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Oh Baby: A Holiday Novella (Wolf Pack Book 9)

Page 7

by Maureen Smith


  “C’mon, MG. I’ve told you that before. I mean, don’t get me wrong. Mike and I have always been there for each other. I couldn’t have asked for a better brother. But we’re six years apart. At some point we stopped sharing the same interests. When Mike started hanging out with his older friends like Quentin, I felt kinda left out. It was especially hard after you guys moved to Denver. With Mom gone, Dad working late and Mike out doing his thing, I got lonely sometimes.” Marcus shrugged a shoulder. “I want a big family. I want a house filled with rambunctious kids and the sounds of running feet and happy laughter.”

  “I hear you, bruh.” There was a smile in Magnum’s voice. “Nothing wrong with obeying the Lord’s command to be fruitful and multiply, especially if wifey’s on board.” He paused. “She is still on board, right?”

  “She is,” Marcus said, smiling softly. “Samara grew up an only child, so she understands better than anyone what it’s like to feel lonely. We’ve both always wanted a big family.”

  “See, that’s another reason she’s perfect for you. A lot of women nowadays would be too worried about ruining their figure to give you a ton of babies. Not that Samara has to worry about that,” Magnum drawled appreciatively. “Baby girl got it goin’ on.”

  Marcus smiled. “That she does.”

  “I mean, not only does she have a beautiful face, but—”

  “Watch it,” Marcus warned, lurching off the truck to glare menacingly at Magnum.

  He laughed. “I’m just sayin’, cuz. Samara’s fine as hell. Mason still jokes about wishing he’d met her first.”

  Marcus scowled. “Mason better back up off my wife before he gets knocked the fuck out.”

  Magnum threw back his head and roared with laughter.

  Marcus scowled harder, shaking his head. Pipsqueak played too damn much.

  “Refresh my memory,” Magnum said when his mirth subsided. “How many more kids do you want again?”

  Marcus grinned. “Honestly? I’d be good with another two or three—”

  Magnum guffawed.

  “—but I’d be just as thrilled and grateful if we only had one more. Preferably a sister for Milan to bond with.”

  “Two boys, two girls.” Magnum smiled. “Sounds perfect to me.”

  Marcus grinned. He couldn’t wait for Magnum to find his Mrs. Right and start his own family.

  No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than he heard a smoky female voice behind him say, “Excuse me.”

  He turned around to find a gorgeous black woman standing there, a warm smile curving her full lips. She was wearing a camel cowl-neck sweater with tapered black slacks and black ankle boots. With her flawless mahogany complexion and high cheekbones, she was almost a dead ringer for Tika Sumpter. If Marcus didn’t know better, he would have sworn the actress had just strutted off the set of The Haves and the Have Nots and made her way over to the fire station.

  “Captain Wolf?”

  Marcus grinned, jerking his thumb to the left. “That would be him.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she said with an endearingly self-conscious laugh. “I’ve seen your family on TV. You all look so much alike, it’s hard to tell you apart.”

  Marcus chuckled. “It’s okay. We get that a lot.”

  “Who’s looking for m—” Magnum broke off as the woman stepped into his line of sight. He froze, then slowly pushed his goggles off his face and gave her a thorough once-over, an appreciative gleam sparking in his eyes.

  “Well, hello there,” he murmured.

  The ebony beauty smiled. “Hello, sir. I’m—”

  “Hold that thought, sweetheart. I’m coming out.”

  The woman frowned slightly and mouthed to herself, Sweetheart? Really?

  Magnum crawled out from the fire truck, climbed down the short ladder and came around to introduce himself.

  “Magnum Wolf at your service,” he drawled, wiping his hands on a greasy rag before extending a handshake. “And you are?”

  “Brienne Burke.” She shook his grease-stained hand with a firm, sure grip. Although her slender palm was engulfed by his much larger one and he had a considerable height advantage, she looked him confidently in the eye.

  As a current of awareness passed between them, their hands clung.

  Brienne let go first and retreated back a step, then seemed embarrassed for doing so.

  Magnum smiled, his eyes lazily roaming her face. “Pleased to meet you, Brienne Burke. Are you here to cover our holiday toy drive?”

  “Toy drive? Oh, no, I’m not a reporter—”

  “Then you must be here about our receptionist opening,” Magnum said.

  “Actually, sir, I’ve already been hired.” Brienne gave him a narrow smile. “As a firefighter.”

  A look of pure surprise crossed Magnum’s face. He looked her over and repeated dumbly, “A firefighter?”

  “That’s right.” She lifted one perfectly arched brow. “Don’t tell me you’ve never met a female firefighter, Captain Wolf?”

  Marcus covered his mouth with his hand to hide a smile.

  “Of course I have,” Magnum said quickly, recovering his composure. But it was too late. He’d already lost major points with the sista.

  Too bad. She was a stunner.

  “I’ve been assigned to this station,” she said crisply. “I was told to ask for Captain Wolf.”

  “Well, you found me.” Magnum’s smile was uncharacteristically sheepish. “I apologize for not knowing who you were. There must have been a mix-up somewhere because I was expecting someone else.”

  “Someone with chest hair and a deep voice, right?”

  Magnum’s smile wavered. “Uh…”

  Brienne’s eyes were glinting with humor. She was totally busting his balls.

  Magnum huffed a laugh and rubbed his bristly jaw. “Well, anyway…welcome.”

  “Thank you, Captain Wolf.”

  Magnum cleared his throat. “Let’s go inside so I can, uh, show you around and introduce you to everyone.”

  “All right.” Brienne smiled at Marcus. “It was nice meeting you. You’re Marcus, right? The lawyer?”

  He smiled lazily. “Guilty as charged.”

  Brienne grinned at the little joke.

  As Magnum started to escort her away, he shot Marcus an almost panicked look and mouthed, Is this for real? Are you punking me right now?

  Marcus just laughed and mouthed back, Good luck!

  He had a feeling Magnum was going to need it.


  When marcus got back to his car and checked his phone, he had two missed texts. One was from his secretary, reminding him about his afternoon meeting with an important new client.

  The other message was from Samara: Miss you…

  That was it. Just two simple words. But they had the power to set his pulse racing and get him aroused.

  When he started his car, he knew he wasn’t heading back to the office just yet. Although he had a partners’ meeting in less than two hours, he couldn’t resist the unmistakable lure of a booty call.

  Twenty minutes later, he was stepping off the elevator on the top floor of the office building where his wife worked.

  The receptionist at the front desk gave him a welcoming smile. If she was surprised to see him in the middle of the workday, she didn’t show it. She never did.

  “Hello, Mr. Wolf. Samara’s in a meeting, but I can let her know you’re here.”

  “No worries,” Marcus said, already taking out his phone. “I’ll tell her myself.”

  “All right.” The receptionist’s eyes twinkled at him. “Would you like some coffee?”

  “Nah, I’m good. Thanks, Emma.” Marcus patted the top of the desk and winked. “I’ll be in Samara’s office.”

  Emma grinned. “Of course, sir.”

  As Marcus headed down the maze of corridors leading to his wife’s corner suite, he sent her a text: I’m here.

  Her response came seconds later: What
took you so long?

  Marcus laughed, striding through the open door of her office as he texted back: Coming?

  You know it!

  Grinning, Marcus put his phone away and wandered across the suite to where a child’s drawing hung on the wall. Framed in gold leaf and displayed above an original Monet, the colorful sketch clearly held more value to Samara than the priceless artwork of some famous French impressionist painter.

  Malcolm’s drawing, inspired by an actual photograph, depicted their family on safari during their recent summer vacation. In the detailed sketch, the family sat astride two humongous elephants—Malcolm and Matthew on one, Marcus and Samara perched on the other with Milan. All of them were dressed in matching khakis, their smiles bright and happy beneath wide-brimmed safari hats. Malcolm had embellished the background by adding a lion, zebra, giraffe, hippo, cheetah, black rhino and wildebeest—just some of the other wildlife they’d encountered during their thrilling trek across the Serengeti.

  Smiling at the memory, Marcus turned away from his son’s beautiful drawing and walked over to Samara’s large glass desk. The surface was littered with memos, charts and graphs, spreadsheets and sales reports dotted with Post-it notes.

  Ignoring the clutter, Marcus picked up a small remote control and pressed the button that turned the walls opaque for privacy. Then he took off his suit jacket and draped it over the back of Samara’s chair. Loosening his silk tie, he rounded the corner of the desk to perch on the edge facing the door.

  He was unfastening his shirt cuffs when Samara appeared in the doorway.

  As their eyes locked across the room, a thrill of excitement pulsed through Marcus.

  Samara gave him a seductive smile.

  His answering smile was just as wicked.

  Without a word, she closed and locked the door behind her.

  Marcus watched as she strutted toward him, round hips swinging, firm breasts bouncing ever so slightly beneath her white crepe blouse. Her brushstroke-print skirt had a slit up the front that showed off her toned legs with every step she took, straddling the line between sexy and professional. Her hair was pulled up in a clip, and on her feet she wore a pair of snakeskin peep-toe pumps with dagger heels.

  By the time she stopped in front of Marcus, his dick was hard as a rock.

  Holding his gaze, Samara reached up slowly and removed the clip from her hair, letting the thick black tresses tumble down to her shoulders.

  Marcus swallowed tightly.

  Samara tossed the clip onto the desk and then used his tie to drag his face toward hers. His pulse jackhammered as she slanted her mouth over his, giving him a sensual kiss that snatched his breath and curled his toes.

  He reached down and grabbed her hips, pulling her closer. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood between his thighs, sliding her tongue between his lips to lick inside his mouth.

  A deep groan shuddered out of him. His dick was so hard it hurt.

  As Samara’s warm tongue stroked his, he cupped her round buttocks, grinding her against his straining erection. She let out a throaty little moan, her nipples pebbling against his chest.

  He sucked the lush softness of her lips, feeling her shiver before she broke away to breathe in his ear, “I’ve only got fifteen minutes till my next meeting.”

  “I can work with that,” Marcus promised.

  She gave a breathy laugh that made his cock throb like a drum.

  He watched as she dropped to her knees between his legs, kneeling in front of him. She unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants with practiced ease, then reached inside his boxer briefs and stroked him from base to tip.

  Marcus shuddered and groaned.

  With a feminine purr of satisfaction, Samara pushed down his pants and underwear, freeing him. Gripping him at the root, she flicked her tongue against the crown of his shaft, stealing the bead of precum that oozed out.

  Marcus sucked in a ragged breath.

  “Mmmm. Delicious.” Samara swirled her tongue around the nerve-rich head, then wrapped her lips around it and gave it a good, vigorous suck.

  “Shit!” Marcus hissed sharply.

  Staring up into his eyes, Samara took him in her mouth, swallowing him by slow degrees. His head dropped back, eyes closing in ecstasy as she worked her way up and down his thick length, licking and sucking and stroking him with both hands.

  He braced his palms on the desk behind him, gripping the edge tightly as he uttered guttural words of praise and encouragement. What Samara was doing to him felt so fucking good, he was tempted to let her finish him off. But since they didn’t have much time, he preferred to bust his nut deep inside the luscious warmth of her pussy.

  So he shoved his hand into her hair to drag her mouth off his cock. The moment she released him, he pulled her to her feet, spun her around and bent her over the desk.

  “Oh hell yes,” she panted, breathless with arousal as she planted her hands on the desk and spread her legs apart, sexy calf muscles flexing.

  Marcus brushed her hair aside and kissed the scented nape of her neck, causing her to shiver against him. Licking her skin, he slid his hand up her silky leg, reaching under her skirt until his fingers met the flimsy barrier of her panties. He pushed the crotch to one side and touched her bare cleft, groaning raggedly when he felt how wet and juicy she was.

  “Ah, baby,” he whispered in her ear, slipping two fingers inside her. “You were ready for me, weren’t you? Good girl.”

  Whimpers leaked from her mouth as he stroked her succulent pussy. Her head arched back and she rocked against his hand, riding his fingers.

  “Make love to me, husband,” she demanded in a throaty voice.

  “With pleasure, wife.” Marcus hiked her skirt up around her waist and fisted his hard cock, bringing the head to her nectar-drenched opening. She looked over her shoulder as he drove into her, penetrating her so swiftly and deeply they both lost their breath.

  Even after giving birth to three children, Samara’s pussy was still the tightest Marcus had ever had in his life. It was all he could do not to come just from being inside her.

  Groaning with satisfaction, he began thrusting in and out of her. She pressed back against him as keening sounds of ecstasy broke from her throat.

  “Ah, fuck.” Marcus dug his fingers into her waist as she ground her ass into his hips, urging him to go even deeper.

  He did just that, trying not to shout out loud at the agonizing pleasure of her pussy clamping around his dick every time he plunged into her.

  “Oh baby, you’re hitting my spot,” she mewled above the wet sounds of their urgent coupling. “Right there…just like that…oh God yes…yesss!”

  Marcus quickened his pace until he was pounding desperately into her, his balls slapping her slit with every stroke.

  She gasped his name, her head thrown back and her hands curled around the edge of the desk so tightly that her knuckles stood out.

  Marcus reached under her blouse and fondled the plump swell of her breasts, making her whimper. Her legs began to shake against his. Then she let out a strangled cry as she came, her pussy spasming and pulsing around him.

  Swearing hoarsely, Marcus drove deep inside her one last time, then stiffened and groaned as searing jets of cum shot out of his body and into hers.

  Gasping for breath, they slumped forward onto the desk, scattering files and not giving a damn.

  “Oh my God,” Samara panted breathlessly, blowing her hair out of her eyes. “That was so fucking hot.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Marcus rasped, sucking her earlobe.

  She licked her lips, smiling with satisfaction. “I’m glad you came.”

  He grinned. “So am I.”

  She laughed. “I meant I’m glad you came by.”

  “We’ve been married nine years, darlin’,” Marcus drawled, caressing her bare ass cheek. “You think I don’t know what’s up when you text me in the middle of the day to say you miss me?”

  Samara laughed, tipping
her head back so they could share a soft kiss, smiling against each other’s mouths. Marcus had her caged against the desk with an arm on either side of her body, his cock still buried inside her.

  Savoring their mingled wetness, he murmured against her lips, “You’re gonna be late for your meeting.”

  “I know.” Her eyes glinted. “I’m thinking about pushing it back till after lunch.”

  “Yeah?” His dick swelled hopefully. “Who’s the meeting with?”

  “The marketing division.” Samara nibbled his bottom lip. “As you know, things come up all the time that force me to reschedule meetings. My staff understands. They’re flexible. And everyone’s more relaxed around the holidays anyway.”

  “That’s good.” Marcus nuzzled the soft skin between her shoulder and neck. “I’ve got a little time before I have to leave for my partners’ meeting….” He trailed off meaningfully.

  “Say no more.” Grinning, Samara reached across the cluttered desk and pressed the intercom button, buzzing her assistant. “Brianna, can you let everyone know that our meeting’s been pushed back to two o’clock?”

  “No problem, boss lady.” There was a trace of amusement in Brianna’s voice. “Shall I bring lattes for everyone to, ah, compensate for the unscheduled delay?”

  Samara grinned. “That would be lovely. Thank you, Brianna.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Samara had barely clicked off before Marcus pulled her up from the desk, turned her around and lifted her into his arms.

  She wrapped her legs around him as he began carrying her toward an adjoining door, growling against her mouth, “Let’s take this to your bathroom.”

  “Good idea,” she panted. “It’s more soundproof.”


  Two weeks before Christmas, Samara met the girls for lunch at her brother-in-law’s famous soul food restaurant. The lunch crowd was in full swing, every table and booth and bar stool occupied with regulars as well as tourists who were visiting for the holidays. They had the restaurant buzzing with lively conversation, clinking glasses and clattering silverware.


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