile before spinning around to head back to the dining hall. To Cooper. I followed behind her, searching my own feelings.

  I’d expected to feel some disappointment. My revenge against Cooper was cut short and had somehow ended up making him happy.

  But Simone liked him, and her feelings meant more to me than my scheme to make Cooper pay. He wasn’t one of the major players, anyway. Sure, he’d hurt my feelings with his betrayal, but that was really it. I hadn’t been emotionally or physically involved with him.

  And he wasn’t getting off completely unscathed. His reputation had suffered today, and if Simone was right, his parents were going to shit a brick when they found out what he did.

  I rolled my eyes at the thought. Parents should not care who their kids sit with at lunch. It’s ridiculous. And parents should not ask their sons’ girlfriends to get breast enhancement surgery.

  I hoped Simone was ready. I hoped Cooper was worth the world of trouble she was about to let herself in for.

  I hoped I wouldn’t live to regret letting her get involved with my schemes at all.


  It was time. After Jasper told us to get ready for our presentation, Mason and I ducked out into the hall where I gave him his costume and a quick kiss before darting to the bathroom to change. Now fully dressed with my hair and make-up done to match, I nodded at my reflection in approval.

  The green color of the dress brought out my dark-lined eyes, making them sparkle and pop. I’d worn a push-up bra to enhance my cleavage, and the material of the costume looked like it was straining to hold those bad boys in. A tightly-cinched waist and a slim-cut skirt with slits so high you could see my thighs completed the look.

  I was pretty sure thirteen-year-old Juliet would have never worn something so revealing, but that was beside the point. I was on a mission, and showing a little skin was one of my weapons. My eye twitched at the thought of using my body as a tool to get what I wanted, but I brushed the uneasy feeling away.

  The ends justified the means.

  When I stepped out into the hall, Mason was already there, waiting for me. My eyes travelled down his body as his did mine, resting for a moment on the bulge in his gray leggings. Oh, those pants showed everything, and my face heated as his dick stiffened.

  My eyes shot to his face, meeting his eyes as he smiled at my reaction to his turned-on state. I smiled in return, purposefully dipping my gaze back to his crotch.

  “That might be a problem if you can’t keep it under control,” I said, smirking as I met his eyes again.

  He laughed, replying, “I can’t help it. That costume…”

  His words trailed off into a growl as he moved toward me, stalking me like a predator hunting its next meal. I didn’t move, letting him catch me up in a tight embrace as his mouth moved over my chest. His tongue dipped into the valley between my breasts before he released me with a reluctant sigh.

  “Can you please wear this to my house later?”

  “What? This old thing?” I teased, cocking a hip out and lifting a knee.

  I watched his eyes trail up my exposed leg to where the slit ended at my upper thigh. Blue fire burned in those depths, and I had no doubt he’d take me right there on the floor of the hallway if I asked him to.

  Good. I needed him to keep that hard-on. It was just a little insurance, in case he tried to pretend he never really wanted me when all this was over. That hard bulge in his pants would prove otherwise.

  As we re-entered the classroom, several whistles and catcalls rang out in response to our costumes. I thought Mason would be embarrassed, but he just laughed and struck a pose for the amusement of the class.

  Confusion immobilized me for a moment as I watched him stroke the feathers in his cap. I’d expected him to give them death stares until they shut up. Or at the very least, ignore the students like they weren’t even there.

  After all, he was king, and he had an image to uphold.

  But no, he seemed totally into it. Almost…carefree.

  Maybe it was because Charlotte wasn’t there. Or because Cooper was whooping louder than the rest, steering the mood from mocking ridicule to jovial entertainment.

  Or maybe Mason was just happy.

  I shook off the sentimental thought and got back to business, setting up our pallet before laying down and preparing myself for the scene to start. More whoops sounded from the guys in the class as I stretched out, making sure the slits in my dress showed as much skin as possible. I lifted both hands and flipped them off, making the laughter roar even louder.

  “Okay, that’s enough,” Jasper said, finally cutting in to get the class under control. “Settle down so Mason and Chaz can begin.”

  Silence filled the room, and Jasper nodded at Mason. Mason announced that we’d be reenacting Romeo and Juliet’s final scene together, with more modern dialogue. Then he went to the classroom door, opened it, and stepped outside.

  I closed my eyes and placed my hands over my stomach in a death pose. I waited for Romeo to rush in so his Juliet could crush him…once and for all.

  “Oh, my love. My wife! Death has stolen your last breath, but it has not yet ruined your beauty. You haven’t been conquered.”

  I felt Mason kneel down beside me, his breath heaving in and out more dramatically than any time we’d practiced. His words more tightly laced with emotion. He was really getting into this.

  “Your lips and your cheeks are still red. Death has not yet turned them pale. Ah, dear Juliet, why are you still so beautiful? I will stay here with you, and I will never leave this tomb. I’ll rest here forever, forgetting about all the bad luck that has troubled me.”

  His deep, gravelly voice was almost erotic, and I imagined the female students swooning a little as he really sold this performance.

  “My eyes shall see for the last time. My a
rms, make their last embrace. My lips shall breathe no more.”

  He leaned over me, his breath caressing my face as he stage-whispered, “I shall seal with a righteous kiss, the never ending deal I have made with death.”

  His lips brushed mine, the same way they had the dozens of times we’d practice the scene, yet at the same time, it was different. It felt…real.

  “I love you.”

  The whispered words came out on breath, and I squeezed my eyes shut so they wouldn’t pop open in disbelief. That was not one of Mason’s lines.

  No, those three little words were for me, and me alone.

  “Come, bitter poison,” he continued in a louder voice as he plopped down beside me. “Oh, desperate pilot, let us crash and burn among the rocks. Here’s to my love!”

  Mason pretended to drink and fell over, much as we’d rehearsed, but my mind was somewhere else, spinning out of control. Why had he said that? Was it some cruel joke? A twisted farce to make me do something to embarrass myself in front of the class?

  “The pharmacist spoke the truth. This drug works quickly, and now I die with the quickness of a kiss.”

  I shook off the frantic thoughts as I stretched and raised myself up into a sitting position.

  “Romeo, are you here?”

  I looked around, then crawled on my hands and knees toward him. I leaned over him and, just as I had planned, brushed my breasts across his chest. Then, behind the cover of my skirt, I let my fingertips graze his package. He twitched beneath the caresses, a small smile tugging at his lips.

  He liked this game. For now. It was about to get a lot less fun for him. I moved slightly aside, and several gasps and chuckles rang out as my movement revealed his swollen cock.

  “He is dead,” I cried as I continued on. Pulling the bottle from his hand, I studied it for a moment. “What is this? Poison? He drank it all, not even leaving a drop for me.”

  I looked at his mouth, dropped the bottle and placed a palm on his cheek.


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