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Page 34

by Kaya Woodward

  "Damn it. You're right. Then we have to have rules."

  "What rules?" he asks.

  "You can't just go kissing me. You can't treat me like Bexley if you're going to call me…"

  Corban crosses the distance between us, sweeping me up and forcing his lips on mine, almost wrapping me up in another incredible kiss before I gather my bearings and manage to smack him clear across the face.

  "What was that for!"

  "I said you couldn't treat me like Bexley!"

  "I was kissing you!"

  "You are moronic!" I scream at him, luckily, we are in the absolute last bure, and I'm sure no one can hear us on the last patio.

  I am livid with this man now because he just doesn't listen to me, not one bit.

  "You just don't listen! I will pretend to be your fiancée, but you can't do anything remotely romantic when we are alone if you're going to treat me like me!"

  "What if I want to?"

  "That's not an option." I storm out of the room, seething hot with anger, about to storm out of the bure, before I feel Corban scoop me up in his arms and throw me over his shoulder, carrying me towards the washroom.

  "Put me the fuck down!" I scream, slamming my fists against his back, but this seems not to affect as he carries me to the outdoor shower because he turns the water on cold, all the way and I'm suddenly soaking wet and freezing despite the warmth of the day.

  It's still early, so the heat hasn't set in, and now I'm screaming at him to put me down.

  So, he finally does.

  And when he does I stop screaming because the anger fades away.

  "The cold helps." He tells me.

  "My therapist says when you're in crisis, or angry, to use the cold to help calm you down."

  My hair is slick against my face, and I'm cold, but I can't feel a hint of the emotion that I felt seconds ago, and I'm beginning to realize that Corban is right, he does have to call me Ava, and for sanity's sake, I just need to go along with this for now, and deal with the repercussions later, even if he could break me.

  I feel my face soften as I close my eyes, moving my hair behind my face as the shower rains cold water all over my face and I can feel it, the laughter bubbling up.

  Opening my eyes, to see Corban smiling at me like that, this feels all too real, and I feel dizzy.

  But it's not from sleep deprivation, and I can't blame that or being overly emotional.

  We are alone, and there is no one to blame but myself for what happens next.

  I kiss him, or he kisses me, I'm not sure as our lips smash together and I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him flush against me as our tongues touch, and his hands go to the back of my thighs, going underneath the hem of my dress, against my wet skin his hands are warm, and I welcome the human contact.

  I miss human contact, where I desire him as much as he lusts for me right now and there's nothing I can do, to stop the wave of emotion that overcomes me as I let his lips move underneath my face, down my neck, pulling the string on my halter and sliding it down my body to the floor as I cling to him.

  That was the drawback of taking the lower paying jobs, the ones where I didn't have to sleep with anyone: I haven't had sex in months. Now I need it like air.

  I let him analyze the bikini on my body, and he growls in approval, mentioning that it may have to go in a few seconds.

  I do not protest.

  "I've wanted to get my hands on you since we met." He admits, to which my nod comes, agreeing as our lips meet again feverishly, as he pushes me away from the spray of the water, against the intricate tile of the outdoor shower, to pull the bikini top right over my head, tossing it aside because it's useless to both of us now.

  He mutters "Gorgeous." Under his breath, and I'm suddenly breathless as his lips work their way across my collarbone, down my chest as his hand slips into the bikini bottoms, one finger working its way against my clit slowly.

  The whine that comes from my lips is entirely because I've wanted this from the second I knew where this was going, and he approves as I slide his boxers down, reaching down to encircle his erect member with my hand, smirking against his lips, which have found mine again.

  Oh, the size.

  Not overly long, longer than average, but also thick.

  When I smirk against his lips, he bites my lower lip, one finger sliding inside, between my lower lips, curling inside me to elicit a low moan from my mouth, taking me by surprise because of what I find myself saying.


  I'm breathing heavily and moaning his name.

  Never in my life have I ever said a man's name in bed, and now he's got me feeling all sorts of things, inside and out that I can barely understand as he bites my neck in approval.

  "I think I like my name on those lips." He growls as I stroke his shaft.

  "I need you."

  "Oh god, I want you…"

  Corban doesn't even hesitate now, he pulls the bikini bottoms down, carefully lifting one foot, then the other before scooting them away, then kicking away his boxers before lifting me up by my thighs, with strong, capable hands and I gasp, finding his eyes, and seeing the smirk on his lips as he sinks his member deep inside me.

  "Oh my god." I gasp and whine as he lets out a primal groan, my thighs shaking as I cling to him, our bodies pressed together as he begins to move against me.

  I can't think of anything other than the fact that I've never been so full of a man. I know something, deep down, and it's a startling fact that there's emotion in this, because as he finds my eyes, and I bite my lower lip, trying to keep myself from saying his name, he knows it too. Then Corban is penetrating me deeper, trying to get me to call out to him.

  "Corban…" I whine, letting out a long moan, that sounds somewhere in between a mixture of desperation for more and passionate pleasure that I don't recall hearing from myself before.

  "Ava." His whisper comes with equal desperation, gripping my thighs with more fever, then he finds my lips passionately again before moving against me harder, drawing in and out slowly, but pressing inside me so deeply that I feel as though I'm spinning wildly out of control.

  This is incredible.

  Every movement only sends me further off the precipice of reality; moaning into the kiss and wrapping my legs around his waist only drives him deeper into me.

  "God you're so beautiful like this." I hear his voice in my ear, driving me wild as I cling to him, and all I can do is stick to his body, pressed against mine as he grips me harder, driving into me, pushing me closer and closer to orgasm, as I feel something building inside of me that I've never felt before until I realize it's a different sort of orgasm.

  "Corban…" I moan again, and he knows what's happening, watching my face as I bite my lip, still moaning his name as a ripple of warmth runs through me, and my muscles clench down on him, his member pumping me harder as the most explosive orgasm I've ever experienced runs through my body and I can do nothing but cling to him, moaning his name as I feel my body release all the tension I felt, my entire body shaking as he holds onto me

  "Ava… holy shit…" Corban's primal sounding groan comes, and I can feel him, I feel his hot seed spilling inside me as he stiffens, the wave of my orgasm slowly coming to an end, and not one part of cares, as we cling to each other for several minutes, breathing heavily, the shower still running.

  "Oh my god…" I can't believe what just happened.

  Namely the most fantastic sex I've ever had in my life, as he presses his forehead against mine.

  "Fuck." He mutters, kissing me softly.

  "You're so beautiful."

  That's something I'm not used to either.

  I try to process how I feel about the way he made me feel as I get ready to go for breakfast.

  I need to shower on my own and think about the consequences of what's between us.

  And there is something there, whether I am ready to admit to it or not.

  I can barely look at myself in the m

  I made a conscious decision in my head that I wasn't going to sleep with him if he was going to call me Ava.

  The second I was put to the test, he had me at his mercy, and there was nothing I could do to stop the wave of passion that overcame me.

  I wanted him.

  I wanted him more than I've ever wanted any man in my life.

  I haven't wanted anyone, like that, in a long time.

  And that stings.

  That stings hard.

  Because underneath everything, all his attitude and the fact that he seems to think he deserves everything, he's not bad.

  Or maybe it's the orgasm talking.

  Maybe what he did to me, which is probably ruin me for whoever comes along next, is what's talking, and not my brain.

  Because I can't stop thinking about those heated moments in the shower.

  I look at myself again and watch the blush rise in my cheeks, remember how he just took control, pressed me up against the tile, and just did whatever he wanted, and I just gave in, at the snap of my fingers.

  I physically snap.

  That's all it took, was one incredible mind-bending experience to sort of change my mind about him.

  Not sort of.

  I want that to happen again.

  I'm more than thinking about it.

  If he initiates anything more again, I'm absolute toast because I can barely think when his lips touch mine.

  He's like wildfire, once he touches me that spark just ignites and spreads, and then I can't think about anything else.

  The world fades away entirely and all the consequences of my actions? Those are toast too.

  I'm such a fool, I think, splashing my face with water.

  Part of me wants to teach him a lesson, for doing this to me.

  The bigger part of me just wants to do that again.

  Again, and again, and again.

  So, I can just get Corban out of my system and move on from this whole thing.

  But I know deep down inside, already, that I do not want to move on from this.

  Because this is the first time, that I've ever felt something, deep down, that made me feel differently.

  That made me feel like this wasn't just sex like this wasn't just a random night with some guy I'll never see again.

  That's because he's in the next room waiting for me.

  Waiting to lure me into the next compromising position.

  Waiting to have me vulnerable again.

  Which, now that this has happened, I guess I'm likely to be.

  Because I know I cannot resist his touch, innocent or otherwise.

  I need him to touch me again.

  The desire for him is that bad, now that I think about it.

  No one has ever done anything like that before, just taken control and given me something so powerful I felt the shaking through my entire body.

  I blush just thinking about every single moment, and then I realize I'd better join him before he starts thinking too highly of himself.

  Exposure - The Stone Billionaire Series Book Two

  Releasing May 7, 2018

  By: Kaya Woodward





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  I really hope you had as much fun reading Torrid, as I did writing it.

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