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Aurora Champions Box Set

Page 53

by Ophelia Bell

“All the top champions follow the Maurin-Baxter diet nowadays,” Stella said with a nod. “It’s even catching on among Earth shifters who want to follow a healthier, more athletic lifestyle.”

  Stella reached the landing and pointed up. “Keep going and you’ll reach the widow’s walk. If you have a mind to fly, it’s all yours. Just try to restrict your flights to the evenings. Locals are shifter friendly, but we don’t get many dragons on Earth, so it’s best to avoid startling them.”

  “Thanks. I’ll remember that,” Astra said in a subdued voice. She’d have loved to fly but wasn’t sure when that would happen, if ever. Maybe if the food was as good as she hoped, she’d heal her link to her dragon enough to be able to shift again.

  Stella pulled open the door and stepped straight into a quaint room nestled among the eaves of the house. The large bed filled the entire alcove of one dormer, and the sounds of the trees rustling in the wind drifted in through the open window above it.

  “Oh, this is lovely,” Astra said, spinning around in the center of the room.

  “Not as spacious as the downstairs rooms, but I thought you might like a little nest. The bathroom makes up for it. It has a full-sized Jacuzzi tub and shower.”

  “I don’t mind a bit,” Astra said. “I only plan to sleep here anyway.” She wandered through the door into the bathroom, which took up another corner of the top floor. This dormer, however, featured a luxurious tub that was easily the size of the bed in the other room. Opposite the tub was a tiled shower stall big enough to stretch her wings inside if she had the inclination to, and she stepped back out of the bathroom, realizing that it took up fully half of the entire upper floor.

  Stella smiled indulgently. “You like it?”

  “It is the perfect dragon retreat. I love it!”

  “Wonderful. Well, then I will leave you alone to settle in. As I said, supper will be ready in about an hour.”

  The woman retreated back out the door, shutting it gently behind her.

  Astra took a deep breath, a strange feeling of excitement spreading through her limbs. Her dragon’s awareness flared to life, perking up the slightest bit.

  “We like this place, don’t we?” Astra asked, hoping that talking to her animal might make a difference. Maybe it was being away from the constant reminders of the arena that helped most, but for the first time she had a sense that healing might actually be possible in a place like this.

  She grabbed her toiletries and headed into the big bathroom. Stripping out of her clothes, she eyed the tub for a moment, pondering whether or not she had time for a bath. She finally decided that food was the priority and stepped into the shower instead.

  Standing beneath the hot spray, she could almost forget about her injury, but upon returning to the bedroom, the full-length mirror on the door of the wardrobe dashed that fantasy to pieces. Simply facing the bandage on her inner thigh made the thing throb with an unwelcome reminder of how broken she still was, not to mention how dependent on Javin’s help.

  She pulled the wardrobe door open, flipping through the garments until she found something she liked. The clothing was all in soft fabrics that would have been enticing to slip into, but many were dresses that would leave her all too conscious of the bandage on her leg. But the undergarments were all silky or lacy bits of prettiness that she couldn’t resist trying on, the sexy frills a pleasing visual distraction from her wound. She chose a set of black lace bra and panties before donning a pair of black denim jeans and a form-fitting violet blouse that dipped low between her breasts. Then she slipped into a pair of boots from the assortment of footwear.

  Finally she closed the door and stared in the mirror again, scrutinizing herself for any hint of weakness. Smoothing gel in her hands, she ran it through her short blond hair, pulling the strands up into spikes. She wasn’t about to let herself look soft, despite how utterly raw she felt inside every moment.

  She finished off her look with her typical deep indigo battle paint. When she was done, dark, glittery shadow rimmed her eyes, fading to violet at the edges, and the last touch was the matching lipstick in the same dusky hue.

  She was a warrior, not a victim, but even the strongest warriors still needed good armor before heading into battle. She didn’t trust her reactions around the two men and wouldn’t risk letting her guard down for a second.



  Astra’s heart pounded as she made her way down the small staircase, emerging into a busy kitchen, but Simon was nowhere in sight. The chef only spared her a cursory glance, nodding toward the exit. Astra thanked him with a smile and pushed through the swinging door into a large dining room with a table set for three. She immediately stalked toward a credenza where she spied a crystal decanter filled with pale liquid. Taking a sniff, she was pleased to recognize the scent of Sidaii wine and poured herself a generous glass.

  “How’s your wound?”

  Javin’s voice made her jerk. He’d snuck up behind her, which made her grit her teeth in annoyance. She should have sensed him there. She was better than that. “It’s fine.”

  “Don’t forget we need to take care of your injection before you go to bed tonight. Keeping the toxin from spreading too swiftly beyond the wound is important.”

  “You don’t have to remind me,” she snapped. “It’s not like I can’t feel the poison in my blood. Like I don’t know how out of sync I am with my dragon.”

  “Astra,” Javin said in an exasperated voice. He rested a hand on her shoulder and she jerked away. He dropped his hand with a sigh. “You don’t need to be adversarial about it. I want to help. You’ll regain your connection if you take care of yourself.”

  “But not completely. That’s why you called Gerri.” She took a swallow of the delicious wine while she waited for him to answer. She didn’t want his help, hadn’t asked for it.

  “Potentially not. We don’t know for certain whether a fully synchronized bond is possible again after being exposed to the toxin. So far mating is the only thing that has completely reversed the effects. Every victim who’s taken a mate has fully recovered. The ones who haven’t are still out of sync.”

  “You mean the ones who aren’t dead.”

  Javin flinched, and for the first time Astra felt guilty about poking that particular wound. He’d felt responsible for her brother’s death all along and she knew it, so it wasn’t really fair of her to throw that in his face.

  “Yes, the ones who aren’t dead,” Javin said solemnly. “If Talon were alive, he would want this for you. You have too much of your life, your career, left to waste it.”

  Pain sliced through her heart like a knife, but she probably deserved it after taking a jab at him. She gulped her wine in an effort to clear the tightness in her throat, but couldn’t stop the prick of tears in her eyes.

  “I miss him so much right now,” she said, giving into the desperation to tell someone how lost she felt. If anyone would understand, Javin would.

  “Me too.”

  He stepped closer and her breath hitched as he took the glass out of her hand, set it on the table, and took her into his arms. Astra shuddered in his embrace, aching down to her bones for this very contact, and for more of the same from this man who she’d wanted for most of her life.

  Javin squeezed her tight, his heartbeat pounding rapidly beneath her ear. “It’ll be all right,” he murmured against her temple. “Please don’t give up hope. Gerri’s good. If you give her a chance, you won’t be disappointed.”

  Astra clenched her eyes shut. But she didn’t want just anyone the matchmaker picked out. She wanted this.

  Sighing, she tilted her head, baring her neck to him in invitation. Mark me if you think it’s so important that I have a mate, she thought, wishing he would take the hint, though she had no clue how hybrid matings worked. If she had to mark him as the more alpha shifter, she might be shit out of luck without her dragon.

  Javin’s breath gusted hotly over her skin, his breathing growing unsteady. S
he pressed tighter and nearly moaned at the hard ridge of his erection pushing against her lower abdomen. It couldn’t be a one-sided thing if he was aroused, could it?

  His reaction gave her courage, and she lifted her head, brushing her lips across his freshly shaved jaw. “Javin,” she murmured. “Why can’t it be you?”

  He stiffened and pulled away. “You know it can’t happen, Astra. You’re Talon’s sister.”

  He refused to look at her, turning to the side and pouring himself a drink instead.

  She gawked at him, stunned and left cold from his distance. “No, I don’t know that. Do you get a hard-on every time you hug a woman?”

  “It’s a reflex, that’s all!” he snapped, stalking out of the room and up the stairs.

  “You’re a fucking bastard!” she yelled after him, cursing again when she heard a door slam above. She’d been a fool to even think he was mate material. She didn’t need the fucking distraction anyway.

  Simon wandered in then, eyebrows lifted. “What did he do this time?”

  “Nothing,” she said, dropping into a chair. “When’s supper? I’m fucking starving.”

  Simon settled across from her, his dark blond hair dusted with pink flecks she had to squint to make out. “Any minute now. I just took a peek on the way back in from the garden. Chef’s plating up—and here they are!” His eyes brightened as the chef came through the door with three huge platters of food balanced between both hands. He set them down at each place setting with a small flourish.

  The garden. Astra inhaled and the pink flecks made sense. They were flower petals. The incongruous sight almost made her laugh but she couldn’t muster the energy.

  “Anything else you wish for, simply ask. I’ll be available until midnight,” the chef said, pausing for a moment in anticipation of their needs.

  Simon wasn’t wasting time digging in, and Astra shot a glare at Javin’s plate. They should just split his food and let him starve, the bastard.

  She sighed and glanced at the chef. “Hey, I think you might want to send his up to his room. I doubt he’s feeling up to joining us.”

  The chef nodded and retrieved the plate, waltzing back into the kitchen.

  “Cocky bastard like him?” Simon asked. “I find it hard to believe he’d hide on our first night here.”

  “I don’t know,” Astra said, slicing through the thick slab of aromatic red meat. “He’s in denial.”

  “That makes two of you, then. Hell, I’m probably in denial too.”

  Rather than take issue with his assessment of her, Astra decided to redirect focus to him for a change. “What are you in denial about?”

  “Admit you’re in love with that asshat and I’ll tell you.”

  Astra snorted and speared a chunk of meat, stuffing it into her mouth and chewing. She didn’t care about getting to know him that much.

  When she didn’t answer, Simon chuckled. “See, by not responding, you’re just lending credence to the accusation.”

  “No, I’m not responding because I don’t want to. You can tell me your life story if you want. I’m not offering up any secrets in return though. What I’d like to know is why Gerri decided your presence was required on this mission.”

  “I think she knew the two of you would need a mediator to avoid ripping each other to shreds. I guess that’s where I come in. You’re both too alpha to give an inch with each other. Me, on the other hand, I’m already at rock bottom. Getting walked on has become a new hobby of mine so there really isn’t much you can do to hurt me. I’ll take it up the ass just for a chance to get my life back.” He lifted an eyebrow suggestively and nodded toward the ceiling.

  Astra’s eyes widened. “Oh my, you’re literally letting him fuck you. I—” She blinked and shook her head, oddly aroused, yet baffled by this new information.

  “Surprised that your beloved doctor swings both ways?” Simon asked.

  Surprised was only the tip of the iceberg. When the truth hit, a cold chill replaced that brief spike of desire. Javin and Simon had been lovers. She’d been fortunate enough never to run into any of Javin’s lovers before, though she’d heard about plenty of them through her brother.

  Until now. Her food suddenly lost its appeal and she set down her fork, an uncomfortable buzzing growing louder in her ears.

  “I . . . have to go,” she murmured, lurching out of her seat.

  “Astra? Are you okay?” Simon asked, dropping his utensils and standing as she stumbled toward the front door. “Fuck, I’m such an idiot. Ignore what I said. We didn’t . . . it wasn’t like that.”

  He stopped her at the door, pressing his hand against it to hold it closed.

  “Get out of my way, goddammit! What the fuck is it with you guys trying to keep me from leaving? Just let me out!”

  But he held firm, staring down at her. “It was just sex. It meant nothing,” he said in a low voice. “You mean something to him. I don’t. You know how I know this?”

  “I suppose you’re going to tell me.” She crossed her arms and glared at him, not even attempting to overpower him. If she couldn’t beat Javin, she had no chance against muscles as big as Simon’s.

  “Because he says your name when we screw. Every fucking time.”

  She barked an incredulous laugh. “And you put up with that shit? What kind of fucking masochist are you?” Her voice had gone shrill and she reached for the door, shoving him aside with her shoulder. She had no idea how to process this new information, but at least Simon released his hold on the door.

  She was halfway out when he grabbed her arm and pulled her back, his hand cupping the back of her head. His heady musk filled her nostrils and heat welled between her thighs at his closeness. Good grief, her body’s reactions were erratic as fuck without her dragon to regulate things. He closed in, eyes dark with hunger, and she pushed back against him.

  “I didn’t put up with it. Because thinking about you while he fucked me has been the bright star in this otherwise worthless existence of mine, Astra. The fact that he was also thinking about you just validated my own fantasies more.”

  She jerked back in shock, shoved him hard, and slammed the door behind her when he stumbled back. Then she ran, overwhelmed by the crazy revelations of the last five minutes.

  Her senses returned when she caught sight of the open garage and the inviting lights within. She needed to get the fuck out of here. Flying wasn’t an option with her damaged link to her dragon, but she needed some fucking air. Room to think, to try to understand what the fuck had just happened.

  She skidded to a halt inside the garage, realizing with a sinking feeling that the car’s hood was up and Bruce was leaning over the engine tinkering with it.

  He poked his head out and frowned. “Need something, Ms. Garrick?” he asked.

  “I need to get out of here. Can you help?”

  Bruce frowned and stared in dismay down at the engine. “I’m afraid this girl isn’t going anywhere tonight. She had a rattle on the way in and it looks like a bigger issue than I thought. It’s a couple more hours of work if I’m going to have her ready to take you to your meeting tomorrow afternoon.”

  She must’ve looked desperate because he stepped out from behind the car, wiping his hands on a rag. “You want to talk about it?”

  With a faint, mirthless laugh she said, “Not really. I’d be flying if my dragon would wake the fuck up. It’s how I usually clear my head between matches. I need the rush. The freedom. And I’ve felt like a prisoner ever since this injury.” She had no idea how much he knew, but he darted a look at her thigh when she pointed at it and nodded as if he understood.

  “It’s the wind you need to settle your mind, is it?” he asked. “Well I may have another option for you.”

  He stepped around the car and headed toward a set of tarp-covered shapes in the opposite corner of the garage. Astra followed, barely daring to hope he could actually help.

  When he reached the shapes, he unveiled a pair of other vehicles, bu
t these had two wheels and looked like they only seated one or two. She wasn’t familiar with Earth modes of transport but had gotten the impression all the cars on this world were enormous monstrosities like the one they’d ridden in. But this—this was more her style.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “A motorcycle. Do you know how to ride?”

  She stepped close and gripped one handle of the nearest two-wheeled vehicle, then brushed her other hand over the soft leather seat. Instinctively she climbed on and tested her weight on it, finding it comfortable and a perfect height.

  “I’m a quick study. How do I turn it on?”

  With a grin, Bruce reached into his pocket and produced a key. He handed it to her and pointed to the small slot in front of her. “Ignition’s there. Throttle’s here . . .” He pointed out each control one by one, explaining as he went while she watched closely, cataloging all of them.

  When she turned the key and hit the start button, the engine roared to life with a pleasant rumble between her thighs. She laughed out loud and shot Bruce an excited grin.

  “Atta girl. One more thing. Put this on.” He produced a helmet, which she frowned at but reluctantly accepted when he narrowed his eyes at her.

  “This motorcycle isn’t much different than the vehicles we drive on Nova Aurora. It’s just open.” She waved her arms over her and smiled. “But I’ll be safe, I promise.”

  “Good. I’d hate to be the reason you broke your noggin. Stella says you’re here to get fixed from that bad arena match, after all. Just take it slow and easy down the drive, but you can open her up when you get to the pavement. Town’s five miles down the road to the east. If you head to the Wet Beaver Bar, tell Sully that Bruce says to put your drinks on my tab, and if you need a ride home, he’ll bring you at closing. Got it?”

  She nodded and settled the helmet on her head, then gently pressed the throttle and eased out of the garage and down the driveway. Even at a slow clip, the cool breeze hit her skin and flowed beneath her shirt, making her nipples prick with awareness of the air passing around her. She had no particular destination in mind, and when she hit the main road, she headed west instead of east toward town.


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