The Last War (The Noukari Trilogy Book 1)

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The Last War (The Noukari Trilogy Book 1) Page 11

by Alex Davis

  Never before have their people been so far from unity.


  Each sunup, Viarus heads to the temple at the heat of the day to try and teach a group of willing Animexians to harness the power of their minds. After the first lesson, he lost several students, who were unhappy with what they had seen. This sunup, things are going only marginally better. As he watches the efforts of his 'disciples', he can hear only the faintest of whispers from their minds. His skill in picking them out is undoubted, so he knows the voices remain weak. Why did the Re'Nuck task him with this teaching? He understands little enough of the mind-voice himself, and he does not know how to pass that on. He screeches at them with his inner voice, and their efforts cease.

  'Please, I ask you to stop for a moment. You must not make such an effort.'

  'What do you mean, brother?' a small voice asks.

  'The mind voice does not come about by you thinking about it. It is important that you relax, look inside yourself, find the voice rather than trying to force it.'

  'But how do we find it?'

  Viarus stops himself from snapping out a curse. He must not let his frustration become evident.

  'Let us try another approach. How much do you think about it when you speak? Hmmm? How much thought do you put into moving your lips, your tongue?'

  'Well... none.' comes an uncertain voice from the rear.

  'Precisely. The effort of communication is not in the physical act, but the concentration goes into the words themselves. It is much the same with the interior voice. We do not think about how we get our mind to make sound. We must focus on what it is we want to convey. Please, try again, but do not worry about your brain or your mind. Just think it, and think it clearly.'

  Viarus watches the groups reform into pairs and attempt mental communication once again. There has been little success so far, and Viarus can feel the strain. His importance to Animexianism has never been so great. He reaches out with his mind, looking for anyone able to grasp the power within them. There is an improvement, a minor one, as he can picks up a few of their conversations. But none of them seem to have the natural affinity he possesses.

  'You have made a modicum of progress. Please continue working on your conversations. Focus on the words and nothing else. You will get there.'

  Viarus steps down from the altar, heads down the aisle and leaves the temple. He feels a sudden, desperate need to get some fresh air, to be on his own. He inhales deeply, drawing in much air as he is able, calming his humours before returning.

  How goes it, Viarus?

  The mental voice that reaches into his mind is unfamiliar, and by reflex he blocks out any further attempt at conversation.

  'You would rather speak the old-fashioned way? Very well.'

  Viarus turns to face the speaker, a man he has never seen before. But the clarity of the mental voice with which he spoke marks him out as something different. A kindred spirit perhaps?

  'Who are you, and what brings you here?'

  The Noukari before him takes another step forward, offering a handshake.

  'My name is Olurus.'


  'I know your name, my friend. It is well-known around Genem.'

  'How can I help you, brother?'

  'You and I have much in common, although we have not yet met. We are both close to people that we consider to be great, seconds-in-command in our selected cause.'

  'Animexianism is much more than a cause. It is a way of life.'

  'Please, Viarus, I have read enough of your tiresome book.'

  'Have you come here simply to insult me, or do you have another purpose?'

  'I apologise for my remark. Sometimes my tongue runs away with me.'

  'Very well. Now I would bid you to speak your piece.'

  'I come here on behalf of both Zerial and Ameri, the heads of our own cause.'

  'Zerial? What has he to do with this?'

  'You should know too well. It is your religion that brought about the death of his wefi.'

  Viarus tries to block out the mental image of Asha, blackened by dark warpaint, looming to strike down the Re'Nuck.

  'It was her own actions that brought about her her death.'

  'We disagree on much. Let me come to the point – I am here as an envoy of the A'Nockians, and I would like to request a meeting.'

  'What are you talking about?'

  'Shall I make it simpler? The A'Nockians are opposed to the Re'Nuck, and the course he proposes.'

  'A counter-movement? Interesting. I had heard rumours of such a thing, but I scarcely believed it.'

  'Our numbers have grown of late. Popular opinion is mounting against you.'

  'We shall see just what is popular when the gods converse with us.'

  'Prior to that, I am suggesting another conversation takes place. The Re'Nuck, and yourself should you wish, to meet personally with both Ameri and Zerial.'

  'Is this a trick? Some kind of trap?'

  'Nothing of the sort. Four people talking. That is all we ask. The chance to hear each other before this thing is done.'

  'Hmm. I shall pass it to the Re'Nuck and see what his response is. When do you propose?'

  'Next sunup, after your morning sermon here. At Zerial's home.'

  'Why not here in the temple?'

  'We meet at Zerial's hut, or nowhere.'

  'An ultimatum? I shall pass that on also. Now, if you will excuse me, I have teachings to return to.'

  'Of course.'

  Viarus turns away, sweeping back into the temple. Olurus watches him go, not sure the message will ever reach the Re'Nuck.

  The Exchange

  'I do not know why you even proposed this. They will not come.'

  Ameri is surprised to hear Zerial use his real voice, so used has she become to his mind-channel.

  'This has to be our starting point. Conversation can lead to resolution, and that is our aim. The first measure of our success is whether they arrive.'

  'They will not.'

  Just as Zerial says this, in the doorway appears the thin form of Viarus. He looks even more gaunt than usual, his extra responsibilities laying heavy upon him.

  'You should not be so doubtful, Zerial.'

  'Viarus. What a surprise it is to see you, in tow with your master.'

  'What do you mean by that?'

  'He meant nothing, Viarus. Relax. We are here to talk, frankly and openly.' Ameri interjects, delivering a silent mental rebuke to Zerial.

  'Before the Re'Nuck enters, he asks for a guarantee that there will be no repeat of this last visit here.'

  Zerial nods his acquiesce.

  'No threat shall be made. As Ameri says, we are here merely to talk.'

  'Very well.'

  Viarus seats himself on the floor of the modest hut, and the Re'Nuck sweeps in behind him, wearing the finest of his finery. He has dressed up for the occasion, Zerial notes.

  Ameri is the one to open proceedings. 'First of all, I would like to thank you both for coming. I realise your time is precious. However I felt that this conversation would be a good use of our time.'

  'Your welcome is much appreciated, Ameri.' The Re'Nuck responds. Zerial simply nods. Diplomacy was never his strong point.

  'I would also like to lay down the rule that we are not here to discuss things in anger. It is more than apparent that we both have strong viewpoints on this matter, but that does not mean we need to descend to mudslinging. I should hope us all reasonable enough to avoid such a thing.

  'Of course. Zerial, do you also agree?' asks Apius.

  'Naturally. Things have changed much since your last visit, Re'Nuck.'

  'This much is true.'

  Ameri slips into the conversation deftly once more.

  'We must speak of this ceremony you propose, the attempt to communicate with the Animex.'

  'With the gods.' Viarus interrupts.

  'Please, let us not di
spute that matter now. They are the Animex – a name we can both agree on, yes?'

  Viarus looks slighted,, but the Re'Nuck speaks for him.

  'You are doubters, non-believers. We may call them the Animex for the duration of this meeting.'

  'Thank you, Re'Nuck.' Ameri continues. 'I do no doubt that you mean well, and you are doing what you consider correct. I am not here to question the sincerity of your intentions.'

  'I should hope not.'

  'But we feel this action is unwise. The mind-channel is of course a tempting tool, and something which could possess great power. We have surely only touched the faintest of what it can do.'

  'Which is precisely why we propose The Summoning!'

  'It is the same reason that we propose caution, Re'Nuck. There is no doubt that this capacity could be of great benefit to us. But at this stage we know remarkably little of its nature. We do not know just how powerful it might be. As much as it may be a great cause for good, we must also acknowledge that it could cause harm.'

  'I do not doubt it.'

  'Good. Then we are largely in agreement so far. We would ask you... we would submit... that you consider calling off this ceremony.'

  'Call it off? Nothing of the kind shall happen!' Viarus squeals. Apius reaches out a hand to calm him before speaking.

  'Viarus is too quick to speak, but I am in agreement. The Summoning will go ahead on schedule. We have already worked hard towards it, and are not willing to turn back from this path.'

  'You would not consider even a delay?'

  'To what end, sister Ameri?'

  'Do not call me sister.' For the first time Zerial sees Ameri's cool appearance starting to break. 'I would propose that we study further what the mind-channel is capable of. In Genem we have used it little, and never in the kinds of numbers you propose. Let us develop a better picture of the powers at our disposal. Then, in time, you may or may not wish to perform this ritual. If you insist on going ahead – and be assured I am opposed to it – we should at least know that such a ceremony is safe.'

  'An interesting argument, Ameri, but still no good reason to put off. This will be the ultimate study, the ultimate experiment. And we shall not fail – we shall reach the Animex.'

  'You would continue with so little caution? Then you are a bigger fool than I ever expected. If you are so impatient to speak to your precious gods, I wish you every luck.'

  We need no luck. The Re'Nuck suddenly switches to his mind-channel, projecting loudly and inviting them all in to hear him.

  Trying to impress us with this meagre show of power, Apius? You must be desperate. Ameri's reply is every bit as sharp.

  The power does not need to come from me, as long as it exists within our ranks.

  At this he turns to Viarus, whose face is red with fury. And his mind is the tool to unleash it.

  Viarus vents an apocalyptic mental cry that seems to fill not only the hut but the whole of Genem. Ameri falls to the floor, collapsing in a heap. Her own mental sensitivity has worked against her. Zerial struggles to try and help her, the wall of inner sound making it hard to move. He feels as though he is rowing into a current of noise too strong for him. He begins to fall but catches himself, resting on his knees. The Re'Nuck seems somehow immune to the noise. Viarus's face is twisted into a grotesque mask. He has never seen an expression in one of his fellows – utter hatred. There is only one way to respond to such a thing.

  With a hatred of his own.

  He digs deep into his own well of misery, conjuring all the memories of Asha he can piece together, both happy times and sad. So much loss, all caused by them. Viarus and Apius may as well have their blood on her hands.

  The wave builds within him. Rises. Rises.


  His own mental cry of abhorrence bursts out into the room. It is a howling gale that smashes the scream of Viarus aside, making it seem little more than a whisper. The Re'Nuck's face falls as the agony pours through him. Viarus wears a rictus of shock, as though the sound has yet to even register with him. He tries to conjure some sort of defence, some barrier, but finds it impossible.

  The cry becomes louder. Louder, sharper, higher.

  Zerial knows that he has done enough, and reaches into his mind-channel to end the shout.

  But he cannot.

  He had wanted to release all of the emotions he had bottled within him, and they will be released. With or without his permission.

  Stop. Stop! The inner command does nothing.

  It is then that he realises it. He is enjoying it.

  They hurt him. And now he has the opportunity to hurt them, he is going to take it.

  It is as the scream reaches its crescendo, its brutal climax, that Zerial can finally stop hearing the sound of his own fury.

  The silence of unconsciousness is all too tempting.


  Before he is again able to see, he hears the soothing mind-channel of Ameri reaching out to him.

  Rest, Zerial. Be at peace.

  What happened?

  It does not matter now. It is important that you are at peace. You have been through much. It is time for you to be healed.

  I do not need any healing.

  Just rest. Be healed. Understand that things will all be well.

  They will be well...

  The voice leaves his mind, and blackness returns once more.


  Zerial becomes dimly aware of his body once again, dimly aware of cold air surrounding him. Before he can open his eyes, or move, the gentle tone reaches him.

  There is no need to rise yet, Zerial.

  I do not want to sleep any more.

  Sleep will help you, restore you.

  Restore me?

  Shhh, Zerial. You may rest for as many sunups as you please. Sleep, and all will be well.

  The siren call is too strong for Zerial to resist.


  When he next awakens, it is to a jagged reality. The light hurts his eyes, and the hairs on the fur beneath him seem to cut at his sweat-drenched flesh. He pulls the furs away as quickly as he can, surprised to find himself naked. He is even more surprised to see Ameri stood in the doorway, his own doorway, looking calmly in at him. He swiftly recovers the furs to hide his modesty.

  'What is going on? What happened?' he asks hurriedly.

  'You do not remember?'


  'Good. It is better you do not. Such an event should be forgotten.'

  'So you expect me to simply ignore this blank in my memory?'

  'It would serve you well.'

  'I intend no such thing!'

  Be calm, Zerial. There is no need to become so enraged.

  When you seek to disguise the truth from me? When you sssseeek to keep ssssecrets from me?

  Zerial, it is important that you rest. Please. I will explain everything in time. But you must rest.

  I will ressssst no more! Tell me!

  That proclamation is followed by a blunt wall of sound that emerges unbidden from Zerial's mind-channel. Ameri feels it reach out to her, attempts to put out some defence, but is powerless before the mental strike. It feels as though she is being struck with equal force in all parts of her body, a physical impossibility made cerebral reality. She falls before the wave of malice, lying in a wounded heap. The sight snaps Zerial out of his rage, and he runs over to Ameri, who is moaning gently as she tries to clamber back to her feet.

  'Ameri! I am so sorry, Ameri. I do not know...'

  'I do not know either, Zerial.'

  'What do you mean?'

  'You truly remember nothing of what happened?'

  'Nothing, Ameri. I remember the start of our meeting, the conversation, then... blackness. Please, let me help you to your feet.'

  She hesitates, for a moment unwilling to put her hand out, but eventually she concedes and allows him to help her up. As soon as she is steady, she takes a step away fro
m Zerial.

  'Something is happening to you, Zerial, and I do not know what. I must discuss it with the others.'

  'Please tell me, Ameri. It will not happen again, I assure you.'

  'You cannot make such a promise.'

  'I can, and do! I swear it upon all I hold dear. All I once held dear.'

  'Please, Zerial. Sit, and I shall tell you everything I know.'

  Dubiously, he seats himself on the floor. Ameri remains standing.

  'You know that we have experimented with the powers that have been granted to us, the mind-channels. We believed that we understood them well, grasped their nature and their limitations.'

  'Of course. You told me much of the work you have done.'

  'I wonder if all of our efforts were wasted. The meeting... did not go well. We could not get the Re'Nuck to agree to even delay his blasted ceremony. He still intends to go ahead.'

  'We must stop him!'

  'Please, I must insist that you remain calm. Let me speak, and then I would ask you to speak. I knew that Viarus had been trying to teach people to employ their own, but I could never have guessed at the sort of power he possessed. He... used his channel. It is unlike anything that I have encountered before. He reached out to us and simply – screamed. But it was much more than a sound. It felt to me like a hand reaching into my very mind and twisting, pulling, scratching. I thought there could be no worse agony. He relished it, revelled in the pain he caused. There is something about Viarus that sets him apart from you and I, but I cannot figure out what it might be.'

  'He hurt you deeply?'

  'I still shudder at the thought of it. Viarus and Apius had me defeated, and I knew you were struggling against the onslaught also. Unlike me, you were able to respond. You... screamed back at him. Right back at him. I have no doubt that you aimed it at them, or at least you intended to do so.'

  'I did not know... do I possess so much power?'

  'Evidently so. Your scream was different, though no less harrowing. I felt as though Viarus was delivering his attack on purpose. There was premeditation within him.'


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