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Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East

Page 54

by Robin Wright

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  Abbas, Mahmoud

  Abbas, Wael

  Abbasid dynasty

  Abdi, Abbas

  Abdullah, king of Saudi Arabia

  Abdullah, Samir

  Abdullah II, king of Jordan


  Abtahi, Mohammed


  Aflaq, Michel

  African Union

  Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud

  British hostages and

  clothing of

  at Council on Foreign Relations

  on democracy

  education of

  election of, reasons for

  foreign policy of

  on Iraq

  as mayor of Tehran

  nuclear program and

  policies of

  United Nations address of





  Al Azhar

  Alehi, Ali

  Aleppo, University of


  al Ghad. See Tomorrow Party

  al Hayat


  Ali, Sawsan

  al Jazeera

  Allawi, Ali

  Allawi, Ayad

  Al-Masri al Youm. See Egyptian Today, The

  Alouite dynasty

  al Qaeda

  Hamas and

  Hezbollah and

  Hezbollah and, comparison between

  in Iraq

  Nasrallah on

  Qutb’s influence on

  Al-Quds al Arabi



  Amara, Abdelkader

  American intervention in Iraq. See Iraq war/U.S. intervention in Iraq

  American University of Beirut

  Amin, Nasser

  Amin, Qasim

  Amnesty International

  Anderson, Terry

  Andraos, Asma-Maria

  An Nahar

  Annan, Kofi

  Ansari, Anousheh

  Arab Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession

  Arab Feminist Union


  Arab-Israeli conflict

  Egypt and

  Hamas and

  Hezbollah and

  Lebanon and

  Morocco and

  wars. See specific wars

  Arab League

  Arafat, Yasser

  death and burial of

  Hamas and

  loss of power of

  Muslim Brotherhood and

  Palestinian Authority and

  Qaddafi and


  Aron, Michel

  Asgharzadeh, Ibrahim

  Ashmawy, Said el


  Assad, Bashar al

  Assad, Basil al

  Assad, Hafez al

  coup of

  death of

  early public works of

  family background of

  Middle East agenda of

  omnipresence of

  underhanded theatrics of

  women prisoners and

  Assad, Maher al

  Assad, Rifaat

  Atassi, Mohammed Ali

  Atassi, Nureddin al

  Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal

  Atta, Mohammed


  Ayalon, Daniel

  Azima, Parnaz

  Aziz, Zakaria Abdel

  Azziz, Tariq

  Baalbek, Lebanon

  Baalbek Festival

  Baath Party, Iraqi

  Baath Party, Syrian

  Baath Pioneers

  Badreddin, Mustafa




  Bani-Sadr, Abolhassam

  Banna, Hassan al

  Banquet for Seaweed

  Barak, Ehud

  Barghouti, Marwan

  Barmada, Shahed

  Barzani, Masoud

  Barzani, Mustafa

  Bastawisi, Hesham

  Bayanouni, Ali Sadreddine

  Baz, Osama al


  Begin, Menachem

  Behesht-e Zahra

  Being Arab (Kassir)


  Beirut Center for Research & Information

  Bekaa Valley

  ben Saleek, Ahmed

  Benzekri, Driss


  Berg, Nicholas

  Berri, Nabih



  bin Khalifa al Thani, Hamad

  bin Laden, Osama

  Hamas and

  Nasrallah on

  on 1982 war

  use of media by

  Birzeit University

  Black Wednesday (Egypt)
  blogs and bloggers

  Boroujerdi, Hosein Kazemaini

  Bremmer, L. Paul, III

  Buckley, William

  Bunni, Anwar al

  Bush, George H. W.

  Bush, George W.


  Cairo Declaration

  Cairo Times

  Cairo University


  Call, the. See Dawa

  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

  censorship in Egypt

  in Iran

  in Lebanon

  Center for Legal Research and Studies

  Center Party (Egypt)

  Center Party (Jordan)

  Center for Protecting Human Rights, (Iran) 320 Central Command

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  chemical weapons, Iraqi

  change. See political change/transition


  China model

  Chirac, Jacques



  Hamas and

  Hezbollah and





  City of the Dead

  clerics, Iranian

  clothing of

  derision of

  disagreements among

  Iraq war and




  in Iran




  Coalition Provisional Authority

  Code of Hammurabi

  Cold War

  Committee of the Cultural Revolution (Iran)


  Communist Party, Lebanese

  Communist Party, Syrian




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