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The Second Move: Rogues of Everly Prep Book Two

Page 16

by Wendi Wilson

  Before they even got settled, Cooper was up and moving toward Simone.

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a low voice as he took her hands in his.

  “I know,” he replied. “Chaz explained everything. I’m sorry I didn’t give you a chance to do it yourself. Forgive me?”

  She laughed, her glorious dark curls bouncing with the motion. Then she looked at his face, a soft smile playing on her lips.

  “Only if you forgive me, first.”

  “Done,” he said, then pressed his lips against hers in a sweet, chaste kiss.

  “I think it’s time we tell them everything,” Mason said, drawing everyone’s attention. “Keeping secrets from the ones we care about has only ended in disaster.”

  The Rogues all nodded their assent, but Stella looked nervous.

  “We can trust them, Stel,” Mason said when he noticed her apprehension.

  “I know that,” she barked. “I’m pretty sure I’ve been telling you that from the beginning. It’s just…if they find out…”

  I really wanted to ask who she meant, but I forced my lips to remain sealed. I’d said my piece. It was their turn.

  “When Chaz recorded us talking about the fake video to prove her innocence,” Seth said, taking the floor, “her video didn’t end with Charlotte’s confession. She was still there after that bitch left and caught us talking about the whole ordeal. Little comments we made about not wanting any of it to happen, yet not being able to stop it didn’t make sense to her at the time. But today, she put it all together and figured out that we didn’t actually do it.”

  “We didn’t stop it, either,” Mason added, is voice dark.

  “Mason,” Stella started, her voice thick with emotion, but Theo cut her off.

  “My parents pulled the footage, edited it, and gave it to Charlotte. She was only too happy to do their bidding.”

  “What?” I exclaimed, my mouth falling open with shock. “But…why?”

  “Because our parents ordered them to,” Mason said, motioning between himself and Stella as he perched on the coffee table with a sigh. “They’re behind all of this shit, and they pretty much control the Davenports and the Calloways.”

  “I don’t understand,” I muttered, shaking my head.

  “All of our parents went to Everly Prep together,” Mason said as I squeezed onto the couch next to Josh, “and my mom and dad ruled the place. They basically arranged for Theo, Cooper, and Seth’s parents to couple up, and the eight of them reigned over everything.”

  “My dad actually loved my mom, but she was only with him for the social status he could give her. He told me all about it when I was old enough to understand,” Seth said. “He wanted me to know I could forge my own path, as he intended to do as soon as he found the right woman. It took him seventeen years, but he finally found her.”

  I returned his smile as Mason picked the story back up.

  “Fast forward fourteen years and millions of dollars earned later, and my parents’ choices were vindicated. They’d made smart choices and everyone ended up on top. When the four of us were starting ninth grade, they called a meeting between all four families and laid down their proclamation. They’d found perfect matches for me, Theo, and Seth in Charlotte, Isla, and Amelia. They’d had someone for Cooper, but her parents lost their fortune during a market crash, so she was no longer suitable.”

  “Thank God,” Cooper mumbled. “Geneva was awful.”

  “They’re all awful,” Mason said, “but our parents ordered us to comply and we were basically children, so we did. They gave us until the end of sophomore year to comply.”

  “That’s why I couldn’t admit my truth and be with the one person I really wanted,” Theo added, his eyes delving in Josh’s as he wrapped his arm around my friend’s shoulders.

  “My dad never agreed to it,” Seth said, “but I went along with it anyway, assuring him I really liked Amelia. We were all best friends by that point, and I wanted to stand by them, no matter what.”

  “The girls jumped at the chance to snatch them up, despite knowing full well it was all an act,” Stella snarled.

  “We were headed straight down the path they’d laid out for us, then came you,” Mason said, his voice soft. “When my parents found out I was seeing you, they lost their shit. They threatened to disown me, to take away my inheritance. When that didn’t work, they ordered Cooper and Theo’s parents to do the same. We’d all be broke and homeless.”

  They all looked at me with sad eyes, and I swallowed against the emotion welling in my throat.

  “I understand,” I croaked.

  “No, you don’t,” Mason corrected. “I didn’t bend, Chaz. I told them to take their billions and shove it up their asses. You showed me what it meant to be strong and confident in yourself without all the money and power backing you up. After I met you, I realized just how weak I’d been, and I wanted to change. I wanted to be more like you. And more than anything, I wanted to be with you.”

  “And I wanted to be with Joshua,” Theo murmured.

  “And I wanted to pick my own damned girlfriend,” Cooper growled.

  “We all supported him, Chaz,” Seth added, “and we refused to back down.”

  “Until they brought us that fucking video,” Mason continued. “I told them to go fuck themselves, but they had a back-up plan. They gave it to Charlotte, who didn’t hesitate to post it. Then they brought Stella in.”

  “What?” I said, sitting up straighter.

  “They told us if we didn’t fall into line with their plans, they’d send Stella to Europe. They already had a very rich, very old husband with some grand title lined up for her. She’d be forced to marry him, to have a child with him, if any of us rebelled any further.”

  “What the fuck?” I yelled jumping from my seat, “This isn’t the fucking eighteen hundreds. They can’t do that.”

  “They could, and they would,” Stella said quietly. “There are ways…”

  She trailed off with watery eyes, and I found myself forcing my own tears back. Again.

  “We couldn’t let that happen,” Mason said, “so we let the alternative happen. We sat back while my parents and those fucking bitches they pinned us with ruined you.”

  The self-hatred in his voice was unmistakable, and my heart panged with empathy.

  “I forgive you,” I said softly, coaxing a small smile from him. Then louder, I added, “Of course, I forgive all of you. You couldn’t let that happen to Stella, no matter the cost.”

  I looked at Seth, who had his head bowed in shame. He was the only one not being ordered to destroy me, yet he’d gone along with it, anyway. At least I knew why.

  “Seth,” I said, gaining his attention, “I understand. You’re in love with her. I would’ve done the same thing.”

  Stella’s eyes shot up to meet mine, wide with panic as several gasps echoed around me. I looked from Theo to Cooper, who wore the same wide-eyed expressions. My gaze shifted to Mason, whose expression was unreadable.

  “Are you fucking serious? None of you knew? It took me one fifteen-second conversation to figure it out. I thought you all knew everything about each other.” I looked over at the couple in question. “Sorry. I didn’t realize it was a secret.”

  Seth shook his head. “It’s okay. I think it’s time everything came out in the open.” He looked at Mason. “I’ve been in love with your sister since we were ten.”

  “You have?” Stella cut in, a dreamy look on her face.

  Seth nodded, returning her smile, before turning back to Mason.

  “We’ve been together for two months, and I’ve never been happier.”

  Mason walked over to Seth slowly, and everyone in the room held their breath. My body tensed, ready to jump in the middle if things went sideways. I wasn’t sure what I’d do, but I knew I’d have to do something.

  Mason lifted a hand and clapped Seth on the back as laughter spilled from his mouth.

  “It’s about damned time, assho
le. It’s been exhausting, watching you pine away for her all this time.”

  “You knew?” Seth asked, relief warring with disbelief on his face.

  “Maybe not the whole time,” Mason admitted, “but it’s been pretty obvious for the last couple of years. I’ve been waiting for you to talk to me about it. I knew you’d get there eventually, but I didn’t think it would take this long.” He looked at me. “Or that it would take a fiery vixen to bring all of the skeletons out of our closets.”

  “Thanks, brother,” Seth said, clasping hands with Mason.

  “Now, all of you get the hell out of here,” Mason commanded, his eyes blazing into me. “I have things to do.”


  I wanted to argue, to tell them all to stay because we had to figure this whole awful situation out. But Mason’s hot gaze held my tongue as the others said their goodbyes and walked out, hand-in-hand with their significant others.

  Once the last couple passed through the door, Mason closed it gently and turned the lock. My heart kicked into high gear as he stalked toward me, and my tongue darted out to wet my lips. A growl vibrated in his throat at the sight of it, the low sound making my insides quake.

  He stepped in front of me and dropped to his knees, nuzzling his face into my belly. His hands wandered up to the hem of my shirt, lifting it so he could kiss my bare stomach before his fingers went to work on the button of my jeans.

  My own digits sifted through his soft, strawberry hair as he worked the tight denim down over my hips and helped me step out of them. His hands trailed up the backs of my calves, caressing my thighs before latching on to my ass.

  He looked up me with a soft smile and whispered, “I love you.”

  Then his mouth was on me, hot and wet, soaking my silk underwear. I groaned and threw my head back, my face turned toward the heavens as Mason’s tongue made the angels sing. Just when I was sure my legs were going to give out, he stood, swept me up into his arms, and carried me to his bedroom.

  He stripped the rest of my clothes off slowly, his lips and tongue caressing every inch of skin he bared, until I was writhing beneath him. I tugged his t-shirt over his head, moaning at the sight of his bare chest and abs. My hands roamed over the hills and valleys as he shed his sweatpants and boxers in one swift motion.

  He kissed me then, his hungry mouth devouring mine like he’d been starved for it. He reached over, his hand fumbling in his night stand drawer for a moment before coming back with a condom. He pulled back, his hot blue gaze searing mine as he ripped the foil wrapper open with his teeth, pulled the condom out, and rolled it on.

  Before my next breath, he was inside me, and the world exploded. My body had been teetering on the edge of orgasm, and all it took was that one hard thrust to send me over. Mason moaned as my body rippled around him, gripping him tight as I rode the waves of pleasure.

  He started to move, making that languid, post-orgasm feeling fade away as my nerves sparked with electricity. Within seconds, I was panting, my hips bucking up to meet his. Holding most of his weight on his arms, Mason dipped his head and kissed me, never breaking the rhythm of his thrusts as they took me to greater and greater heights.

  He rolled over, taking me with him so I ended up on top, my knees straddling his hips. I moved slowly, relishing the feel of him deep inside me as I took control and set the pace. Mason grabbed my wrists and pulled me down, kissing me quickly before planting my hands on the brass headboard. The position left my breasts hanging in his face, and he took full advantage, paying homage to first one, then the other.

  His teeth grazed a nipple and I flew over the edge again, my orgasm rocking through me with surprising intensity. Mason groaned and froze, his own release following quickly behind mine.

  Once I caught my breath, I rolled off of him. He hopped up to get rid of the condom, climbed back into bed, and curved his glorious naked body around me. His arm curved over my side and tugged, bringing my back flush against his chest.

  “That was…amazing,” I breathed.

  “It always has been with us,” he murmured, “and it always will be.”

  I turned my head so I could see his eyes. He dipped his head and kissed my cheek gently before pulling back.

  “Do you really love me?” I asked, hating how my voice sounded weak and unsure.

  I needed to know the truth. The only person who’d ever loved me was my mom. I had no idea how to recognize love from a romantic point of view, but I was usually pretty good at telling if people were lying to me.

  My confidence in my ability had been shaken by the Rogues until I realized they’d never lied to me. Omitted certain facts? Yes. Let me assume the worst without correcting those wrong assumptions? Definitely. But I didn’t think they ever outright lied to me.

  “I do,” he said, answering my question. “I have since you admitted to me you wanted to lick me all over.”

  “Ha!” I said, narrowing my eyes. “So it’s all about the sex, then?”

  “I’m not going to lie,” he said, smirking. “It’s the best sex I’ve ever had, and it only keeps getting better. But that’s not the only reason I love you.”

  He rolled me onto my back and propped his head in his hand so he could peer down into my face.

  “I love you for your fiery spirit, and the take-no-prisoners way you approach every obstacle in your life. I love how protective you are of the ones you care about, and how you’d go to any lengths to make them happy. I love your dry sense of humor, and I love your filthy, swearing mouth.”

  He leaned down and kissed me quickly before pulling away.

  “You’re my equal, Chaz, in every single way. You’ve made me remember what it’s like to have fun, but you’ve also taught me responsibility and commitment. Because of you, I’m a better man.”

  He paused for a moment, making me think he was done. As I struggled with my emotions, trying to find the perfect words to say back to him, he started talking again.

  “After that video came out, and we had to take the fall for it, I was lost. I wanted to run to you and scream the truth. To make you believe that none of us would ever betray you that way, especially not me. But I couldn’t. Stella…”

  “I know,” I said, laying a hand along his scruffy cheek. “It’s okay, now. I understand.”

  “I don’t think you do, Chaz.” He licked his lips before continuing. “When Jasper paired us together and you were being civil, it was beyond my wildest expectations. The thought that I could actually have a shot at getting you back—well, it floored me. Then you let me take you to that stupid party, and we kissed.”

  He shook his head and sniffed. That’s when I noticed the glassiness of his eyes. Oh, God. I hoped he wouldn’t cry. If he cried, I was going to bawl, snot flying and everything.

  “I know it was stupid,” he continued, “asking you to keep what we had a secret while I pretended to date Charlotte.”

  “Idiotic,” I put in with a soft smile.

  “Lunacy,” he corrected. “But I didn’t know what else to do. I had to be with you. I loved you so much, it hurt, but I couldn’t let my parents find out, or they’d sell Stella as a bride to some ancient fucker on the other side of the world. When you agreed, I couldn’t believe it. I shouldn’t have believed it, but I wanted you so badly that I fooled myself into thinking it could be so easy.”

  Before I could drown in guilt, he placed his palm on my stomach, spreading his fingers wide to caress my skin.

  “We don’t need to rehash everything,” he said. “We both know what happened, and I certainly am not trying to make you feel bad. We both made mistakes. I just wanted you to understand that, no matter what it looked like from your side, I never stopped wanting you.”

  His hand crept up to settle on my breast.

  “I never stopped thinking about you,” he added, his mouth dipping to lick the other one. “And I never stopped loving you.”

  And he showed me again just how much he meant those words.


/>   “Happy birthday!”

  I plopped a present down into Stella’s lap, earning a brilliant smile in return. She ripped off the paper, revealing a small velvet box. Her eyes widened, glassing over as she lifted the lid and saw the silver flower pendant nestled inside. Lifting the dainty chain, she pulled it out.

  “Thank you, Chaz. I love it,” she gushed, fastening the necklace around her neck.

  “Hey, where’s my present? It’s my birthday too, you know,” Mason grumbled, pulling me down into his lap.

  “You’ll get yours later,” I whispered into his ear before flicking his earlobe with my tongue.

  He groaned, adjusting me on his lap. I chuckled and leaned my back against his chest. I’d never realized Mason and Stella were the youngest of us. They turned seventeen today, while the rest of us had already reached that milestone.

  Thinking of his age, I turned my head and brought my mouth to Mason’s ear so only he would hear my whispered words.

  “How old were you when you lost your virginity?”

  A laugh exploded from him, drawing a few curious stares from the others. He waited until they lost interest in us before responding.

  “Why are you asking me that, now?”

  “Never mind,” I said.

  It was neither the time nor the place to get into a discussion about how he was way too great in bed for his age.

  “Fourteen,” he said. “One of my mother’s friends seduced me.”

  “What?!” I shouted, jumping from his lap.

  Mason just stared at me, and I slowly remembered we weren’t alone in the room. Seth and Stella, Theo and Josh, and Cooper and Simone were all crowded onto the couches around us as we celebrated the twins’ birthday at our house—the only place we could safely be together because my mom and Atticus would never tell a soul.

  “Sorry,” I said to the room at large. “Back to your business. Nothing to see here.”

  I settled back onto Mason’s lap, whispering, “We’re going to talk about this later.”


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