An Unplanned Lesson
Page 15
“Okay, I know this is probably a really bad time to mention this, but I don’t have anything with me. Don’t kill me,” he said.
“Have you been with anyone else since we started sleeping together?” I asked.
“Nicole, you have your hand two inches away from a very sensitive area on my body. How am I supposed to answer that?” he joked.
“With the truth, Dailan.” I was almost afraid of what the truth would be.
“No, Nicole, I swear, you have been the only girl I’ve been with for the past four months,” he said, sounding much more serious.
“Okay, we’re good then. I’m on the pill.” I pulled him hard by the hand and led him into my bedroom.
“Please be gentle with me,” he joked once we reached my bedroom. I removed his shirt and threw it on the floor. I began to run my tongue around his neck, then up and down his chest. His skin tasted delicious. He lifted my shirt over my head and removed my bra. He moved my hair out of the way and began to kiss my neck vigorously. My hand slid down to his pants and unbuckled his belt. I removed his pants with a sense of urgency. I pushed him down on my bed, climbed on top of him, and began to kiss him softly on the lips, then his neck, making my way down to his stomach. I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth. He was so hard, so ready, that a rush of excitement came over me.
“Oh, Nicole,” he whispered. He ran his fingers through my hair as I continued to take him in with ease. I found myself becoming more aroused over his heightened sense of excitement. He began to breathe heavier as my tongue cascaded over the skin of his penis. I sensed that he was almost there when he quickly pulled me up and removed my jeans and underwear. “I want to be inside of you.” He cupped my breast with his mouth and ran his hands up and down my body. He pushed me down on the bed as he continued kissing my breasts. There was a look of longing in his eyes that made me want him even more. I whimpered with delight as I felt the fullness of him inside of me for the first time without a condom. I could tell by the look on his face that he was feeling the same way that I was, being together in this way without any barriers. It was so new and intimate, making me yearn for him even more. I raised my hips to meet him as he continued to take me with each move. I was enjoying every single second. I smiled inwardly, seeing the pleasure that washed across his face. At this particular moment, I knew that I was all that he wanted, all that he needed. I had never felt so in control. My body was providing him everything that he desired. I ran my hands through his thick wavy hair and up and down his back. I gently pressed my fingers into his back, raising my hips one last time to meet him as I let out a gentle cry of sheer pleasure. He began to move quicker and harder now.
“Oh, Nicole, you feel so fuckin’ good,” he whispered. My insides tingled at the sound of his voice. He continued for a few more seconds before he buried his face in the pillow, trying to catch his breath as I felt the warmth of his release filling me up.
I kissed him gently on the cheek. “That was perfect,” I said as I caressed his face. He shook his head in agreement, still trying to catch his breath. He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest while he played with my hair.
“This was the best birthday ever. Thanks to you and Donna,” I said. “Oh, and my brother.” I explained to him how my brother had sent me an e-mail from wherever he was to wish me happy birthday when no one else in my family bothered.
He looked at me sadly and kissed my forehead. “Why don’t you get along with your mom and dad?”
My stomach dropped at that question. “It’s a long story that I’d just rather not get into right now.”
I was so grateful that he had just dropped it, not asking any more questions. “Oh, I forgot something,” he said as he jumped up and pulled on his boxers. He walked out of the bedroom as I sat up and reached over to turn on the lamp.
I covered myself with the sheet and wondered what the heck he was doing. He came back in with a small box wrapped in birthday wrapping paper and a card. “I wanted to give this to you earlier, but then I was attacked,” he joked.
I playfully punched him in the arm. I opened up the card and laughed. It was a very fitting humorous Dailan-type card signed, Love always, Dailan. I stood it up on my nightstand and began to unwrap the present.
I removed the lid from the box and found a silver bangle-type bracelet that matched the necklace that Ryan had given me for Christmas. It had a heart charm dangling from it, similar to my necklace.
“I love it!” I said as I clasped it on my wrist.
“Ryan approved of that heart, so I figured you would like it,” he said.
I was so happy I wanted to cry, but instead I took his face in my hands and kissed him deeply.
I finally released my lips from his. “Thank you so much,” I said as I hugged him tightly.
I smiled as I looked down at the bracelet sparkling on my arm. My smile became wider when Dailan whispered, “Happy birthday, beautiful.”
Chapter 30
Dailan spent the night. He got ready for work at my place. Being forced to leave the warmth of his arms at the sound of my alarm was a little bit difficult. A round of morning sex and being able to shower with him before work helped make up for it.
I walked into work unable to wipe the grin from my face. I had met up with Sarah, one of the other second grade teachers, in the parking lot. “Well, someone looks like they had a happy birthday,” she said.
“It was my best one yet,” I said.
She took my arm in her hand and looked down at my bracelet. “Pretty! Is that from someone special?”
I nodded. “Very special!”
“Oh, to be twenty-six and in love,” she said with a smile. I smiled back and wondered if all of these feelings that I was beginning to have for Dailan were love. It’s not what I had wanted to happen, but the more I was with him, the stronger the feelings became. I reminded myself once again that Dailan had this under control. He wasn’t the type to express his feelings, which would allow me to conceal mine. Still, I found myself getting a little upset knowing that I wasn’t going to see him tonight; he had made plans a while ago to go to a basketball game with his friend Tommy. I was thoroughly impressed when he actually made plans to go to the movies with me tomorrow night. For the first time since I had met him, he had actually planned something ahead of time.
To my delight, the next two school days whizzed by and in a just a few short hours, I would be seeing Dailan. The kids were lining up for bus dismissal when out of nowhere Cameron Aymes turned around and roughly pushed the child behind him, causing a chain reaction. Victoria, the tiniest girl in the class, ended up at the bottom of that pile, slamming her head hard on the desk along the way. I ran over to help her off the ground. She had tears rolling down her face. I felt a large goose egg instantly forming on the back of her head as her best friend came over to console her.
“What a baby,” Cameron said to Victoria, who was hysterically crying.
“Cameron, that’s enough,” I said.
“My mom says I don’t have to listen to anything you say,” Cameron shouted.
I listened as all the kids gasped at Cameron’s disrespectful behavior. I never wanted to think that I could actually dislike a child, but at this particular moment, Cameron Aymes was making me re-think that.
“Cameron, get out of line and go sit down – now!” I said. What I really wanted to say was, You’re a brat, and your mom is a bitch!
“If you make me miss my bus, my mom’s gonna be mad,” Cameron said as he stomped back to his desk.
I quickly called down to the office to see if Valerie was available. I knew that she was probably running around somewhere. She was always crazed at dismissal time.
I grabbed the ice pack from the first aid kit and held it on the back of Victoria’s head. I rubbed her back as she tried to catch her breath from crying.
I looked up to find Valerie in the doorway. “What happened?” she asked.
I explained to her
what had occurred. She looked at Cameron, signaling for him to get up from the desk.
“Cameron, this is totally unacceptable behavior. Look what you did to Victoria,” Valerie said.
“I don’t care; she’s a baby,” Cameron said.
“I am not,” Victoria cried.
Mrs. Towner, the school nurse, came down to get Victoria. She told me that she would call Victoria’s mom and let her know what happened and see if she could come and pick her up since the buses were leaving in five minutes.
“Cameron, you’re coming with me,” Valerie said.
“No, I’m not. I’m going home,” he said, blatantly defying Valerie.
“No, you’re coming to my office and your mother will have to pick you up from there.” I could hear the frustration in Valerie’s voice.
“No, I’m not. I don’t have to listen to you or her,” he said, pointing at me. “My mom says you’re both idiots,” he said, causing more gasps from the class.
Valerie took Cameron by the hand as he reluctantly walked out the door with her. I tried to restore order as best as I could as I walked my class down to the buses. I waited until the last bus loaded up, and then walked back to my classroom to gather my things. I stopped in Mrs. Towner’s office to check on Victoria. She was sitting on the cot and her mother was in the chair next to her.
“Are you doing okay?” I asked.
She nodded and smiled, continuing to hold the ice pack on her head.
“Mrs. Towner said that she doesn’t think we have to worry about a concussion, but to just keep an eye on it,” Victoria’s mother said.
“Good, well just go home and try to have a good weekend,” I said with a smile.
“I will.” Victoria smiled sweetly. She jumped down from the cot and wrapped her arms around me. “Thank you, Miss Morgan,” she said as she looked up at me.
Even though I didn’t want to, I stopped in Valerie’s office on my way out. I knocked lightly on her door. Cameron was sitting at the conference table with his head down, never looking up. Valerie got up and came walking out of her office when she saw me.
“Hey, do you need me to stay until his mom gets here?” I asked. Please say no, please say no.
“No, no sense in both of us starting out the weekend dealing with that dreadful woman,” she whispered.
“Are you sure?” I asked, feeling a little guilty, like I was throwing Valerie to the wolves.
“That’s what I get paid the big bucks for,” she said. “Now go and have a good weekend.”
“Thanks, you too, Valerie, and good luck.”
She smiled and shook her head as she headed back into her office.
I got into my car and cringed when I saw Mrs. Aymes pulling in the parking lot. I thought about poor Valerie, and what she probably had in store for her. I decided not think about it anymore. I pulled out my phone and texted Dailan. Do we still have a date tonight?
I was halfway home when he replied. Since my other girlfriend cancelled, I guess you’ll do…..see you at six, beautiful.
I pulled into the driveway before texting him back. Okay, so that means seven. I could never resist taking the opportunity to tease him about perpetually being late.
I got out of my car and realized what a beautiful spring-like afternoon it was. I looked down at my watch. It was only 4:15, so I had plenty of time to go for a walk and be home in time to get ready for my date. I ran upstairs and threw my stuff inside, quickly changing into my sweats and sneakers. I began the short walk up to the bay, taking in the warm sunshine when Dailan replied to my text. One of these days I will surprise you….I’ll see you at six, I promise. I walked a little way along the beach before sitting down to people-watch. The bay beach was pretty active for a March day, but given the beautiful weather, it wasn’t hard to see why. I was thoroughly entertained by a black lab running tirelessly in and out of the water to retrieve the stick that his owner would throw. I watched as an older couple walked hand and hand, looking like they were two teenagers in love. I looked out at the water and realized just how much I had yearned for something like that; to grow old with someone I love, and still be so in love after all those years. Of course, that would mean letting my guard down and ridding myself of the guilt that I harbored inside. I felt a knot in my stomach and tears in my eyes, knowing that I would probably never be able to, no matter how hard I tried. But that little voice inside my heart was whispering, maybe, just maybe Dailan was worth taking that risk for.
Chapter 31
I opened up the door and pointed to my watch as Dailan made his way up the stairs. “It’s not my fault; I would have actually been here early if it weren’t for that asshole Kincaide,” he said.
I gave him a quick kiss as he walked in the door. “Okay, let’s make a deal, I won’t talk about Mrs. Aymes tonight, and you don’t talk about Rick Kincaide.”
“Oh, you’re on a first names basis with that jerk-off now, are you?” he asked, sounding like he was actually offended.
“No, I’m not on a first name basis with him, silly,” I said as I planted a kiss on his cheek. “I ordered us pizza, if it’s not cold by now, that is,” I teased.
“Well if it is, you can blame it on Rick,” he said, this time sounding a lot less serious.
“I thought we agreed no more talk of Mr. Kincaide.”
“Fine by me,” he said as we sat down to eat our pizza.
* * *
“That was the worst movie ever,” I said as we walked out of the theater.
“It wasn’t that bad,” he said.
I rolled my eyes in disagreement at him. “I guess blood and gore just isn’t my thing.”
He pulled his phone from his pocket. I watched as a smile lit up his face from a text message he received. He handed me the phone and showed me what he was reading. It was a text from Lisa. It was a picture of Ryan getting ready to go down the hill. Clearly, Ryan had typed the message that was included when I saw all the misspelled words.
Uncle D next time we go skying I will be beter than u I will see u on sonday. I miss u love u.
I smiled as well. I loved the special relationship the two of them had. Ryan loved Dailan so much and vice-versa.
He took his phone back and scrolled down to read another text. “Do you feel like meeting Tommy at PJ’s?” he asked.
“I don’t care,” I said as I shrugged my shoulders. If it was anything like last time we had met his friend Tommy, it would be just Dailan and me hanging out alone anyway.
We walked into PJ’s and I began to laugh, remembering the last time I had been here was the first night I had met Dailan and made a complete fool of myself. So much had changed since that night. Tommy was sitting at the bar with another guy who looked to be the same age as he and Dailan were. I looked around for Tommy’s girlfriend, but she was nowhere in sight.
“Hey, Nicole,” Tommy said with a smile.
“Hi,” I shouted over the music.
“Bryce, this is Dailan’s girlfriend, Nicole,” he said to the guy that was sitting next to him. A rush of excitement overtook me whenever I was referred to as Dailan’s girlfriend.
He extended his hand to me. “Nice to meet you, Nicole.”
Tommy quickly ordered Dailan and me drinks and began to chat. He was much different without his girlfriend around and I found that I really did like him. He reminded me so much of Dailan with his sense of humor and I could instantly see why the two of them were such good friends. I found out through his endless chatter that he and his girlfriend broke up.
“Dailan, I need to get some legal advice,” Bryce said when he finally was able to get in a word. He began to talk to Dailan about some legal mumbo jumbo that I didn’t care to listen to.
“I love this song,” Tommy said as some dance tune that I had never even heard of filled the air. “Dailan, I’m borrowing your girlfriend,” Tommy screamed over the music as he pulled me onto the dance floor. Tommy began to flail about aimlessly to the music as I tried to contain my laughter. I be
gan to dance with him and by the time the song had ended, my stomach muscles were hurting from laughing so hard.
Tommy took me by the hand as we walked back to where Dailan and Bryce were standing. Dailan was shaking his head and laughing. “Dude, you suck at dancing.”
“That’s not what Nicole said; she even slipped her number out there,” Tommy teased. I laughed and walked over to Dailan, and gave him a kiss on the lips with a little more passion than I normally displayed in public.
“Woooooo,” Tommy screamed loudly, causing the people who were standing next to us at the bar ordering drinks to look over. I had just removed my lips from Dailan’s, when I noticed that one of those people who had focused their attention on us was Mrs. Aymes.
Shit, shit, shit, I said to myself. Maybe she didn’t realize it was me; it was dark in here. Even if she did, she surely wouldn’t have remembered who Dailan was.
“Dailan, I think we need to leave,” I said.
“Oh okay, only if you promise a repeat performance from the other night,” he joked. I managed a smile, even though my stomach was in knots.
“We’re going,” Dailan shouted over the music to Tommy and Bryce.
“What’s the matter, Dailan, are you afraid I’m gonna steal your girl?” Tommy teased.
“Not a chance,” Dailan said.
We walked out the door hand in hand. I kept my head down the whole time in an effort to avoid Mrs. Aymes again. I was happy when we finally made it to the car unnoticed.
“What’s the matter?” Dailan asked
“That freakin bitch Mrs. Aymes was there tonight and I think she saw me kissing you.”
“I thought we had an agreement to not talk about her.”
“I know, but now she’s going to make my life a living hell after seeing that.”
“Fuck her,” Dailan said. “What you do with your personal life is your business.”
“I know but….you’re right. Okay, I’m not going to talk about her anymore.” I tried my best to put it out of my mind.