Narican- the Cloaked Deception
Page 19
“Then yes, you must trust her as you would trust the very best of yourself.”
Deep in thought we walk another few blocks.
“I still cannot believe he’s my boy,” Tanz says and stops walking. “Oh good, we’re here.”
I look up and see we’re standing in front of Other Worlds.
He pulls open the door. Nan Nan stands behind the counter. She’s a heavyset older woman with sparkling hazel eyes and wrinkled hands. Caser stands beside her and looks up.
“Mr. T,” she says with her heavy accent.
“Good afternoon, Ms. M.”
Ms. M, Nan Nan, stares at us. “Oh, I should have known you two were associated.” She says jokingly.
Caesar and I slap hands and hug.
“Here are evolved ones, Claremone,” Tanz says to me.
“Claremone?” Caesar says. “Dream Claremone? No wayyy.”
I nod.
“Well, all right. Nan Nan, I told you he wasn’t crazy.”
She raises an eyebrow, laughs, and shoves him gently.
She reaches under the counter and pulls out a pouch, handing it to Tanz. “I believe you ordered these, Mr. T?”
“Thank you, Ms. M.” He tucks them inside his shirt and pays her. “There is an associate I would like you to contact. One Mr. Milleron. He is part of a network you might be interested in joining. We must move on now yet will visit upon our return. Please call him at this number. And thank you again for your services.”
As we step to the door, I look back at them. They feel like a family I’d lost and re-found.
Outside on the sidewalk Tanz says, “Now, let us get to the warship and energy wave.”
“I didn’t know you knew them,” I say.
“I didn’t know you did either. Like attracts like,” he says.
Into no man’s land we walk, firing up the ship. Tanz calculates the energy wave’s time and location as it passes through this dimension. We take off above the city and zoom toward the Amazon jungle where it will soon return.
Deep in the forest, the jungle surrounds us. We track his calculations to a cliff of mud and roots. Jungle sounds fill the air.
He says, “Timing of the wave is imperative. I’ve calculated hopping on is equivalent to hopping on an express train at full speed with the doors closed.”
“Great,” I say, and almost slip down the muddy hillside trying to secure my feet in preparation. We stand at the edge of the muddy cliff waiting.
“We have .03 of a second to make the jump accurately…Never jump on the front of a wave. The middle is best.”
The rippling waves of yellow energy come in like a fast-moving anaconda.
“No, not yet… Hold… Hold…” We wait for the peak of the right wave. Hitting off the side of a wave will knock us into space.
But the waves are moving too fast. They’re blurring. I can’t separate one from another.
“Hold… Hold…” Tanz says, calculating.
“I can’t see it well enough. They’re moving too fast,” I say panicked.
“And… jump!”
We spring off the muddy earth. I grab a glowing ridge peak with my fingertips. The tremendous wind ripples my cheeks and clothes as it continues moving through the jungle, then exiting at the speed of light.
It leaves Earth heading into space.
“Hold on! Hold on!” Tanz shouts, having landed safely in the trough of a wave and reaching for me. Missing the peak and protection from the wind in the trough, my fingertips are slipping as we leave the third dimension.
Rise of The Narican King, is coming soon.
D.M. Robbins lives with his family in the Catskill Mountains of New York. Follow his work at