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Lithium Tides: A Lithium Springs Novel

Page 10

by Carmel Rhodes

  The slight buzzing in her back pocket distracted her from her pity party. She briefly considered letting it go to voicemail. She exhaled in frustration before pulling out her phone. Trey’s face illuminated the screen. Great, just what she needed. “Hello.”

  “I’ve been a dick.”

  “Yup.” Her voice was hard. Dick was an understatement. Not only had he stormed out this morning like a toddler—the irony was not lost on her—he had also ignored her several attempts at contacting him throughout the day.

  “Are you going to Liam’s party?”

  “You’re giving me a choice?” She was being a bitch, but he deserved it.


  Kensie ran her fingers through her hair. She didn’t want to do this right now. All she could think about was finding Carter. He was right, who knew when they’d get to spend more time together, and she didn’t have the energy to be mad at him too. “I wouldn’t miss Liam’s birthday just because you’re a controlling douchebag.”

  “Ouch. I guess I deserved that.”

  “Look, I should go. I’ll see you tomorrow. We can talk then.”

  “I love you, Kensington.”

  She paused. The silence was immense, but in the end, she caved. “I love you.” It was amazing how much could change in such a short amount of time. In the span of two weeks, Kensie had decided to quit her job and move in with her boyfriend. Then there was Carter. She still wasn’t sure what to do about him, but she was determined to enjoy what little time she could spend with the tattooed deviant who had her questioning her future.

  Kensie pulled the side door open and yelped in surprise. Carter was standing there, leaning against the wall with his head down and his hands in his pockets. “You scared the shit out of me!” she said, clutching her chest. “What are you doing lurking around back here, anyway? I thought you had sound check.”

  Carter cocked his head to the side, eyeing her for a moment. “Are we good?”

  “We’re good. I swear. I just needed some air.”

  He looked at her again, studying her face for any sign of residual anger. “You were jealous.” It wasn’t a question. He wasn’t making fun of her, in fact, his voice was more hopeful than anything.

  She knew what he wanted her to say, what he needed to hear. She walked up to him slowly, wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her hands on his ass. “This is mine now, and I won’t share you with anyone.”

  “Is that so?” He smirked. Kensie nodded as her tongue darted across her top and bottom lip. The air was thick and the aching between her legs was becoming unbearable. “Jesus, Kensington, what are you doing to me?” Before she could answer, his mouth crashed onto hers, his tongue teasing her lips apart. His hands fisted in her hair and he tugged her head back, granting him full access to her mouth. His other hand feathered up her stomach, his fingers releasing her breast from the confines of her bra, then he twisted and pulled and rolled her nipple.

  “Carter,” she moaned, “don’t you have to get back?”

  He kissed her again and then once more before dropping to his knees. His mouth wet, warm against her navel. “Yes, but first I need to make sure we’re good,” he repeated as he unbuttoned her jeans. His nose ran circles across her pelvic bone. He inhaled her scent, sighing as if she were the sweetest thing in the world.

  “Carter, stop it.” Her voice was laced with panic as she looked up and down the hallway. “Someone could walk back here at any minute.”

  He looked up at her, a lopsided grin plastered on his face. “Then we’d better give them one hell of a show.”

  He tugged her jeans down just below her ass, just enough to allow him access to her clit. He kissed her through the fabric of her panties. “Silk?”

  She couldn’t speak, she was too busy trying to stay on her feet. Instead she leaned her head back against the wall, raking her fingers through the mess of deep toffee on top of his head, preparing herself for whatever it was he was about to give her.

  He pushed her panties aside, and his teeth grazed her clit. Her knees nearly gave out from the sensation. She tried to spread her legs, tried to grant him greater access, but her jeans restricted her movements. She almost suggested he remove them altogether when a woman’s voice called out, “CT? Are you back here?”

  “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh My God,” she whispered, pushing Carter back. She did her best to shimmy her pants back up over her ass.

  She’d barely covered herself when he pulled her back to him, her pants were still undone, but at least she was no longer exposed. He tilted his head so that his chin rested just below her navel. “Are we good?” He smirked, smugly.

  “Yes, now get up,” she gritted.

  “There you…oh…umm…” Tiff stammered, unsure of what to make of the situation. Kensie almost felt bad for the woman. Almost. “They’re ready for you.”

  “Cool,” Carter said, jumping to his feet as if he hadn’t been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He tilted Kensie’s chin up with his thumb. “Give me an hour, then I promise I’ll finish what I started.” He pressed his lips to hers and then turned, jogging past a shell-shocked Tiff and back toward the main bar.

  Patience was a virtue, at least that’s what they say. Unfortunately, Kensie never could wrap her mind around all the “good things come to those who wait” and “life’s a journey” nonsense her mother tried to drill into her head as a child. Delayed gratification just wasn’t her thing. Her father dedicated his life to making sure she never wanted for anything and despite her mother’s objections, he catered to her every whim.

  Kensie released a shaky breath as she shifted uncomfortably in the chair. She was desperate for the friction, hoping it would help relieve the throbbing between her legs. Jam sat next to her, sipping a beer. Her lips were swollen, her clothes slightly askew, and her hair was a disaster. In truth, she looked well and thoroughly fucked.

  Kensie pressed her thighs together.

  She really hated waiting.

  The guys spent the last hour tuning their instruments, adjusting the sound equipment, and making last-minute changes to their set. Honestly, it was kind of boring. “How much longer?” Kensie whispered, watching as Javi plucked out notes on his bass and then fiddled with the knobs on the amplifier.

  “They should be about done,” Jam answered, checking the time on her phone. “The bar opens at seven thirty, and it’s seven fourteen now.”

  Kensie chugged the rest of her beer—her second. Alcohol was the only thing stopping her from dragging Carter off the stage and fucking his brains out.

  When the guys finished their sound check, Carter hopped off the stage and sauntered over to her. “You hungry?” he asked in a voice that made Kensie’s brain cells disappear. Every part of him, from his hair, to his eyes, and scruffy jaw, reduced her to the village idiot. Kensie couldn’t think when he was around, she didn’t want to. She only wanted to feel—feel that hair between her fingers, those eyes penetrating her body, that jaw tickling her cheek. “There’s a taco truck down the street. The guys were talking about going before the show starts.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not hungry.” Not for food anyway.

  “It’s going to be a long night. You should eat something.”

  She licked her lips and eyed him shamelessly. He’d taken his shirt off midway through sound check and his abs glistened under the neon lights of the bar. His muscles bunched with each movement he made. His shorts hung dangerously low on his hips, so low she wondered if he was wearing underwear. “Why don’t you feed me then?” Her voice was breathier than she’d ever heard it before, needier, desperate.

  Carter regarded her carefully. She could see the internal debate raging behind his blue eyes. She only hoped his need to fuck her was greater than his need to buy her tacos. Not wanting to leave it to chance, Kensie slipped her fingers in the waistband of his shorts and pulled him in between her legs. Nope, no underwear. “I seem to remember you promising to finish what you started earlier.” />
  “Kensie.” It was a plea. She could see his resolve crumbling before her eyes. It wouldn’t take much to push him over the edge.

  “I’m asking you to invade my personal space.”

  “How am I supposed to say no to that?” he asked, pulling her up from the chair. He slipped his hands into the back pockets of her jeans. If they were any closer, they’d be fucking. “I’m going to feed you, then we’re going to the taco truck, deal?”

  They were standing in the middle of the bar discussing her sex life. She was mortified, but oddly enough, it did nothing but fuel her need. “Deal.”

  They walked in silence back past the side door and further into the club, anticipation building with each step. Kensie’s heart pounded. Wetness dripped from her sex. She finally understood the whole delayed gratification thing. She’d waited for this moment for two weeks, and now her patience was finally going to be rewarded.

  Carter stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway. She barely gave him a chance to lock it behind them before she started fumbling with his shorts. His lips found hers and they stumbled backwards into the room towards an old leather sofa that was across from a cheap desk. A large TV was mounted on the wall, along with various signed black-and-white photographs of local musicians. It wasn’t anything special, but there was a door and a lock and she wouldn’t have to worry about bitchy bartenders interrupting this time.

  She pulled her lips from his, trying to focus on the task of unbuttoning his shorts. Carter kicked his shoes off and Kensie pushed his shorts down to his ankles, then pushed him back onto the couch. His dick was rigid, a thick vein ran along the right side of his shaft. Her mouth watered at the sight of it. She sunk to her knees. Biting her lip, she peeked up at him from behind mascara-coated lashes. She was going for sweet and innocent, knowing full well that what she was about to do was anything but. Kensie wrapped her fingers firmly around his shaft, slowly pumping her fist up and down. Her brown eyes stayed locked on his as she gently teased him.

  Her tongue swept across her lips just before she leaned down and licked the tiny bead of pre-cum off the tip of his dick. She started slow, licking and sucking her way up and down his member, coating him with her saliva. Once he was thoroughly lubricated, she swallowed him further down her throat, so far her lips pressed against the base of his shaft. His eyes were hooded, his jaw tense.

  Kensie massaged his balls as she bobbed up and down the length of his cock, hollowing out her cheeks to create a tighter suction. Carter inhaled sharply. “Jesus, Kensington.”

  Kensington Grace Roth may have been sweet and demure, and at times, a little flighty, but she knew how to give a blowjob. It was a skill she’d perfected. She loved the authority she felt in being able to render even the most powerful man a quivering mess, all from the comfort of her knees. It didn’t hurt that her gag reflex was non-existent. The rest was easy.

  “Baby,” he moaned. It was the first time he’d ever used the epithet. She wasn’t sure how it made her feel. Sure, she loved the way it sounded slipping from his lips, especially while she worked him over with her mouth, but it also reminded her of how much the lines of their relationship had blurred.

  Carter fisted her hair and yanked her back. Her mouth made a small popping sound and a string of spit trailed from her lips to his penis. She couldn’t help the frown that contorted her face. Her eyes found his. She was pouting. “Don’t look at me like that,” he admonished, pulling her hair again. He leaned forward so that his mouth was directly on her ear. His warm breath sent a chill down her spine. “You’re really good at that—too good. Trust me, I’m going to have a lot of fun with that mouth of yours, but right now I need to be inside of you.”

  His words sent shock waves through her body. She could do nothing but nod her agreement. He stood, pulling her up with him. He unfastened her jeans and roughly tugged them down over her hips, dragging her panties along with them. He kneeled, taking a moment to untie her shoes, then pulled them off and tossed them over with the other garments. Next, he unhooked her bra and pulled it out through the sleeves of her shirt. She started to take off the Team Lithium crop, but he stopped her. “Leave it,” he growled. “I’ve been daydreaming about fucking you in this since you walked in the bar.”

  He was a narcissistic asshole and she had every intention of telling him that, but he never gave her the chance. He spun her around and pushed her over the arm of the couch. Pain shot up her back as his palm landed squarely in the middle of her ass. “Ouch!” she yelped.

  “That’s for not telling me you could deep throat.” He pulled his hand back again, and again he spanked her. “That was for making me wait two fucking weeks to have what’s mine.” He slid his fingers through her wetness, slowly swirling them around inside of her. She pushed her hips back, grinding up against them, needing more. “Uh-uh,” he scolded, withdrawing his fingers from her, spanking her a third time.

  “What was that for?” she breathed.

  “Because I know you wanted me to do it again.” She didn’t bother arguing. Instead she wiggled her ass, silently asking for another. He chuckled, his voice low, gritty. “You’re not as sweet and innocent as you want everyone to believe.”

  “I was. You ruined me, remember?”

  He didn’t respond, instead, he pushed her legs apart, spreading them wide. The tip of his cock slipped through her folds and he pushed slowly into her, filling her totally, then stilled, giving her time to adjust to the intrusion. “This is going to be rough, Friend,” he growled.

  She moaned, wiggling back against him. She needed it rough. She needed him to fuck all the worry and doubt and anxiety out of her body.

  Carter pulled back, drawing out his length, then slammed back inside of her. His nails dug into her flesh as he plowed into her over and over, thrusting faster and harder each time until he was pumping into her so wildly she could barely stay on her feet. The noises that escaped his mouth were animalistic. He was lost in her and she was completely at his mercy.

  Her arms were all but useless as she struggled to hold herself up. Her head jerked back as Carter pulled her up into a standing position, then quickly slipped his erection back inside her warmth. One arm circled her waist and his other hand rested firmly around her neck. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” Totally, madly, implicitly.

  With knees bent, Carter thrusted into her pussy. The movement forced Kensie onto her tiptoes. He was deeper than anyone had ever been before, so deep she teetered on the line between pain and pleasure. Each thrust sent a wave of vibrations to her core. The pressure built. A layer of sweat coated her body. The pleasure tore through her like lightning across the night sky. Carter’s hand flexed around her throat and her eyes shot open. Panic mixed with unmatched passion woke every nerve in her body as she clawed at him. “Relax, baby. Just let go.”

  And she did. His words were her undoing. She fucking lost her mind. She was lost in him, lost to anyone but him. Her body shook violently. She came long and hard, gasping for air. His grip loosened and she slumped back against him. The hand that was around her neck slid down the front of her damp body and found her clit. Carter rubbed small circles over the tiny bundle of nerves as he continued to fuck her.

  She vaguely registered Carter tensing behind her as he came. He pulled out and warm liquid ran down her thigh. “You good?” he asked, steadying her. Her head bobbed up and down, and she used the wall to brace herself. Carter swiped a few tissues from the box on the desk and kneeled before her, gently cleaning up the mess between her legs. Kensie fiddled with the hem of her Team Lithium shirt, embarrassed by the intimacy of his actions. “Stop,” he reprimanded.

  “Stop what?”

  “Stop overthinking this.”

  “I’m trying. I just…this was supposed to be sex and here I am helping out at your show and wearing your name on my back like I don’t have an entire life outside of you, like I don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “Look, I understand that your being happy wi
th me feels like an added layer of betrayal to him, but you can’t shut down every time I fuck you. It isn’t fair to me.”

  “I know and I’m sorry. This is really intense and unexpected, and I get overwhelmed and I don’t know how to feel.”

  “Do you want to be here with me or not?” She nodded, chewing on her bottom lip. She was exactly where she wanted to be, but that was the problem.

  “Then be here with me.”

  Trey merged onto I-90 eastbound. Kensie sat in the passenger seat, her forehead pressed against the tinted glass. Mile markers and speed limit signs whizzed by in a blur as Trey drove them seventy-miles-per-hour towards Bellevue. The drive was a quiet one. If it weren’t for the radio playing softly in the background, there wouldn’t have been any noise at all.

  The silence provided Kensie with time to think. She loved Trey, she would never deny that. When he came into her life she had been broken, and he’d helped heal her heart. He helped restore her faith in happily ever after, but what if he was never meant to be her Prince Charming?

  This thing with Carter was spiraling fast and she was powerless to stop it. Their one-night stand somehow morphed into a full-blown affair—an affair that had her questioning the fate of her relationship. Carter wasn’t supposed to get the boyfriend perks. He was her sex friend and Trey was her boyfriend. That was the line. There wasn’t supposed to be feelings or emotions involved. That was how she justified her actions. It’s how she could look in the mirror and not hate the person staring back.

  Last weekend, she hopped, skipped, and jumped so far over that line, she feared she’d lost herself on the other side.

  Would she ever find her way back?

  Did she even want to?


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