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The Doorknob Society (The Doorknob Society Saga)

Page 7

by Fletcher, MJ

  Frozen coffee was Val’s favorite and it seemed that she wanted it to be mine as well.

  “Thanks.” I took a quick sip off the straw knowing that Val would watch me like a hawk until I did. Happy that I had taken a drink she turned her attention back to Edgar.

  She continued on about his goggles. “They make you look like a weirdo.”

  He laughed. “I don’t care.”

  “People will make fun of you.”

  “Yet again, I don’t care,” he said not bothering to look at her or stop from tinkering with his goggles.

  I wasn’t sure if Edgar tolerated Val or enjoyed antagonizing her. But either way he was very good at both.

  “You’re so frustrating,” she said crossing her arms and her face twisting in a frustrated scowl.

  Little did I know that frustrating was about to become an all too frequently used word.


  I heard the shout from across the street and Edgar’s head popped up from his work for the first time since I’d arrived. I turned to see a young man walking toward us. I didn’t know the guy. He had a mess of light brown hair that spiked in all directions. He wore a battered Rockadore’s concert t-shirt and jeans with holes in the knees and his pewter belt buckle had a skeleton key carved into the middle of it. He was our age or slightly older. But it was his eyes that really caught my attention. One was bright blue while the other was light gray. I had never seen anything like it before. I tried not to stare but it was difficult not to, so I had no choice but to turn my attention back to Edgar.

  “James,” Edgar said in greeting.

  “Do you have that map we talked about?” James asked.

  “I do, and the money?” Edgar asked patting his satchel full of parchments and maps he carted around with him.

  James dropped a couple of bills on the table. “My map.”

  With Edgar rifling through his satchel, James gave a glance at Val and me. His strange eyes didn’t linger on me, they settled on Val. I realized why when I turned her way. She looked like a deer caught in headlights, her eyes wide and her mouth agape.

  “Can I help you?” he asked with a smirk.

  “Um well...”

  “Well what?”

  “Um... I uh... sorry,” Val said and lowered her head down until her chin almost touched her chest.

  I got annoyed and when I get annoyed I can’t hide it. It shows on my face and the next thing you know I’m usually saying something that more often than not gets me into trouble. You think I would learn, but hey, Val may be irritating but she’s the closest thing I have to a girl friend and I couldn’t let his snarky attitude pass.

  He looked my way. “Problem?”

  “Yeah, do you treat everyone so rudely?”

  “Your friend can’t speak for herself?”

  I grinned. “What? Not used to girls with brains who call you on your attitude?”

  “You must be, Masters, I heard about you. You might have taken on that gremlin, but I’m not that easy to conquer.”

  “Why? What are you going to do, talk me to death, tough guy?”

  His eyes flared with a hint of anger. He braced his hands on the table and leaned in close to me, so close that his mint-scented breath tickled my nose.

  “You think your pretty bad for someone who is undeclared. I sure hope I get you in the guild. I’d enjoy telling you what to do.”

  I laughed. “Not gonna happen.”

  “We’ll see about that, Masters.”

  He leaned in closer, his lips near enough for a kiss, our noses almost touching and his eyes even with mine. The two different eye colors intrigued me even more up close, though they smoldered with anger at me or perhaps in general, I didn’t know.

  “I’ll see you around.”

  I couldn’t keep a trickle of laughter from spilling out before I said, “Is that a promise?”

  “I found it,” Edgar yelped yanking the map out of his satchel. It slammed right into my frozen coffee sending the glass flying. I reacted instinctively, my hand darting out to catch it.

  James’s instincts were the same; his hand shot out for it. We both grabbed the glass simultaneously, our hands wrapping around it before it could hit the ground.

  We stared at each other in surprise and I was even more shocked to watch the anger in his eyes melt away. Our glance held a moment longer and then he turned his head and let go of the glass. I placed it back on the table.

  James grabbed the map from Edgar. “Thanks,” he said and turned on his heels and walked away without another word or backward glance.

  “Who is he?” Val asked.

  “That’s James Nightshade. He goes to Paladin Academy too,” Edgar said.

  “Just great,” I sighed.

  “Thanks for sticking up for me,” Val said squeezing my arm and smiling.

  “No problem, Val. He was a jerk anyway.”

  “A gorgeous jerk,” she said with a laugh.


  “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice how cute he was? I could barely keep my eyes off him,” she sighed dramatically

  “No, I mean yeah, I guess he’s nice looking... but he’s still a jerk.” I didn’t know what Val was talking about. Sure he had those cool eyes and a nice face—ok maybe more than nice—but he was so irritating. How could that translate to cute? My mind lingered on the moment when our hands had touched and he had looked at me not with anger but surprise.

  I shook my head. What difference did it make? I wasn’t interested. I had more important things to worry about; school, my job and finding out what was going on with my family. Guys, especially James Nightshade, were the last thing I needed on my mind.

  The next day I worked at Arrowhead, stocking shelves. I opened the latest wooden box from the Impossible Engineers and added their newest invention, the steam powered rocket pack that I had seen someone using the first time at the Portico. They were lighter then they appeared and when I examined the controls they seemed pretty straight forward. I placed each of them in a row on the shelves as Judd had instructed and then got busy cleaning up the mess from the packing crates.

  “Do you guys have the Keyhole Converter, model 2000?”

  The voice came from behind me and I turned to find James Nightshade standing there.

  “You?” I said with a touch of annoyance.

  “Masters? I didn’t know you worked here.”

  “I do and I’m busy.”

  “I can see that but since I need help and since you do work here...” He let his words drift off with a grin.

  My shoulders dropped and I realized he was right. I had no choice, I had to help him. “What are you looking for?”

  “I need the Keyhole Converter, model 2000. But I suppose I could look at a couple of different models. Why don’t you show me what you have?”

  “Fine,” I said grudgingly. I walked him to the aisle that housed the model 2000 and pulled it from the shelf handing it to him.

  He gave it a quick perusal and then stepped back and scanned the shelves. Arrowhead carried a variety of makes and models giving customers a large assortment to choose from.

  “There are quite a few options. Maybe the 2000 isn’t the best one for me.”

  “Good luck figuring that out,” I said ready to make my exit.

  “Could you show me the 1000 model?” he asked with a hint of mischief in his voice.

  I tempered my annoyance and scanned the shelves looking for the model. Finding it I reached up trying to pull it down. Standing on the tips of my toes the edges of my nails were just able to scratch along the box.

  I felt him close behind me, too close. His arm reached over mine and snatched the box off the shelf. I glanced over my shoulder at a silver pendant with a symbol I’d never seen before engraved on it resting against his chest. My eyes drifted up to his face and I found myself agreeing with Val. He was good looking, like hot good looking.

  “And what is the main difference between the models?”

/>   He knew damn well the difference between the models. Now he was just toying with me. “I don’t know,” I said waiting for his next move.

  “You work here. Isn’t it your job to know?”

  He was really pushing it. “This isn’t my department.”

  “I would think someone who is undeclared would be eager to learn as much as she could, about the various tools used by each sector of the Societies.”

  “I’ll be declaring for the Doorknob Society,” I said wanting to make it perfectly clear.

  “So your powers have been fully realized then?” he asked raising an eyebrow in surprise.

  “No.” What business was it of his anyway and why had I bothered to answer him.

  “I would study hard then if I were you. If you’re undeclared you have to apprentice with each discipline until you declare. Wouldn’t that be interesting?” His fingers played with his pendant necklace as he watched me.

  “I’ll do just fine.”

  “I bet you will, Masters, I heard you used abilities against that gremlin. And yet you still haven’t declared... odd.”

  He stared at me with those strange eyes and my annoyance grew. What was it about Nightshade that frustrated me?

  “So what, I may not have declared but I still took care of the thing.”

  “You’ve only been in our world a few short weeks and you’ve already fought a gremlin. And I heard that your arrival was rather eventful.”

  “What can I say I guess everyone wants to mess with the new girl?” I didn’t need him pointing out how crazy my life had become.

  “I’d be careful, you seem to attract trouble.”

  “Whatever.” I cursed myself for not having a better come back than that.

  “Maybe when you apprentice with the Guild I can teach you a thing or two?”

  He smiled at me and it wasn’t because he was happy. It was more of an I-got-you smile.

  I didn’t need Nightshade advising me on my abilities. The thought gave me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wanted him out of here. I shoved the 2000 model in his face. “Do you want this or not?”

  “Hmmm and which model would you choose?” he asked as if he really cared for my opinion.

  “I’m not the one using it. Pick one so I can get back to work.”

  “My original choice will do,” he said with a grin.

  I clenched my teeth and put the others back on the shelves.

  “That’ll be all, thanks,” he said turned and walked away. He stopped and turned his head. “So much for you never doing what I say.” He laughed and headed down the aisle.

  He was the most infuriating person I have ever met in my life. He really ticked me off and if he thought he was going to best me and get in the last word...

  “Nightshade,” I yelled.

  He stopped and turned.

  “Think again. I told you to pick one and you did. Looks like it was you who did what I said.” My grin spread clear across my face. “You have a good day now.”

  Chapter 8

  Status: Why do I bother with relationships at all?

  I finished restocking the shelves and headed to the backroom. I pushed the door open and yanked apart the string on my work apron, tossing it into my locker. The sound of flip flops hitting the ground told me Judd was back here. I looked down the rows of stocked shelves and sure enough there he was, white pony tail dangling as he took note of something on one of the rows.

  “I’m finished with my shift,” I called out to him and he glanced my way and smiled.

  “Sounds good, you heading home?”

  “Yeah, Dad should be home from his latest show.” Dad was making the trip home most nights but when he didn’t I ordered Chinese and studied what I could about my abilities. I felt like I was making some progress since I could sense the energy around my training knob. I knew if I worked hard enough I could make it work but it didn’t help that I wanted to declare as quickly as possible.

  “How is everything going, you fitting in well?”

  “I suppose.” I bit the inside of my lip thinking about my situation. “I’m still concerned about not declaring.”

  “That’s not something you should worry much about,” Judd said approaching me. “When powers manifest it’s rare for someone to declare right away.” He sat down at the break table and locked his fingers behind his head.

  “I’ve been reading up and every single Masters is a DS member. Not knowing what that was until recently makes for a lot of pressure.” I sighed.

  Judd tilted his head as if considering his words carefully. “Even if you don’t declare for DS the other Old Kind groups are just as capable.”

  “But why wouldn’t I be in DS?”

  Judd stood up quickly and shrugged. “I don’t know, but you better get going. I need to finish up my inventory.”

  He gently directed me out of the backroom. The way he rushed me out of there made me realize that he was lying. He knew something and he didn’t want to tell me. Another thing to add to my growing list of things I needed to find out.

  I walked home through the Portico, passing back into Cape May. I strolled passed the Victorian homes I’d often linger to admire barely noticing them, my mind too overburdened. I reached Mission Way and as I approached the house I saw someone sitting on the steps. As I got closer the hulking figure became clear and I recognized Slade. I tugged at my hoodie wishing I could hide myself inside it.

  “Hi,” Slade stood up to greet me and I smiled at him in spite of myself. “I figured we could see one another instead of just texting for once.”

  “Sorry I’ve been busying working.” I lied, I had time to see Slade but I was avoiding him. I didn’t need a distraction when I had so many unanswered questions in my life.

  “No problem.” He smiled and it made me feel overwhelmingly guilty.

  I pulled my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. I glanced back at him and gestured into the house. “Want to come in?”

  We walked into the house and I pulled off my hoodie and tossed it over the armchair. I left my keys on the hall table and knew since Dad’s keys weren’t there he wasn’t home yet.

  “I heard about the gremlin, I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Thanks.” I hid my smile from him and headed for the kitchen. I grabbed a bag of chips and sat down at the center island.

  Slade strolled in leaned against the counter opposite me. I pushed the bag of chips in his direction and he reached in grabbing one.

  “How was work?” He asked and took a bite of his chip.

  “I ran into James Nightshade, he is not a fun person.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Nightshade is bad news.” He was quick to warn. “He’s got a reputation for people around him getting hurt. You’re better off staying away from him.” Slade’s arms tensed as he spoke and I got the sense that he might have other reasons he didn’t want me talking to Nightshade. Or was it wishful thinking?

  “I figured that out already. Do you know anything about the guys who were after me and my dad the night you helped us?” I was tired of not knowing what was going on and hoped Slade could offer some insight.

  “Sorry, all I know is Mr. Miller called me and told me to show up and help out. It was odd though.”

  “What was odd?”

  “It wasn’t just DS members attacking. A guilder and a mapmaker were there as well.”


  “Old Kind doesn’t work together like that unless the council orders it. Your dad isn’t popular with the council but even they wouldn’t sic people on you.”

  “So who the hell was it?”

  “I’ve got no idea.”

  “There was a man in Paris, he was dressed all in black and he knew my dad. I think he’s still after us.” I thought of him standing in the aisle at Arrowhead and telling me to run. I didn’t mention that to Slade or anyone for that matter. I still wasn’t sure if I had just imagined the whole thing. I mean I was having crazy dreams wit
h him in them. Maybe I was just losing it.

  “Do you know his name?”

  “No, Dad never mentioned it and he isn’t willing to share right now.”

  “Everyone is on edge.”


  “People have been disappearing and rumors of trouble are floating around.”

  “My mom disappeared.” I lowered my head and took a deep breath. There it was. Down deep I was hoping maybe if I found out who was after us and why I might learn what happened to my mom.

  “I’m sorry.” Slade slid his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer in hug.

  I rested my head on his chest. I was never one for displays of affection but I had this strange need to feel close to someone right now. And he was here.

  “Thank you,” I said glancing up at him and gulped seeing the way he was looking at me. I had had boyfriends before so I was familiar with the damn-but-I-find-you-yummy look. Of course it didn’t hurt being wrapped comfortably in his arms. Comfortably. Not good. The sudden need to get out of his arms had me pushing off the stool and backing away from him.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah—I’m, uh—fine.” I looked around the room wishing I was anywhere but here right now.

  Slade nodded and smiled. “Maybe I better get going?”

  “Okay, I need to get dinner anyway.” I replied biting my lip.

  “Right, well I’ll see you later.” Slade waved and walked out of the house.

  I dropped my head and sighed running my hands through my hair and wanting to yank it out.

  What the hell am I doing? I needed to focus on the problems at hand not get busy creating new ones.

  I needed to stop thinking that there could be anything between Michael Slade and me. I had real problems to deal with. I had no time for a relationship that was bound to end in disaster. I only wished his arms hadn’t felt so comfortable and he hadn’t looked at me the way he did.

  Keeping my distance from Slade wasn’t going to be easy.

  Chapter 9

  Status: I make a fool of myself on my first day.

  The rest of the summer passed quickly and consisted mostly of hanging out with Edgar and Val. I also did my best to avoid Slade.


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