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Requiem for Blood

Page 12

by Alexandra Hope

  The first thing she noticed when she stepped inside was a strong lemon scent mixed in with bleach. She had familiarized herself with those scents as her mother often had to clean up the blood that spilled on the floor, especially when she was a child. She looked down at the ceramic tiles and the scene played before her eyes, his neck snapping and his body dropping to the floor. She stepped over the shape that would've been his body and walked down the hall. On her left was the kitchen, each piece perfectly intact and every surface free of blood. It had almost been too much to take in, how the room that had been smash to pieces was back in perfect condition.

  “It was such a mess.”

  Olivia turned and saw her mother closing the door behind her. There had been a nearly unnerving silence as she walked through the first floor, her mother's presence completely unaware to her.

  “I didn't know...”

  “That I was here? I have trained myself for years to be as silent as possible and if my vampire daughter can't sense my presence I must have taught myself well.”

  Olivia let out an unnecessary gasp and her eyes widened at her mother's words.

  “You don't breathe and your heart does not beat. How long did you think it was going to take for me to find out?”

  She was at a loss for words, her eyes canvassing her mother's for answers but she didn't need one. Her mother had given her the answer to the question she hadn't even asked. Her hands trembled as they held onto the edge of the table for support.

  “Mother, I...”

  “What became of your sister? Clearly there was a nasty fight.”

  Was that really what she wanted to talk about now? Olivia asked herself. Of all the things she could ask for from her immortal child, she wanted to know that? She couldn't figure her mother out.

  “I brought Alexa and a man attacked her, saying that he was to kill her.”

  “Yes, I figured Nolan had been misguided,” she said as she stroked her chin. Her hair was down as it had been before and Olivia couldn't help but notice how casually she was dressed. It had been the first time in her life she had seen her mother wear jeans and sneakers. She looked so young.

  “Misguided how?” Olivia would have never been so bold as to ask her mother a question like that but she was feeling especially gutsy considering what had just been laid out on the table.

  “He was so adamant to prove his loyalty to the colony he had mistaken my words when I spoke of Alexa.”

  “What words?”

  There was a slight hint of genuine pain behind Mar's eyes when she spoke, “That Alexa would have been better off in death.”

  Olivia slammed her fist onto the table so hard she forced a large dent in it and a web of cracks diverged from it. As soon as she pulled her fist away and looked at the table she was stunned at her actions and her lips trembled as she tried to apologize.

  “It is alright Olivia.”

  “How could you say that about Alexa?”

  Mar took a few steps towards Olivia and wrapped her thin arms around the girl. The sleeves of her black shirt hung down and spread out like wings, sheltering Olivia with a veil of darkness.

  “It was foolish but what's done is done.”

  Olivia sniffed and as much as she wanted to jerk back she remained in her mother's embrace, taking in the soft beat of her heart. She really did smell like peppermint, she thought as Alexa's words came to mind. She had just pulled her arms up to wrap them around her mother's waist when she pulled away.

  “I regret allowing such a confused man into this colony and while I mourn the loss of my child with great sadness, there is nothing I can do to bring her back. Her death is beyond me,” she said as she stroked Olivia's waves, not looking into her eyes.

  “Did you know I was a vampire when I told you about Alexa?”

  She dropped her hand to her side and shook her head, “I did not. I only just discovered it in your lack of a heartbeat.”

  “So why don't you want to know how I became this way? Isn't this what you've spent your life searching for?”

  “I have,” she said, nodding. “But it is premature for me to get it now. It's not time.”

  She was just about to ask her mother what she meant when both of their attention had been stolen by a noise outside the door. Her mother turned and walked out of the kitchen, calling back as she headed to the door. “He probably wishes to speak to me, but he'd be delighted to see you.”

  Noah's words were interrupted when he caught sight of Olivia slowly walking through the hallway to the foyer. He hadn't seen her in three nights and was taken aback by her worn appearance. Her hair was still a bit damp and she reeked of fish and saltwater but he didn't mind as he pulled her into a hug. When he let her go, he gave a light swat to her arm. “Where have you been?”

  Mar had silently dispersed from the area, leaving the two to talk in peace.

  He continued, “One minute you come back, next minute you're gone forever. My emotions have never been more ravaged. Are you trying to kill me?” he sounded almost annoyed.

  Olivia couldn't help the tears that had welled in her eyes. “I'm sorry...”

  “Wait, wait....why are you crying?” he asked, searching her eyes. “What happened out there?”

  “Nothing,” she tipped her head back to withhold the tears but he grabbed her chin and pulled her face down.

  “You're not one to cry Olivia,” he thumbed her cheek, “so if tears fall down your face the only thing I'm thinking about is who I have to hurt.”

  “No one, honestly. It is just the outside world is very......stressful,” she tried to conjure up as much belief in words as she could muster, hoping Noah would at least believe it.

  A grin spread across his face. “It probably is, but it's so much better than this.”

  If that is what you think.

  Thinking back on his words, she asked, “Since when did you start treating me like an invalid?”

  “Shut up,” he jested. “Needing someone doesn't make you an invalid. It makes you human. And you're so lucky Allison taught me that word or I would have no idea what you were talking about.”

  He lay her head on his chest and against it was the rapid pounding that threatened to draw out Olivia's bloodthirsty demon. If only he had known how non-human she actually was. She imagined her mother had probably got a good chuckle out of his ignorant words, wherever she was. She could feel the warmth of his breath coming down onto her hair prompting her to let out a breath before he caught on.

  “Were you holding your breath?” he asked.

  “No,” she said as shook her head. “Is it time for math?”

  “Nope, gym as usual.”

  She glanced back at her house, bidding it and all it's mysteries a farewell. She realized it would have never been easy to get information like that from her mother but now it put her in a strange position. Noah hadn't noticed a change but would anyone else? Had she already let the adults know? Would it keep her from having to fight in class? And what were her true plans? Noah was already walking into the crowd of students hovering outside of Mr. Steven's door, bodies shivering and palms rubbing against each other as the cold air nipped at their skin. Olivia was oblivious to the cold, her body remaining still as she waited behind a few students.

  “Olivia!” Allison yelled out. She pushed her tiny body through the sea of students to Olivia. Everyone turned around as Allison grabbed onto Olivia's hand and held tightly. Her dark spirals were pulled back into a pony tail with a red ribbon and revealed a scar at the base of her jaw.

  “What happened to you?” asked Olivia, motioning to the scar.

  “Oh,” said Allison, rubbing her jaw, “it was me versus Felicity and she struck me with a kunai. Not a bad move, I suppose.”

  “That girl is ruthless,” said Noah with a hint of anger.

  Olivia's eyes narrowed as Felicity came into view, her platinum blonde hair sweeping over her blue eyes. Her eyes flickered down to her designer watch and she tapped her foot, impatient. As O
livia came into Felicity's view, a sadistic smile spread across her face and she turned back to the conversation in front of her. She laughed among her peers then mused aloud, “Now where did little Allison go?” Her long nails stroked her cheek.

  Allison's body was hidden behind Noah and Olivia's but not because she scared her. It was Noah who had his hand tightened over Allison's arm and shoved her behind him. Though, if she wanted to instill fear in someone it wasn't very hard when she was so unequivocally evil.

  “Anyone?” she turned around, her eyes scanning the crowd. “Oh yeah,” she tossed her head back with an eye roll and a smirk, “no one cares about her.”

  “When I become a vampire, I'm going to eat her first.”

  All three of them had looked to the voice with wide eyes. Sam was standing next to Noah who hadn't noticed her sudden appearance. She rarely uttered a word so it seemed almost unfitting that those were her only words before following the crowd into the house. As wrong as it may have seemed, Noah and Olivia could understand her sentiment and the words made a smile spread across Noah's face.

  Everyone slunk pass the outer walls of the cage, tip toeing across the vinyl covered mat outside of it. They huddled in his backyard where a table was set up next to their teacher, his head buried into a clipboard. An array of weapons were spread neatly across the table.

  “We will continue our hunting training,” announced Mr. Stevens, “Tonight will be Oli...” his voice went small as he brought a pen to the board, “oh, she's not here...”

  “I'm here,” Olivia spoke up.

  He finally looked up from his clipboard and saw Olivia through the crowd. “You're back? The Matriarch didn't tell me. Well, tonight will be Olivia versus Sam.”

  Sam's head rose and her eyes made contact with Olivia. Noah cringed at the thought of the two girls fighting because neither had been very skillful and they never showed any interest in taking out an opponent. Noah had at least fought against Sam and knew her strategy was to self inflict to get out of the fight but he never knew Olivia's.

  “To the weapons table you two,” called Mr. Stevens over the now quiet crowd.

  “Actually,” Olivia said, “I would like to challenge Felicity, if she will accept.”

  Sam looked at her confused and the hoods fell over Noah's eyes as he regretted what Olivia had asked for. A chuckle erupted from Felicity and the students parted for the two girls' eyes to meet.

  “A challenge from the Matriarch's daughter,” said Felicity. “How could I possibly decline?”

  With what could have been mistaken for a goodbye hug from Allison and a sad nod from Sam, Olivia met Felicity beside the weapons table.

  “Pick your weapons,” he instructed. The rules were simple, hunt and take them out using the weapon of their choosing. In order to gain familiarity with all types of weapons they were suggested to grab a long range or projectile weapon and a melee for close combat.

  “First to kill?” asked Felicity, a glint of excitement in her eyes as she stepped closer to the table.

  “First to strike,” he corrected. “As always.”

  There was a vast selection of close and long range weapons from bows and arrows to maces, a scythe and everything in between. Felicity traced her hands along the weapons searching for something that fit her. She pressed her palm against a decorated sheath, ornate designs inscribed on it and withdrew the blade, a clang in their ears as it came out. With two hands on the black and golden hilt, she examined the sword, delight dripping from her curved, pink lips.

  “A large sword to match her large, inflated ego. How appropriate.” Noah muttered. Only Olivia heard him and a brief smile flashed on her face at his words.

  “A katana!” Mr. Stevens announced, “Will this be your weapon Felicity?”

  “I don't know...” She dropped the tip of the blade just inches from the ground but continued to eye it. The sword was heavy in her feeble grip. She was small but not as frail as her colony mates probably from the copious amount of blood she had consumed. The hunt was instinctive for her and she could easily be considered a professional huntress, though no one wanted to give her that title. Olivia didn't know how many humans had died at the hands of Felicity but she believed it to be many to which Felicity had no remorse for. A vampire, through and through.

  “I love the shape,” she continued. “But it's sheer size and weight will slow me down,” she placed the katana back in its sheath and picked up a machete, the blade thin but sharp. “So I'll take this.”

  “Not your usual,” he commented.

  She shrugged, looking longingly at the bow on the table, “Yeah...”

  “A machete is Felicity's first weapon, made known to her opponent,” he announced then turned to Olivia. “Close your eyes so she can pick her second.”

  Olivia did as she was told. The second choice weapon was for the element of surprise and considered most crucial.

  Felicity tied the machete to her waist and grabbed her second weapon without much thought, the clanks sounding familiar in Olivia's ear as Felicity let them fall into her sleeve. Olivia opened her eyes when prompted and scanned the table and sure enough all six shuriken, Japanese throwing stars, were absent.

  It was now Olivia's turn. She picked a pair of daggers, Kris, and flinched as she remembered how her sister wielded them so skillfully. As Felicity did, she examined them just to give a show. She had no intention of using them of course.

  “A pair of Kris, daggers native to South East Asia!” said their teacher, surprised. “Is this your choice weapon Olivia?”

  “Two weapons in my hand... it will leave me at a disadvantage,” she said as if instructing rather than contemplating, “ my weapon of choice will be the kunai.”

  She thought she heard almost the faintest of laughter coming from Felicity. She looked at the girl who was more than a little amused.

  “It's a great weapon, the kunai. Such a powerful little thing.”

  Olivia nodded her head in agreement. “Yes, it is.”

  Mr. Stevens put his hand to Felicity's shoulder. “Turn so Olivia may pick her second weapon.”

  Felicity turned her head and closed her eyes allowing Olivia to pick up a hook sword, the hilt moderately heavy and the end of the thin blade expertly curved. The awed utters of her classmates had wiped the smirk from Felicity's face while her back remained turned and her eyebrows now furrowed together over her closed eyes.

  “Forty steps into the forest,” he told Olivia who complied and was gone. She slammed her back against a tree, throwing the hook sword to the ground and kicked fallen leaves over it. She heard the crinkle of dead leaves underneath Felicity's sneakers as she entered what their teacher affectionately called “The Devil's Playground.”

  Felicity didn't tread lightly through the forest and used the machete to knock low branches down. Olivia remained still against a tree until her scent became stronger, almost too much to stand.

  “I know hiding is prey mentality but come on,” Felicity whined, feigning disappointment.

  “I'm not hiding,” said Olivia as she stepped from behind the tree and showed herself. Felicity threw two shuriken as soon as she revealed herself, their sharpened blades just missing Olivia's arm and embedding themselves into a tree. A blur before her eyes, Olivia was gone and replaced by leaves and dirt stirring in the air.

  “What the hell....” her voice trailed. She tucked her head into her shoulder and put her arm up to shield her eyes from the dirt.

  When the dirt and leaves had settled she turned and saw Olivia had ran off. She took a machete to a tree, only managing a dent to its massive bark. “This is hardly fair Olivia,” she yelled.

  She pulled out a third weapon from her jacket pocket before whispering, “It's a good thing that I don't fight fair.”

  Felicity shrugged the jacket off, tossing it to the ground and walked through the forest, alert. At every slight movement she threw shuriken and always just missed Olivia who scrambled behind trees and further into the fores
t. Olivia thought of the many times she was forced to play predator in these woods and how her heart raced with each close call. She imagined if her heart could beat at that moment it would pump itself right out of her chest. When she had gotten far enough away from Felicity she lay quietly onto her back, her arms sprawled out to the side. A branch rattled above her, leaves falling down and as she looked up a bird spread it's red wings and flew into the night sky.

  Relieved, she closed her eyes and buried her head back into the damp ground. It was no more than a few seconds before they shot back open. Felicity's machete was coming down quickly but as she looked on, it felt like it was barely moving toward her. The blade was closer than it seemed when Olivia tried to roll to the side. Her shirt, soaked and dingy, was caught under Felicity's foot, forcing her to squirm out of it or fall prey to the blade. She was out of the shirt and back on her feet before Felicity could see anything. Though the night was cold and she was now only in a camisole, she felt no different as she sped through the forest. Her movements were fast and fluid like globs of light streaming passed Felicity forcing her to throw three more throwing stars with poor precision. She took a right to avoid the attack and grabbed onto a large tree.

  Olivia was only a third of the way up the tree when she felt Felicity tug her leg. She kicked her leg back, striking Felicity at the jaw. Stumbling back, she spat red and her blue eyes had turned a piercing cold. Olivia was sitting on a branch when Felicity stuck her third weapon, a sai, into the trunk and used it to scale the tree, pulling it in and out as she went up. Olivia leaned backwards and her legs wrapped over the branch before she could plummet to her un-death. After hanging backwards and awaiting Felicity, she lifted her legs from the branch and fell gracelessly onto the ground. The landing was anything but soft, her body cut up and blood seeping out as she sprinted away. Within seconds the wounds closed up leaving only a dull pain as a reminder that she had been cut. Felicity slid down the tree and took in the scent of Olivia's blood, a smile creeping on her face. She followed Olivia’s scent but stopped when her foot came over something buried under the leaves. She picked up the hook sword and added it to her collection of unauthorized weapons then continued after her scent. When she heard rustling to her left, she stopped and pointed the hook sword in that direction with her last shuriken in her other hand. Olivia had been deliberately rustling leaves under her feet to beckon Felicity toward her, kunai in hand.


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