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Lithium Tides: A Lithium Springs Novel

Page 36

by Carmel Rhodes

  “Hold up, ass wipe, I called dibs.”

  “It’s my birthday, and my dick is bigger.”

  Javi laughed, grabbing his junk. “You wish.”

  Ryder pushed through the door making a beeline for the van. It was certified, he was pussy-whipped.

  Javi pushed CT aside and jogged over, climbing into the van behind Ryder. He extended his hand to Trey’s girl. “I’m Javi,” he said, his voice dripping with sex.

  She blushed and bit down on her bottom lip, and in that moment, CT made up his mind. Fuck Trey, and as much as he loved him, fuck Javi too. Grabbing his collar, he yanked him back from the van. “Back off, homie, she’s mine.”

  Javi looked at his friend and then back to the girl in the red dress, before groaning, “You’re lucky it’s your birthday, motherfucker.”

  CT smirked, pushing his friend towards the passenger side door before climbing in next to Trey’s girl. He pushed his body against hers and dropped his arm around her neck. A jolt of adrenaline rushed through his blood. She fit perfectly underneath him, and he was willing to bet that he’d fit perfectly inside of her.

  “I’m Kensie,” she whispered, all breathy and seductive. She wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.

  “CT.” He grinned, as the van pulled out into the night. The house was about a twenty-minute drive from the Rabbit Hole, and that gave him plenty of time with them trapped in such close proximity to come up with a plan.

  He could tell by the way she was squirming that she was attracted to him, but what he didn’t know was if she would actually take the bait. Trey was a douchebag, but did she love him?

  As if she could read his mind, she winced, shifting her body away from his. “Everything okay?” he asked, pulling her back into his side.

  “I have a boyfriend,” she murmured, biting down on her lip. Her eyes shone with regret, but was that regret for cuddling with him in the back of the van or was it for what he was going to do to her later?

  “I’m not trying to be your boyfriend.” He smirked, bringing his thumb up to her mouth, gently wiggling her lip free. Even as he said the words, something deep in his gut flipped. He wasn’t Ryder, he didn’t do the girlfriend thing, but he couldn’t deny his attraction to Kensie. He had never wanted anyone as badly as he did her. Part of it was because she belonged to the cornball, but he’d be damned if there wasn’t something addicting about this girl.

  “Good.” Kensie shifted, trying to put as much distance between them as the cramped space would allow.

  “Not so fast.” He pulled her back under his arm and his hand traveled from her knee up to her thigh. This was happening, revenge probably never tasted as good as sweet little miss Kensie’s cunt. Fuck, even just the thought of tasting her made him hard as granite. He wondered if she was as turned on as he was. “This is short,” he mused, ghosting his hand up her thigh. Higher and higher it went as he buried his face in the side of her neck. He inhaled, and she smelled of flowers and tequila, a combination he didn’t know could be so intoxicating.

  She gasped when he nipped at her earlobe. “I have a boyfriend.”

  “But tonight, I’ll be the one fucking you.” And maybe again in the morning, he added mentally.

  “Listen, I know you’re probably used to girls throwing themselves at you, but you’re barking up the wrong tree. I have a boyfriend and he’s the only one who gets to fuck me.”

  A smile played at his lips, and amusement danced behind his blue eyes. He was trying not to laugh, but he failed miserably. He could feel the dampness between her legs. He could see the desire in her gaze. Him fucking her was no longer in question, it was a matter of how many times he could make her come.

  Kensie didn’t get the joke. She wiggled out from under his long arm and gave him a hard shove, causing him to fall over on the seat. Her little temper tantrum just caused him to laugh harder. It was cute watching her fight her attraction—pointless, but cute.

  “Care to tell us what’s so funny?” Javi asked from the front seat.

  “Nothing,” he croaked, slowly regaining composure. He pulled himself upright and returned his arm to its home around Kensie’s neck. “You’re funny,” he whispered, his mouth on her ear. If her ear tasted this good, how would her pussy taste? He couldn’t wait to find out.

  “And you’re a pig,” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

  Slipping his hand back up her thigh, he went in for the kill. “So, where is this boyfriend of yours tonight, and why was he stupid enough to let you out of the house in this?”

  He knew exactly where the bastard was, but he wanted to see if she’d lie. Would she tell him he was home waiting for her, in one last-ditch effort to get him to back off, or would she tell the truth, which was hundreds of miles away, and that she was his for the night.

  She let out a shaky breath before answering, “His brother is getting married. They’re in Vegas for his bachelor party.”

  “I should send his brother a thank you gift then.” He gently massaged her leg, creeping his hand up centimeter by centimeter until it reached the edge of her thong. “These are drenched,” he groaned into her ear.

  She trembled, he could tell her brain was starting to accept what her body knew the minute he sat next to her. She may hate herself in the morning, but before the night was over, he’d be balls deep in Trey Knight’s pussy. It was the best birthday present he’d ever received.

  And then it happened, she let go, parting her legs for him. He didn’t hesitate, his fingers dove into her panties, pulling them, and letting them go with a soft thud against her wet flesh, playing with her body as if she was his instrument, one he’d long since mastered.

  “I have a boyfriend,” she begged. She fucking begged him, but unfortunately for her he wasn’t in a merciful mood. He was impulsive and his hatred for the man she chose to align herself with overrode any sense of morality he felt about dragging her down into the mud with him.

  “Do you get this wet for him?” he mouthed, as the car lurched to a stop.

  “No,” she breathed, and he couldn’t help the wolfish grin that spread across his face. He was going to enjoy fucking her. He was going to enjoy making her scream out his name, and then he was going to send Trey a picture of his cum dripping out of her slit.

  The party was in full swing by the time they arrived. As soon as they entered, CT was swallowed by a sea of people; neighbors, fans, and friends he’d made in the last few years, but no one from his family. Not one of his childhood friends. Not his brother, because he too was in Vegas with the enemy, not his sister, no one. They were gone, absent from his life and his birthday party, because of Trey.

  That fact motivated him. He couldn’t let his attraction to the smoking-hot girl in the red dress cloud his judgment. She was the bait, and Trey was big game—he couldn’t lose sight of that. “Hey, Kitty Cat,” he said, grabbing the blonde by the hand. Ryder growled at him, as if he’d ever cross that line. “Calm the fuck down, dude, I’m trying to fuck her friend.”

  Jamie rolled her eyes, giving Ryder a light peck on the lips before grinning at him. “She likes you, and I’m committing at least fifteen girl code violations by telling you that, but she does. She’s just having a hard time admitting that to herself. She’s stuck in a situation she thinks she wants, but I know her. She isn’t happy, but she can’t admit it to herself.”

  “Is that why you brought her here tonight?” he asked.

  “I brought her here, so she could meet Ry, officially. She’s like my sister and I have this whole life that she isn’t a part of, and I hate that,” Jamie confessed, and he couldn’t fault her for that. He too led a double life. “But I see the way she looks at you, the way you look at her, it’s like nuclear fucking fusion.”

  “You’re giving me too much credit.”

  “I’m not saying you guys have to get married, but I am saying, maybe a night away from him will give her some perspective.”

  “Just call me Mr. Perspective.” He grinn

  “Okay, Mr. Perspective, just know, if you hurt my friend, I will cut off your balls and shove them down your throat.”

  “Noted,” he said shifting under her gaze. He felt a pang of remorse for what he was planning to do. He was hurt and his aim was to hurt. Ryder was going to fucking kill him.

  “Here’s your chance.” Jamie nodded, her head in the direction of the keg.

  Kensie was there, her long chocolate hair twisted up into a bun as she pumped the keg up and down. “She’s too good for him,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Huh?” Jamie asked.

  “Nothing,” he muttered absently, making his way over to her. God, Trey was a lucky bastard. Everything about this girl was perfect, but the way her ass looked as she bent over the keg, drove him insane. He wanted to bite it. “You’re good at that,” he said coming up behind her. His groin grazed her butt as he leaned over her, to grab the faucet from her hands, and refill his cup.

  “Thanks,” she said with a shrug. “Happy birthday, by the way.” He watched, amused as she dipped down and picked up her discarded stilettos, and turned to leave without another word. She was going for nonchalant. It was cute, the way she tried to pretend that she didn’t want him. It was going to make fucking her that much sweeter.

  “Can you not stare at my ass, please?”

  A slow grin crept across his face. “I can’t help it. You have a very nice ass.” His voice dripped with sex. “I’ve been fantasizing about bending you over and licking you from here,” his knuckles drew a path down the small of her back, all the way down the hem of her too short dress, and he palmed her ass, “to here.” His hand continued lower still, down to her soaking-wet panties, and he hooked his fingers around the back edge of her thong, gently pulling it and releasing. He plucked at her panties as if they were strings on a guitar.

  “Also, can you also stop putting your hand up my skirt?” she bit. Her mouth was saying one thing, but her body said another. He could feel her lust, hell, his fingers were coated in it, but for whatever reason, be it loyalty to Trey, her moral compass, or her subconscious screaming at her to run as far away from the wolf in sheep’s clothing standing in front of her—she fought it.

  Unfortunately for her, it only made him want her more. He couldn’t remember the last time he had to chase a girl. Even before the band, he’d always been blessed with a handsome face, lean body, and a healthy trust fund. If his looks failed to get him laid, his money certainly never did.

  “For now,” he grumbled as they reached their friends, “but make no mistake, tonight you are mine. This,” his hand was on her ass pulling her into his erection, his mouth on top of hers, “is mine.” His kiss was slow and deliberate and possessive, all tongue. The long, measured strokes claimed her mouth, as the hand on her ass claimed her body.

  “Damn, C, you’re turning me on, my guy,” Javi joked, pulling them back to reality. “Kensie, when you’re done with him, I want a turn.”

  “You couldn’t handle me, bro,” CT chuckled and the game resumed as if his hand hadn’t been up her skirt just moments before.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing,” Ryder said as they loaded the DJ equipment into the van. It was three in the morning.

  “Will you relax, man. Kitty Cat’s cool with it, why aren’t you?” CT said to his friend.

  “She has a boyfriend.”

  “It’s just sex, Ry, not everyone falls in love as easily as you.”

  “You sure about that, bro?”

  “When have you ever seen me following a girl around like a love-sick puppy?”

  “Tonight. You’re different with her. You’ve barely let her out of your sight to take a piss. The kissing and touching? It’s worse than me and Kitty Cat.”

  “Look, it’s my birthday, and I’m about to have very pornographic sex with a super-hot chick while her douchebag boyfriend is out of town. So what, I’m a little eager, sue me.”

  “How do you know he’s a douchebag?”

  “If he wasn’t, she wouldn’t be with me,” he said with a raised brow. Ryder let the subject drop as they headed back inside.

  Jamie and Kensie sat on the couch. “What do you want to do?” Jamie asked her friend.

  CT raked his fingers through his slightly overgrown hair; his tongue swept across his lips as he took her in. Her hair was a disaster, her makeup was all smudged and her feet were dirty from walking around all night barefoot. He knew in that moment that he had to have her. Wild and carefree, easily the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. Trey didn’t deserve her. Hell, neither did he, but that didn’t stop him from walking over to her. Bracing his hands on the couch, he bent over, trapping her between his arms, with his face inches from hers. “What do you want?”

  Dear Reader,

  This book inspired a dream. This book, these characters, possessed me in a way no other characters’ have before, or since. I ate, slept and breathed Carter and Kensie, and I’m so proud of their journey. They inspired this entire Lithium universe, as well as my entire writing career. I owe more to them than you could ever possibly know. Thank you for reading. Thank you for loving them as much as I do.

  As always,

  Unedited and Slightly Inebriated.


  Please review and share this story with your friends!

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  Lithium Springs Novels:

  Book One: Lithium Waves

  Book Two: Lithium Tides

  Book Three (Coming Soon): Lithium Oasis

  For the most up-to-date list check out my website!

  To my Husband: Thank you for the endless love and support.

  Gerannda: Once again this wouldn’t have been possible without you.

  Erica, Brittany, Lexi, Meli. You guys keep me sane. You keep me laughing. You keep me writing. I love you.

  Diana and Kelly: CT’s number one fans and my biggest cheerleaders. I’m lucky to know you guys .

  Betas: Helen, Suzan, Lori. Thank you for always keeping it real. For telling me your thoughts and encouraging me to keep going.

  Stacey: You never stop blowing me away. Thanks for making my book babies beautiful.

  Kristen: Thank you for helping make my words sparkle.

  Jen: Thank you for accommodating my last-minute requests with a smile. You rock.

  The Army: Everything I do, I do to make you guys proud.

  Readers: Thank you for loving my boys as much as I do!

  Writer of words. Mother of Joy. Wife of Compassion. I like to write stories about real people who go through real struggles and come out the other side stronger. I also like to write smut. Welcome to my brain. It’s a little screwed up, but always well intended.

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