The Last War (The Noukari Trilogy Book 1)

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The Last War (The Noukari Trilogy Book 1) Page 10

by Alex Davis

  Once he has this list compiled within his mind, he begins to work out some of those who may support him. A few names are obvious. There are those with strong opinions, some who have already spoken out. Some he knows keep silent, but could be worked upon. Himself and the A'Nockians are not enough strength on their own.

  A'Nockians. The word resonates in his brain. Until now he had never considered its meaning. Those who communicate the truth.


  Inside the temple itself, people are sitting keenly, awaiting the word of Viarus. He is delighted that he will be able to hand over this duty. They decided between them to keep the return of the Re'Nuck a secret, so as to add even more weight to the proposition he will make. Of course Apius is confident of his power, but does not expect blind obedience. For the ceremony to work there will have to be faith and belief from all involved.

  'Welcome to the temple once again, my brothers and sisters,' Viarus opens. 'It is a pleasure to see you all once again.'

  There is a half-hearted cheer from the crowd.

  'And I am delighted to say that this sunup is the one on which we welcome back our leader. He has fought death, fought pain, and he has won. He has been recovering, as you all know, but much more than that. He has been working, and planning. Today marks a very important sunup in our religion. The return of the Re'Nuck!'

  The words had been written, practiced and rehearsed with the Re'Nuck himself. Both he and Viarus know that today must be perfect to ensure the success of the ceremony. Throughout it all, Viarus has been asking himself – do I truly believe in this?

  Perhaps today will be telling in that.

  At this point the Re'Nuck pushes the door open, tottering in with both dignity and determination. The denizens of the temple erupt into a rapturous round of applause. There are hugs, people kissing each other, some reaching our desperately to touch the Re'Nuck. The Re'Nuck does his best to withstand all the attention, unsteady as he may be, dishing out prayers and platitudes as quickly as his lips will allow. It takes time to work through the throng, but eventually he makes his way to the altar at the front. Viarus watches him approach, shakes his hand warmly and squeezes himself into a seat. He will be listening to this with as much interest as anyone.

  'My brothers, my sisters. It is wonderful to be back where I truly belong, spreading the word of the gods to you!'

  Vast cheers again. From his seat, Viarus feels as though he could be deafened.

  'I have been away for too many sunups. It is a momentous occasion to return. My time away has given me much time to think, to reflect. My faith is strengthened by this time, as yours should be.'

  The Re'Nuck pauses, and this time there is silence as he waits to go on. None dare interrupt his introspection.

  'I have been close to death. I have stared into the eyes of darkness, and I was saved. Many of you may be wondering how this came to be, how such a thing could be possible. I say to you – it is the will of the gods! They would not want their messenger taken away, and so I was spared! This has made me look hard at our religion, at all we have done. We have come a long way – this much cannot be denied. We have built this temple, been through the joy of First Worship together, heard the words of the Animex and given praise. And they have heard us, brothers and sisters. But is there not more we could do?'

  There is a moment's consternation among the crowd, and Viarus himself can feel the shift in mood. They were ready to cheer themselves hoarse in celebration. But now the Re'Nuck asks for more.

  'If I were to die, next sunup or the sunup after, what would I be leaving behind? Is my legacy enough? Do the gods know without doubt of our devotion?'

  In their seats, people start to look at each other, as though the Re'Nuck is accusing them directly.

  'We have taken many steps in our journey, but it is anything but complete. For the gods have given us a great power that we have neglected, the very power that will enable us to take our next step.'

  The disconcert among the crowd grows, a few murmurs swiftly spreading. The Re'Nuck tries to bid silence, but for the first time is not obeyed.

  'Hear me out, my brothers and sisters!' The Re'Nuck shouts, drawing the attention of most but not all. 'You all know of precisely what I speak – the mental power that lies within all of us! We have all considered it, questioned it, but ultimately feared it. I come today to say to you that we need to end the fear of this gift! Because this power has already demonstrated its great importance.'

  The Re'Nuck can hardly be heard above the hubbub of the crowd, and for a moment Viarus fears he has lost the audience. He feels compelled to leap to his feet, to do something, but what can he do?

  'Please, I ask you to settle down and consider this! I know of what I speak, because it was this extraordinary power that saved my life!'

  The proclamation smashes the wall of noise to nothing.

  'Many of you have asked how my life was saved. The answer to that question lies in those powers which we hide from so much. Asha's attempt on my life only failed because of the bravery – and the incredible mental capacity - of one among you. My saviour's name was Viarus!'

  A round of applause breaks out spontaneously, and just for a moment Viarus finds himself the focus of the eyes on the room. It remains an uncomfortable feeling, especially with what the statement really means. For now it lends him admiration, approbation, but once people think about it more...?

  'Yes, it was Viarus who returned and dug deep into his gift to save my life. I owe him an eternal debt, for I would not be stood here without him. For those of you who doubt this gift, know that it has ensured your Re'Nuck could continue to lead you on this journey!'

  There are nods of assent, and Viarus is relieved to see them.

  'What does this have to do with Animexiansm, you may ask. I say to you, everything! I am now surer than ever that this capacity has come direct from the gods. And why should they want to bestow us with this power? There may be reasons, things that we can achieve that we have yet to explore, things that we have not even dreamed of! But I believe that they key reason we were given a mental voice is that we may communicate with the gods themselves, each and every one of us!'

  Gasps of amazement. Viarus watches the Re'Nuck smile, seeming to look right at him. Viarus cannot return the smile.

  'The gods have communicated to you through me, as you all know. They have already given us so much, but we have not yet been able to reciprocate apart from with our praise. But can you imagine – gathering our mental voices, shouting to the skies so loudly that the gods themselves may hear us – and respond! A conversation with a god!'

  The silence is reverent, and the Re'Nuck lets is stretch out.

  'This ceremony shall be The Summoning – the greatest, the most significant single day our religion has ever known! There is much to be done. We have spent so long shying away from this gift, but now I ask you to embrace it. Explore it. In five sunups, we shall gather here and cry our love and faith without opening our lips! Our brother Viarus has already shown how much can be done, and we all need to follow his path. I shall be offering another sermon each day, between sunup and moonrise. I should ask you all to come here that we may give voice on that momentous day!


  After a short reading, the Animexians begin to file out of the temple. The Re'Nuck was expecting that to happen – he read with all his usual gusto, but knew that few of the words, would get through. But it was important to give a reading to reassure his congregation, and give them time to digest his words. Sending them away so soon would have been a mistake. Those who leave do so uncertainly, but many remain to talk to either him or Viarus. This is something that the Re'Nuck is used to, but Viarus? Apius realises he has suddenly thrust Viarus into stark focus. He know that his belief is unshakeable, as impenetrable as his own. But is this humble man prepared for all the attention?

  Viarus is stunned to find himself surrounded by people, each of them besieging him with question
s. Their speech is almost too rapid for him to keep up with, a mingled stream of consciousness. He cannot take in a word of it. For a moment it feels as though he is going to lose himself, but he takes a calming breath and begins to speak. He has seen the Re'Nuck do it many times.

  'Please, brothers, sisters, I cannot answer all of your questions at once. Allow me to speak, then you may ask any questions that remain.'

  This brings silence. What was I planning to say, Viarus thinks to himself? The silence drags on uncomfortably until he feels that he must say something.

  'Much has been said today, and I am in no manner the orator that our Re'Nuck is. Nor do I have his wisdom or insight. What I have – and what I hold close to my heart – is my belief in him, and my belief that everything he does is guided by the gods. The Animex have chosen him – have no doubt of that, and we are lucky to be in the presence of one so chosen. What the Re'Nuck says of the incident in here is true – the sight of his life in peril brought out the potential within me. I have much to learn about this power, as we all do, but if it gives us the chance to speak with the gods, then we owe it to ourselves to try!'

  'Do you believe it can be done, Viarus?'

  'I believe it can. I have seen first-hand what the power of one can offer. If we have the power of a hundred or more, there is no limit to what we can achieve.'


  Zerial is the last to enter the hut. Two sunups have passed since his last visit to the temple, and since that time disturbing rumours have circulated around Genem. The entire village has been abuzz with it. Opinions are torn, even among the Animexians. It surprises Zerial, and gives him hope in equal measure. If there is a chink of doubt, then maybe it is can be exploited. It is also this rumour that has sparked this meeting. The urgency that the A'Nockians had lacked has suddenly appeared.

  Zerial stands before the original A'Nockians, with many more new additions. Ameri asked him to speak, to bring his passion to the fore. Looking at the crowd before him, he now has his doubts. The crowd barely squeezes into the hut, the well-spaced circle of last time forgotten. Still, he is delighted to see so many of his fellows roused to action by what is going on. Ameri stands up, shakes Zerial's hand and briefly introduces him to everyone present. There are faces he knows, as well as many faces new to him.

  'Thank you for coming, everybody.' Zerial begins. 'I am not quite sure where to start. You are all here for the same reason as me – we all believe that this movement of Animexianism needs to be stopped. Their ceremony of First Worship was madness, and what he proposes next is insanity!'

  Ameri nods, and Zerial takes confidence from her approval.

  'You have all heard the gossip, and myself and my colleagues have confirmed this as the truth. Can such a thing succeed? They believe so, but we have reason to believe otherwise. Ameri and Olurus, among others, have experimented with the mind-channel, and do not think it can be done. But there is no telling what such an effort could do. No-one has ever attempted such a thing. One mind-channel can achieve many things. A collection of channels, all transmitting at the same time? Anything could happen.'

  A hand is raised at the back of the hut, and Zerial bids the man to speak.

  'Surely if it is in our heads it can do no harm?'

  'That would appear to be the case, at first. But my fellows have done much experimentation with the powers. It may appear to be internal, but the mind-channels can indeed cause pain. Whether their channels can reach the gods is not the question – the concern is the damage such an effort may cause. It may be something that hurts the very people it attempts to help!'

  'But what shall we do?' the same voice speaks again.

  'We have had little time to think about it, little time to develop a plan. Apius has caught us cold, but we must not rush into our response.'

  'How much time do we have?' another voice enquires.

  'The ceremony will be taking place in three sunups.'

  'Three sunups? What can we do in this time?'

  'Please, calm down. It gives us adequate time if we gather our forces.'

  'Forces? You speak as if this is combat!'

  Zerial can feel this discussion getting away from him, and looks to Ameri pleadingly. Perhaps the female touch will help settle things down. She stands and begins to speak to everyone gathered.

  'Please, people, I appeal to you for calm. The situation is extraordinary, that much is clear. The Re'Nuck has captured the hearts and minds of many of our number. So far, only Zerial's wefi has had the courage to stand against them, and look at what happened to her. Sorry, Zerial.'

  He nods, knowing what she says is necessary.

  'It has been proven that one person alone cannot stand against the cult of Animexianism. Surely two, three, four of us would meet the same fate! We must rally together if we are to stop this madness! Yes, we are afraid. We have tested the powers of the mind-channels, and we know more than any other. But even with our knowledge we have no way to know the result of this. But it could be catastrophic, and so we must step in. We ask for your support in standing against the Animexians, for you to help us in restoring sanity to Genem! We cannot sit back this time and allow them to carry out their ceremonies and their rituals. No more!'

  The huddle gathered gives a ragged round of applause, and Ameri signals back to Zerial.

  'Thank you, Ameri. We are all afraid, but we all know that this must be stopped. So we ask those of you willing to return to us the same time next sunup so that we may discuss our plans with you. These are not easy times ahead, but there is a resolution to be found in this matter.'


  Once the gaggle of people has drifted off, Zerial exhales deeply and takes his place in the circle next to Ameri. That did not go well, he passes through his channel. Ameri is quick to respond.

  We placed you in a difficult situation. We should have given you more support.

  If I need support from others, then I am no match for Apius.

  It is not about who can work a crowd more easily. The vital factor is the truth, and we have that on our side. You have done well to find so many willing to support us.

  So many who may be willing to support us. There is no guarantee that any of them will return.

  I believe that many of them will do so, Zerial. Some will be too afraid to act, and will prefer to stand by and see what happens. But those who come back will work with us every step of the way.

  I am glad that you think so. It does not yet solve our bigger problem.

  Which is?

  What we propose they do. Getting them here is only the start.

  I have been giving the matter much thought. I believe we should invite our adversary to talk to us.

  What? Here?

  No, of course not. But there must be a place where the group of us could have a conversation?

  Apius is aware of where I live now. It is only a simple place, but it would do for the purpose. But he may not be willing to come and visit.

  Why so?

  There was... conflict between us. I left him with a threat ringing in his ears.

  You were upset. Surely he would understand such a thing.

  Still, I cannot help but think that the invitation should be extended on my behalf.

  Your behalf?

  Our behalf. Sorry.

  Do not apologise. It is good to hear you thinking of yourself as a leader. But still, you are right. I shall talk to Olurus.

  And what do we do if talking fails? I wonder if the Animexians are too stubborn to listen to reason. I have seen them, heard a little of their sermons. I think they may have been brainwashed.

  Talking must be our first recourse. If we cannot win them over with words, then we will consider other actions.

  You dance around the subject too much, Ameri.

  What do you mean?

  Physical force. Violence. If this cannot be settled with words and reason, what else is left?

  I do not know.
But the concept of violence is repugnant I will support it, no matter the justification.

  I do not believe it is hard to justify. The course Apius proposes places us all in jeopardy. Violence could in the end be a way to limit the pain and injury caused.

  You would suggest this without knowing the end result? We all have our own fears as to what may happen. But if we were to resort to violence, we know pain and misery will follow. Apius's course may yet do no harm at all, or cause minimal damage. You would guarantee it with your proposal.

  I have proposed nothing. But I have yet to rule it out.

  Then I shall do so for you.

  Very well. I will leave you to talk to Olurus. The invite must go soon, for time is short.

  Of course.


  The town of Genem is filled with rumour and speculation. People talk uneasily, perhaps unwilling to reveal which side of the argument they are on. Animexians believe and doubt in almost equal measure. Those outside of the religion do not understand and so are afraid. Little is spoken openly. The chance – and the risk – of talking to the gods is an ever-present undercurrent, moving fast beneath the surface of life. But it is undeniably there. A life that was once so simple, filled with immediate physical concerns, is now entering the unfamiliar world of morality and spirituality. The fear that exists is matched only by curiosity. It is as though the village itself is holding its breath, awaiting either disaster or success.

  There are very few within the village with an opinion they feel confident enough to express. Zerial is among them, and continues to sow his seeds of discontent against the Animexians as best he can. The Re'Nuck is also definite in his beliefs. He is doing the right thing, and the gods will reward him and all that accompany him in the upcoming effort.

  Meanwhile, the Animexians continue to seek their pleasures whilst those outside of their number devote themselves to duty. This merely serves to further the divide between them. The religious among them feast, whilst those in opposition eat meagre rations. The whoops and hollers of play can be heard throughout the jungles at night.


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