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Saaxx Alien Halfbreed: A SciFi Romance (Human Female Abduction Book 6)

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by C. Y. Croc

  Table of Contents

  Saaxx Alien Halfbreed (Human Alien Abduction, #6)

  Saaxx Alien Halfbreed | Book 6 Human female Abduction


  Glossary of terms











  Saaxx Alien Halfbreed

  Book 6 Human female Abduction

  “I never wanted a male but there is something special about the Human!”

  Saaxx has been on her own since she was young. She’s had to learn to fend for herself since her family was killed in a dispute with a rival clan, but that’s just the way she likes it. Too proud to let males of her clan help her with physical tasks she’s forced to buy a male slave of an unknown species to help her, even though she’s been warned that he is damaged goods. But when her pheromones begin to release, announcing to the males that she is ready to be mated, she’s astounded when it’s her troubled slave who jumps to her aid and helps her ward them off.

  Tex has suffered from memory loss and post-traumatic-stress-disorder since leaving the military service. A loner, he drives a truck for a living, the only job that allows him time to recover when he’s suffering from a particularly bad attack. One night on a lone trip, he’s abducted by aliens. He’s furious at their audacity but also shocked by the fact he can understand them. But the abduction triggers something in him and he begins to get flash backs; strangely they’re not from the war he was involved in on Earth. Kept for a while by his abductors, he’s finally sold to a female alien who seems to be the only one who can help him with his mental suffering. To repay her kindness he’s determined to help her fight off unwanted attention from her male clan members.

  But what neither of them realise is Tex is not what he appears to be, and they are drawn to each other because of his unknown secret.

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  Copyright © 2021 by C. Y. Croc

  All events, places, businesses and characters in this publication are clearly fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead will be purely coincidence. They are all a product of the author’s imagination.

  Cover design by Graphics for Authors


  To my UK Writing Gals.

  Abbey, Alice, Z, Elizabeth, J , L, Lucy,

  Laura, P, Rebecca, Sarah, S & Theresa.

  Here’s to girl woman power!

  Glossary of terms

  Balm – Healing ointment

  Cooch - Vagina

  Credos - Money

  Cyc – Month

  Decadion - Decade

  Doon –Day

  Femey - Girl

  Grandviads - Grandparents

  Hinc – Hour

  Maley - Boy

  Mambas - Breasts

  Mid – Minute

  Millimerik - Millimetre

  Meg – Alcohol

  Merik - Meter

  Milic – Mile

  Nip – Child

  Niphood – Childhood

  Nipseak - Adolescent

  Node - Second

  Shimmer – Shower

  Sooq - Market

  Taja - Penis

  Wid – Week

  Yana – Year

  Amazon doesn’t update readers when an author comes out with a new book anymore (they are no longer showing Also Bought or sending out Author Follow emails), so join my Facebook group C. Y. Croc and follow me on Bookbub or check my website if you want to know when my next book is coming out.

  Otherwise, you’ll never know!



  I keep my eyes trained on the highway but I need matchsticks to keep my eyelids open, and with every minute that passes I’m finding it harder to stay awake. This stretch of road runs for a thousand miles through the desert so it’s going to be a long haul. It’s pitch black and apart from the odd fellow trucker, the only other people I’ve seen were at a gas station I passed a few miles back. According to my satnav, there’s a women’s penitentiary coming up very shortly but after that, there’s nothing again but the open road for miles. I hate this job but long-distance driving is the only thing that pays the bills, and right now with its unsociable hours it’s the perfect job for me.

  Suffering from post-traumatic-stress-disorder and long-term memory loss I don’t know how I’m going to be mentally from one day to the next, and when I go through a rough patch, sometimes I’m holed up for days. This job allows me to drive when I want, and for how long I want, so for a loner like me, having no set hours and the luxury of just a deadline date to meet for delivery, this job is perfect.

  I yawn and take my eyes off the road for a second while I lean my head through the open window to get a blast of cool air to wake me up, but when I turn back I’m instantly wide awake, shocked, and all of my senses are now on high alert.

  A woman is standing in the middle of the road waving her arms above her head like she’s possessed. I slam on my brakes and they hiss and screech, juddering to stop. My heart jumps up into my throat. I’m twenty feet from hitting her and I can feel the trailer sliding out at the back over to the side, jack-knifing until finally, the truck comes to a stop ten feet from her.

  I jump from the cab as mad as hell ready to unload a torrent of abuse, but my fury is instantly forgotten when I see what’s behind her.

  My eyes bug out. A fucking spaceship is hovering about two-hundred feet off the ground just to the right of the road, and walking from it towards me and the woman are three short-hairy men, half the size of me but with shoulders a foot wider than mine, and at six-six and two-hundred and fifty pounds of hardened muscle, my shoulders are considerably big. The men look like they’re the product of an experiment gone wrong, combining men with rats, but these are no Frankenstein monsters, they can only be one thing—aliens.

  My old platoon had always joked about Area 51 but if the boys could see what I was seeing now, they’d shit bricks.

  The woman turns to face them and then backs up until my body halts her retreat, but as quick as she was to flag me down, she’s equally as quick to turn tail and leave me. She spins on her heels and sprints away into the distance. I watch her run and I know I should follow her but I have a compulsion to stay, so I turn my head back to the aliens ready to begin communicating with them. But I don’t get a chance; I’m suddenly consumed in a beam of bluey-white light that holds me frozen and unable to inhale a full breath of air.

  The aliens walk up close and study me, talking to themselves in a bizarre dialogue, a cacophony of noise. The weird thing is, there is a brief delayed reaction as their words leave their mouths and my mind scrambles trying to comprehend them, but then I’m amazed when I realise I can understand every word they are saying.

  “The Human male could come in handy. We could sell him to the Mandatons or the Quids for slave labour. I think we should take him with us.”

  “Yes, I agree. Shall I send him up to the ship now before we get the Human female?”

  “Yes. We’ll store him until we can decide where we’ll get the most credos for him.”

  “Hurry! The female is getting away.”

  The next thing I know, I’m elevating at a phenomenal speed vertically up into the night sky, heading for an open doorway into a cylindrical spaceship.

  Moments later more rat-faced aliens appear from nowhere and push me over to the side of the room,
still vertical and still encased in the beam of light. I try with all my might to move but it’s useless and I’m left inside the beam paralysed.

  A movement over to the left draws my attention and I watch with my peripheral vision as the woman who’d flagged me down also rises through the opening I’d come in through. The three aliens from earlier crowd around her and then I hear her scream out.

  “Ouch! Get your ratty little claws off me you nasty stinking vermin!”

  Then all I can do is watch as they drag the woman past me. I get a good look at her for the first time. She’s a little older than me, maybe mid-thirties with light black skin and defiant wise eyes. I want to help her but I’m a living statue, and I watch helplessly as she’s dragged away to a different part of the ship.

  All I can do now is assess my own predicament. Will they free me or am I to be dragged off too? I should be terrified, but I’m not. Too much time in battle has stolen many emotions away from me, and one of them is fear for my own mortality.

  Christ, it stinks in here. It stinks worse than the pile of decomposed civilian Afghanis my platoon and I stumbled on during my last call of duty.

  My eyes suddenly glaze over as another of my flashbacks takes hold of me, but this time it’s as alien to me as the creatures are only feet away.

  “Texxari! We’re heading down to where the families are. Stay close! This surprise advance will send the township into a frenzy!”

  My skin is icy cold, covered in a layer of perspiration, and guilt far heavier than I’ve known before weighs me down. It feels like I’m carrying the full weight of my truck on my shoulders. My heart is bass drum booming in my chest as the flashback disappears leaving only the physical effects of what I felt that day. But what day was it? Where was it? It didn’t resemble any of the scenarios that have plagued me from Afghanistan. And who the hell is Texxari?

  Two of the aliens come back into the room where I’m being held. One goes over to a control panel and presses a button, and using my peripheral vision I can see the entry hole in which the woman and I came in through close up, leaving just a normal floor surface in its place. The other alien stands in front of me scrutinising me like I’m the first Human he’s ever seen, however my six-sense has me believing differently.

  “Shall I implant him with a translator chip, Vermis?”

  “No, not until we’ve decided what is to be done with him. Let’s just keep him suspended like that for a few doons. Twicta will be taking the latest shipment of convicts down to Prismn, and then he also wants to see if he can sell the Human female to a corrupt warden he knows in CH134T, one who’s purchased females from us before for his sexual gratification.”

  “What about hydration and sustenance for this one?”

  “Huh, look at him! He doesn’t look like he’s going to starve, does he? Leave the Human riff! Maybe when he’s weaker he’ll be more compliant.”

  They walk out of the room, and as they exit, the lighting goes out too. I’m left alone suspended with just the glow of the bluey-white light and my thoughts.

  I must have passed out with my eyes open in exhaustion because just like an elastic band snapping, I instantly switch from blackness into consciousness. My eyes are aching and dry, desperate for me to blink and coat them with moisture.

  How long have I been like this, suspended in this light? I need to take a piss but I’m not even sure it will come out. I don’t want to expel urine only for it to have nowhere to go, but what else can I do? Gauging the dryness of my eyeballs and the ache in my contracted muscles, which are still tensed in a shocked recoiling movement from when I was first encased in the light in my abduction, I’m guessing I must have been in this freeze light for a minimum of four hours.

  It’s no use, I have to piss. I can cope with aching muscles, dry eyes, and taking small shallow breaths because of not being able to expand my diaphragm, but I draw the line at unbearable bladder pain too.

  I go for it. Concentrating I relax my urethral sphincter, allowing my body to do what comes naturally—take a leak.

  At first, it doesn’t leave my cock and I feel the pressure building up in a back-log. My heart goes into overdrive with my internal panic.


  But then there’s no stopping it.

  Christ! How much piss is there?

  It just keeps coming and coming. With nowhere to escape it’s storing in my cock, I can’t see it but I swear it’s doubling in size. Well, it at least feels that way.

  Then like the first blast from a fire hose, it explodes out from me. I don’t know if my urine is just wetting my pants or whether it’s actually firing out through my pants in a hot liquid blast, but the light holding me in place begins to flicker and crackle, releasing me and then holding me in place again. I get to quickly blink and move positions with every split-second it releases me before grabbing hold of me again in between circuit breaks, until with a manic of static flickers, the light diminishes and then extinguishes altogether.

  I fall to my knees, right into my puddle of warm piss—but I don’t care. The exhilarated feeling as my contracted muscles are allowed to stretch again is euphoric. It’s as though every sinew in each of my muscles is breathing a sigh of relief. But my respite doesn’t last long. I hear a door behind me whoosh open and then the footfall of at least half a dozen aliens rushing into the room.

  I try to get to my feet but the sudden contraction again in my muscles as my body goes into fight mode has me wobbling from foot to foot like an old-timer. I’m too slow and they’re all over me like a bad case of the pox.

  Digging deep I’m able to make a fist and swing for one. It connects with his jaw and I hear a crunch. I grin manically only to have my grin contort in a ghoulish grimace as pain shoots up my back.


  I swing around to see what looks like cattle prods in the hands of four of them. Another aims his at my chest and I shake violently, no longer in control of my own limbs as electric shocks course through my body. When it finally finishes I face plant the floor, still conscious but with every ounce of strength zapped from me.

  “Put him in a cage with the livestock! That should settle him down.”

  I’m dragged from the room by my arms, down a corridor laden with what smells like excrement and rotten meat. I feel it cling to my urine-soaked clothes adding to my filth. Then another door slides open. I can’t raise my head to look but I hear grunts and hisses all around.

  A buzzing noise jolts my survival instincts out of me and then hands lift me with surprisingly little effort before flinging me into a cage lined with horizontal white laser beam bars.

  I just manage to turn my head ready to assess my new surroundings when a green striped creature with three protruding eyes and a nose horn peers down at me before stamping on my face. Blackness instantly consumes me.

  The first dream I have is so real it’s palpable.

  I’m surrounded by males. I’m not sure if they are Human because their faces are out of focus, but I’m not frightened of them. They are a lot older than me and I know without a doubt that I’m much younger than I am now. Even though I can’t see their faces, I realise I know every single one of them by sight, but their names elude me.

  We are in a village of sorts and as I look around me I know who lives in every dwelling I see. I know the huge building in the centre of a large piece of ground is the communal meeting place. I know what the job role of everyone that I see is and what each one of their positions in the clan are.

  Turning my attention back to the group of males I pay more attention to them. They are getting ready to make a raid on a neighbouring clan. I know I must go with them but I have an internal battle raging inside me. I don’t agree with what they are about to do. I look at the blurry faces of the males until my eyes settle on a face that is more familiar to me than the others. This male is the leader of this clan and he feels the same way as I do. Our eyes meet and lock and I see regret in them.

  I drift in and out of co
nsciousness for what feels like days. The creature that stamped on my head disappears sometime in my incoherent state and just its bloodied horn remains in the cage with me. I’m delirious from dehydration and I’m not sure if the faeces that I’m lying in belongs to me or the creature that was my cellmate for such a short time. Grunts and screeches continue to ring out in the room that I’m locked in and the dreams come and go but still no water or food is brought to me.

  I’m dreaming again. This time I’m with my troop on Earth just stumbling across a mass grave when I’m zapped back into reality with an electric prodder again. I don’t know where the strength comes from but my body sits up riged. My eyelids are forced open with the shock from the blast and they are bulging. This is the first time I’ve seen the room I’ve been trapped in.

  It’s cluttered with the same laser celled cages that I’m trapped in, and inside each one is a solitary creature or a few creatures of the same species, and all look as wretched as I feel.

  From the blood and guts strewn across the floor, I assume the creatures are kept as a food source. This has me momentarily worried. Is that why they’ve kept me—as food? I’m not afraid to die but the thought of my life ending just to line the guts of rat-faced alien men half the size of me is fucking annoying as hell, and I feel a minuscule of strength fire up into my muscles. If they try to grab me without using the cattle prodders I plan to go out fighting, aiming to take as many of them out with me as I can.

  But I’m not that lucky. The bluey-white light appears once more and immediately encloses in on me. However, I’m now so dehydrated there is not enough moisture to wet my lips let alone break the circuit by pissing on it again.

  I’m lifted by the light out of the cage and held feet off the floor, hovering in front of the rat-faced alien men as they walk past the caged creatures towards an opening door.

  As the door opens in, I’m greeted by a teal green sky. Unfortunately, from spending the last however long it’s been in near darkness, the bright light is not as welcoming as it should be and it hurts my eyes. But there’s no escaping it because the light I’m frozen in won’t even let me close them and the pain is excruciating. It’s like my eyeballs are being attacked and stung by a swarm of bees, but all I can do is take the pain like a man.


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