Club Thrive: Predator
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It’s opening night and this place is going to be jamming soon. We have been busting our asses all week with training to be up to Logan and Mikey’s standard in time for this evening’s grand opening. This may be a strip club, but it has a lot of class, right down to our attire. The female cocktail waitresses are wearing white button down shirts with black pencil skirts and black high heels. The men are wearing very fitted tuxedos. There are six of us roaming the club getting things ready for the doors to open. I can feel his eyes on me and I can’t help but notice he has spent a lot more time in the club since we’ve started dating.
“Hey, Sexy.” He presses his front to my back, pinning me against the bar.
“You really plan to make it clear that I’m yours, don’t you?” I grin, looking over my shoulder.
He nibbles my ear. “Yes, I do.”
I crane my neck to look up at him, and I’m about to speak when Logan pulls our attention. “Okay, everyone gather around.” Mikey steps back, giving me just enough space to move but still staking his claim. Kendra, one of the bartenders, chuckles and fans herself. I shake my head and tune in to what Logan has to say.
“We’re about to open the doors. There’s a line down the street already, and there is a line of cars for VIPs at their entrance. We have extra bouncers, barmaids, and bartenders on tonight and this is the reason why. This place is about to hit max capacity and quick. You have all worked extremely hard this week, and now it’s time to show these good people what sets Oasis apart from the average strip club.” Everyone hoots and hollers. “Mikey, do you have anything you want to add?”
Everyone turns toward us. He slips his arm around my shoulder and says, “Nah. Let’s get this place open and kick some ass.”
“You heard the man, open the doors.”
Everyone rushes off to take their place, but before I can move, Mikey presses his lips to mine. “I’ll see you in a little bit.” I bite my lip as he rushes off to greet VIPs with Logan.
“Girl, you two are hot.” Kendra fans herself again.
“Oh shush, and fill my tray, will you?” She hands me a tray filled with champagne flutes and I take off greeting guests and offering them a drink. I’m making my way around the club when Sky comes walking over, looking gorgeous as always. She kisses me on the cheek and tells me how she heard about my date with Mikey. Apparently he told Logan, who told Sky. “Listen, we have everyone over for dinner on Monday nights. You should come with Mikey. Everyone would love to see you again.” She’s called away by Logan, but before she leaves, she tells me she looks forward to meeting Ryker at dinner on Monday night. I’m left standing there, shocked. Mikey hasn’t even asked me to go with him on Monday night. What if he’s not ready for that yet?
I need to focus on work right now. I shake off my thoughts and head back to the bar to load up my tray. As Logan said, this place is now slamming with people and there are men stripping their clothes off on the stage. The ladies are all going wild and throwing money at them. Sky did a nice job selecting the men, but if you ask me, none of them are as hot as Mikey, and I haven’t even seen him without clothes. A dirty smile flashes across my lips as I wander around dispersing drinks.
The night is finally coming to an end and the place is clearing out. It’s been a fun night. Slade proposed to Kara, the opening night was a huge success, and now it’s time to clean up so everyone can get out of here. My feet are killing me, and all I can think about is taking my shoes off.
Once the place is empty I plop myself onto a stool at the bar and peel off my shoes to stretch my feet. Mikey takes the seat next to me, he grabs my foot and begins massaging it. “Nice job tonight.”
“Thanks.” A yawn escapes me. “Listen, Sky mentioned seeing Ryker and I at dinner on Monday night, but if you’re not ready for that, I understand.” I lean on the bar with my head in my hand. “You can just tell her we couldn’t make it.”
He chuckles. “Who do you think asked her to mention it to you?”
“Then why didn’t you just say something to me?”
“I thought you would feel better about it if it came from her.” I shrug, not sure how I feel about who it came from.
Logan is walking around handing out champagne to all of the staff. He tells us to hold on as he takes a spot behind the bar where everyone can see him. “I would like to make a toast.” Everyone holds up their glasses. “Here’s to one kickass opening night, to our dear friends, Slade and Kara, for getting engaged tonight.” Everyone starts cheering, but Logan holds up his hand to quiet everyone down. “And to my good friend Mikey, for not only jumping on this journey with me, but for finally finding himself a girl.” Everyone bursts into laughter and Mikey flips him off while I shake my head and blush fifty shades of red.
When everyone finally starts going about their business, I slip on my shoes and stand from my seat by the bar. Mikey turns to me, and with a dirty grin I joke, “So, who’s the lucky girl?”
He slams my body against his. “You are.” He snickers before his lips crash down on mine.
Chapter 1
“Mommy, wake up. Someone is ringing the buzzer.” I groan as I roll over to see that it’s after ten. Shit. I slept a lot later than I wanted to. I hear the buzzing and see the concern on my little one’s eyes.
“I’m sorry, buddy.” I climb out of bed, throwing my robe on, and hurry to the door. Brea must have left for work already. “Who is it?” I press the speaker button.
“Delivery for Ms. Shelly Lawson.”
I press the button to let him in, and a few minutes later there’s a knock at the door. When I open it, the man backs away from the door, revealing the flowers he’s carrying.
“Sorry.” I sign for the flowers, thank him, and quickly close the door, locking it back up. I don’t live in the best neighborhood, but it’s all we can afford right now. Even with Brea’s help things are always tight. I made sure to install extra locks so we could feel safer.
Ryker follows me to our tiny dining room table. “Mommy, who gave you those?” he asks, full of curiosity.
“Well, buddy, Mommy needs to open the card, but I believe they’re from Mikey.” He climbs up on the chair, really excited to see who they’re from. Pulling the card from the envelope, I discover that I’m right. They’re from Mikey.
Hey beautiful,
I can’t wait to have dinner with you and Ryker tonight. I’m really excited to finally meet him.
“What’s it say, Mommy?” I turn to my son, thrilled that he can’t read yet.
“They are from Mikey. He’s really excited to meet you tonight.” I ruffle his curly hair. “Now you go play and I’ll get you some breakfast.” He jumps down from the chair and runs to his room to play with some of his toys. He’s a smart kid and well behaved. I consider myself quite lucky. I watch from the kitchen as he pops a DVD into the player I have set up in his room. I can’t afford cable, but I try to pick up movies for him here and there when I can. He’s never known a life with cable, so he has no idea what he’s missing.
Grabbing my phone, I head into my tiny pantry-style kitchen to put on some coffee. I’m dog tired and I need the caffeine to get through the day. I promised Ryker I would take him to the park a little later. Once the coffee is going, I check my phone to discover a text from Mikey, thanking me for the text last night letting him know I made it home. I glance over at my flowers. They’re gorgeous pink roses in a beautiful vase. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone send me flowers before.
Shelly: Thanks for the flowers, they’re gorgeous.
I start rummaging through the cabinets to see what I have that I can whip up for breakfast when my phone chirps.
Mikey: You’re welcome. I’m sorry, but they’re nowhere near as gorgeous as you.
Shelly: *blushing*
Mikey: I really am excited for dinner tonight.
Shelly: Ryker seems excited too.
My phone begins to ring in my hand,
causing me to jump. “Hello.”
“Did I scare you?” he asks when he hears me exhale a deep breath.
“Yeah, I was waiting for your response when the phone rang.” I lean against the door frame and sip my coffee.
“Sorry. I just wanted to talk about Ryker for a second. Are you sure he’s ready?”
I roll my neck, stretching it. “I think so. You have to realize he hasn’t had a man in his life in a long time, but he knows I’ve been seeing you. I tell him I’m out with a friend, but I think he’ll be fine.”
“Okay. I’m excited, but I don’t want to rush him either.” He sounds nervous and I think it’s sweet that he cares about my son.
“Mommy, I’m hungry,” he calls out.
“One second, buddy.” I cover the phone with my hand and shout to Ryker before turning my attention back to Mikey. “Listen, I love that you worry about my son, but I wouldn’t bring you around if either of us wasn’t ready.”
“Okay, well I better let you go so you can feed him and I’ll see you a little later.”
“Sounds good.” I end the call.
I quickly get Ryker breakfast. Once he’s settled I run off to my room to go through my closet. I’m so excited to see Mikey again tonight. I want to figure out what I’m wearing and then iron some clothes for my son.
Mikey is due here in five minutes and I’m pacing the living room a nervous wreck. I have Ryker dressed in a pair of dark jeans and the only polo I own for him and I’m wearing a pair of leggings with a rather short sundress and some flats.
Mikey hasn’t been to my house yet. This is the first time I’m letting him pick me up. I’m anxious because I’m sure my place doesn’t even remotely compare to his. When the buzzer rings, it scares the ever-loving shit out of me. I know it’s Mikey, but I call down anyway, checking before I push the button to let him in. A few minutes later he’s knocking at the door. Ryker runs for it but I stop him. “Freeze, mister! Don’t you dare open that door.” He looks down, sad that I’ve busted him.
“I wanted to answer like a big boy.” His words are pouty.
“I know you do, but you can’t do that just yet, okay?” He gives me a small nod and stands to the side while I open the door.
“Hey, come on in.” I try to move so he can step in, and that’s when I realize that Ryker is glued to my leg. “What are you doing? You’re not usually shy.” I squat down to pick him up, but he buries his face in my neck. It’s in that moment I realize he didn’t know Mikey was a man. We’re always around other women. I turn to Mikey. “Will you excuse us a second?” Mikey looks concerned but gives me a slight nod.
I take Ryker to his room, taking a seat with him on my lap. “What is it, buddy?” He shrugs his shoulders, but says nothing. “Are you nervous to meet Mikey?” He nods slightly. “Is it because he’s a man?” Ryker shrugs his shoulders again. I feel bad I hadn’t thought about the fact that he hasn’t been around other men other than Eric since we ran. “Listen to me, buddy.” I pull his chin, forcing him to look at me. “Mikey is a nice guy. Mommy has spent a lot of time with him, so I could make sure it was okay for you to meet him.” I can feel the tension starting to slip from his body. “What would you say if I promise to stay with you the entire time we’re with him? Give him a chance, okay?” He smiles and nods his head. “That’s my boy. Now, when we go out there, can you show Mikey you’re a big boy and say hello to him?” He nods again and climbs off my lap, but holds my hand tight as we walk back to the kitchen together.
“We’re going to try this again. Mikey, this is my son, Ryker.”
He holds out his hand to shake hands with Mikey. Mikey squats down in front of him and holds out his hand. “Hey, little man.”
Ryker gives him a small smile. “Hello, Mikey.” His voice is soft and raspy. I’m not sure if Mikey picks up on him being slightly shaken.
Mikey gives him a warm smile. “Are you hungry?” Ryker nods. “How does a burger and some fries sound?”
“Good.” He’s is starting to loosen up a little.
“I’m so glad, because I know this great little burger place. Their burgers are really good and you can even get a milkshake, if Mom says it’s okay.” Ryker looks up at me with hopeful eyes. I give him a warm smile and nod, causing his smile to grow a bit more. “Well, we better get going then.” Mikey stands.
I grab my purse. I’m about to grab the car seat by the door, but Mikey beats me to it and leads the way down to his SUV. He opens the back door and then turns to Ryker. “Can I pick you up and put you in?” My son nods. He puts him in the back and gives him a high five and then buckles his seatbelt. Mikey jumps into the driver’s seat, turns to me and winks as he starts the SUV. The car falls silent as he drives off. I turn to check on Ryker, who is bouncing his feet to the music playing on the radio and looking out the window. I can’t help but wonder if he’s bouncing because of nerves or because of the music. I turn back to face the front to find Mikey stopped at a red light and staring at me.
“He’s a good boy.” I feel the need to defend his actions. Mikey doesn’t know how bad we’ve had it.
“I’m sure he is. He has a good mom.” The light turns green and he continues on his way.
I fall quiet, thinking about our history. I can’t help but wonder how much I should tell him and where do I start. Ryker has been my entire life since the day he was born. Even when things were grim, I always put him first and I need to continue to do that.
“Hey, we’re here.” Mikey puts his hand on my leg, pulling me from my thoughts.
I slowly turn to him. “Sorry.”
“Are you okay?” His crystal blue eyes are full of concern.
I nod. “Yeah.” My voice comes out in barely a whisper.
I watch as he stares at me, wanting to say more, but the trance is broken by my son. “Mommy, I’m hungry.”
Mikey jumps out of the SUV and opens the back of the car. Ryker pushes the button on his seatbelt and climbs over to Mikey, taking his hand and jumping down. He runs to me when he sees me round the back of the car. I’m proud of him for really trying to give Mikey a chance. The three of us walk up to this diner that looks like it's straight out of the fifties, and when we walk through the door, we’re instantly taken back in time. The floors are black and white tile, the booths are all red, and there are neon signs everywhere. They even have an old jukebox along the back wall.
“Hey, Mikey’s here!” an old man shouts from a small window behind the counter.
Mikey gives a wave. “Hey, Mac. How are you?”
The guy nods with a smile and continues going about his business as we slip into a booth. “You see that man back there?” Mikey points to the man behind the window.
Ryker looks over at the old man and then nods. “Yeah.”
“I have known that man almost all my life. When I was young, he gave me a job and told me I needed to work hard so I could make something of myself. I listened, and now I own my own business, just like him.”
Ryker looks at the man and then back at Mike. “Is he your daddy?” He looks confused.
Mikey chuckles. “Nah, little man.” Mikey goes silent for a second. “I didn’t really know my daddy, but I was lucky to have a guy like Mac come around and show me how to be a man.” Mikey winks at me. “Now how about we order you that milkshake?” Mikey changes the subject after giving me that little glimpse into his life and Ryker claps excitedly.
A waitress comes over and my son says, “I get to have a chocolate milkshake.”
The woman laughs. “Well, you are one lucky boy.” She turns to me. “What can I get you?”
“I’ll have a diet soda please.”
“And I’ll have a chocolate shake like the little man.”
She writes on her little notepad. “Sounds great, now do you folks know what you want to eat?”
“A cheeseburger!” Ryker shouts out.
“Ryker, indoor voice, young man,” I scold, and give him a stern look that tells him
I’m serious.
He blushes. “Sorry, Mommy.”
“We’ll both have cheese burgers, please.” I look up at the waitress, who then turns her attention to Mikey.
“I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger, please.”
As soon as the waitress walks away, Mikey turns his attention to me. “So. I know you’re going to med school, but what kind of doctor do you want to be?”
I smile, happy that he’s brought on easy conversation. “I want to be a pediatrician.” I look over at my son, who is happily drawing on the mat with the crayons the waitress dropped on the table. “I love kids, and after what Ryker went through…” My words trail off. “Well, I knew it was for me.” I wish I could look him in the eye, but I fear if I do he’ll question it further.
“Tell me about him.” He nods in Ryker’s direction, sounding sincerely interested.
“He’ll be starting kindergarten in the fall. He turned five on September fifteenth, so he missed the cut off to start school last year.”
Our conversation is interrupted by milkshakes and food. Ryker looks really excited as the woman places a small paper cup down with a cover and a straw that contains his milkshake. “Can I get you folks anything else?” We both shake our head no and she walks away.
“Do you want me to cut your burger, buddy?”
“Yes, please.” He looks up at me, his chocolate brown eyes glowing.
It’s a pretty big burger for a kids’ meal, but I cut it in half and he digs in, taking a huge bite. We’re all quiet as we work on eating our meal, but I can feel Mikey’s eyes on me periodically. The food is quite delicious and the servings are huge. I can’t believe the amount of fries that are on my plate. The burger is juicy, but not messy like some burger joints.